The Chair and his group will aim to create significant impact in Cyprus, sharing expertise and research policy advice
From June 10 to June 13, the 2nd twinning activity took place in Maastricht, at the United Nations University-MERIT, where researchers from the University of Cyprus were hosted as part of the TWIN4MERIT project funded by Horizon Europe. There were excellent workshops delivered by René Wintjes on Regional Innovation Policy, by Hugo Hollanders on the use of (innovation) data for policy, and by Nordine Es-Sadki on how to conduct a survey. TWIN4MERIT aims to stimulate research excellence and innovation capacity at the University of Cyprus (UCY). UNU-MERIT’s role as an advanced partner includes providing training to early career researchers of UCY and for developing a strategy for R&I excellence at UCY. Warm thanks to Nordine Es-Sadki for organizing this visit!