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Category:Bad Harzburg

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<nowiki>Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Бад Харцбург; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; 巴德哈爾茨堡; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Бад-Гарцбург; 巴德哈爾茨堡; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Бад-Гарцбург; Bad Harzburg; Бад Харцбург; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; باد-گارتسبۋرگ; Bad-Garcbwrg; Bad Harzburg; Бад Харцбург; Bad Harzburg; 巴德哈尔茨堡; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Бад-Гарцбург; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harcburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; باد هاغزبورغ; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; باد هارزبورگ; Бад-Гарцбург; Bad Harzburg; Бад-Гарцбург; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; باد هارتسبورق; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Бад-Гарцбург; Бад-Гарцбург; Бад Харцбург; 巴德哈尔茨堡; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; バート・ハルツブルク; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; باد هاجزبورج; Bad Harzburg; באד הרצבורג; Бад-Һарсбург; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bæþ Heartesburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Hartsburgum; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzburg; Bad Harzborch; Μπατ Χάρτσμπουργκ; Bad Harzburg; città tedesca; commune allemande; Stadt in Neddersassen; Stadt in Niedersachsen am Nordrand des Harzes; City in Lower Saxony, Germany; Bajarekî Almanyayê; تجمع سكان فى جوسلار; місто в Німеччині, федеральна земля Нижня Саксонія; gemeente in Nedersaksen; komunë në Gjermani; chemun de la Germania; sídlo ve spolkové zemi Dolní Sasko v Německu; település Németországban; city in Lower Saxony, Germany; komunumo en Malsupra Saksio, Germanio; kumun alaman; město w Delnjej Sakskej; Harzburg; Harzburg; Бад Ҳарзбург; Bad-Garsburg; Bad Garsburg; Бад-Гарцбург; باد هاغزبوغ; Bad Harzburg</nowiki>
Bad Harzburg 
city in Lower Saxony, Germany
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Instance of
Head of government
  • Ralf Abrahms
  • 21,503 (2023)
  • 65.52 km² (2017)
Elevation above sea level
  • 261 ±1 m
  • 262 m
Said to be the same asBad Harzburg
official website
Map51° 52′ 58″ N, 10° 33′ 42″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q522459
VIAF cluster ID: 124968200
GND ID: 4023569-5
Library of Congress authority ID: n81062568
NL CR AUT ID: ge752584
J9U ID: 987007564544105171
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 1421451
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Pages in category "Bad Harzburg"

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Media in category "Bad Harzburg"

The following 47 files are in this category, out of 47 total.
