Řízení teploty bezmála megawatové pece není hračka. Pro společnost J4 TUNNEL OVENS jsme implementovali pokročilé řízení za využití metod umělé inteligence. Nasbírali jsme a zanalyzovali data a díky tomu jsme vytvořili AI řídicí algoritmus a úspěšně ho nasadili. Teď už přes rok peče chleba v Norsku. 🍞 #AI #innovation #innovative #MPC #bigdata #datascience #technology #analytics #dataanalysis #control #future
The first tunnel oven with artificial intelligence temperature control J4 company has been engaged in the development and production of tunnel ovens and complete deliveries of bakery and confectionery lines since 1994. Last year we commissioned a line with conveyor proofer and tunnel oven in Norway. The customer's requirement was for a high variability of production and a fast change of temperature curve in the electric tunnel oven. These requirements can nowadays be solved by artificial intelligence, which learns how the temperature is affected by various influences. The temperature in the tunnel oven is influenced not only by the heating elements, but also by the products themselves, the speed of the forced exhaust, the performance of the duotherms, and the amount of steam in the steaming zone. Artificial intelligence builds a model of the tunnel oven itself (MPC) and predicts the required output for each zone in advance. This helps to streamline production, reduce tunnel oven consumption, simplify operation and bring the benefits of the tunnel oven even for batch production. More information is available at the IBA exhibition, stand 451, hall A2.