Create DOIs


You create Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to make your research outputs and resources discoverable and citable for the long term. DOIs provide persistent links that ensure the accessibility of your content even if URLs change, enhancing discoverability and credibility. Furthermore, DOIs facilitate accurate citation and tracking of your research outputs, fostering collaboration and strengthening your reputation within the research community.


DataCite offers Fabrica as a DOI and metadata management service allowing organizations to register and manage DOIs for their research outputs. With Fabrica, organizations can easily assign DOIs, maintain accurate and FAIR metadata, and ensure persistent links for long-term accessibility and citation of their valuable research outputs.

Additionally, DataCite provides an API that enables organizations to create DOIs systematically, expanding the flexibility and scalability of DOI creation and management within their research workflows.


In DataCite Fabrica, you can register DOIs in several ways to accommodate different workflows. You can register DOIs individually by manually entering metadata for each resource via an online form. The form is based on the DataCite Metadata Schema and includes field descriptions where you can provide all metadata needed in a standardized format to describe the resource. Alternatively, you can create a DOI via XML-file upload. Once created, you can download the metadata associated with registered DOIs.

Additionally, DataCite Fabrica supports integration with external systems through APIs, enabling automated registration of DOIs directly from your existing workflows. For more information, visit our support pages.
