Internet Technology

We look to the Internet for news, socializing, shopping, research and more. From HTML code to instant messaging, we'll break down what's really going on whenever you log on, send an e-mail, visit a popular Web site or post to a blog.

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Google's broadband Internet and TV service is often spoken of with near-reverence for its ultra-fast speeds. Why is it so much faster than other options?

By Bernadette Johnson

A connected world stretching from your blender to your thermostat to the satellites overhead? It seemed like a good idea at the time.

By Nicholas Gerbis

Internet sensations like LOLcat and the Harlem Shake didn't happen overnight. OK, maybe they did. But what did these phenomena have in common (besides inanity)? Are there any rules for making pictures, videos or blogs go viral?

By Chris Opfer


About 40 percent of the world's population uses the Web for news, entertainment and communication, but in truth, only a sliver of what we know as the World Wide Web is easily accessible.

By Nathan Chandler

Since the advent of the Internet, we've been producing data in staggering amounts. Who's collecting it, and should we be worried?

By Bernadette Johnson

If you use the internet for any length of time, there's probably lots of information floating around out there about you. How do you find it, and can you delete it?

By Chris Pollette & Bernadette Johnson

The dot-com bubble produced plenty of companies that spent and grew too quickly and couldn't sustain themselves, but some burned out in spectacular style. Here are 10 tech companies that lived fast and died young.

By Bernadette Johnson


How many e-mails do you send and receive on any given day? Could you imagine if you were taxed for all that digital communication?

By Nathan Chandler

Millions of mobile devices, computers and data centers make up the Internet. Machines join and drop off every second, and each requires electricity. Is it possible to measure how much juice the Internet uses?

By Jonathan Strickland

Most people think of Google as a giant juggernaut of Internet success. But even the company behind the world's most popular search engine has had its share of blunders.

By Jacob Clifton

In early 2012, Facebook rolled out its new Timeline, which replaced the personal wall format that users had been accustomed to. Some love it, some hate it -- but what's the logic behind the change?

By Jacob Clifton


Google has tried to launch social-based products before with limited success. Could Google Plus break the trend and become the next big social network?

By Jonathan Strickland

Google is pushing people to abandon the trend of buying fast personal computers in favor of cloud services. What exactly is the Google Cloud, and how could it change computing?

By Jonathan Strickland

Thanks to music clouds, you can access enormous libraries of music virtually anywhere you can get Internet access. How do they operate, and what are their limitations?

By Jonathan Strickland

Cloud computing has opened a whole new world of storage and Web interaction options for users, but is it the best way to protect your computer?

By Patrick J. Kiger & Stephanie Crawford


Apple's entry into the cloud storage market synchronizes all of your devices - as long as they're made by Apple. How does iCloud stack up to its competitors?

By Stephanie Crawford

Buzz phrases often distort the meanings of the words they contain, and sayings related to technology are no exception. We break down two common phrases to see if their meanings are synonymous.

By Stephanie Crawford

Cloud storage is quickly becoming the standard for our online data. What are the risks of moving your files to cloud servers?

By Stephanie Crawford

As we store more and more of our data on cloud servers, are we leaving ourselves unprotected? Learn how to minimize your risk and keep your information secure.

By Wesley Fenlon


Search engine spiders have different tasks. Learn about search engine spiders in this article.

By Contributors

If your fingers ache from trying to type text messages on your smartphone, you'll be happy to learn how to text from computer. There are many benefits, and it's easier than you think!

By Nathan Chandler

You want to set up Wi-Fi on your laptop, but you're not sure how to do it. We break down the steps required to set up a wireless router and connect to a Wi-Fi network on Windows PCs and laptops.

By Talon Homer

The Internet has gone from a little-known military and educational network to an important part of life for millions of people around the world. What kinds of changes will the Internet go through by the year 2050, and how will they affect us?

By Jonathan Strickland


If you're wondering what the big deal is about Facebook, you might be tempted to join. How do you become a member?

By Jane McGrath

A lot of online writers make blogging look easy. What if you've got something you want to share with the online community?

By Jane McGrath
