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Noark Electric Europe
Výroba spotřebičů a elektroniky
Prague 9, Capital Prague 2 690 sledující uživatelů
NOARK Electric is a global supplier of low-voltage electrical components for specialty manufacturing industries.
O nás
Every day you can experience a different situation or joy, you can keep your memories, build up and create things thanks to the reliability of a components that you don't even notice, but they really have an impact on your everyday life. Noark Electric is a premier manufacturer and global supplier of low-voltage electrical components. As part of the multinational group Chint Electric, Noark has grown over the years thanks to the high quality and reliability of its products which are backed by a five-year limited warranty, and has now more than 1000 employees worldwide. Our product lines include circuit breakers, contactors, relays and intelligent control systems, providing efficient and reliable solutions for energy and intelligent power distribution in a wide range of industrial sectors. To ensure prompt deliveries and an excellent service to all of our European customers, European branch Noark Electric Europe was founded in 2011 and established its headquarters and distribution center in Prague, Czech Republic, supporting a network of subsidiaries and service centers in Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, the Baltic and Ex-Yugoslavian countries. Thanks to our partners, our products are also exported to other European countries such as France, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Greece, Ukraine and other. We are a quite young company, and so is our international team: open and flexible, sharing a corporate culture which encourages the mutual exchange of knowledge and experience and allows new ideas to flourish in a friendly, informal working environment, we constantly strive to offer the best service to all our customers. Our goal is to get closer to the technologies of the future. Install simply, function easily and reliably – that is our motto.
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Externí odkaz pro organizaci Noark Electric Europe
- Obor
- Výroba spotřebičů a elektroniky
- Velikost společnosti
- 51 - 200 zaměstnanců
- Ústředí
- Prague 9, Capital Prague
- Typ
- Soukromá společnost
Sezemická 2757/2
Prague 9, Capital Prague 19300, CZ
Zaměstnanci společnosti Noark Electric Europe
At NOARK Electric, we pride ourselves on being a global leader in the development, manufacturing, and distribution of top-quality electrical devices and components. As a proud part of the multinational CHINT Group, we are backed by the strength of over 40,000 dedicated employees worldwide. With regional hubs in Shanghai, Europe, and Los Angeles, we ensure smooth operations and deliver exceptional value to our customers and partners across all continents.🌍 Innovation is the core of everything we do. Every year, we invest millions of euros into developing cutting-edge technologies and advanced production methods to set new industry standards. This dedication allows us to offer unparalleled opportunities, extended guarantees, and exceptional care for our customers and business partners worldwide. As we wrap up the year, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of you—our customers, partners, and supporters. Together, we’ve achieved incredible milestones, and we’re looking forward to all the exciting opportunities that await in 2025. Let’s keep building the future together! Thank you for being with us. Here’s to another amazing year of growth, innovation, and success in 2025!
NOARK ELECTRIC: Definition of reliability
🎄 Atmosfera de Crăciun a ajuns în biroul Noark Electric! Întâmpinăm magia sărbătorilor alături de colegii noștri cu bradul gata împodobit și voie bună. Voi v-ați pregătit să vină Moșu’? 🎅 🎁 #NoarkElectric #TeamSpirit #HappyHolidays
Ne bucurăm că am participat la evenimentul @POLIJobs UPB, unde am avut ocazia să întâlnim studenți și absolvenți pasionați de electrotehnică și dornici să facă o carieră în domeniu! Vă mulțumim că ați trecut pe la standul nostru și ați explorat oportunitățile din cadrul Noark Electric! Sperăm că v-am inspirat și că ați plecat cu noi perspective pentru cariera voastră! #NoarkElectric #Polijobs2024 #BuildingTheFuture #CareerJourney #Joburi #Inginerie #Tehnologie
🎮 ZÍSKEJTE PLAYSTATION 5 S NOARKEM ZA PÁR MINUT VAŠEHO ČASU!🎮 Vážíme si vašeho názoru! Proto jsme připravili krátký průzkum, který vám zabere maximálně 10 minut. Vaší účastí se navíc automaticky zařadíte do slosování o PlayStation 5 – perfektní dárek pro vás nebo vaše blízké v předvánočním období. 🎁 👉 Odkaz na průzkum: Proč se zapojit? Podělíte se s námi o své zkušenosti. Ovlivníte naše budoucí produkty a služby. Vyhrajete skvělou cenu! 📅 Termín slosování: Středa 11. 12. 2024 v 12:00 🏆 Vyhlášení výherců: Výherce zveřejníme na Instagramu NOARK Electric a budeme je kontaktovat e-mailem. Děkujeme za váš čas! S přátelským pozdravem, Tým NOARK Electric
“Suntem încântați să vă anunțăm că, Florin Trifan, colegul nostru va fi speaker la Coach Fest, unde va prezenta o sesiune despre perspective noi de leadership și despre cum iți poți susține și dezvolta echipa. Vino la ICF CoachFest și află despre experiența lui Florin, sfaturi practice și strategii care te vor inspira și iți vor accelera parcursul profesional. Rezervă-ți locul și ne vedem ICF CoachFest: #Noarkdefinitionofreliability #Noarkelectric #ICFCoachFest #InspireandPower #Leadership #Coaching #Dezvoltarepersonala #networking We are pleased to announce that Florin Trifan, our colleague, will be a speaker at Coach Fest, where he will present a session on new leadership perspectives and how you can support and develop your team. Come to ICF CoachFest and learn about Florin's experience, practical advice and strategies that will inspire you and accelerate your professional journey. Book your place and see you at ICF CoachFest: #Noarkdefinitionofreliability #Noarkelectric #ICFCoachFest #InspireandPower #Leadership #Coaching #PersonalDevelopment #networking
This October in Prague, Noark Electric Europe celebrated 🎉 a milestone that filled us with pride and gratitude: the 10th anniversary of the Noark Forum. This annual event, which has become a cherished tradition, brought together our valued partners for a celebration that was not only about looking back at the incredible journey we've shared but also looking ahead to a future full of promise and innovation. It was truly an unforgettable experience, featuring inspiring presentations from the Noark Prague team, who provided a glimpse into the exciting developments and ambitions that lie ahead for our company. The highlight of the evening was the Gala night at Spojka Events, creating an atmosphere of elegance and joy, complemented by captivating musical and artistic performances that added a magical touch to the night. The evening also included the recognition of our partners. Once again, congratulations to the winners! 🏆 A thrilling shooting session brought an extra layer of excitement to the day, giving everyone an opportunity to engage in fun and friendly competition. Later, as the evening unfolded, we embarked on a scenic boat ride through the heart of nighttime Prague 🛥️. The breathtaking views of the city’s historic landmarks, bathed in shimmering lights, made for an unforgettable experience. It was an evening enriched by a delightful meal, lively conversations, and vibrant entertainment, fostering even stronger connections among our guests and partners. 🙏 We are deeply grateful to all our partners who have supported us over the years and have shared in our vision of excellence and progress. Your unwavering trust and collaboration have been instrumental to our success. As we celebrate this milestone, we look forward to continuing this journey together, full of innovation, achievements, and shared triumphs. Here's to another decade of growth and shared accomplishments! 🥂 Thank you for being an integral part of the Noark family. 💚
În interviul acordat publicației Agenda Constructiilor & Fereastra, Eugen Toma, Country Manager al Noark Electric a prezentat o analiză obiectivă despre tendințele actuale și provocările pieței de echipamente electrice de joasă și medie tensiune, precum și despre strategia de consolidare a activității pe piața națională. Descoperiți articolul complet aici: #NoarkElectric #definitionofreliability #electrical #electricalengineering
🌟 Echipa Noark Romania a participat la un workshop despre cele 4 tipuri de personalități, conform metodologiei S.T.A.R., care pot contribui la o colaborare mai eficientă și la succesul echipei! 🔧💡Învățăm mereu să ne adaptăm pentru a crea un mediu de lucru armonios și productiv. 🚀 #NoarkElectric #professionaldevelopment #teamwork #Leadership #dezvoltarepersonala #Inovație
Noark Electric la Arena Elevilor: Un Eveniment Plin de Energie și Inspirație! ⚡ Pe 14-15 septembrie, am avut onoarea de a participa la Arena Elevilor, unde am putut interacționa cu elevii, cărora le-am prezentat oportunitățile și programele de dezvoltare din compania noastră. Ne bucurăm că am luat parte la acest eveniment important pentru comunitatea educațională. 🌟 Mulțumim tuturor celor care ne-au vizitat standul și au interacționat cu noi. Așteptăm cu nerăbdare să ne revedem la următoarele ediții și să continuăm să sprijinim tinerii în drumul lor către succes! 🚀 #NoarkElectric #ArenaElevilor #Inovatie #Educație #ElectricalProjects Noark Electric at Arena Elevilor: An Event Full of Energy and Inspiration! ⚡ On September 14-15, we had the honor of participating in Arena Elevilor, where we interacted with students and presented the opportunities and development programs within our company. We are delighted to have been part of this important event for the educational community. 🌟 Thank you to everyone who visited our stand and engaged with us. We look forward to the next editions and to continuing to support young people on their path to success! 🚀 #NoarkElectric #ArenaElevilor #Innovation #Education #ElectricalProjects