Hello Experts, I'm querying a DB in Hadoop and need to combine the date and time fields within the query itself. I will then use the combined field to join to another Hadoop table but I'm not able to use cast and concat correctly: Data available in DB: Dt(string): 2024-06-14 Tm (string): 040507669747 Output that I'm trying to create: Dat_time: 20240614040507669747 My query: proc sql; connect to impala (dsn=abc user="&sysuserid." pw="&password."); create table abc as ( select id, dt, tm, concat(cast(date_format(dt,'yyyymmdd') as string), tm) as dat_time /*I tried creating this from what I've learned so far but it's giving error*/ from DB); disconnect from impala; quit; Error: [Cloudera][Impala ODBC (370) Query analysis error occurred during query execution: [HY000]: AnalysisException: default.date_format() unknown for database default. Currently this db has 0 functions. I'm unable to figure the correct syntax to make this happen. Would appreciate any guidance. Thank you!
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