
This week we’re introducing a new masking tool - “Object Selection Brush”. This brush is intended to be a point-and-click masking tool that provides quick and accurate results. Currently there is no on-hover mask preview for the tool, however this feature is planned for a future release. Any feedback regarding the tool will be taken into consideration for future updates. You can find this tool Select Subject → Brush Type options as shown here:


As always, a full change log is below.

Please give us any feedback or report issues with this release. We’ll be updating TPAI regularly to address those pieces of feedback and issue reports. If there’s a specific image you’d like us to see, you can send it us at this dropbox link.

Released December 14th, 2023
Mac: Download
Windows: Download

Changes since 2.1.4:

  • Added Object Selection Brush for point-and-click masking
  • Added tooltips for Feathering and Brush size
  • Fixed scaling issue on retina to non-retina resolution change
  • Disabled image switching when in edit modes
  • Renamed AI Brush to Superpixel Brush

Be prepared for pushback from Apple folks. The installer fails to open because Apple doesn’t like that it didn’t come from the App Store. You’ll need to allow the install via the System Settings/Privacy & Security tab…

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That’s me done… thanks for all the efforts in the last year but I’m not doing another year when so much is still beta or not working well (brightness on Raws anyone), plus moving up version numbers to leave people (inc. me) behind with bugs outstanding. I’m not sure I got a solid version in the year. Anyway, no matter, my money not others. I wish everyone here (devs and customers) a Very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year (slightly delayed if you celebrate the Chinese version, but I’ll remember this place when I let off some Firecrackers… well “snaps” more likely…)
(One last question, if I may, is there an Alpha or Beta 2.1.x where x is greater than 4 and would it be a better version to end with?)
All the Best and Take Care of yourselves…
P.S. Pity if a Remove that would work on my 6GB RTX 2060 comes along, but that’s life…
P.P.S. Seems a pretty poor update to get a whole new x.x.? version number tho… I refer you to the last three words in the P .S. to finish…


I’m not sure what a “Superpixel” Brush is … is it a “Quick Fill” Brush? What is it intended to do?

Because, behaviorally, what it actually does also starts with an “s”. I think of it as the Snaking Brush. Because it sends out snaking tendrils. Unless something besides the name changed and it’s become more edge aware for Selection Brush cleanups.

This is ridiculous guys.

Two weeks ago in 2.1.3 I reported issue with colors.
It’s not minor issue, Topaz Photo AI is just broken and unusable.
Some people confirmed the issue.
Now you are releasing 2.2.0 and issue is still there.

You don’t test it with Photoshop at all? You have some regression tests? Some QA people?
How this software is developed?
I understand someone want to provide more features to sell the software for new people but what about someone who already paid for the software? You just don’t care?

Steps to reproduce:

  1. open any image in Photoshop
  2. convert to profile ProPhoto RGB (this is default when working with RAWs in Lightroom!)
  3. run Topaz Photo AI on layer
  4. enjoy totally broken colors

I understand that people make mistakes, but this is not acceptable.


Works fine for me - WIN10; CPU = 13700K; GPU = 3070 TI; 32 GB ram
What is your PC’s specs?

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I am not seeing this failure to install, either under Ventura latest (on Intel iMac) or Somona 14.3 beta (M1 MacBook Pro).

I just see this standard dialog which is easily addressed.

Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 4.30.03 PM

Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 4.34.15 PM

Uhm. People are testing in Photoshop. But not everyone works with ProPhoto… That doesn’t mean “PAI is Just Broken & Unusable” in Ps, that’s a sweeping, accusatory toned generalization implying PAI doesn’t work at all in Ps as a plugin. It may (or may not) be working for you if you are using the color space you’ve chosen to work with. That’s the lead. Not PAI is broken. Also, are you sending your pre-color graded images to PAI or post?


ProPhoto had a large colour shift on my images, .I changed to Adobe RGB in Photoshop and the colour is the same or close to the original, when using PAI. On ProPhoto profile red was going orange/brown.

Someone else had the same problem last week.

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So I have a MacBook running sonoma, using Lightroom rc and I upgraded topaz AI 2.2
and it’s not working. It spins and spins at the bottom after checking there is no person detected. It was working correctly before I updated.

hmmm… This is the first time I’ve received this issue… usually, it just sails thru… Updated to Sonome 14.2 this afternoon… before the update…

Can we please get the same selection of masking tools copied over to the remove tool as well?

I do much more masking in the remove tool - the masking tools are badly needed there!



If you haven’t already, download the new installer from the top of the page (as opposed to in-app updating). Manually delete the previous version from Applications.

Toss in a restart somewhere along the way :wink:

That was the one that threw the issue… I always use the one at the top of the page… Just for S&Gs… I’m gonna delete the app. and see if I get the issue again… standby…

OK good, let’s see what happens.

Then we can look at other aspects of your system (available space, etc.).

Found it… There are 2 settings in the system settings/security tab.

Screenshot 2023-12-14 at 8.53.18 PM

I had changed it this morning while trying to get one of the Legacy apps to install…

If it’s set App Store and Identified developer, I get the same message as you, but the installer contines to run…

If I set it to the first one App Store… The installer won’t run unless I allow it going thru the “you tried to run Topaz yadda yadda…do want to continue?”

I see I have the second option checked on both of these Macs.

I have yet to install on my M2 Mini at home (Ventura), we shall see…

oops… belay my last… let me edit the post. I got them backwards

OK, back home on my M2 Mini, same security settings as the others, no issue installing at all.

Old historical photo copywork restorations:


The implementation of the Object Selection Brush is weird. At first I thought it was not showing any kind of mask, then I saw that the mask drawing is delayed by a few seconds. I’m not accustomed to that. Is this what will continue to happen on systems that aren’t particularly fast?