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International Transactions in Operational Research, Volume 31
Volume 31, Number 1, January 2024
- Pablo Escalona
, Alejandro Angulo
, Luce Brotcorne
, Bernard Fortz
, Paulina Tapia:
Fill-rate service level constrained distribution network design. 5-28 - Samah Boukhari, Mhand Hifi
Combining local branching and descent method for solving the multiple-choice knapsack problem with setups. 29-52 - Rosita Guido
Patient admission scheduling problems with uncertain length of stay: optimization models and an efficient matheuristic approach. 53-87 - Adelaide Cerveira
, Amaro de Sousa, E. J. Solteiro Pires, José Baptista
Optimizing wind farm cable layout considering ditch sharing. 88-114 - Yunus Demir:
An iterated greedy algorithm for the planning of yarn-dyeing boilers. 115-139 - Carlos Victor Dantas Araújo
, Cid Carvalho de Souza
, Fábio Luiz Usberti
Lagrangian relaxation for maximum service in multicast routing with QoS constraints. 140-166 - Lei Zhao
, Xinhua Bi
, Zhaohui Dong
, Ni Xiao, Anni Zhao:
Robust traveling salesman problem with drone: balancing risk and makespan in contactless delivery. 167-191 - Christophe Duhamel
, Andréa Cynthia Santos
The strong network orientation problem. 192-220 - Pietro Tiaraju Giavarina dos Santos, Denis Borenstein
Multi-objective optimization of the maritime cargo routing and scheduling problem. 221-245 - Alfredo Lima
, André L. L. de Aquino
, Bruno C. S. Nogueira
, Rian G. S. Pinheiro
A matheuristic approach for the minimum broadcast time problem using a biased random-key genetic algorithm. 246-273 - Banu Yetkin Ekren
, Bartu Arslan
A reinforcement learning approach for transaction scheduling in a shuttle-based storage and retrieval system. 274-295 - Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Julliano R. Nascimento
, Fabiano de S. Oliveira, Uéverton S. Souza
, Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter:
Linear-time algorithms for eliminating claws in graphs. 296-315 - Hui Yang, Yuhan Huang, Jing Chen
, Bintong Chen, Yongning Shen:
Subsidy strategy for reserving flexible capacity of emergency supply production. 316-345 - Shuangqi Yan
, Yu Xiong
, Zhibin Lin
, Yu Zhou
Flexible versus committed and specific versus uniform: wholesale price contracting in a supply chain with downstream process innovation. 346-369 - Thomas Hacardiaux, Jean-Sébastien Tancrez
, Christof Defryn
, Lotte Verdonck:
The impact of product characteristics and innovativeness on the benefits of collaboration. 370-395 - Yongji Luo
, Shoushuai Zhang, Haifeng Yan, Feng Xue:
Hybrid nesting control strategy for passenger railway with one-seat-one-ticket restriction. 396-414 - Ruozhen Qiu
, Yimeng Sun
, Minghe Sun, Yue Yu
Affinely adjustable robust optimization for a multi-period inventory problem with capital constraints and demand uncertainties. 415-447 - Xuwang Liu, Yujie Zhang, Wei Qi, Junwei Wang:
Optimal pricing of online products based on customer anchoring-adjustment psychology. 448-477 - Xiaoping Xu, Jie Wu, Yiming Fan
, Yugang Yu:
Marketplace or reselling: the pricing decisions and face value of the coupons under the Cap-and-Trade regulation. 478-514 - Daniel Nicola
Comparison of four mechanisms for request exchange in collaborative transportation. 515-540 - Qian Wei, Jianxiong Zhang
, Guowei Zhu:
Pricing and inventory carryover strategy considering cost learning effect and strategic consumers. 541-567 - Salma Karray
, Guiomar Martín-Herrán
The effects of decision timing for pricing and marketing efforts in a supply chain with competing manufacturers. 568-615
Call for Papers
- Special Issue on "Artificial Intelligence-Driven Decision Making in Health and Medicine". 616-617
- Special Issue on "Decision Support Systems in an uncertain world". 618-619
- Special Issue on "Efficiency and Productivity Analysis of Public Services in Practice". 620-621
- Special Issue on "Sustainable and Responsive Transportation and Logistics". 622-624
Volume 31, Number 2, March 2024
- Matthieu Gruson
, Qihua Zhong, Ola Jabali, Raf Jans:
A heuristic algorithm to solve the one-warehouse multiretailer problem with an emission constraint. 629-657 - Bin Ji, Saiqi Zhou
, Dezhi Zhang, Samson S. Yu:
A branch-and-price-based heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints and time windows. 658-691 - Armando Peixoto, Sara Martins
, Pedro Amorim
, Andreas Holzapfel:
Strategies to improve customer service in delivery time slot management. 692-720 - Filipe Rodrigues
, Agostinho Agra
Handling uncertainty in the quay crane scheduling problem: a unified distributionally robust decision model. 721-748 - Awnalisa Walker, Soongeol Kwon
Risk-averse two-stage stochastic programming for the inventory rebalancing of bike-sharing systems. 749-779 - Lavinia Amorosi
, Justo Puerto
, Carlos Valverde
An extended model of coordination of an all-terrain vehicle and a multivisit drone. 780-806 - Robert L. Burdett
, Paul Corry
, Prasad K. D. V. Yarlagadda
, David Cook, Sean Birgan:
The efficacy of utility functions for multicriteria hospital case-mix planning. 807-862 - Amin Mallek
, Mourad Boudhar
Scheduling on uniform machines with a conflict graph: complexity and resolution. 863-888 - Fu-Chiang Yang
Centralized resource allocation and target setting of a two-stage production process using data envelopment analysis. 889-917 - Jafar Rezaei
, Alireza Arab
, Mohammad Reza Mehregan
Analyzing anchoring bias in attribute weight elicitation of SMART, Swing, and best-worst method. 918-948 - Babak Aslani
, Shima Mohebbi
Learn to decompose multiobjective optimization models for large-scale networks. 949-978 - Minggao Chen
, Jun Mao, Yanhong Xi:
Research on entropy weight multiple criteria decision-making evaluation of metro network vulnerability. 979-1003 - Amir Salehipour
An optimization method for characterizing two groups of data. 1004-1020 - Xiaoping Xu
, Yuanyuan Yang, Fang Chen, T. C. Edwin Cheng, Hao Qin:
Supply chain coordination with financial constraints considering delivery time and cross-channel spillover effect. 1021-1060 - Yuwen Zeng
, Wenhua Hou:
An analysis of price strategies with price matching in the presence of showrooming. 1061-1092 - Xuemei Zhang, Haoran Chen
, Zhi Liu
Operation strategy in an E-commerce platform supply chain: whether and how to introduce live streaming services? 1093-1121 - Xiaodan Jin, Hong Zhou
, Jiepeng Wang:
Financing the retailer capital-constrained supply chain with consideration of product quality and demand uncertainty. 1122-1148 - Min Wang
, Lindu Zhao:
Disposable or reusable? Packaging strategy and pricing decision for fresh food considering environmental policies. 1149-1177 - Hang Wang, Wen Zhang
, Yi He:
Optimal ordering decisions for an omnichannel retailer with ship-to-store and ship-from-store. 1178-1205 - Zhenjiang Chen, Bin Dan
, Songxuan Ma, Yu Tian:
Demand information sharing of fresh produce supply chain considering competing suppliers' freshness-keeping effort. 1206-1231 - Xiaoyan Zhu, Ting Zhang
, Yunzhi Cao
Managing production and inventory in a remanufacturing supply chain with two classes of cores under consignment stock agreement. 1232-1269 - Xiaole Chen
, Yanli Tang
The impact of production diseconomies on manufacturer encroachment. 1270-1295
Call for Papers
- Special Issue on "Artificial Intelligence-Driven Decision Making in Health and Medicine". 1296-1297
- Special Issue on "Decision Support Systems in an uncertain world". 1298-1299
- Special Issue on "Efficiency and Productivity Analysis of Public Services in Practice". 1300-1301
- Special Issue on "Sustainable and Responsive Transportation and Logistics". 1302-1304
Volume 31, Number 3, May 2024
- Berry Gerrits
, Wouter van Heeswijk
, Martijn Mes
Towards self-organizing logistics in transportation: a literature review and typology. 1309-1374 - Anna Nagurney
Food security and multicommodity agricultural international trade: Quantifying optimal consumer subsidies for nutritional needs. 1375-1396 - Mikael Rönnqvist
, Patrik Flisberg, Mikael Frisk, David Bredström, Jean-Baptiste Paradis:
A new hybrid method for quick and accurate calculation of forest transportation distances. 1397-1425 - Geoffrey Scozzaro
, Catherine Mancel, Daniel Delahaye, Eric Feron
An ILP approach for tactical flight rescheduling during airport access mode disruptions. 1426-1457 - Catarina Coelho
, José Luís Santos
, Pedro Júdice
The performance of bank portfolio optimization. 1458-1485 - László Csató
, Roland Molontay
, József Pintér:
Tournament schedules and incentives in a double round-robin tournament with four teams. 1486-1514 - David Mlcoch, Ondrej Hubácek
Competing in daily fantasy sports using generative models. 1515-1532 - Ruben Interian
, Igor Carpanese, Bruno Mello, Celso C. Ribeiro:
Red flag algorithms for Brazilian electronic invoices: outlier detection and price risk classification. 1533-1553 - Jakub Wawrzyniak
, Maciej Drozdowski
, Eric Sanlaville, Yoann Pigné, Frédéric Guinand:
Quay partitioning problem. 1554-1584 - Filipe Rodrigues
Improved sequential insertion heuristics for berth allocation problems. 1585-1608 - V. Nelson Morales
, S. Gonzalo Nelis
, Jorge Amaya:
An efficient method for optimizing nested open pits with operational bottom space. 1609-1630 - Weibao You, Zhe Xu
, Yining Yu, Song Zhao:
A two-layer approach for solving robust decentralized multiproject scheduling problem with multi-skilled staff. 1631-1670 - Maryam Rajaei
, Ghasem Moslehi
, Mohammad Reisi-Nafchi
The multiple container loading problem with loading docks. 1671-1698 - Francisco J. Matos-Junior, Raydonal Ospina
, Geiza Silva:
Random graph generator for leader and community detection in networks. 1699-1719 - Caroline T. M. Rocha, Bruno Jefferson de S. Pessoa, Daniel Aloise
, Lucídio A. F. Cabral:
An efficient implementation of a VNS heuristic for the weighted fair sequences problem. 1720-1735 - Duo Wang
, Kai Yang, Lixing Yang, Shukai Li:
Distributional robustness and lateral transshipment for disaster relief logistics planning under demand ambiguity. 1736-1761 - Sajjad Dehnoei
, Antoine Sauré, Onur Ozturk
, William Gardner, Kathleen Pajer, Roxanna Sheppard, Jonathan Patrick:
A stochastic optimization approach for staff scheduling decisions at inpatient units. 1762-1790 - Wei Li
, Dongyan Li, Ruimiao Tian, Junfeng Tian
Sourcing strategies of manufacturers with customer returns and product design efforts. 1791-1827 - Julio Cezar Soares Silva
, Diogo Ferreira de Lima Silva
, Adiel Teixeira de Almeida Filho
An enhanced GRASP approach for the index tracking problem. 1828-1858 - Alberto Francisco Kummer Neto
, Olinto C. B. de Araújo, Luciana S. Buriol, Mauricio G. C. Resende:
A biased random-key genetic algorithm for the home health care problem. 1859-1889 - Malek Masmoudi
, Yassine Adouani
, Bassem Jarboui
LP relaxation and dynamic programming enhancing VNS for the multiple knapsack problem with setup. 1890-1916 - Yang Peng
, Junjie Lu, Tai Chiu Edwin Cheng, Min Ji:
Revenue sharing or not? Coordination of the buy-online-and-pickup-in-store supply chain. 1917-1948 - Djellouli Younes, Hamadou Sarah, Chaabane Djamal
Parallel optimization over the integer efficient set. 1949-1974 - Pooya Hoseinpour
Modeling and solving an economies-of-scale service system design problem. 1975-1993 - Lei Guan
, Wenxi Gu, Wenju Niu
, Lianmin Zhang
Is group-buying price mechanism a good choice in the business-to-business system? 1994-2022 - Shan He
, Zujun Ma
Service quality and price competition in crowdsourced delivery markets. 2023-2055
Call for Papers
- Special Issue on "Artificial Intelligence-Driven Decision Making in Health and Medicine". 2056-2057
- Special Issue on "Decision Support Systems in an uncertain world". 2058-2059
- Special Issue on "Efficiency and Productivity Analysis of Public Services in Practice". 2060-2061
- Special Issue on "Sustainable and Responsive Transportation and Logistics". 2062-2064
Volume 31, Number 4, July 2024
Original Articles
- Ikpe Justice Akpan
, Murali Shanker, Onyebuchi Felix Offodile:
Discrete-event simulation is still alive and strong: evidence from bibliometric performance evaluation of research during COVID-19 global health pandemic. 2069-2092
- Natanael Ramos
, Rafael G. Cano, Pedro J. de Rezende
, Cid C. de Souza
Exact and heuristic solutions for the prize-collecting geometric enclosure problem. 2093-2122 - Saúl Domínguez-Casasola
, José Luis González Velarde, Yasmín Á. Ríos-Solís
, Kevin Alain Reyes-Vega:
The capacitated family traveling salesperson problem. 2123-2153 - Mattia Neroni
, Angel A. Juan, Massimo Bertolini:
A multistart biased-randomized algorithm for solving a three-dimensional case picking problem with real-life constraints. 2154-2177 - Carolina Soares de Morais
, Tânia Rodrigues Pereira Ramos, Manuel Lopes
, Ana Paula F. D. Barbosa-Póvoa
A data-driven optimization approach to plan smart waste collection operations. 2178-2208 - Fang Yang, F. J. Hwang
, Yao-Huei Huang
A two-stage method for the shipper lane selection problem with time windows in transportation service procurement. 2209-2230 - Pedro Ferrão Patrício
Wildlife reserve design with connectivity and buffer requirements. 2231-2246 - Simona Mancini
, Carlo Meloni
, Michele Ciavotta:
A decomposition approach for multidimensional knapsacks with family-split penalties. 2247-2271 - Preben Bucher Johannessen, Ahmad Hemmati, Mohammad Moshref-Javadi
Solving a pickup and delivery routing problem for fourth-party logistics providers. 2272-2308 - Zhujun Liu
, Ilkyeong Moon
, Ruiyou Zhang
Flexible vehicle scheduling with precedence constraints for tourists. 2309-2337 - Roberto Edward Cruz, André Bergsten Mendes, Laura Bahiense
Schedule robustness in the periodic supply vessels planning problem with stochastic demand and travel time. 2338-2365 - Gang Liu, Hongwei Wang, Yong Xie
Just-in-time scheduling problem with due windows and release dates for precast bridge girders. 2366-2398 - Mostafa Khatami
, Amir Salehipour
The coupled task scheduling problem: an improved mathematical program and a new solution algorithm. 2399-2426 - Jiangxia Nan, Lixiao Wei, Dengfeng Li, Maojun Zhang
A preemptive goal programming for multi-objective cooperative games: an application to multi-objective linear production. 2427-2445 - Yuhao Liu
, Hongli Xu
, Xinlian Yu
, Jing Zhou:
Heuristic feeder-bus operation strategy considering weather information: a chance-constrained model. 2446-2471 - Anderson Lucas Carneiro de Lima da Silva
, Ana Paula Cabral Seixas Costa
, Adiel Teixeira de Almeida
Analysis of the cognitive aspects of the preference elicitation process in the compensatory context: a neuroscience experiment with FITradeoff. 2472-2503 - Pei Liang
, Junhua Hu
, Kwai-Sang Chin:
A comprehensive decision support model for online doctors ranking with interval-valued neutrosophic numbers. 2504-2527 - Qiang Lin
, Wenzhuo Li, Xiaogang Lin
, Wenhui Fu:
Information sharing and production mode selection with price and quality competition. 2528-2558 - Mengying Zhang
, Ningning Wang
, Hongwei Liu, Zihao Zhang
Cap allocation rules for an online platform supply chain under cap-and-trade regulation. 2559-2590 - Yujing Chen
, Yong Zha, Dong Wang
, Gongbing Bi:
Online demand disruption in the presence of constrained capacity. 2591-2612 - Le Wang
, Zhen He, Shuguang He
, Yiwen Zhang:
Manufacturer encroachment and quality investment decisions in a two-period supply chain. 2613-2643 - Yuanguang Zhong, Xinhong Jiang, Xiong Zhang
, Jie Min, T. C. Edwin Cheng:
Newsvendor model with voucher sales: a distributionally robust approach. 2644-2671 - Hui Yu
, Xiaoli Yan
Advance selling under uncertain supply and demand: a robust newsvendor perspective. 2672-2715 - Wenjie Dong
, Junliang Du, Mengyue Yang, Sifeng Liu:
Implementing a bivariate ordering and replacement policy for deteriorating systems with two failure types. 2716-2733 - Yuxiang Yang
, Xun Xu:
Production and carbon emission abatement decisions under different carbon policies: supply chain network equilibrium models with consumers' low-carbon awareness. 2734-2764 - Xiaofeng Xie
, Jixin Zhang, Yuxuan Luo, Jing Gu, Yunfei Li:
Enterprise credit risk portrait and evaluation from the perspective of the supply chain. 2765-2795
- Celina M. H. de Figueiredo, Elizabeth W. Karas, Claudia A. Sagastizábal:
IFORS' Operational Research Hall of Fame: Clóvis Caesar Gonzaga. 2796-2798
Call for Papers
- Davide La Torre, Hatem Masri, Constantin Zopounidis:
Special issue on "Multiple criteria decision making for sustainable development goals (SDGs)". 2799-2800 - Special issue on "Managing supply chain resilience in the digital economy era". 2801-2802
Volume 31, Number 5, September 2024
- John E. Beasley
A heuristic for the non-unicost set covering problem using local branching. 2807-2825 - Maria Michopoulou
, Ioannis Giannikos
Discrete cooperative coverage location models with alternative facility types in a probabilistic setting. 2826-2849 - Dongwook Kim
, Ilkyeong Moon
Scheduling-location problem with drones. 2850-2874 - Sung Hun Woo, Hyun Ji Park, Sung Won Cho, Ki Hong Kim:
Proactive berth scheduling with data-driven buffer time in container terminals. 2875-2902 - Cristiano Martins Monteiro
, Vinícius Fernandes dos Santos, Clodoveu Augusto Davis Junior:
Computational complexity and linear formulations for optimizing the location of shared mobility stations. 2903-2929 - Cristina Teruko Ota, Diego Jacinto Fiorotto, Carla Taviane Lucke da Silva, Washington Alves de Oliveira
A flow-based model for the multivehicle covering tour problem with route balancing. 2930-2955 - Hermilio Vilarinho
, Flávia Barbosa
, Henriqueta Nóvoa
, Jaime Gabriel Silva, Luciana Yamada, Ana S. Camanho
Optimisation models for project selection in asset management: an application to the water sector. 2956-2987 - Miguel A. Pozo
, Justo Puerto
, Ignacio Roldán
The biobjective minimum-cost perfect matching problem and Chinese postman problem. 2988-3009 - Henrique Becker
, Mateus Martin
, Olinto C. B. de Araújo, Luciana S. Buriol
, Reinaldo Morabito
Comparative analysis of mathematical formulations for the two-dimensional guillotine cutting problem. 3010-3035 - Javier Panadero
, Angel A. Juan
, Elnaz Ghorbani
, Javier Faulin, Adela Pagès-Bernaus
Solving the stochastic team orienteering problem: comparing simheuristics with the sample average approximation method. 3036-3060 - Yifu Li
, Peng Luo, Wei Zhang
, Xiaowei Fan
, Shuijing Jie:
Performance enhancement in two-stage innovation contests: Feedback and elimination schemes. 3061-3089 - Lucas Saldanha Ferreira
, Vinícius Fernandes dos Santos, Cristiano Arbex Valle:
Integer programming formulations for the k $k$ -in-a-tree problem in graphs. 3090-3107 - Felipe Barrera
, Marina Segura
, Concepción Maroto
Multicriteria sorting method based on global and local search for supplier segmentation. 3108-3134 - Dongliang Guo
, Zhi-Ping Fan
, Yang Liu
The strategic analysis of service mode selection for a ride-hailing platform. 3135-3172 - Qingli Zhao, Zhi-Ping Fan
, Ningning Wang
Information sharing and production timing strategy in a platform-based supply chain. 3173-3196 - Amin Eskandari
, Koorush Ziarati, Alireza Nikseresht
An extended ε $\varepsilon $ -constraint method for a bi-objective assortment optimization problem. 3197-3219 - Ruishu Shi, Cuilian You
Dynamic pricing and investment for fashion products under reference effect. 3220-3244 - Guowei Dou
, Kun Wei, Lijun Ma
, Xudong Lin:
Dynamic competition and market structure for platform-based products: roles of product quality and indirect network effect. 3245-3279 - Fa Wang, Jing Chen
, Hui Yang
, Fei Sun:
Information and selling mode strategies in a supply chain with an outsourced private label product. 3280-3317 - Xiangxiang Wu
, Yong Zha, Liang Liang:
Competing platform owners' entry and an OEM's cooperation response. 3318-3340 - Huabao Zeng
, Tong Shu, Yue Yu
, Jiaming Cheng:
Optimal two-period pricing decisions and value-added service strategies of two-sided platform considering suppliers entry timing. 3341-3370 - Zhenzhen Ren
, Junfeng Tian
, Shurong Kang, Meixian Tang, Jinsong Tian:
Personalized pricing versus showrooming: competition between online and offline retailers. 3371-3442 - Shuhan Kou
, Bruce L. Golden
, Stefan Poikonen:
Estimating optimal objective values for the TSP, VRP, and other combinatorial problems using randomization. 3443-3458 - Jinfeng Li
, Yankui Liu
, Guoqing Yang
Two-stage distributionally robust optimization model for a pharmaceutical cold supply chain network design problem. 3459-3493 - Molin Liu, Bin Dan
, Zili Guan, Mengli Li
Information sharing in an e-tailing supply chain for fresh produce with supplier encroachment. 3494-3530 - Qiang Guo, Shengyan Cheng
, Pengfei Zhao
How to introduce a livestreaming channel: a case of the hotel at a fixed capacity. 3531-3552
Call for Papers
- Davide La Torre, Hatem Masri, Constantin Zopounidis:
Special issue on "Multiple criteria decision making for sustainable development goals (SDGs)". 3553-3554 - Special issue on "Managing supply chain resilience in the digital economy era". 3555-3556
- Special Issue on "Sharing Platforms for Sustainability: Exploring Strategies, Trade-offs, and Applications". 3557-3558
Volume 31, Number 6, November 2024
- Tsan-Ming (Jason) Choi:
Preface to the Special Issue on Operational Research Models for Blockchain. 3563-3564
- Yuqiu Xu, Jia Wang, Kaiying Cao
Interaction between joining platform blockchain technology and channel encroachment for fresh agricultural product firms. 3565-3591 - Yue Chen
How blockchain adoption affects supply chain sustainability in the fashion industry: a systematic review and case studies. 3592-3620 - Vijayant Pawar
, Shelly Sachdeva:
ParallelChain: a scalable healthcare framework with low-energy consumption using blockchain. 3621-3649 - Jian Li, Yongming Li, Kin Keung Lai
Blockchain adoption and application in closed-loop production under information asymmetry. 3650-3668 - Yu Zhou
, Xiang Gao, Jiajia Nie
Value of blockchain-enabled supply chain traceability under competition. 3669-3703 - Fenhua Bai
, Chi Zhang, Xiaohui Zhang:
Intelligent optimal demand response implemented by blockchain and cooperative game in microgrids. 3704-3731 - Xingfen Liu
, Zhongbao Zhou, Feimin Zhong, Jianmai Shi:
Improving supply chain transparency with blockchain technology when considering product returns. 3732-3775 - Zhao Liu
, Xiaoqiang Cai, Wenju Niu
, Lianmin Zhang
Combating fraudulent returns using blockchain technology. 3776-3807 - Mariem Mhiri, Karim Al-Yafi, Benjamin Legros, Oualid Jouini, Mohamed Haouari
A blockchain-based framework to optimize shipping container flows in the hinterland. 3808-3841 - Carlos Sáenz-Royo
, Jorge Fleta-Asín
Evaluating blockchain as a participatory organisational system: looking for transaction efficiency. 3842-3872 - Ting Chen
, Yongjian Li
, Fangchao Xu:
Traceability strategy choice in competing supply chains based on blockchain technology. 3873-3904 - Yifan Cao
, Bin Shen
, Hau-Ling Chan
Buyer direct financing with blockchain-assisted due diligence in supply chain. 3905-3932 - Shichao Zhu
, Jian Li
, Yajing Wang, Yongwu Li, Xuefan Dong:
The value of blockchain technology in supply chains with capital constraints: from the perspective of demand volatility. 3933-3954 - Clynton Tomacheski, Anolan Milanés, Sebastián Urrutia
The nilcatenation problem and its application for detecting money laundering activities in cryptocurrency networks. 3955-3974 - M. J. Jeyasheela Rakkini
, K. Geetha:
Q-Learning model for selfish miners with optional stopping theorem for honest miners. 3975-3998 - Chenyi Chen, Ciwei Dong, Chi To Ng
, Xiutian Shi
Operations strategy for a construction supply chain: modular integrated construction and blockchain adoption. 3999-4024 - Sahori Polino, José-Fernando Camacho-Vallejo
, Juan G. Villegas:
A facility location problem for extracurricular workshop planning: bi-level model and metaheuristics. 4025-4067 - Yuxuan Kang
, Xianliang Shi, Shuai Liu:
Sales channel competition for supply chain with the blockchain technology. 4068-4104 - Yongwu Zhou, Yushen Fu, Kunyu Wang, Jie Min
, Xiong Zhang
Competition in the online platform: impacts of blockchain technology adoption. 4105-4127 - Tianyang Yu, Zhimin Guan, Jin Li, Jun Zhang, Jingyang Dong
Optimal pricing strategies of e-commerce supply chain considering consumers' anticipated regrets under the background of blockchain anti-counterfeiting technology. 4128-4173 - Songxuan Ma, Bin Dan
, Mengli Li
, Maosen Zhou
To be traceable and responsive: blockchain adoption and information sharing in a fresh produce supply chain. 4174-4198 - Huimin Zhang
, Zhenkai Lou
, Fujun Hou, Yan Yan:
Blockchain adoption strategy in a platform dual-channel supply chain with risk-averse sellers. 4199-4228 - Qi Zhang
, Yuwei Li, Gui-Hua Lin
, Xide Zhu
Operational research models for green technology cross-licensing with known carbon quota trading prices. 4229-4269 - Wenling Liu, Kui Jing
ESG portfolio for TDFs with time-varying higher moments and cardinality constraint. 4270-4295 - Wenjun Shu, Zhongdong Xiao
, Yiyin Cao:
How the agency contract fails in hybrid mode: agency fees and distribution sequences. 4296-4331 - Jafar Heydari
, Alireza Bakhshi, Mohammad E. Nikoofal
Coping with an unreliable supplier: An option contract with a backup supplier. 4332-4362 - Rodrigo Troian
, Gisele Tessari Santos
, Rodrigo Alexandre Celestino Campos
Analysis of the location problem of emergency attendance teams for a railroad through optimization. 4363-4399
Call for Papers
- Special Issue on "Managing Supply Chain Resilience in the Digital Economy Era". 4400-4401
- Special Issue on "Sharing Platforms for Sustainability: Exploring Strategies, Trade-offs, and Applications". 4402-4403
- Special Issue on "Optimizing Port and Maritime Logistics: Advances for Sustainable and Efficient Operations". 4404-4405
- Davide La Torre, Hatem Masri, Constantin Zopounidis:
Special issue on "Multiple Criteria Decision Making for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)". 4406-4407

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