Project Title

Accelerating the Reach of Research on Consciousness – ARRC


Templeton World Charity Foundation (Open Funder Registry ID:
Grant ID:

Duration and Start Date

24 mo., June 5, 2024


The Accelerating Research Platform is developed by Dawid Potgieter under the ARRC project.


To obtain a comprehensive view of the entire research lifecycle, technology is required that can track all outputs. The Accelerating the Reach of Research on Consciousness (ARRC) project explores how this demand can be met by connecting research through metadata.

To learn whether open infrastructure can be easily integrated alongside multiple active research projects and how such infrastructure can be used to benefit existing research, the ARRC project is using the Accelerating Research Platform as a prototype. This unique platform supports five pioneering adversarial-collaboration research projects from the Accelerating Research on Consciousness initiative, funded by the Templeton World Charity Foundation.

This project was made possible through the support of a grant from Templeton World Charity Foundation, Inc. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Templeton World Charity Foundation, Inc.


Matthew Buys

Matthew Buys

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Executive Director

Matthew Buys is the Executive Director of DataCite where he leads a passionate and committed team who provides the means to create, find, cite, connect, and use research globally. Matt’s work is focused on building DataCite as a sustainable global community, through efforts that support and advance community-driven practices.
