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I-ESA 2007: Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal
- Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves, Jörg P. Müller, Kai Mertins, Martin Zelm:
Enterprise Interoperability II - New Challenges and Industrial Approaches, Proceedings of the 3th International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications, IESA 2007, March 27-30, 2007, Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal. Springer 2007, ISBN 978-1-84628-857-9
Enterprise Modelling and Interoperability Engineering
- Ingo Weber:
Requirements for Implementing Business Process Models through Composition of Semantic Web Services. 3-14 - Nicolas Mayer, Eric Dubois, André Rifaut:
Requirements Engineering for Improving Business/IT Alignment in Security Risk Management Methods. 15-26 - Christophe Feltus, André Rifaut:
An Ontology for Requirements Analysis of Managers' Policies in Financial Institutions. 27-38 - Roland Jochem, Thomas Knothe:
Interoperability Requirements derived from Interoperability Dimensions. 39-50 - Philipp Walter, Dirk Werth, Peter Loos:
Peer-to-Peer Supported Design Infrastructure for Collaborative Business Processing. 51-62 - Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, Manfred A. Jeusfeld
Model Transformations with Reference Models. 63-75 - Raimundas Matulevicius
, Patrick Heymans, Andreas L. Opdahl
Comparing GRL and KAOS using the UEML Approach. 77-88 - Ruben Costa
, Oscar Garcia, Maria José Nuñez, Pedro M. N. Maló, Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves:
Integrated solution to support enterprise interoperability at the business process level on e-Procurement. 89-100 - Michael Lange, Uwe Rüppel:
Access and Semantic Level Integration of Building Models for Cooperative Fire Protection Planning. 101-110 - Selmin Nurcan:
Business Process Modelling and Flexibility. 111-114 - Reyes Grangel
, Kleber Correa, Fulvio D'Antonio, Jean Pierre Bourey, Arne-Jørgen Berre:
Analysing CIM2PIM Approaches to Improve Interoperability. 115-118 - M. Grandin-Dubost, T. Finet, Baptiste Lebreton, Guy Doumeingts:
Using IIAM to Assess Interoperability Investments: a Case Study. 119-123
Distributed, Decentralized and Adaptable Interoperability Architecture
- Tatjana Samsonowa, Christoph Schroth:
The EIC - A consensus-centric approach for cross-organizational e-Business standards diffusion. 127-138 - Stephan Roser, Bernhard Bauer:
Improving Interoperability in Collaborative Modelling. 139-150 - Jochen Müller, G. Zhang, T. Kahl, P. Müller:
Designing a Service Oriented Domain Architecture. 151-154 - P. Hofbauer, U. Negretto:
Decomposition of Supply Networks - Business Modelling and Interoperability. 155-158 - Toni Ruokolainen, Yannick Naudet, Thibaud Latour:
An Ontology of Interoperability in Inter-Enterprise Communities. 159-170 - Patrick D. Stiefel, Jörg P. Müller:
ICT interoperability challenges in decentral, cross-enterprise product engineering. 171-182 - Anton Naumenko, Artem Katasonov, Vagan Y. Terziyan
A Security Framework for Smart Ubiquitous Industrial Resources. 183-194 - Christian Hahn, Cristián Madrigal-Mora, Klaus Fischer:
Interoperability through a Platform-Independent Model for Agents. 195-206 - Timo Kahl, Ingo Zinnikus, Stephan Roser, Christian Hahn, Jörg Ziemann, Jörg P. Müller, Klaus Fischer:
Architecture for the Design and Agent-Based Implementation of Cross-Organizational Business Processes. 207-218 - Degang Cui, L. Song:
The Data Grid for the Collaboration Development in the Virtual Enterprise. 219-222 - Johann Eder, Marek Lehmann, Amirreza Tahamtan:
Conformance Test of Federated Choreographies. 223-234
Tools and Methodologies for Enterprise Interoperability
- Víctor Anaya, Giuseppe Berio, Maria Jose Verdecho:
Evaluating Quality of Enterprise Modelling Languages: The UEML solution. 237-240 - Spiros Mouzakitis, Fenareti Lampathaki
, Christoph Schroth, U. Scheper, Till Janner:
Towards a common repository for governmental data: A modelling framework and real world application. 241-244 - Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge, R. Stevens, Ali Imtiaz:
Improving the collaboration ability among SMEs by developing an open source based collaboration tool. 245-255 - Vatcharaphun Rajsiri, Jean-Pierre Lorré, Frédérick Bénaben, Hervé Pingaud:
Cartography for designing collaborative processes. 257-260 - Vincent Chapurlat, Daniel Diep, Athanasios P. Kalogeras, John V. Gialelis:
Building and validating a Manufacturing Ontology to achieve Interoperability. 261-272 - Séverine Blanc, Yves Ducq, Bruno Vallespir:
A Graph based approach for interoperability evaluation. 273-276 - Carlos Costa, Valeria Salvador, Lara Meira, Germana Rechden, Cristian Koliver:
Product Ontology Supporting Information Exchanging in Global Furniture Industry. 277-280 - A. Schumacher, B. Feurstein:
Living Labs - a new multi-stakeholder approach to user integration. 281-285 - F. Sclano, Paola Velardi:
TermExtractor: a Web Application to Learn the Shared Terminology of Emergent Web Communities. 287-290 - X. Xu, T. Mo, Z. Wang:
SMDA: A Service Model Driven Architecture. 291-302 - Kai Mertins, Thomas Knothe, Frank-Walter Jäkel:
Enterprise Interoperability enabling Enterprise Collaboration. 303-314 - Manfred A. Jeusfeld
, Per Backlund, Jolita Ralyté:
Classifying Interoperability Problems for a Method Chunk Repository. 315-326
Semantics and Knowledge Aspects in Enterprise Interoperability
- Crenguta M. Bogdan, Daniela Luzi
, Fabrizio L. Ricci, Luca-Dan Serbanati:
Towards an Ontology using a Concern-Oriented Approach for Information Systems Analysis. 329-332 - Jorge Cardoso:
Integrating HAD Organizational Data Assets using Semantic Web Technologies. 333-344 - Fulvio D'Antonio, Michele Missikoff, Francesco Taglino
Formalizing the OPAL eBusiness ontology design patterns with OWL. 345-356 - Salah Hamri, Nacer Boudjlida, Mahmoud Boufaïda:
An Approach for Building an OWL Ontology for Workflow Interoperability. 357-360 - George Gionis, Yannis Charalabidis, K. Sourouni, Dimitris Askounis:
Enabling Cross-Border Interoperability: Modelling Legal Rules for Electronic Transactions in the European Union. 361-364 - Edward Barkmeyer, Peter Denno:
On capturing information requirements in process specifications. 365-376 - Mirella Huza, Mounira Harzallah, Francky Trichet:
OntoMas: a Tutoring System dedicated to Ontology Matching. 377-388 - Eva Söderström, Fabian Meier:
Combined SOA Maturity Model (CSOAMM): Towards a Guide for SOA Adoption. 389-400 - Jürgen Dorn, Tabbasum Naz:
Integration of Job Portals by Meta-search. 401-412
Model-driven and Service-oriented Integration and Development
- Balázs E. Pataki, László Kovács, Claudia Guglielmina, Alessandra Arezza:
ABILITIES to Support a Federated Architecture Based Interoperability Bus with Groupware and Multimedia. 415-426 - Leire Bastida, Francisco Javier Nieto
Context-Aware Service Compositions: A Way to Facilitate Interoperability. 427-430 - Guillermo Jiménez, Javier Espadas:
External Integration of an e-Services Hub. 431-446 - Reyes Grangel
, Ramzi Ben Salem, Jean Pierre Bourey, Nicolas Daclin, Yves Ducq:
Transforming GRAI Extended Actigrams into UML Activity Diagrams: a First Step to Model Driven Interoperability. 447-458 - D. Zhan, X. Xu, F. Meng, Z. Wang:
Interoperability Oriented Business Object Model. 459-462 - Henk Jonkers, Maria-Eugenia Iacob, Carsten Köllmann, Michael Goedicke:
An Integrated Approach to Model-Driven Design, Execution, Analysis and Monitoring. 463-466 - Christoph Schroth, G. Pemptroad, Till Janner:
CCTS-based Business Information Modelling for Increasing Cross-Organizational Interoperability. 467-478 - S. Onofre, Carlos Agostinho
, Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves
, Adolfo Steiger-Garção
Applying TTCN to enhance B2B Conformance testing frameworks. 479-482 - Igor Miletic, Marko Vujasinovic, Nenad Ivezic, Zoran Marjanovic:
Enabling Semantic Mediation for Business Applications: XML-RDF, RDF-XML and XSD-RDFS transformations. 483-494 - Sodki Chaari, Frédérique Biennier, Joël Favrel, C. Benamar:
Towards a service-oriented enterprise based on business components identification. 495-506 - Stanislav Pokraev, Dick A. C. Quartel, Maarten W. A. Steen, Andreas Wombacher, Manfred Reichert:
Business Level Service-Oriented Enterprise Application Integration. 507-518 - Juan Antonio Álvarez, Juan Antonio Ortega, Luis González Abril
, Francisco Velasco Morente
, Francisco Javier Cuberos:
Interoperability for transport companies. 519-522
Collaborative Architecture and Formal Interoperability Approaches
- George Gionis, Yannis Charalabidis, Till Janner, Christoph Schroth, Sotirios Koussouris
, Dimitris Askounis:
Enabling Cross-Organizational Interoperability: A Hybrid e-Business Architecture. 525-528 - S. Heinonen, Jukka Kääriäinen
, Juha Takalo:
Challenges in Collaboration: Tool Chain Enables Transparency Beyond Partner Borders. 529-540 - Marija Jankovic, Nenad Ivezic, Thomas Knothe, Zoran Marjanovic, P. Snack:
A Case Study in Enterprise Modelling for Interoperable Cross-Enterprise Data Exchange. 541-552 - Karsten Tolle, Valentinas Kiauleikis, K. Justinaviciene, Gerald Knoll, Claudia Guglielmina, Alessandra Arezza:
An Interoperable E-business platform towards better integration of New Member States SME's. 553-556 - Claudia-Melania Chituc, Cesar Toscano
, Américo Lopes Azevedo
Interoperability in Collaborative Networks: An Innovative Approach for the Shoe Up-Stream Business Segment. 557-568 - Arne-Jørgen Berre, Brian Elvesæter
, Nicolas Figay, Claudia Guglielmina, Svein G. Johnsen, Dag Karlsen, Thomas Knothe, Sonia Lippe:
The ATHENA Interoperability Framework. 569-580 - Gustavo A. Ospina, Baudouin Le Charlier:
Towards precise descriptions for programming language interoperability: a general approach based on operational semantics. 581-586 - A. G. Gunendran, Robert I. M. Young, Anne-Françoise Cutting-Decelle, Jean Pierre Bourey:
Organising Manufacturing Information for Engineering Interoperability. 587-598 - Robert Lagerström, Pontus Johnson, Per Närman:
Extended Influence Diagram Generation. 599-602
Managing, Measuring and Validating Interoperability
- Chris Kürschner, Frédéric Thiesse:
Assessing Interoperability in the Retail Industry: The Case of Metro Group. 605-615 - Nuria Forcada, Miquel Casals
, Marta Gangolells, Xavier Roca, Alba Fuertes:
An ontology for the Environmental and Safety integration in the construction sector. 617-620 - Alexandra Chapko, Baptiste Lebreton, T. Finet:
The value of interoperability in networked enterprises: the case of health care management companies. 621-624 - José-Carlos Mariátegui, Jannis Kallinikos:
The Interoperability of Information and its Representation in New Media: A Case Study of a Global Content Provider. 625-628 - Lea Kutvonen
Building B2B middleware - Interoperability knowledge management issues. 629-632 - Vandana Kabilan, Paul Johannesson
, Sini Ruohomaa, Pirjo Moen, Andrea Herrmann, Rose-Mharie Åhlfeldt, Hans Weigand:
Introducing the Common Non-Functional Ontology. 633-645 - J. Kim, S. Kulvatunyou:
An Iterative Procedure for Efficient Testing of B2B: A Case in Messaging Service Tests. 647-658 - Robert Snelick, P. Rontey, Leonard Gebase, L. Carnahan:
Towards Interoperable Healthcare Information Systems: The HL7 Conformance Profile Approach. 659-670
Cross-sector Interoperability Solutions
- Buhwan Jeong, Hyunbo Cho, Taejong Yoo, Jaegyong Chang:
An Intelligent Test Methodology to Achieve Interoperability between Business-to-Business (B2B) Applications. 673-683 - Jacques Durand, Serm Kulvatunyou, J. Woo, M. Martin:
Testing and Monitoring E-Business using the Event-driven Test Scripting Language. 685-696 - Fred van Blommestein, Bertjan Broeksema:
UN/CEFACT Core Components as the basis for structured business communication by SMEs, employing auto-generated, user adjustable forms. 697-708 - Fabian Stäber, G. Sobrito, Jörg P. Müller, Udo Bartlang, Thomas Friese:
Interoperability Challenges and Solutions in Automotive Collaborative Product Development. 709-720 - I. Novicic, Zoran Kokovic, N. Jakovljevic, Vuk Ljubicic, M. Bacetic, Nenad Anicic, Zoran Marjanovic, Nenad Ivezic:
A Case Study in Business Application Development Using Open Source and Semantic Web Technologies. 721-724 - Baptiste Lebreton, Christine Legner:
Interoperability Impact Assessment Model: An Overview. 725-728 - H. Jun, Dimitris Kiritsis, Paul C. Xirouchakis:
A primitive ontology model for product lifecycle meta data in the closed-loop PLM. 729-740 - Arne-Jørgen Berre, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Djamel Khadraoui, François Charoy
, George Athanasopoulos, Michael Pantazoglou, Jean-Henry Morin, Pavlos Moraitis, Nikolaos I. Spanoudakis
SAMBA - An Agent architecture for Ambient Intelligence Elements Interoperability. 741-752 - Volker Gruhn, Clemens Schäfer:
Determining Runtime Properties of Mobile Software Architectures. 753-756
Applications, Case Studies, Best Practice and Standards
- Michael Klein, Ulrike Greiner, Thomas Genßler, Jürgen Kuhn, Matthias Born:
Enabling Interoperability in the Area of Multi-Brand Vehicle Configuration. 759-770 - R. Rolfsen, Dieter Boell, C. Pronios, Thomas Knothe, Maria Anastasiou, Brian Elvesæter
, Håvard D. Jørgensen:
Model-Generated Workplaces: An Interoperability Approach. 771-782 - Bettina Bazijanec, Oliver Gausmann, Klaus Turowski:
Parsing Effort in a B2B Integration Scenario - An Industrial Case Study. 783-794 - Gergely Lukácsy, Péter Szeredi, Tamás Benkö:
Towards automatic semantic integration. 795-806 - M. Ilal, S. Macit:
Integration of an Acoustic Simulation Tool with CAAD Environments using ifcXML. 807-810 - Wolfgang Schreiner, Peter Hrastnik:
On Web Service Evolution Monitoring. 811-815 - Carlos Agostinho
, João Sarraipa, Fulvio D'Antonio, Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves
Enhancing STEP-based Interoperabity Using Model Morphisms. 817-828 - Anthony Beardsmore:
Schema description for arbitrary data formats with the Data Format Description Language. 829-840 - Wolfgang Wilkes, Nikolaus Ondracek, Marius Oancea, Marius Seiceanu:
Web services to resolve concept identifiers for an effective product data exchange. 841-852 - D. Radoiu:
Application Development with Virtual Teams: Models and Metrics. 853-864 - Ulrike Greiner, Christine Legner, Sonia Lippe, Kristin Wende:
Business Interoperability Profiles: Relating Business Interoperability Issues To Technical Interoperability Solutions. 865-877 - Saïd Izza, Lucien Vincent, Patrick Burlat:
An Approach for Service-Oriented Urbanism. 879-890

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