Hmisc: Harrell Miscellaneous

Contains many functions useful for data analysis, high-level graphics, utility operations, functions for computing sample size and power, simulation, importing and annotating datasets, imputing missing values, advanced table making, variable clustering, character string manipulation, conversion of R objects to LaTeX and html code, recoding variables, caching, simplified parallel computing, encrypting and decrypting data using a safe workflow, general moving window statistical estimation, and assistance in interpreting principal component analysis.

Version: 5.2-1
Depends: R (≥ 4.2.0)
Imports: methods, ggplot2, cluster, rpart, nnet, foreign, gtable, grid, gridExtra, data.table, htmlTable (≥ 1.11.0), viridis, htmltools, base64enc, colorspace, rmarkdown, knitr, Formula
Suggests: survival, qreport, acepack, chron, rms, mice, rstudioapi, tables, plotly (≥ 4.5.6), rlang, plyr, VGAM, leaps, pcaPP, digest, parallel, polspline, abind, kableExtra, rio, lattice, latticeExtra, gt, sparkline, jsonlite, htmlwidgets, qs, getPass, keyring, safer, htm2txt
Published: 2024-12-02
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.Hmisc
Author: Frank E Harrell Jr ORCID iD [aut, cre], Charles Dupont [ctb] (contributed several functions and maintains latex functions)
Maintainer: Frank E Harrell Jr <fh at>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2)]
NeedsCompilation: yes
Materials: README NEWS ChangeLog
In views: Bayesian, ClinicalTrials, Databases, Econometrics, MissingData, ReproducibleResearch
CRAN checks: Hmisc results


Reference manual: Hmisc.pdf


Package source: Hmisc_5.2-1.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): Hmisc_5.2-1.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): Hmisc_5.2-1.tgz, r-release (x86_64): Hmisc_5.2-1.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): Hmisc_5.2-1.tgz
Old sources: Hmisc archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: abctools, acid, anesrake, aspace, cg, colorscience, EstCRM, fastLiquidAssociation, FRESA.CAD, funModeling, greport, iCARE, ImportExport, LifeHist, MineICA, monobin, nlmeVPC, pch, phenoTest, poolVIM, qreport, RcmdrPlugin.Export, RHMS, RM.weights, rms, separationplot, testforDEP, univOutl, UsingR, weights, WRSS
Reverse imports: accessibility, adventr, affinitymatrix, ammiBayes, AnalysisLin, ANCOMBC, arrayQualityMetrics, atable, AutoScore, AutoWeatherIndices, bakR, basecamb, basifoR, bcf, bettr, biovizBase, blindreview, boiwsa, BRINDA, bumblebee, CAinterprTools, calibmsm, CalibrationCurves, CAMERA, CANSIM2R, catfun, cellmigRation, CFAcoop, ChAMP, Chicago, choroplethr, CNVScope, cofad, Compind, CoNI, conmet, corrarray, corrtable, cosinor2, Counterfactual, cpmBigData, cpsurvsim, CsChange, csmpv, cultevo, DaMiRseq, DAMOCLES, datazoom.amazonia, dcortools, ddecompose, DDPNA, DeepLearningCausal, depigner, derfinder, DescrTab2, dineq, DIZutils, DTAT, easyr, eatRep, EBMAforecast, ecospat, epade, EpiForsk, esvis, etable, fcfdr, fdapace, fdarep, fitPS, forsearch, FRK, GEInter, GenMarkov, GenTwoArmsTrialSize, gfoRmulaICE, ggbio, ggquickeda, Gmisc, goeveg, grafify, grapesAgri1, Greg, growthPheno, hdpGLM, heuristica, HH, HuraultMisc, iarm, iCAMP, iCellR, IGoRRR, imageData, intsvy, iPRISM, ISCA, JMbayes, jsmodule, kdry, kehra, KnowSeq, lazyWeave, LDAcoop, LEGIT, lfproQC, LorMe, LPBkg, LPsmooth, LSAmitR, M3Drop, maic, mapStats, MatchLinReg, MatrixQCvis, mediation, metamedian, mFD, mgm, microplot, mina, miRLAB, missCompare, miWQS, Mqrcm, MRPC, MSstatsShiny, MultBiplotR, multiselect, MultiTraits, MVNtestchar, mygene, myvariant, nbpMatching, ndl, NetOrigin, NeuralSens, nlrr, nomogramFormula, nonparaeff, NSM3, openPrimeR, OpenStats, ormBigData, panelWranglR, papci, Path.Analysis, pcgen, PerFit, peRiodiCS, petersenlab, PhenotypeSimulator, PIUMA, plotGrouper, plotluck, pmcalibration, poliscidata, polyqtlR, popstudy, powertools, PredictABEL, predieval, PrInCE, ProAE, progenyClust, PSW, ptairMS, qgraph, QHScrnomo, qsmooth, qte, R3CPET, rADA, rags2ridges, RALSA, randomGLM, rbooster, RCLabels, RcmdrMisc, RcmdrPlugin.TeachStat, RCPA3, RDS, recalibratiNN, RefBasedMI, RegCombin, rexposome, rifreg, riskPredictClustData, rmsb, RPPanalyzer, RQdeltaCT, Rtrack, Rtreemix, sampcompR, scape, scRNAtools, SECFISH, seeds, sendigR, sfcentral, SHELF, SLEMI, smacof, smicd, SMITE, smplot2, SortedEffects, SPsimSeq, stabiliser, stacomiR, STAT, STAT2, stocks, strat, stratamatch, SuperCell, survivalsvm, SvyNom, SWIM, tidyplots, tigerhitteR, tinyarray, TOP, TopKLists, TransProR, vachette, viscomp, visualFields, walker, wavClusteR, WaverideR, WGCNA, WikidataR, wppExplorer, xgxr, xkcd, xpose4
Reverse suggests: abd, AnaCoDa, animint2, aqp, ascii, BB, bbmle, bfp, bigsnpr, BioCor, biomod2, brainGraph, broom, bsitar, causalCmprsk, causaldrf, ClustImpute, correlation, crosstable, Deducer, dlookr, dynConfiR, ecotox, EnvStats, fastR2, finalfit, fitdistrplus, fscaret, GALLO, gfoRmula, GGally, gggenomes, ggplot2, ggstance, GMCM, horseshoe, htmlTable, hubeau, hutils, HVT, IncidencePrevalence, influential, irboost, isobar, kamila, kyotil, labelVector, languageR, lulcc, MachineShop, MARSS, matsbyname, matsindf, MetaNet, milr, mlr, mlrCPO, monocle, naniar, nbTransmission, nLTT, ordbetareg, parameters, pCODE, pctax, pec, performance, PerformanceAnalytics, polymapR, PopED, presize, questionr, rattle, Rcmdr, ready4, redcapAPI, REDCapCAST, rex, Rmisc, rockchalk, runMCMCbtadjust, santoku, serrsBayes, sharpshootR, simcausal, simsalapar, Sleuth3, SongEvo, StatMatch, Statsomat, subsemble, survcomp, SymbolicDeterminants, tables, tangram, tidystats, vcdExtra, wdm
Reverse enhances: BIFIEsurvey, dendextend, robustbase, sfsmisc


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