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Algorithms, Volume 11
Volume 11, Number 1, January 2018
- Anton Kasprzhitskii
, Georgy Lazorenko, Victor Yavna
Iteration Scheme for Solving the System of Coupled Integro-Differential Equations for Excited and Ionized States of Molecular Systems. 1 - Jie Wang, Xiyue Tang, Guiwu Wei
Models for Multiple Attribute Decision-Making with Dual Generalized Single-Valued Neutrosophic Bonferroni Mean Operators. 2 - Guillaume J. Filion
Analytic Combinatorics for Computing Seeding Probabilities. 3 - Daoyu Lin
, Yang Wang, Guangluan Xu, Jun Li, Kun Fu:
Transform a Simple Sketch to a Chinese Painting by a Multiscale Deep Neural Network. 4 - Xiyue Tang, Yuhan Huang, Guiwu Wei
Approaches to Multiple-Attribute Decision-Making Based on Pythagorean 2-Tuple Linguistic Bonferroni Mean Operators. 5 - Kaimeng Ding
, Shiping Chen
, Fan Meng
A Novel Perceptual Hash Algorithm for Multispectral Image Authentication. 6 - Lianchao Sheng, Wei Li:
Optimization Design by Genetic Algorithm Controller for Trajectory Control of a 3-RRR Parallel Robot. 7 - Yossi Peretz:
On Application of the Ray-Shooting Method for LQR via Static-Output-Feedback. 8 - Wei Cui
, Qi Zhou, Zhendong Zheng:
Application of a Hybrid Model Based on a Convolutional Auto-Encoder and Convolutional Neural Network in Object-Oriented Remote Sensing Classification. 9 - Pasin Manurangsi:
Inapproximability of Maximum Biclique Problems, Minimum k-Cut and Densest At-Least-k-Subgraph from the Small Set Expansion Hypothesis. 10
Volume 11, Number 2, February 2018
- Farong Kou, Jiafeng Du, Zhe Wang, Dong Li, Jianan Xu:
Nonlinear Modeling and Coordinate Optimization of a Semi-Active Energy Regenerative Suspension with an Electro-Hydraulic Actuator. 12 - Stefano Boldrini
, Luca De Nardis
, Giuseppe Caso
, Mai T. P. Le
, Jocelyn Fiorina
, Maria-Gabriella Di Benedetto
muMAB: A Multi-Armed Bandit Model for Wireless Network Selection. 13 - Guangyuan Wu
, Zhigang Chen, Lin Guo, Jia Wu
An Optimal Online Resource Allocation Algorithm for Energy Harvesting Body Area Networks. 14 - Wei Nai
, Lu Liu, Shaoyin Wang, Decun Dong:
Modeling the Trend of Credit Card Usage Behavior for Different Age Groups Based on Singular Spectrum Analysis. 15 - Liping Liu, Ning Wang
, Zhigang Chen, Lin Guo:
A Novel Spectrum Scheduling Scheme with Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm. 16 - Xinen Lv, Huiling Chen
, Qian Zhang, Xujie Li, Hui Huang, Gang Wang:
An Improved Bacterial-Foraging Optimization-Based Machine Learning Framework for Predicting the Severity of Somatization Disorder. 17 - Hongliang Zhang, Youcai Fang, Ruilin Pan
, Chuanming Ge:
A New Greedy Insertion Heuristic Algorithm with a Multi-Stage Filtering Mechanism for Energy-Efficient Single Machine Scheduling Problems. 18 - Oliver Lemke
, Bettina G. Keller:
Common Nearest Neighbor Clustering - A Benchmark. 19 - Amer E. Mouawad, Naomi Nishimura, Venkatesh Raman, Sebastian Siebertz
Vertex Cover Reconfiguration and Beyond. 20 - Lijun Zhang
, Junyu Tao:
Research on Degeneration Model of Neural Network for Deep Groove Ball Bearing Based on Feature Fusion. 21 - Chen Zhou, Xinhui Liu, Feixiang Xu
Design Optimization of Steering Mechanisms for Articulated Off-Road Vehicles Based on Genetic Algorithms. 22 - Hou-Ping Dai, Dongdong Chen
, Zhou-Shun Zheng
Effects of Random Values for Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm. 23
Volume 11, Number 3, March 2018
- Hua Yi
, Shi-You Xin, Jun-Feng Yin:
A Class of Algorithms for Continuous Wavelet Transform Based on the Circulant Matrix. 24 - Stefano Cagnoni
, Mauro Castelli
Special Issue on Computational Intelligence and Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Real-World Data Analytics and Pattern Recognition. 25 - Shaobo Li
, Wang Zou, Jianjun Hu
A Novel Evolutionary Algorithm for Designing Robust Analog Filters. 26 - Liping Liu, Ning Wang
, Zhigang Chen, Lin Guo:
Spectrum Allocation Based on an Improved Gravitational Search Algorithm. 27 - Jing Yang
, Guanci Yang
Modified Convolutional Neural Network Based on Dropout and the Stochastic Gradient Descent Optimizer. 28 - Lilian Shi
, Jun Ye
Dombi Aggregation Operators of Neutrosophic Cubic Sets for Multiple Attribute Decision-Making. 29 - Liping Liu, Xiaobo Liu
, Ning Wang
, Peijun Zou:
Modified Cuckoo Search Algorithm with Variational Parameters and Logistic Map. 30 - A. K. M. Foysal Ahmed
, Ji Ung Sun
Bilayer Local Search Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. 31 - Temitope Gbolahan Jaiyeola
, Florentin Smarandache
Inverse Properties in Neutrosophic Triplet Loop and Their Application to Cryptography. 32 - Feiyan Qin, Weimin Li, Yue Hu, Guoqing Xu:
An Online Energy Management Control for Hybrid Electric Vehicles Based on Neuro-Dynamic Programming. 33
Volume 11, Number 4, April 2018
- Jianghong Zhu, Rui Wang, Yanlai Li:
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Considering Consensus and Preferences Interdependence. 34 - Boris Kriheli, Eugene Levner:
Entropy-Based Algorithm for Supply-Chain Complexity Assessment. 35 - Yu Feng, Jianzhong Zhou, Li Mo, Chao Wang, Zhe Yuan, Jiang Wu:
A Gradient-Based Cuckoo Search Algorithm for a Reservoir-Generation Scheduling Problem. 36 - Waldemar Kaiser
, Johannes Popp, Michael Rinderle
, Tim Albes
, Alessio Gagliardi:
Generalized Kinetic Monte Carlo Framework for Organic Electronics. 37 - Christos Papalitsas
, Panayiotis Karakostas
, Theodore Andronikos, Spyros Sioutas, Konstantinos Giannakis
Combinatorial GVNS (General Variable Neighborhood Search) Optimization for Dynamic Garbage Collection. 38 - Maimaitiyiming Hasimu
, Wushour Silamu:
On Hierarchical Text Language-Identification Algorithms. 39 - Ruth Haas
, Gary MacGillivray:
Connectivity and Hamiltonicity of Canonical Colouring Graphs of Bipartite and Complete Multipartite Graphs. 40 - Zhenwen He, Xiaogang Ma
A Distributed Indexing Method for Timeline Similarity Query. 41 - Muneki Yasuda:
Learning Algorithm of Boltzmann Machine Based on Spatial Monte Carlo Integration Method. 42 - Helio Yochihiro Fuchigami
, Ruhul A. Sarker
, Socorro Rangel
Near-Optimal Heuristics for Just-In-Time Jobs Maximization in Flow Shop Scheduling. 43 - Hong-Mei Zhang, Ming-Long Li
, Le Yang:
Safe Path Planning of Mobile Robot Based on Improved A* Algorithm in Complex Terrains. 44 - Rolf Klein, Christos Levcopoulos
, Andrzej Lingas:
Approximation Algorithms for the Geometric Firefighter and Budget Fence Problems. 45 - Mirella Rodriguez, Daniel R. Jeske:
Short-Run Contexts and Imperfect Testing for Continuous Sampling Plans. 46 - Yanzhen Xing, Donghui Wang, Leiou Wang:
A Novel Dynamic Generalized Opposition-Based Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm. 47 - Xinxin Wang, Xiaoqiang Yan, Donghai Li, Li Sun
An Approach for Setting Parameters for Two-Degree-of-Freedom PID Controllers. 48 - Qing Tian, Weihang Zhao, Yun Wei, Liping Pang:
Thermal Environment Prediction for Metro Stations Based on an RVFL Neural Network. 49 - Alexander A. Lazarev, Ivan Nekrasov, Nikolay Pravdivets
Evaluating Typical Algorithms of Combinatorial Optimization to Solve Continuous-Time Based Scheduling Problem. 50 - Xinxin Lv, Qi Zhu:
A Crowd Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Algorithm Using a Non-Ideal Channel. 51 - Naomi Nishimura:
Introduction to Reconfiguration. 52 - Luís M. S. Russo, Andreia Sofia Teixeira
, Alexandre P. Francisco
Linking and Cutting Spanning Trees. 53 - D. G. Mogale, Geet Lahoti, Shashi Bhushan Jha, Manish Shukla, Narasimha Kamath, Manoj Kumar Tiwari
Dual Market Facility Network Design under Bounded Rationality. 54 - Omid Gholami, Johanna Törnquist Krasemann:
A Heuristic Approach to Solving the Train Traffic Re-Scheduling Problem in Real Time. 55
Volume 11, Number 5, May 2018
- J. Senthilnath
, Sumanth Simha C, Nagaraj G, Meenakumari Thapa, Indiramma M
BELMKN: Bayesian Extreme Learning Machines Kohonen Network. 56 - Boris V. Sokolov
, Alexandre Dolgui
, Dmitry A. Ivanov:
Optimal Control Algorithms and Their Analysis for Short-Term Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems. 57 - Volker Turau
Computing Fault-Containment Times of Self-Stabilizing Algorithms Using Lumped Markov Chains. 58 - Muhammad Akram
, Nabeela Ishfaq, Sidra Sayed, Florentin Smarandache
Decision-Making Approach Based on Neutrosophic Rough Information. 59 - Molin Sun, Zhongyi Zheng:
Vessel Traffic Risk Assessment Based on Uncertainty Analysis in the Risk Matrix. 60 - Edward Talmage, Jennifer L. Welch:
Relaxed Data Types as Consistency Conditions. 61 - Minghua Xie
, Decheng Wang, Lili Xie:
A Feature-Weighted SVR Method Based on Kernel Space Feature. 62 - Minghui Shao, Yan Song
, Biao Wu, Yanjie Chang:
The Supplier Selection of the Marine Rescue Equipment Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)-Limited Diversity Factors Method. 63 - Ming-Lan Fu
, Hao Wang, Baofu Fang:
Utility Distribution Strategy of the Task Agents in Coalition Skill Games. 64 - Pengzhan Chen, Zhiqiang He
, Chuanxi Chen, Jiahong Xu:
Control Strategy of Speed Servo Systems Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning. 65 - Yuri N. Sotskov, Natalja G. Egorova:
Single Machine Scheduling Problem with Interval Processing Times and Total Completion Time Objective. 66 - Lia Maria Hocke
, Ibukunoluwa K. Oni, Chris C. Duszynski, Alex V. Corrigan, Blaise deB. Frederick, Jeff F. Dunn
Automated Processing of fNIRS Data - A Visual Guide to the Pitfalls and Consequences. 67 - Victor Hugo Yaurima-Basaldua, Andrei Tchernykh
, Francisco Villalobos-Rodríguez, Ricardo Salomón-Torres
Hybrid Flow Shop with Unrelated Machines, Setup Time, and Work in Progress Buffers for Bi-Objective Optimization of Tortilla Manufacturing. 68 - Lucia Cassettari, Melissa Demartini
, Roberto Mosca
, Roberto Revetria, Flavio Tonelli
A Multi-Stage Algorithm for a Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Constraints. 69 - Samuel Antonio Montero-Hernández
, Felipe Orihuela-Espina
, Luis Enrique Sucar, Paola Pinti
, Antonia F. de C. Hamilton, Paul W. Burgess, Ilias Tachtsidis
Estimating Functional Connectivity Symmetry between Oxy- and Deoxy-Haemoglobin: Implications for fNIRS Connectivity Analysis. 70 - Hui Hu, Zhaoquan Cai, Song Hu, Yingxue Cai, Jia Chen, Sibo Huang:
Improving Monarch Butterfly Optimization Algorithm with Self-Adaptive Population. 71 - Yixuan Ren
, Tao Ye, Mengxing Huang, Siling Feng
Gray Wolf Optimization Algorithm for Multi-Constraints Second-Order Stochastic Dominance Portfolio Optimization. 72 - Hendrik Santosa
, Xuetong Zhai
, Frank A. Fishburn
, Theodore J. Huppert
The NIRS Brain AnalyzIR Toolbox. 73 - Petr Stodola
Using Metaheuristics on the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Modified Optimization Criterion. 74 - Guohui Wang
, Yuanbo Chu:
A New Oren-Nayar Shape-from-Shading Approach for 3D Reconstruction Using High-Order Godunov-Based Scheme. 75 - Alexander Yu. Drozdov, Andrei Tchernykh
, Sergey V. Novikov, Victor E. Vladislavlev, Raúl Rivera-Rodríguez:
PHEFT: Pessimistic Image Processing Workflow Scheduling for DSP Clusters. 76 - Wei Xu, Yi Li
, Jinghong Miao, Jiaxiang Zhao, Xin Gao:
A Novel Design of Sparse Prototype Filter for Nearly Perfect Reconstruction Cosine-Modulated Filter Banks. 77
Volume 11, Number 6, June 2018
- Bao Pang, Yong Song, Chengjin Zhang
, Hongling Wang, Runtao Yang:
A Modified Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based on the Self-Learning Mechanism. 78 - Yongming Bian, Meng Yang
, Xuying Fan, Yuchao Liu:
A Fire Detection Algorithm Based on Tchebichef Moment Invariants and PSO-SVM. 79 - Nodari Vakhania
Scheduling a Single Machine with Primary and Secondary Objectives. 80 - Yossi Peretz:
A Randomized Algorithm for Optimal PID Controllers. 81 - Yi Wei
, Yaokun Yue:
Research on Fault Diagnosis of a Marine Fuel System Based on the SaDE-ELM Algorithm. 82 - David Pang, Tomohiko Igasaki
A Combined Syntactical and Statistical Approach for R Peak Detection in Real-Time Long-Term Heart Rate Variability Analysis. 83 - Alessandro Epasto
, Eli Upfal
Efficient Approximation for Restricted Biclique Cover Problems. 84 - Yong-Hong Lan
, Zhe-Min Cui:
ILC with Initial State Learning for Fractional Order Linear Distributed Parameter Systems. 85 - Christer Dalen, David Di Ruscio:
Performance Optimal PI controller Tuning Based on Integrating Plus Time Delay Models. 86 - Frank Werner
, Larysa Burtseva
, Yuri N. Sotskov:
Special Issue on Algorithms for Scheduling Problems. 87 - Qingge Ji, Wenjie He, Jie Huang, Yankui Sun:
Efficient Deep Learning-Based Automated Pathology Identification in Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Images. 88
Volume 11, Number 7, July 2018
- Qing Li
, Steven Y. Liang:
Degradation Trend Prediction for Rotating Machinery Using Long-Range Dependence and Particle Filter Approach. 89 - Kai Liu
, YangQuan Chen
, Pawel D. Domanski, Xi Zhang
A Novel Method for Control Performance Assessment with Fractional Order Signal Processing and Its Application to Semiconductor Manufacturing. 90 - Christian Himpe
emgr - The Empirical Gramian Framework. 91 - Guoliang Yang
, Haitao Yi, Chunhua Chai, Bingxu Huang, Yuna Zhang, Zhe Chen
Predictive Current Control of Boost Three-Level and T-Type Inverters Cascaded in Wind Power Generation Systems. 92 - Bhadrachalam Chitturi
, Srijith Balachander
, Sandeep Satheesh
, Krithic Puthiyoppil
Layered Graphs: Applications and Algorithms. 93 - Dongxu Wei, Andong Wang
, Xiaoqin Feng, Boyu Wang, Bo Wang:
Tensor Completion Based on Triple Tubal Nuclear Norm. 94 - Cristina I. Muresan
, Cosmin Copot
, Isabela Roxana Birs
, Robin De Keyser, Steve Vanlanduit, Clara M. Ionescu
Experimental Validation of a Novel Auto-Tuning Method for a Fractional Order PI Controller on an UR10 Robot. 95 - Asma Bader Al-Saleh, Mohamed El Bachir Menai
Solving Multi-Document Summarization as an Orienteering Problem. 96 - Lin Tang, Lin Liu, Jianhou Gan:
A Regional Topic Model Using Hybrid Stochastic Variational Gibbs Sampling for Real-Time Video Mining. 97 - Li-Hsuan Chen
, Felix Reidl
, Peter Rossmanith, Fernando Sánchez Villaamil:
Width, Depth, and Space: Tradeoffs between Branching and Dynamic Programming. 98 - Jiao Feng
, Xiaofei Zhang, Peng Li, Dongshun Hu:
A Low Complexity Reactive Tabu Search Based Constellation Constraints in Signal Detection. 99 - Maxim A. Dulebenets
, Masoud Kavoosi, Olumide F. Abioye
, Junayed Pasha
A Self-Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm for the Berth Scheduling Problem: Towards Efficient Parameter Control. 100 - Bachir Bourouba, Samir Ladaci
Robust Fuzzy Adaptive Sliding Mode Stabilization for Fractional-Order Chaos. 101 - Tin-Chih Toly Chen
, Cheng-Li Liu
, Hong-Dar Lin:
Advanced Artificial Neural Networks. 102 - Jocelyn Sabatier:
Solutions to the Sub-Optimality and Stability Issues of Recursive Pole and Zero Distribution Algorithms for the Approximation of Fractional Order Models. 103 - Igor Gribanov
, Rocky Taylor
, Robert Sarracino:
The Gradient and the Hessian of the Distance between Point and Triangle in 3D. 104 - Guillaume Damiand
, Aldo Gonzalez-Lorenzo, Florence Zara
, Florent Dupont
Distributed Combinatorial Maps for Parallel Mesh Processing. 105 - Rui Yang
, Shuliang Xu
, Lin Feng:
An Ensemble Extreme Learning Machine for Data Stream Classification. 107 - Natalia Alekseeva, Ivan Tanev, Katsunori Shimohara:
Evolving the Controller of Automated Steering of a Car in Slippery Road Conditions. 108
Volume 11, Number 8, August 2018
- Liu Liu, Kaile Liu, Zhenghai Cong, Jiali Zhao, Yefei Ji, Jun He:
Long Length Document Classification by Local Convolutional Feature Aggregation. 109 - David Völgyes
, Anne Catrine Trægde Martinsen
, Arne Stray-Pedersen
, Dag Waaler
, Marius Pedersen
Image De-Quantization Using Plate Bending Model. 110 - David Völgyes
, Anne Catrine Trægde Martinsen, Arne Stray-Pedersen
, Dag Waaler
, Marius Pedersen:
A Weighted Histogram-Based Tone Mapping Algorithm for CT Images. 111 - Ruhua Wang, Ling Li
, Jun Li
A Novel Parallel Auto-Encoder Framework for Multi-Scale Data in Civil Structural Health Monitoring. 112 - Xiangfeng Su, Huaiqing Zhang, Lin Chen, Ling Qin, Lili Yu:
Improved Parameter Identification Method for Envelope Current Signals Based on Windowed Interpolation FFT and DE Algorithm. 113 - Mihaly Mezei
Revisiting Chameleon Sequences in the Protein Data Bank. 114 - Jing Wang, Lidong Wang, Xiaodong Liu, Yan Ren, Ye Yuan:
Color-Based Image Retrieval Using Proximity Space Theory. 115 - Huamei Qi, Fengqi Liu, Tailong Xiao, Jiang Su:
A Robust and Energy-Efficient Weighted Clustering Algorithm on Mobile Ad Hoc Sensor Networks. 116 - Yanzhu Hu, Song Wang, Xinbo Ai
Research of the Vibration Source Tracking in Phase-Sensitive Optical Time-Domain Reflectometry Signals Based by Image Processing Method. 117 - Andrej Brodnik, Matevz Jekovec:
Sliding Suffix Tree. 118 - Yucheng Lin, Zhigang Chen, Jia Wu
, Leilei Wang
An Opportunistic Network Routing Algorithm Based on Cosine Similarity of Data Packets between Nodes. 119 - Wenying Wu
, Ying Li, Zhiwei Ni, Feifei Jin, Xuhui Zhu:
Probabilistic Interval-Valued Hesitant Fuzzy Information Aggregation Operators and Their Application to Multi-Attribute Decision Making. 120 - Feilai Pan, Jun Li, Bendong Tan, Ciling Zeng, Xinfan Jiang, Li Liu, Jun Yang:
Stacked-GRU Based Power System Transient Stability Assessment Method. 121 - Chi-Yi Tsai
, Kuang-Jui Hsu, Humaira Nisar
Efficient Model-Based Object Pose Estimation Based on Multi-Template Tracking and PnP Algorithms. 122 - Yamur K. Al-Douri, Hussan Hamodi
, Jan Lundberg:
Time Series Forecasting Using a Two-Level Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm: A Case Study of Maintenance Cost Data for Tunnel Fans. 123 - Yihong Li
, Fangzheng Liu, Zhenyu Du, Dubing Zhang:
A Simhash-Based Integrative Features Extraction Algorithm for Malware Detection. 124 - Yeqing Yan
, Zhigang Chen, Jia Wu
, Leilei Wang
An Effective Data Transmission Algorithm Based on Social Relationships in Opportunistic Mobile Social Networks. 125 - Zhiguo Song
, Jifeng Sun, Jialin Yu, Shengqing Liu:
Robust Visual Tracking via Patch Descriptor and Structural Local Sparse Representation. 126 - Mingbin Zeng, Xu Yang
, Mengxing Wang, Bangjiang Xu:
Application of Angle Related Cost Function Optimization for Dynamic Path Planning Algorithm. 127 - Shuhei Denzumi, Jun Kawahara, Koji Tsuda, Hiroki Arimura, Shin-ichi Minato, Kunihiko Sadakane
DenseZDD: A Compact and Fast Index for Families of Sets. 128
Volume 11, Number 9, September 2018
- Zhiyong Sheng, Dandan Qu, Yuan Zhang, Dan Yang:
The Fast Detection and Identification Algorithm of Optical Fiber Intrusion Signals. 129 - Piotr Borkowski
Numerical Modeling of Wave Disturbances in the Process of Ship Movement Control. 130 - Jan Friso Groote
, Jao Rivera Verduzco, Erik P. de Vink
An Efficient Algorithm to Determine Probabilistic Bisimulation. 131 - Jinglin Du
, Yayun Liu, Zhijun Liu:
Study of Precipitation Forecast Based on Deep Belief Networks. 132 - Xiuyun Zheng, Jiarong Shi
A Modified Sufficient Descent Polak-Ribiére-Polyak Type Conjugate Gradient Method for Unconstrained Optimization Problems. 133 - Gabriele Russo Russo
, Matteo Nardelli
, Valeria Cardellini
, Francesco Lo Presti
Multi-Level Elasticity for Wide-Area Data Streaming Systems: A Reinforcement Learning Approach. 134 - Jun Ye
, Wenhua Cui:
Multiple Attribute Decision-Making Method Using Linguistic Cubic Hesitant Variables. 135 - Manuel A. Duarte-Mermoud
, Javier A. Gallegos
, Norelys Aguila-Camacho
, Rafael Castro-Linares
Mixed Order Fractional Observers for Minimal Realizations of Linear Time-Invariant Systems. 136 - Qingyao Ai
, Vahid Azizi
, Xu Chen, Yongfeng Zhang:
Learning Heterogeneous Knowledge Base Embeddings for Explainable Recommendation. 137 - Sanjiv R. Das, Karthik Mokashi, Robbie Culkin:
Are Markets Truly Efficient? Experiments Using Deep Learning Algorithms for Market Movement Prediction. 138 - Ioannis E. Livieris
, Andreas Kanavos, Vassilis Tampakas, Panayiotis E. Pintelas:
An Auto-Adjustable Semi-Supervised Self-Training Algorithm. 139 - Asahi Takaoka
Complexity of Hamiltonian Cycle Reconfiguration. 140 - Miguel Pires, Srivatsan Ravi, Rodrigo Rodrigues
Generalized Paxos Made Byzantine (and Less Complex). 141 - Wei Gao, Hengyi Lv
, Qiang Zhang, Dunbo Cai
Estimating the Volume of the Solution Space of SMT(LIA) Constraints by a Flat Histogram Method. 142
Volume 11, Number 10, October 2018
- Furqan Hussain Essani
, Sajjad Haider
An Algorithm for Mapping the Asymmetric Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem onto Colored Petri Nets. 143 - Peng Liu, Ying Hong, Yan Liu:
Multi-Branch Deep Residual Network for Single Image Super-Resolution. 144 - Demetrio Laganà, Carlo Mastroianni
, Michela Meo
, Daniela Renga
Reducing the Operational Cost of Cloud Data Centers through Renewable Energy. 145 - Almabrok Abdoalnasir
, Mihalis Psarakis
, Anastasios I. Dounis:
Fast Tuning of the PID Controller in An HVAC System Using the Big Bang-Big Crunch Algorithm and FPGA Technology. 146 - Hong Yin, Ying Zhang, Xu He:
WSN Nodes Placement Optimization Based on a Weighted Centroid Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm. 147 - Panagiotis Kofinas, Anastasios I. Dounis:
Fuzzy Q-Learning Agent for Online Tuning of PID Controller for DC Motor Speed Control. 148 - Ioannis Lamprou
, Russell Martin, Paul G. Spirakis:
Cover Time in Edge-Uniform Stochastically-Evolving Graphs. 149 - Mohammed Gharib
, Marzieh Malekimajd
, Ali Movaghar
SLoPCloud: An Efficient Solution for Locality Problem in Peer-to-Peer Cloud Systems. 150 - Abdel-Rahman Hedar
, Abdel-Monem M. Ibrahim
, Alaa E. Abdel-Hakim
, Adel A. Sewisy:
K-Means Cloning: Adaptive Spherical K-Means Clustering. 151 - Dongqi Ma
, Hui Lin:
Accelerated Iterative Learning Control of Speed Ripple Suppression for a Seeker Servo Motor. 152 - Di Wang
, Frank McGroarty
, Eng-Tuck Cheah
Chronotype, Risk and Time Preferences, and Financial Behaviour. 153 - Lidan Pei, Feifei Jin
Two Hesitant Multiplicative Decision-Making Algorithms and Their Application to Fog-Haze Factor Assessment Problem. 154 - Jang Hwan Choi
, Sooyeul Lee:
Real-Time Tumor Motion Tracking in 3D Using Planning 4D CT Images during Image-Guided Radiation Therapy. 155 - Rong Zhou, Chun Chen, Liqun Sun, Francis C. M. Lau
, Sheung-Hung Poon, Yong Zhang:
Online Uniformly Inserting Points on the Sphere. 156 - Alkiviadis Savvopoulos, Andreas Kanavos, Phivos Mylonas
, Spyros Sioutas:
LSTM Accelerator for Convolutional Object Identification. 157 - Sathya Madhusudhanan
, Suresh Jaganathan
, Jayashree Subramanian:
Incremental Learning for Classification of Unstructured Data Using Extreme Learning Machine. 158 - Yulin Zhao, Donghui Wang, Leiou Wang
, Peng Liu:
A Faster Algorithm for Reducing the Computational Complexity of Convolutional Neural Networks. 159 - Sharifeh Fakhrolmobasheri, Ehsan Ataie
, Ali Movaghar
Modeling and Evaluation of Power-Aware Software Rejuvenation in Cloud Systems. 160 - Radhakrishnan Vignesh
, J. Geetha, K. Somasundaram:
Total Coloring Conjecture for Certain Classes of Graphs. 161 - Haijing Tang, Guo Chen, Yu Kang, Xu Yang
Application of Data Science Technology on Research of Circulatory System Disease Prediction Based on a Prospective Cohort. 162 - Xinqiang Liu, Weiliang He:
Airfoil Optimization Design Based on the Pivot Element Weighting Iterative Method. 163 - Aggeliki Vlachostergiou
, George Caridakis, Phivos Mylonas
, Andreas Stafylopatis:
Learning Representations of Natural Language Texts with Generative Adversarial Networks at Document, Sentence, and Aspect Level. 164
Volume 11, Number 11, November 2018
- Lila Kari, Stavros Konstantinidis, Steffen Kopecki, Meng Yang:
Efficient Algorithms for Computing the Inner Edit Distance of a Regular Language via Transducers. 165 - Peiyu Wang, Chunrui Zhang
, Liangkuan Zhu, Chengcheng Wang:
High-Gain Observer-Based Sliding-Mode Dynamic Surface Control for Particleboard Glue Mixing and Dosing System. 166 - Jun Zhao
, Xian Wang, Guanbin Gao, Jing Na
, Hongping Liu, Fujin Luan:
Online Adaptive Parameter Estimation for Quadrotors. 167 - Arturo Govea-Vargas, Rafael Castro-Linares, Manuel A. Duarte-Mermoud
, Norelys Aguila-Camacho
, Gustavo E. Ceballos-Benavides
Fractional Order Sliding Mode Control of a Class of Second Order Perturbed Nonlinear Systems: Application to the Trajectory Tracking of a Quadrotor. 168 - Xuyang Lou, Xu Cai, Baotong Cui:
Parameter Estimation of a Class of Neural Systems with Limit Cycles. 169 - Zhixi Li
, Vincent W. L. Tam
A Machine Learning View on Momentum and Reversal Trading. 170 - Amer Bakhach, Venkata L. Raju Chinthalapati, Edward P. K. Tsang, Abdul Rahman El Sayed:
Intelligent Dynamic Backlash Agent: A Trading Strategy Based on the Directional Change Framework. 171 - Hongxiao Fei, Fengyun Tan:
Bidirectional Grid Long Short-Term Memory (BiGridLSTM): A Method to Address Context-Sensitivity and Vanishing Gradient. 172 - Koichi Yamazaki
Inapproximability of Rank, Clique, Boolean, and Maximum Induced Matching-Widths under Small Set Expansion Hypothesis. 173 - Hongli Guo, Bin Li
, Wei Li, Fengjuan Qiao, Xuewen Rong, Yibin Li:
Local Coupled Extreme Learning Machine Based on Particle Swarm Optimization. 174 - Xuehai Wang
, Feng Ding, Qingsheng Liu, Chuntao Jiang:
The Bias Compensation Based Parameter and State Estimation for Observability Canonical State-Space Models with Colored Noise. 175 - Paulo Alberto Melo Barbosa
, Plácido Rogério Pinheiro
, Francisca Raquel de Vasconcelos Silveira
Towards the Verbal Decision Analysis Paradigm for Implementable Prioritization of Software Requirements. 176 - Xuedong Gao, Minghan Yang:
Understanding and Enhancement of Internal Clustering Validation Indexes for Categorical Data. 177 - Zhaohua Hu, Xiaoyi Shi:
Deep Directional Network for Object Tracking. 178 - Peng Li, Chenchen Shu, Jiao Feng
A Reciprocal-Selection-Based 'Win-Win' Overlay Spectrum-Sharing Scheme for Device-to-Device-Enabled Cellular Network. 179 - Junyao You
, Yanjun Liu:
Iterative Identification for Multivariable Systems with Time-Delays Based on Basis Pursuit De-Noising and Auxiliary Model. 180 - Foteini Kollintza-Kyriakoulia, Manolis Maragoudakis
, Anastasia Krithara
Measuring the Impact of Financial News and Social Media on Stock Market Modeling Using Time Series Mining Techniques. 181 - Hua Zhuang
, Yanzhao Tang, Meijuan Li:
An Algorithm for Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Preference Relations in Group Decision Making Based on Acceptability Measurement and Priority Weight Determination. 182 - Chentong Bian, Guodong Yin, Liwei Xu, Ning Zhang
Virtual Belt Algorithm for the Management of Isolated Autonomous Intersection. 183 - Qing Li
, Steven Y. Liang:
Weak Fault Detection of Tapered Rolling Bearing Based on Penalty Regularization Approach. 184 - Lin Ma
, Jean-Paul Delahaye:
An Algorithmic Look at Financial Volatility. 185 - Tao Li, Yan Chen, Taoying Li
Pricing Strategies of Logistics Distribution Services for Perishable Commodities. 186 - Faisal N. Abu-Khzam, Henning Fernau
, Ryuhei Uehara
Special Issue on Reconfiguration Problems. 187 - Xiangyin Zhang
, Yuying Xue, Xingyang Lu, Songmin Jia:
Differential-Evolution-Based Coevolution Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Bayesian Network Structure Learning. 188 - Jinyong Ju
, Yongrui Zhao, Chunrui Zhang, Yufei Liu
Vibration Suppression of a Flexible-Joint Robot Based on Parameter Identification and Fuzzy PID Control. 189
Volume 11, Number 12, December 2018
- Peter P. Nghiem
Best Trade-Off Point Method for Efficient Resource Provisioning in Spark. 190 - Chen Li
, Annisa
, Asif Zaman, Mahboob Qaosar
, Saleh Ahmed, Yasuhiko Morimoto
MapReduce Algorithm for Location Recommendation by Using Area Skyline Query. 191 - Hongquan Qu, Meihan Wang, Changnian Zhang, Yun Wei:
A Study on Faster R-CNN-Based Subway Pedestrian Detection with ACE Enhancement. 192 - Yuchuang Wang, Guoyou Shi, Xiaotong Sun:
A Forecast Model of the Number of Containers for Containership Voyage. 193 - Yaron Gonen, Ehud Gudes, Kirill Kandalov:
New and Efficient Algorithms for Producing Frequent Itemsets with the Map-Reduce Framework. 194 - Ask Neve Gamby
, Jyrki Katajainen
Convex-Hull Algorithms: Implementation, Testing, and Experimentation. 195 - Marios Koniaris
, George Papastefanatos
, Ioannis Anagnostopoulos
Solon: A Holistic Approach for Modelling, Managing and Mining Legal Sources. 196 - Shengfeng Li
, Yi Dong:
Parametric Estimation in the Vasicek-Type Model Driven by Sub-Fractional Brownian Motion. 197 - Hanbing Liu, Xin He, Yubo Jiao:
Damage Identification Algorithm of Hinged Joints for Simply Supported Slab Bridges Based on Modified Hinge Plate Method and Artificial Bee Colony Algorithms. 198 - Ioannis E. Livieris
, Theodore Kotsilieris
, Ioannis F. Dimopoulos, Panayiotis E. Pintelas:
Decision Support Software for Forecasting Patient's Length of Stay. 199 - Danilo Ardagna
, Claudia Canali, Riccardo Lancellotti
Special Issue on Algorithms for the Resource Management of Large Scale Infrastructures. 200 - Hancheng Yu
, Haibao Qin, Maoting Peng:
A Fast Approach to Texture-Less Object Detection Based on Orientation Compressing Map and Discriminative Regional Weight. 201 - Jun Chen, Edward P. K. Tsang:
Classification of Normal and Abnormal Regimes in Financial Markets. 202 - Xiaozhong Tong
, Yujun Guo, Wei Xie:
Finite Difference Algorithm on Non-Uniform Meshes for Modeling 2D Magnetotelluric Responses. 203 - Manh-Cuong Nguyen, Shufang Zhang, Xiaoye Wang
A Novel Method for Risk Assessment and Simulation of Collision Avoidance for Vessels based on AIS. 204 - Chen Zhou, Xinhui Liu, Wei Chen, Feixiang Xu
, Bingwei Cao:
Optimal Sliding Mode Control for an Active Suspension System Based on a Genetic Algorithm. 205 - Ivette Miramontes
, Juan Carlos Guzman
, Patricia Melin
, German Prado-Arechiga:
Optimal Design of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Heart Rate Level Classification Systems Using the Bird Swarm Algorithm. 206 - Elias Dritsas
, Maria Trigka
, Panagiotis Gerolymatos, Spyros Sioutas:
Trajectory Clustering and k-NN for Robust Privacy Preserving Spatiotemporal Databases. 207 - Quim Arnau
, Angel A. Juan
, Isabel Serra
On the Use of Learnheuristics in Vehicle Routing Optimization Problems with Dynamic Inputs. 208 - Mauro Pelucchi, Giuseppe Psaila
, Maurizio Toccu
Hadoop vs. Spark: Impact on Performance of the Hammer Query Engine for Open Data Corpora. 209 - Hongliang Zhang, Haijiang Ge, Ruilin Pan
, Yujuan Wu:
Multi-Objective Bi-Level Programming for the Energy-Aware Integration of Flexible Job Shop Scheduling and Multi-Row Layout. 210 - Laura-Maria Dogariu, Silviu Ciochina, Constantin Paleologu
, Jacob Benesty
A Connection Between the Kalman Filter and an Optimized LMS Algorithm for Bilinear Forms. 211 - Lazarus K. Mramba, Salvador A. Gezan
Evaluating Algorithm Efficiency for Optimizing Experimental Designs with Correlated Data. 212 - Zhijiang Kang, Ze Deng, Wei Han
, Dongmei Zhang:
Parallel Reservoir Simulation with OpenACC and Domain Decomposition. 213

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