I am going to give you some of my best-selling books, free.
What I think about the way we value goods and services has been the subject of writing in this blog before.
While I always put out actionable tips and solid advice with no strings attached, when it comes to my books I’ve always been constrained by the standard publishing model: My publishers pay me an advance to write books that have to sell well enough for me to earn that money back for them and then receive royalties that I need to pay my mortgage and finance my lifestyle.
I’ve had a problem with that, always. What I’d have liked to have seen was books made available free of charge with the recipient, at some point, enabled to reward the author. If it were a work of fiction and therefore, entertainment, the reader would be able to offer a tip according to how well they’ve been entertained or how much they enjoyed the book.
Non-fiction writing, usually, offers practical advice or helps solve problems but it too can be entertaining it it’s a biography or a book on popular science which offers a fresh perspective or knowledge on a subject. Again, depending on how the reader feels, a tip would be on offer.
All of which brings us to here and now. Google Semantic Search, first demystified semantic search for many search engine optimizers, webmasters and lay readers looking to rank their websites in search. Google+ Hangouts for Business: How to use Google+ Hangouts to Improve Brand Impact, Build Business and Communicate in Real-Time was written when Google+ was still a thing, before Google killed it. It offers solid advice that can be used in any visual communication channel so while the specifics related to Google+ obviously no longer apply the tips on how to best use real-time video and video in general to help establish your brand and spread your marketing message, are sound.
The Tribe That Discovered Trust: How Trust Is Created Lost and Regained in Commercial Interactions has never dropped out of currency. Without trust we can’t do anything. How we learn to establish it in different contexts and what kind of trust we actually establish is key to the success of every interaction we engage in and any type of business we set up.
The Test Of An Idea
In 2020, as the pandemic was raging, I acquired the publishing rights of these three titles from my publishers. At the time I didn’t have a clear idea of what I would do with them but I knew that I had to do something that would help as many people as possible.
As a writer I need to sell books to make a living. I have, in my writing career, been fortunate to have acquired loyal readers and they have not just helped me do what I love but also provided me with the confidence necessary to explore avenues and thoughts that I might otherwise have been reluctant to pursue.
I somehow felt that I had to give something back, not just to those who have helped me be the most of what I can be but also all those coming after them who are also looking for help. The pandemic, the war in Ukraine that’s still going on at the time of writing this and the change in living costs and living standards happening all over the world are challenges that affect us all.
I can’t solve any of them and it bugs me. The solution to seemingly insoluble problems, I’ve always felt, lies in something being done at the level of the individual for the good of the whole. When faced with a virus or bombs dropping out of the sky being able to write seems like a poor skill to have. But the right piece of information, finding the right person, at the right time can be a game changer for them.
With that thought, here goes: Google Semantic Search is available to download free as a PDF, just click on the link in the title, the PDF file will open in a separate window. Choose to download this to your computer. If you want to upload that PDF file on your Google Books app so you can read it on your tablet or phone follow these instructions here. So is Google+ Hangouts for Business: How to use Google+ Hangouts to Improve Brand Impact, Build Business and Communicate in Real-Time (remember Google+ is now dead but visual communication is more prevalent than ever). Because of the trying times we live in and our need to create trust in new environments. The Tribe That Discovered Trust: How Trust Is Created Lost and Regained in Commercial Interactions is also available free. [THERE IS ONLY ONE TITLE LEFT TO CONVERT SO PLEASE CHECK OVER THE NEXT TEN DAYS FOR IT].
By downloading each one and putting to work what you learn you raise your game in search, video marketing and commercial setups in the digital environment. At a time of rising uncertainty and increased costs this is my contribution to reducing the first and making something available without contributing to the second.
You don’t need to thank me or feel indebted to me in any way. If each of these books helps you to the degree that you feel you want to do something for me you can buy one of my latest books, or give me a shout in your social media circles, or just talk to your family and friends about how useful you found my books. This is not a requirement however.
My hope is by having free access to these books you increase your chances of success. The success of one business creates opportunities for others. Successful individuals share their knowledge and experience. They mentor others. They offer advice and often, by sharing their journey, inspire those who need inspiration the most. If you’re successful the world, as a whole gains. I live in this world, too.
So, this is my reasoning and reasons for my action. I am testing my idea and, now, you’re part of my experiment too. Be successful. Help others be all they can be. And, if you ever get the chance or the inclination, let me know how I helped, or just say hi. You know where to find me.
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