Conferences and summitsEuropean Ocean Days 2025Monday 3 March 2025, 10:00 - Friday 7 March 2025, 18:00 (GMT+0100)Brussels, BelgiumConferences and summitsFostering Europe’s prosperity and industrial transformation: Cooperatives as drivers of change Tuesday 18 March 2025, 09:15 - 18:30 (GMT+0100)Brussels, BelgiumHighlightedConferences and summitsThe European Climate Pact flagship event 2025: Together in action Wednesday 19 March 2025, 09:30 - 17:30 (GMT+0100)Brussels, Belgium Filter by Status Upcoming and ongoingPastToggle dropdown Event type Conferences and summitsTraining and workshopsPartner meetingsInfo daysPublic debatesExhibitionsCompetitions and award ceremoniesExpert meetingsToggle dropdown Event date SelectAfterBeforeIn betweenToggle dropdown Date End Date Subject international cooperationthe EU's international roleenergy policytranslationGlobal Gatewayinnovationartificial intelligencee-HealthEuropean citizenshipoceanresearch policysustainable financewaterapplied sciencescircular economyclean technologyconsumer protectiondigital finance strategydisaster risk reductioneconomic policyenergy transitionenvironmental policyEU Missionsextreme weatherfinancial servicesfloodhealth policyindustrial researchinternational trademaritime economynatural disasterpreparednessrenewable energyskills anticipation and matchingsustainable mobilitytrade agreementtransport researchupdating of skillswater protectionyouth employmentyouth policyadaptation to climate changeadvanced materialsaerospace industryair pollutionalternative dispute resolutionanimal welfareaviation securityawardbankingbiodiversitybiotechnologyblue economycivil societyclimate changeclimate change policycoalcommon foreign and security policycommunications industrycompetitivenesscooperativedecommissioning of power stationsdefence industrydegradation of the environmentdigital contentdigital technologydigital transformationdrinking waterdronedroughtEastern Partnershipeconomic sectoreconomyenergy unionenvironmental impactEU budgetEuropean neighbourhood policyfinancingfisheries policyfood fraudforesightfree movement of workersfund (EU)health technologyhumanitarian aidindustrial policyintegrated maritime policyinvestmentknowledge managementlabour marketlanguage industrymachine translationmarine pollutionmedical researchnanotechnologynoise pollutionnuclear energynuclear researchopen dataopen sciencepollutionpopularising scienceprotected speciespublic healthradiation protectionsanction (EU)scientific researchsingle marketsmall and medium-sized enterprisessmart citysocial-security harmonisationsocial analysissocial economysocial policysolar energyspace researchsustainable developmenttrade policytransport infrastructureurban habitaturban transportwar in Ukrainewaste managementwastewaterwatercoursewater policywater pollutionwater supplyToggle dropdown Organisers Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEsJoint Research CentreDirectorate-General for Trade and Economic SecurityInternational Partnerships InfoPointCopernicus Emergency Management ServiceDirectorate-General for BudgetDirectorate-General for EnvironmentDirectorate-General for Research and InnovationEuropean Committee of the RegionsPolish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.Secretariat of the European Green Capital and Green Leaf AwardsToggle dropdown Search Clear filters Commission events (78) RSS Showing results 40 to 60 Status Upcoming and ongoing 27Mar2025Competitions and award ceremoniesEuropean Mobility Week awards ceremony02-03Apr2025Info daysEuropean Defence Fund Info Days02-03Apr2025Conferences and summits4th Copernicus Global Flood Forecasting and Monitoring meetingOnline only04Apr2025Conferences and summitsThird Annual Conference of the European Commission Legal ServiceBrussels, Belgium10-11Apr2025Conferences and summitsEU-Ukraine Business Summit10Apr2025Conferences and summitsResearch Conference on the Single MarketBrussels, BelgiumLive streaming available13-13Apr-Oct2025ExhibitionsEU at Expo 2025Osaka, Japan06-08May2025Conferences and summitsHarnessing City Successes - Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Conference 2025 Vilnius, Lithuania12-13May2025Conferences and summitsEU – Kenya Business Forum 202513-14May2025Info daysHorizon Europe info day - Cluster 4Online only13-15May2025Conferences and summitsEuropean Conference on Connected and Automated Driving (EUCAD)Ispra, Italy14-15May2025Conferences and summitsClean energy for EU islands forum 2025Azores, Portugal15May2025Partner meetings7th meeting of the Equality PlatformFlorence, Italy19-20May2025Conferences and summitsEuropean Humanitarian Forum 202519-23May2025Training and workshopsJRC Summer School on Non-Animal Approaches in Science Ispra, Italy20-22May2025Conferences and summitsEuropean Union – Zimbabwe Business Forum 202520-21May2025Conferences and summitsAnnual EU Budget Conference 2025 - From local action to global influence: the next long-term Union budget (Hybrid Event) Brussels, BelgiumLive streaming available20-21May2025Conferences and summits3rd Ghana - EU Business Forum 2025Accra, Ghana21-23May2025Conferences and summitsEuropean Maritime Day 202522May2025Conferences and summitsBrussels Economic Forum 2025 Previous123Page 34Next
Conferences and summitsEuropean Ocean Days 2025Monday 3 March 2025, 10:00 - Friday 7 March 2025, 18:00 (GMT+0100)Brussels, Belgium
Conferences and summitsFostering Europe’s prosperity and industrial transformation: Cooperatives as drivers of change Tuesday 18 March 2025, 09:15 - 18:30 (GMT+0100)Brussels, Belgium
HighlightedConferences and summitsThe European Climate Pact flagship event 2025: Together in action Wednesday 19 March 2025, 09:30 - 17:30 (GMT+0100)Brussels, Belgium
02-03Apr2025Conferences and summits4th Copernicus Global Flood Forecasting and Monitoring meetingOnline only
04Apr2025Conferences and summitsThird Annual Conference of the European Commission Legal ServiceBrussels, Belgium
10Apr2025Conferences and summitsResearch Conference on the Single MarketBrussels, BelgiumLive streaming available
06-08May2025Conferences and summitsHarnessing City Successes - Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Conference 2025 Vilnius, Lithuania
13-15May2025Conferences and summitsEuropean Conference on Connected and Automated Driving (EUCAD)Ispra, Italy
20-21May2025Conferences and summitsAnnual EU Budget Conference 2025 - From local action to global influence: the next long-term Union budget (Hybrid Event) Brussels, BelgiumLive streaming available