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Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, Volume 38
Volume 38, Number 1, 2009
- Rand R. Wilcox
Robust Multivariate Regression When There is Heteroscedasticity. 1-13 - S. A. Ortega-Azurduy, Frans E. S. Tan, Martijn P. F. Berger:
Highly Efficient Designs to Handle the Incorrect Specification of Linear Mixed Models. 14-30 - Fabio Bellini
, Leonardo Bottolo
Misspecification and Domain Issues in Fitting Garch(1, 1) Models: A Monte Carlo Investigation. 31-45 - Shu-Fei Wu, Yuh-Ru Yu:
A Procedure of Selecting All Good Populations Under Heteroscedasticity. 46-57 - Matteo Grigoletto, Corrado Provasi:
Simulation and Estimation of the Meixner Distribution. 58-77 - Che-Yang Lin
, Ming-Chung Yang:
Improved p-Value Tests for Comparing Two Independent Binomial Proportions. 78-91 - N. Jansakul, John P. Hinde:
Score Tests for Extra-Zero Models in Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Models. 92-108 - Madhusudan Bhandary, Hongying Dai:
An Alternative Test for the Equality of Variances for Several Populations When the Underlying Distributions are Normal. 109-117 - Tomasz J. Kozubowski
, Anna K. Panorska, Fares Qeadan
, Alexander Gershunov, Debra Rominger:
Testing Exponentiality Versus Pareto Distribution via Likelihood Ratio. 118-139 - Terence Tai-Leung Chong
, Melvin J. Hinich:
An Omnibus Test for Time Series Model I(d). 140-153 - Tongdan Jin, Lakshmana Gonigunta:
Weibull and Gamma Renewal Approximation Using Generalized Exponential Functions. 154-171 - Luisa Bisaglia
, Margherita Gerolimetto
An Empirical Strategy to Detect Spurious Effects in Long Memory and Occasional-Break Processes. 172-189 - Jisheng Cui, Liyun Feng:
Correlation Structure and Model Selection for Negative Binomial Distribution in GEE. 190-197
Volume 38, Number 2, 2009
- Asheber Abebe
, Sai V. Nudurupati:
Rank-Based Classification Using Robust Discriminant Functions. 199-214 - Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan, Enrique F. Castillo, Alfonso Fernández-Canteli
, Maria Kateri
An Exponential Model for Damage Accumulation. 215-232 - Xin Deng, Shuwen Wan, Biao Zhang:
An Improved Goodness-of-Fit Test for Logistic Regression Models Based on Case-Control Data by Random Partition. 233-243 - Jin Zhao, Jinde Wang:
Robust Testing Procedures in Heteroscedastic Linear Models. 244-256 - David P. Chu, Ali Reza Fotouhi:
Distance Between Bivariate Beta Random Points in Two Rectangular Cities. 257-268 - Lai Ping Ho, Sung Nok Chiu
Using Weight Functions in Spatial Point Pattern Analysis with Application to Plant Ecology Data. 269-287 - Hai-Lin Lu, Tsong-Huey Wu, Hai-Wen Lu:
Prediction Intervals for an Ordered Observation from Weibull Distribution Based on Censored Samples. 288-307 - Ren-Dao Ye, Song-Gui Wang:
Assessing Occupational Exposure via the Unbalanced One-Way Random Effects Model. 308-317 - Anders Gorst-rasmussen, Martin B. Hansen:
Asymptotic Inference for Waiting Times and Patiences in Queues with Abandonment. 318-334 - G. E. Thomas:
Assessing Symmetry Using Quantiles and L-Moments. 335-354 - Vassilly Voinov, Natalya Pya, R. Alloyarova:
A Comparative Study of Some Modified Chi-Squared Tests. 355-367 - Hüseyin Güler
, Selahattin Kaçiranlar:
A Comparison of Mixed and Ridge Estimators of Linear Models. 368-401 - Handan Camdeviren Ankarali, Seyit Ankarali:
Which Measure Should be Used for Testing in a Paired Design: Simple Difference, Percent Change, or Symmetrized Percent Change? 402-415 - Getúlio Jose Amorim Amaral
, Marcelo Rodrigo Portela Ferreira
New Bootstrap Applications in Supervised Learning. 416-425 - Matthias Borowski, Karen Schettlinger, Ursula Gather
Multivariate Real-Time Signal Extraction by a Robust Adaptive Regression Filter. 426-440
Volume 38, Number 3, 2009
- Ananda Bandulasiri, Stephen M. Scariano:
The Robustness of the Three-Way Chart to Non Normality. 441-453 - E. Andersson:
Effect of Dependency in Systems for Multivariate Surveillance. 454-472 - Oluseun Odumade, Sarjinder Singh
Improved Bar-Lev, Bobovitch, and Boukai Randomized Response Models. 473-502 - Miguel A. García-Pérez, Vicente Núñez-Antón:
Accuracy of Power-Divergence Statistics for Testing Independence and Homogeneity in Two-Way Contingency Tables. 503-512 - Nik Ruzni Nik Idris, Chris Robertson:
The Effects of Imputing the Missing Standard Deviations on the Standard Error of Meta Analysis Estimates. 513-526 - Jorge Caiado
, Nuno Crato, Daniel Peña:
Comparison of Times Series with Unequal Length in the Frequency Domain. 527-540 - Chau-Chen Torng, Pei-Hsi Lee
The Performance of Double Sampling Control Charts Under Non Normality. 541-557 - Hyo-Il Park:
Median Control Charts Based on Bootstrap Method. 558-570 - Jianxin Zhao, Xingzhong Xu, Xiaobo Ding:
Some New Goodness-of-Fit Tests Based on Stochastic Sample Quantiles. 571-589 - Scott M. Lesch, Barry C. Arnold, Daniel R. Jeske:
Simple and Accurate Approximations for Computing Covariance Matrices of Gamma and Weibull Order Statistics. 590-609 - Patricia Cohen, Henian Chen:
How the Reflection of Linear Correlation in Odds Ratios Depends on the Cut-Off Points. 610-620 - Gisela Muniz, B. M. Golam Kibria
On Some Ridge Regression Estimators: An Empirical Comparisons. 621-630 - George S. Ford, Sarah J. Skinner:
Sample Size and the Accuracy of the Generalized Lambda Distribution. 631-637 - M. Tariqul Hasan, Gary Sneddon:
Zero-Inflated Poisson Regression for Longitudinal Data. 638-653 - Keiji Takai, Yutaka Kano:
Simple Computation of Maximum Likelihood Estimates in Latent Class Model with Equality and Constant Constraints. 654-665
Volume 38, Number 4, 2009
- Lourdes C. Montenegro, Heleno Bolfarine, Victor H. Lachos
Influence Diagnostics for a Skew Extension of the Grubbs Measurement Error Model. 667-681 - Ali Hassan Abuzaid
, Ibrahim B. Mohamed
, Abdul G. Hussin:
A New Test of Discordancy in Circular Data. 682-691 - Woncheol Jang, Johan Lim:
A Numerical Study of PQL Estimation Biases in Generalized Linear Mixed Models Under Heterogeneity of Random Effects. 692-702 - Filippo Domma
, Sabrina Giordano
, Pier Francesco Perri:
Statistical Modeling of Temporal Dependence in Financial Data via a Copula Function. 703-728 - Yu-Chang Lin:
The Variable Parameters Control Charts for Monitoring Autocorrelated Processes. 729-749 - Ying-Chao Hung
, Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan, Yi-Te Lin:
Evaluation of Beta Generation Algorithms. 750-770 - Johannes Ledolter:
Estimation Bias in the First-Order Autoregressive Model and Its Impact on Predictions and Prediction Intervals. 771-787 - Jun Wang, G. Bruce Schaalje:
Model Selection for Linear Mixed Models Using Predictive Criteria. 788-801 - Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan, Katherine F. Davies
, Jerome P. Keating
Pitman Closeness of Order Statistics to Population Quantiles. 802-820 - Munir Akhtar, Rashid Ahmed:
Circular Binary Block Second- and Higher-Order Neighbor Designs. 821-828 - Sonia Malefaki, George Iliopoulos:
Simulation from a Target Distribution Based on Discretization and Weighting. 829-845 - Mark Carpenter, Parminder Singh:
On Tests Based on Sample Quasi Ranges for Ordered Alternative (Scale Case of Exponential Distribution). 846-855 - Yulei He, Trivellore E. Raghunathan:
On the Performance of Sequential Regression Multiple Imputation Methods with Non Normal Error Distributions. 856-883 - Kailas Govinda Khadse, R. L. Shinde:
Probability-Based Process Capability Indices. 884-904 - Masashi Hyodo, Takayuki Yamada:
Asymptotic Distribution of Studentized Contribution Ratio in High-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis. 905-917
Volume 38, Number 5, 2009
- Olha Bodnar
Application of the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test for Detecting Changes in the Mean of Multivariate GARCH Processes. 919-938 - Marco Bee
Importance Sampling for Sums of Lognormal Distributions with Applications to Operational Risk. 939-960 - Melinda H. McCann, Joshua M. Tebbs:
Simultaneous Logit-Based Confidence Intervals for Odds Ratios in 2 × k Classification Tables with a Fixed Reference Level. 961-975 - Bahram Tarami
, Z. Khodadadi:
Exact Likelihood Equations for Autoregression Models with Multivariate Elliptically Contoured Distributions. 976-989 - Ding-Geng Chen
, Yuhlong Lio:
A Novel Estimation Approach for Mixture Transition Distribution Model in High-Order Markov Chains. 990-1003 - Jan Vrbik:
Confidence Regions Based on Edgeworth Expansion. 1004-1018 - Hidenori Okumura:
A Note on Local Likelihood Regression for Binary Response Data. 1019-1025 - Lili Tian, Changxing Ma, Albert Vexler:
A Parametric Bootstrap Test for Comparing Heteroscedastic Regression Models. 1026-1036 - Olivier Darné:
Spurious Rejections with Endogenous Break Unit Root Tests in the Presence of Outliers and Breaks. 1037-1050 - Christoph Hanck:
A Meta Analytic Approach to Testing for Panel Cointegration. 1051-1070 - Lutong Zhou, W. John Braun, Douglas G. Woolford, B. Michael Wotton:
A Simulation Study of Predicting Flush Date. 1071-1082 - Jaime Arnau, Roser Bono
, Guillermo Vallejo
Analyzing Small Samples of Repeated Measures Data with the Mixed-Model Adjusted F Test. 1083-1103 - F. Chang, Augustine C. M. Wong:
A Likelihood-Based Approximation to the Cumulative Distribution Function of the Noncentral t Distribution. 1104-1114 - Andrea Benedetti, Michal Abrahamowicz, Mark S. Goldberg:
Accounting for Data-Dependent Degrees of Freedom Selection When Testing the Effect of a Continuous Covariate in Generalized Additive Models. 1115-1135 - Jun Luo, Lan Huang, Mark Hachey, Ram C. Tiwari:
Adjacency Method for Finding Connected Subsets of a Graph: An Application of Graph Theory to Spatial Statistics. 1136-1151
Volume 38, Number 6, 2009
- Chang-Xing Ma
, Lili Tian:
A Parametric Bootstrap Approach for Testing Equality of Inverse Gaussian Means Under Heterogeneity. 1153-1160 - Claudia Castro-Kuriss, Diana M. Kelmansky, Víctor Leiva
, Elena J. Martínez:
A New Goodness-of-Fit Test for Censored Data with an Application in Monitoring Processes. 1161-1177 - Livio Corain
, Viatcheslav B. Melas
, Luigi Salmaso:
A Discussion on Nonlinear Models for Price Decisions in Rating-Based Product Preference Models. 1178-1201 - Salma Ayis
Testing Inference from Logistic Regression Models in Data with Unobserved Heterogeneity at Cluster Levels. 1202-1211 - Maria Iachina
The Evaluation of the Performance of IPWGEE, a Simulation Study. 1212-1227 - Peter C. Austin
Using the Standardized Difference to Compare the Prevalence of a Binary Variable Between Two Groups in Observational Research. 1228-1234 - Xia Pan:
A Comparison Between Two Multivariate EWMA Schemes. 1235-1243 - Xinping Cui, Jason Wilson:
A Simulation Study on the Probability of Correct Selection for Large k Populations. 1244-1255 - Alireza Ghodsi
, Mahendran Shitan
Estimation of the Memory Parameters of the Fractionally Integrated Separable Spatial Autoregressive (FISSAR(1, 1)) Model: A Simulation Study. 1256-1268 - Sauwanit Ratanaruamkarn, Magdalena Niewiadomska-Bugaj, Jung-Chao Wang:
A New Estimator of a Circular Median. 1269-1291 - Weihua Zhou:
Robust Estimation of Multivariate Linear Model Based on Depth Weighted Mean and Scatter. 1292-1307 - Atanu Biswas, Pinakpani Pal:
Intermediate Monitoring, Sample Size Reassessment, and Multi-Treatment Optimal Response-Adaptive Designs for Phase III Clinical Trials with More Than One Constraint. 1308-1320 - Hikaru Hasegawa:
Bayesian Dynamic Panel-Ordered Probit Model and Its Application to Subjective Well-Being. 1321-1347 - Kateryna Mishchenko, Maya G. Neytcheva
New Algorithms for Evaluating the Log-Likelihood Function Derivatives in the AI-REML Method. 1348-1364
Volume 38, Number 7, 2009
- Ana E. García Sipols
, M. Teresa Santos-Martín
, Clara Simón de Blas
Records Properties of Non Stationary Time Series. 1365-1380 - Aylin Alin
Power-Divergence Test Statistics for Testing Linear by Linear Association. 1381-1390 - David D. Hanagal, K. A. Ahmadi:
Bayesian Estimation of the Parameters of Bivariate Exponential Distributions. 1391-1413 - Shuichi Kawano
, Sadanori Konishi:
Nonlinear Logistic Discrimination Via Regularized Gaussian Basis Expansions. 1414-1425 - S. M. Sadooghi-Alvandi, A. Rasekhi:
Testing Normality Against the Logistic Distribution Using Saddlepoint Approximation. 1426-1434 - Yougui Wu
, Yiliang Zhu
, Wei Wang:
Effect of Inspection Error on Out-of-Control Average Run Length of CUSUM Charts. 1435-1445 - Cibele M. Russo
, Reiko Aoki, Dorival Leão-Pinto Jr.:
Hypotheses Testing on a Multivariate Null Intercept Errors-in-Variables Model. 1447-1469 - Jong-Min Kim
, Yoon-Sung Jung
, Tim Soderberg:
Directional Dependence of Genes Using Survival Truncated FGM Type Modification Copulas. 1470-1484 - Amit Choudhury, Paramita Roy:
A Fairly Accurate Approximation to the Area Under Normal Curve. 1485-1492 - Michael B. C. Khoo
, Abdu M. A. Atta, Zhang Wu:
A Multivariate Synthetic Control Chart for Monitoring the Process Mean Vector of Skewed Populations Using Weighted Standard Deviations. 1493-1518 - Jun Han:
Starting Values for EM Estimation of Latent Class Joint Model. 1519-1534 - Jean-François Angers, Atanu Biswas, Jing-Shiang Hwang:
Bayesian Nonlinear Regression for the Air Pollution Effects on Daily Clinic Visits in Small Areas of Taiwan. 1535-1550
Volume 38, Number 8, 2009
- Scott J. Richter, Melinda H. McCann:
Step-Down Multiple Comparison Procedures Using Medians and Permutation Tests. 1551-1561 - José Antonio Roldán Nofuentes
, Juan de Dios Luna del Castillo, Miguel Ángel Montero Alonso
Confidence Intervals of Weighted Kappa Coefficient of a Binary Diagnostic Test. 1562-1578 - Ching-Ho Yen, Chia-Hao Chang:
Designing Variables Sampling Plans with Process Loss Consideration. 1579-1591 - Mohamed Bentarzi, Hafida Guerbyenne, Mouna Merzougui:
Adaptive Estimation of Causal Periodic Autoregressive Model. 1592-1609 - Minh Ngoc Tran:
Penalized Maximum Likelihood Principle for Choosing Ridge Parameter. 1610-1624 - Cesar A. Acosta-Mejia, Joseph J. Pignatiello Jr.:
ARL-Design of S Charts with k-of-k Runs Rules. 1625-1639 - Surette Bierman, Sarel Steel:
Variable Selection for Support Vector Machines. 1640-1658 - Philippe Castagliola, Michael B. C. Khoo
A Synthetic Scaled Weighted Variance Control Chart for Monitoring the Process Mean of Skewed Populations. 1659-1674 - Emiko Hino, Hidetoshi Murakami, Takakazu Sugiyama:
Permutation Test for Equality of Individual an Eigenvalue from a Covariance Matrix in High-Dimension. 1675-1689 - TaChen Liang, Wen-Tao Huang:
Selecting the Population Most Close to a Control via Empirical Bayes Approach. 1690-1713 - Tak K. Mak, Fassil Nebebe:
Monte Carlo Approximations of the Quantiles of a Sample Statistic. 1714-1722 - Mohamed Bentarzi, Mouna Merzougui:
Adaptive Test for Periodicity in Self-Exciting Threshold Autoregressive Models. 1723-1741 - Francesca Greselin
, Leo Pasquazzi:
Asymptotic Confidence Intervals for a New Inequality Measure. 1742-1756 - Thatphong Awirothananon
, Wai-Kong (Adrian) Cheung
On Joint Determination of the Number of States and the Number of Variables in Markov-Switching Models: A Monte Carlo Study. 1757-1788
Volume 38, Number 9, 2009
- Wei Ning, Arjun K. Gupta:
Change Point Analysis for Generalized Lambda Distribution. 1789-1802 - Christos Agiakloglou:
Evidence of ARCH(1) Errors in the Context of Spurious Regressions. 1803-1810 - Mohammed Al-Haj Ebrahem, Omar M. Eidous
, Gharam Kmail:
Estimating Percentiles of Time-to-Failure Distribution Obtained from a Linear Degradation Model Using Kernel Density Method. 1811-1822 - Manuel Vargas Vargas
, José-Luis Alfaro-Navarro
, José Mondéjar Jiménez:
On the Run Length of a State-Space Control Chart for Multivariate Autocorrelated Data. 1823-1833 - Kevin E. Staub:
Simple Tests for Exogeneity of a Binary Explanatory Variable in Count Data Regression Models. 1834-1855 - Alberto Contreras-Cristán, José M. González-Barrios
A Nonparametric Test for Symmetry Based on Freeman and Halton's Ideas on Contingency Tables. 1856-1869 - Mathias Raschke:
The Biased Transformation and Its Application in Goodness-of-Fit Tests for the Beta and Gamma Distribution. 1870-1890 - Leming Qu, Yi Qian, Hui Xie
Copula Density Estimation by Total Variation Penalized Likelihood. 1891-1908 - Mauricio Sadinle
Transformed Logit Confidence Intervals for Small Populations in Single Capture-Recapture Estimation. 1909-1924 - Laura Ferreira, David B. Hitchcock:
A Comparison of Hierarchical Methods for Clustering Functional Data. 1925-1949 - Bruno Apolloni, Simone Bassis
Algorithmic Inference of Two-Parameter Gamma Distribution. 1950-1968 - Rand R. Wilcox
Comparing Robust Measures of Association Estimated Via a Smoother. 1969-1979 - Linzhi Xu, Jiajia Zhang:
An Alternative Estimation Method for the Semiparametric Accelerated Failure Time Mixture Cure Model. 1980-1990 - Adelaide Figueiredo
Discriminant Analysis for the von Mises-Fisher Distribution. 1991-2003 - Louis G. Doray, Shu Mei Jiang, Andrew Luong:
Some Simple Method of Estimation for the Parameters of the Discrete Stable Distribution with the Probability Generating Function. 2004-2017
Volume 38, Number 10, 2009
- Elvan Ceyhan, Carla L. Goad:
A Comparison of Analysis of Covariate-Adjusted Residuals and Analysis of Covariance. 2019-2038 - Kristofer Månsson, Ghazi Shukur:
Granger Causality Test in the Presence of Spillover Effects. 2039-2059 - Chong Sun Hong:
Optimal Threshold from ROC and CAP Curves. 2060-2072 - Wen Lea Pearn, Dong-Yuh Yang, Ya Ching Cheng:
An Improved Approach for Estimating Product Performance Based on the Capability Index Cpmk. 2073-2095 - Jin-Guan Lin, Feng-Chang Xie, Bo-Cheng Wei:
Statistical Diagnostics for Skew-t-Normal Nonlinear Models. 2096-2110 - Dan Lin, Ziv Shkedy, Tomasz Burzykowski
, Willem Talloen, Luc Bijnens:
A Comparison of Procedures for Controlling the False Discovery Rate in the Presence of Small Variance Genes: A Simulation Study. 2111-2122 - Myoungshic Jhun, Seungjun Shin:
Bootstrapping Spatial Median for Location Problems. 2123-2133 - Oscar H. Bustos, Ana Georgina Flesia
, Alejandro César Frery
, María Magdalena Lucini:
Simulation of Spatially Correlated Clutter Fields. 2134-2151 - Christos Koukouvinos, Kalliopi Mylona
, Dimitris E. Simos, A. Skountzou:
An Algorithmic Construction of Four-Level Response Surface Designs. 2152-2160 - Tewfik Kernane
, Zohrh A. Raizah:
Fixed Point Iteration for Estimating the Parameters of Extreme Value Distributions. 2161-2170 - Albert Vexler
, Shuling Liu, Le Kang, Alan David Hutson:
Modifications of the Empirical Likelihood Interval Estimation with Improved Coverage Probabilities. 2171-2183 - D. N. da Silva, Gauss M. Cordeiro:
A Computer Program to Improve LR Tests for Generalized Linear Models. 2184-2197 - Bernard C. Picinbono:
Output Dead-Time in Point Processes. 2198-2213 - Hidetoshi Murakami:
Saddlepoint Approximations to the Limiting Distribution of the Modified Anderson-Darling Test Statistic. 2214-2219 - Rand R. Wilcox
Comparing Pearson Correlations: Dealing with Heteroscedasticity and Nonnormality. 2220-2234 - Shu-Mei Wan, Chien-Hua Wu, Ya-Min Tseng, Ming-Jie Wang:
An Improved Algorithm for Sample Size Determination of Ordinal Response by Two Groups. 2235-2242

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