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Computer Physics Communications, Volume 169
Volume 169, Numbers 1-3, July 2005
1. Nanostructure and materials science
- Jeffrey B. Neaton, K. H. Khoo
, C. D. Spataru, Steven G. Louie:
Electron transport and optical properties of carbon nanostructures from first principles. 1-8 - Rosa Di Felice
, Stefano Corni
Computational approach to study electron-transfer proteins: Azurin for bio-molecular devices. 9-13 - Jean-Yves Raty, Giulia Galli:
First principle study of nanodiamond optical and electronic properties. 14-19 - Xiaobao Yang, Jun Ni:
Ground states of potassium adsorbate on single-walled carbon nanotubes. 20-23 - Caetano R. Miranda
, Sandro Scandolo
Computational materials science meets geophysics: dislocations and slip planes of MgO. 24-27 - Abdallah Qteish, Abdullah Al-Sharif, M. Fuchs, Matthias Scheffler, Sixten Boeck, Jörg Neugebauer:
Exact-exchange calculations of the electronic structure of AlN, GaN and InN. 28-31 - C. Sbraccia, C. A. Pignedoli
, Alessandra Catellani
, R. Di Felice, P. L. Silvestrelli, F. Toigo, F. Ancilotto, Carlo Maria Bertoni:
Acetylene on Si(111) from computer simulations. 32-35 - Christoph Dellago
, Mor M. Naor:
Dipole moment of water molecules in narrow pores. 36-39 - Alessandro Mattoni
, Luciano Colombo
, Fabrizio Cleri
Crack-tip stress shielding by a hard fiber in beta-SiC: an atomistic study. 40-43 - Fabrizio Cleri
Evolution of dislocation cell structures in plastically deformed metals. 44-49 - Maria Clelia Righi
, C. A. Pignedoli
, R. Di Felice, Carlo Maria Bertoni, Alessandra Catellani
Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of C diffusion on sqrt(3)×sqrt(3) beta-SiC(111) based on ab initio calculations. 50-53 - Erik Johansson, Kim Bolton, Peter Ahlström
Simulation of water vapor clusters in equilibrium with liquid water. 54-56 - Michael Schreiber, Sibylle Gemming
Density-functional investigation of alloyed metallic nanowires. 57-59 - Ilya Valuev:
Reactive potentials for molecular dynamics with cluster multi-range interpolation. 60-63
- Ronald Blaak
, Hartmut Löwen
Umbrella sampling in non-equilibrium computer simulations. 64-68 - Nicolas Levy, Daniel Borgis, Massimo Marchi
A dielectric continuum model of solvation for complex solutes. 69-74 - Kurt Kremer, Sathish K. Sukumaran, Ralf Everaers
, Gary S. Grest:
Entangled polymer systems. 75-81 - Doros N. Theodorou
Hierarchical modeling of amorphous polymers. 82-88 - Jean-Paul Ryckaert:
From local jumps to entangled chain dynamics in polyethylene melts. 89-94 - Irene Burghardt, Lorenz S. Cederbaum, James T. Hynes:
Ultrafast excited-state charge transfer at a conical intersection: effects of an environment. 95-98 - Claire Loison
, Michel Mareschal, Friederike Schmid
Fluctuations and defects in lamellar stacks of amphiphilic bilayers. 99-103 - Kang Kim
, Yasuya Nakayama, Ryoichi Yamamoto
A smoothed profile method for simulating charged colloidal dispersions. 104-106 - Andrey Milchev, Kurt Binder:
Adsorption-induced polymer translocation through a nanopore: a Monte Carlo investigation. 107-110 - Michael Bachmann, Wolfhard Janke:
Conformational transitions of heteropolymers. 111-113 - Hsiao-Ping Hsu
, Walder Nadler, Peter Grassberger
Statistics of lattice animals. 114-116 - Tanja Schilling
, Daan Frenkel
Nucleation in suspensions of anisotropic colloids. 117-121 - Enzo Orlandini
, Davide Marenduzzo
, Julia M. Yeomans
Shear dynamics in cholesterics. 122-125 - Ana Damjanovic, Bertrand García-Moreno E., Eaton E. Lattman, Angel E. García:
Molecular dynamics study of hydration of the protein interior. 126-129 - Manuela Cavallari, Alessandro Desideri
, Mattia Falconi
, Mauro Ferrario
Molecular dynamics simulations of the Trp repressor-DNA complex and the AV77 mutant. 130-134 - Carlo Cavazzoni, Renato Colle, Riccardo Farchioni, Giuseppe Grosso:
Base and salt 3D forms of Emeraldine II polymers by Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics. 135-138 - Hiroaki Nakamura
, Yuichi Tamura:
Phase diagram for self-assembly of amphiphilic molecule C12E6 by dissipative particle dynamics simulation. 139-143
- Peter Young:
Recent numerical results on spin glasses. 144-148 - D. P. Landau, F. Tavazza, Joan Adler:
Monte Carlo simulations of a compressible Ising ferromagnet at constant volume. 149-152 - Stefano Atzeni
, Angelo A. Schiavi
, Francesco Califano, F. Cattani, F. Cornolti, D. Del Sarto, T. V. Liseykina, A. Macchi, Francesco Pegoraro
Fluid and kinetic simulation of inertial confinement fusion plasmas. 153-159 - Anthony C. Maggs, Jörg Rottler
Auxiliary field simulation and Coulomb's law. 160-165 - Francesco Sciortino
, Sergey V. Buldyrev
, Cristiano De Michele
, Giuseppe Foffi
, Neda Ghofraniha
, Emilia La Nave
, Angel J. Moreno
, Stefano Mossa
, Ivan Saika-Voivod
, Piero Tartaglia, Emanuela Zaccarelli
Routes to colloidal gel formation. 166-171 - Cedric Thieulot
, Pep Español
Non-isothermal diffusion in a binary mixture with smoothed particle hydrodynamics. 172-176 - Jörg Rottler, Mark O. Robbins
Macroscopic friction laws and shear yielding of glassy solids. 177-182 - Eytan Domany:
Analysis of DNA-chip and antigen-chip data: studies of cancer, stem cells and autoimmune diseases. 183-187 - Alberto Rosso
, Werner Krauth
Variant Monte Carlo algorithm for driven elastic strings in random media. 188-191 - Ignacio Pagonabarraga
, Fabrizio Capuani
, Daan Frenkel
Mesoscopic lattice modeling of electrokinetic phenomena. 192-196 - Kerstin Franzrahe, Peter Henseler, A. Ricci, Wolfram Strepp, S. Sengupta, Markus Dreher, Chr. Kircher, M. Lohrer, Wolfram Quester, Kurt Binder, Peter Nielaba:
Two-dimensional model colloids and nano wires: phase transitions, effects of external potentials and quantum effects. 197-202 - Simone Melchionna, Sauro Succi:
Lattice Boltzmann-Poisson method for electrorheological nanoflows in ion channels. 203-206 - Chiara Marchetto
, Francesco Califano, Maurizio Lontano:
Turbulence healing via plasma-wave interaction: the results of a study via kinetic codes. 207-209 - Giuliano De Stefano
, Oleg V. Vasilyev
, Daniel E. Goldstein:
A-priori dynamic test for deterministic/stochastic modeling in large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow. 210-213 - Paola Gallo
, Andrea Attili
, Mauro Rovere
Glass transition in confinement: a Lennard-Jones binary mixture study. 214-217 - Ta-Yuan Chen, Li-Ching Hsieh
, Hoong-Chien Lee:
Shannon information and self-similarity in whole genomes. 218-221 - Wolfhard Janke, Adriaan M. J. Schakel:
Geometrical phase transitions. 222-225 - Kurt Binder, Marcus Müller
, Andrey Milchev, D. P. Landau:
Monte Carlo simulations of Ising models and polymer blends in double wedge geometry: Evidence for novel types of critical phenomena. 226-229 - Rudolf Hilfer, Bibudhananda Biswal, Hans-Georg Mattutis, Wolfhard Janke:
Multicanonical simulations of the tails of the order-parameter distribution of the two-dimensional Ising model. 230-233 - Alexander K. Hartmann, Wolfgang Barthel, Martin Weigt
Phase transition and finite-size scaling in the vertex-cover problem. 234-237 - Dan Skandera:
Different strategies of the central approach to the numerical hydrodynamics. 238-242 - Sylvain Reynal
, Hung T. Diep:
Hybrid multicanonical cluster algorithm for efficient simulations of long-range spin models. 243-246 - Vladimir V. Stegailov
Homogeneous and heterogeneous mechanisms of superheated solid melting and decay. 247-250 - John Loverich, Uri Shumlak
A discontinuous Galerkin method for the full two-fluid plasma model. 251-255
- Jochen Blumberger, Yoshitaka Tateyama
, Michiel Sprik:
Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of redox reactions in solution. 256-261 - Gaurav Arya
, Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos
Molecular modeling of shear-induced alignment of cylindrical micelles. 262-266 - Sara Bonella
, David F. Coker:
Linearized, time-dependent, non-adiabatic quantum correlation functions. 267-273 - Robert H. Swendsen
, Marc Fasnacht, John M. Rosenberg:
The adaptive integration method for calculating general free energy functions. 274-276 - Ron Elber:
Computer simulations of protein folding: Classical trajectories by optimization of action. 277-283 - Thomas Bligaard
, Hannes Jónsson
Optimization of hyperplanar transition states: Application to 2D test problems. 284-288 - Matthew J. McGrath
, J. Ilja Siepmann, I-Feng W. Kuo
, Christopher J. Mundy
, Joost VandeVondele
, Michiel Sprik, Jürg Hutter, Fawzi Mohamed, Matthias Krack
, Michele Parrinello:
Toward a Monte Carlo program for simulating vapor-liquid phase equilibria from first principles. 289-294 - Young C. Kim, Michael E. Fisher:
Fluid coexistence close to criticality: scaling algorithms for precise simulation. 295-300 - Ryoichi Yamamoto
, Yasuya Nakayama, Kang Kim
A method to resolve hydrodynamic interactions in colloidal dispersions. 301-304 - Daniele Passerone
, Teodoro Laino:
Exploring conical intersection spaces using pseudo-dynamics and band optimization: a novel strategy. 305-308 - Yiming Li, Shao-Ming Yu:
A numerical iterative method for solving Schrödinger and Poisson equations in nanoscale single, double and surrounding gate metal-oxide-semiconductor structures. 309-312 - Mitsuyoshi Tomiya
, Naotaka Yoshinaga, Shoichi Sakamoto, Aki Hirai:
A large number of higher-energy eigenvalues of a huge dimensional matrix for a quantum chaotic study of a quartic potential. 313-316 - Hisashi Okumura
, Yuko Okamoto
Molecular simulations in the multibaric-multithermal ensembles. 317-321 - David Quigley
, Matt I. J. Probert
Constant pressure Langevin dynamics: theory and application. 322-325 - Roland G. Winkler
, Marisol Ripoll, Kiaresch Mussawisade, Gerhard Gompper
Simulation of complex fluids by multi-particle-collision dynamics. 326-330 - Marco Masia
, Michael Probst, Rossend Rey
On the performance of molecular polarization methods close to a point charge. 331-334 - David Curcó, Jordi Casanovas
, Marc Roca, Carlos Alemán
A method for generating reliable atomistic models of amorphous polymers based on a random search of energy minima. 335-338 - Branislav Brutovsky
, Gerald R. Kneller
Linear prediction of force time series to accelerate molecular dynamics simulations. 339-342 - Godehard Sutmann
, Bernhard Steffen:
A particle-particle particle-multigrid method for long-range interactions in molecular simulations. 343-346
- Zoltán Fodor:
Lattice gauge theory and elementary particle physics. 347-352 - Ewald Müller:
Simulating astrophysical phenomena: challenges and achievements. 353-361 - Karl Jansen:
Going chiral: twisted mass versus overlap fermions. 362-364 - Roberto Capuzzo-Dolcetta
High performance computing for self-gravitating systems. 365-369 - Fabien Alet
, Biagio Lucini
, Michele Vettorazzo:
A cluster algorithm for lattice gauge theories. 370-373 - Ian Hawke
, Luca Baiotti, Luciano Rezzolla, Erik Schnetter
Gravitational waves from the 3D collapse of a neutron star to a Kerr black hole. 374-377 - Claudio Gheller
, Gianfranco Brunetti
Merging clusters and the formation of radio haloes. 378-381 - Norbert Attig
, Gunnar S. Bali
, Thomas Düssel, Thomas Lippert, Hartmut Neff, Z. Prkaçin, Klaus Schilling:
Demonstration of string breaking in quantum chromodynamics by large-scale eigenvalue computations. 382-385
- Michele Casula
, Seiji Yunoki, Claudio Attaccalite, Sandro Sorella
Resonating valence bond wave function: from lattice models to realistic systems. 386-393 - Shiwei Zhang, Henry Krakauer
, Wissam A. Al-Saidi, Malliga Suewattana:
Quantum simulations of realistic systems by auxiliary fields. 394-399 - Alessandro Sergi
, Raymond Kapral:
Nonadiabatic chemical reactions. 400-403 - Saverio Moroni, Stefano Baroni
Computational spectroscopy of doped He clusters. 404-407 - Takahiro Mizusaki, Masatoshi Imada
Path-integral renormalization group method with quantum-number projection. 408-411 - Peter D. Drummond
, Joel F. Corney
Quantum phase-space simulations of fermions and bosons. 412-415 - Marcos Rigol, Alejandro Muramatsu:
Exact numerical approach to hard-core bosons on one-dimensional lattices. 416-420 - Markus Holzmann, Carlo Pierleoni
, David M. Ceperley:
Coupled Electron-Ion Monte Carlo calculations of atomic hydrogen. 421-425 - Florian R. Krajewski, Martin H. Müser
Many-body quantum dynamics by adiabatic path-integral molecular dynamics: Disordered Frenkel Kontorova models. 426-429 - Massimo Rontani
, Carlo Cavazzoni, Guido Goldoni
The crossover between liquid and solid electron phases in quantum dots: A large-scale configuration-interaction study. 430-432
- Michael P. Allen
Computer simulation of multiscale phenomena in colloidal liquid crystals. 433-437 - Achi Brandt:
Multiscale solvers and systematic upscaling in computational physics. 438-441 - Raffaele Tripiccione
Strategies for dedicated computing for lattice gauge theories. 442-448 - Andrew Canning, David Raczkowski:
Scaling first-principles plane-wave codes to thousands of processors. 449-453 - Carlo Cavazzoni, Tomaso Esposti Ongaro
, Giovanni Erbacci, Augusto Neri
, Giovanni Macedonio
High performance computing simulations of pyroclastic flows. 454-456 - Wolfhard Janke, Des Johnston, Ralph Kenna
Critical exponents from general distributions of zeroes. 457-461 - Simone Meloni
, Mario Rosati, Alessandro Federico, Luca Ferraro, Alessandro Mattoni
, Luciano Colombo
Computational Materials Science application programming interface (CMSapi): a tool for developing applications for atomistic simulations. 462-466

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