This package transforms or simulates data with a target empirical covariance matrix supplied by the user. The details to obtain such data can be found in Christidis, Van Aelst and Zamar (2019) (
You can install the stable version on R CRAN.
install.packages("simTargetCov", dependencies = TRUE)
You can install the development version from GitHub.
::install_github("AnthonyChristidis/simTargetCov") devtools
# Function to create target covariance matrix with kernel set to r
<- function(r, p){
target_cor <- diag(p)
Gamma for(i in 1:(p-1)){
for(j in (i+1):p){
<- Gamma[j,i] <- r^(abs(i-j))
# Transformation of data to target empirical covariance
<- simTargetCov(X = MASS::mvrnorm(30, mu = rep(0,6), Sigma = target_cor(0.5,6)),
target = target_cor(0.5,6))
round(cov(, 2)
# Simulation of data with target empirical covariance
<- simTargetCov(n = 30, p = 6, target = target_cor(0.5,6)) round(cov(, 2)
This package is free and open source software, licensed under GPL (>= 2).