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Category:Angevin Empire

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<nowiki>Imperio angevino; Angevinar Inperioa; Empayar Anjou; Angevinisches Reich; Angevin Empire; امپراتوری آنژوین; 安茹帝国; Det Angevinske Rige; Angevin İmparatorluğu; アンジュー帝国; Empire anglo-normand; الامبراطوريه الانجويه; Empèri Angevin; 앙주 제국; Anjouovská říše; Impero angioino; Empire Plantagenêt; Anžuvinsko Carstvo; an Impireacht Ainsivíneach; Анжуйська Імперія; Đế quốc Angevin; Imperiul Angevin; Angevin Empire; Анжуйская дзяржава; Анжујско царство; Anžujsko kraljestvo; Império Plantageneta; Ymerodraeth Angevin; Анжуйская держава; Kekaisaran Anjou; Imperium Andegaweńskie; Angevin-riket; Angevijnse Rijk; Plantagentide suurriik; Imperi Angeví; انجوین ایمپراتورلوغو; האימפריה של אנגווין; Imperio Anxevino; أنجيفن; Ανδεγαυική Αυτοκρατορία; Anjouovská ríša; Günümüzde İngiltere, Fransa, İrlanda ve Galleri içine alan Orta Çağ hanedan birliği; 12世紀から13世紀にかけてのプランタジネット家の所領の通称; ensemble d'États s'étendant des confins anglo-écossais aux Pyrénées et de l'Irlande au Limousin et réunis au milieu du XIIe siècle par Henri II Plantagenêt; bivša skupina država i posjeda pod vlašću dinastije Anjou-Plantagenet u Zapadnoj Europi; владения монархов Анжуйской династии в XII веке; England, 12. Jahrhundert; Former collection of states in north-western Europe during the High Middle Ages.; former collection of states in north-western Europe during the High Middle Ages; kumpulan bekas negara di Eropa barat laut selama Abad Pertengahan Tinggi; unione dinastica di Stati medievali (1154-1214); Impero angiovino; Impero plantageneto; Empire Plantagenet; Empire Angevin; Empire angevin; Kekaisaran Plantagenet; Plantagenet Empire; Анжуйская империя; владения Плантагенетов; Imperio Angevino; imperio Plantagenet; Angevin Empire; Império Angevino; Impireacht Ainsivíneach; الإمبراطورية الأنجيفية; L'Empire Plantagenêt; Plantagenet Empire; Carstvo Plantageneta</nowiki>
Angevin Empire 
former collection of states in north-western Europe during the High Middle Ages
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Instance of
  • kingdom
  • personal union
  • retrospective label
Official language
  • 1154
Dissolved, abolished or demolished date
  • 1242
Replaced by
Authority file
Wikidata Q538677
Library of Congress authority ID: sh85056747
J9U ID: 987007538554305171
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Media in category "Angevin Empire"

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