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IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Volume 11
Volume 11, Number 1, January 2014
- Paolo Gamba
Editorial. 3-4 - Isabelle Champion, Christian Germain
, Jean-Pierre Da Costa
, Arnaud Alborini, Pascale Dubois-Fernandez:
Retrieval of Forest Stand Age From SAR Image Texture for Varying Distance and Orientation Values of the Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix. 5-9 - Catalin Cucu-Dumitrescu:
A Simple Method of Determining Cloud-Masks and Cloud-Shadow-Masks From Satellite Imagery. 10-13 - Ana Vázquez Alejos
Understanding the Design of Anti-Dispersive Filtering for Propagation of UWB Microwave Signals in Dispersive Soils. 14-18 - Tamito Kajiyama, Davide D'Alimonte
, Giuseppe Zibordi
Match-Up Analysis of MERIS Radiometric Data in the Northern Adriatic Sea. 19-23 - Huizhong Chen, Ning Jing, Jun Wang, Yongguang Chen, Luo Chen:
A Novel Saliency Detection Method for Lunar Remote Sensing Images. 24-28 - Ahmed E. Fouda, V. Lopez-Castellanos, Fernando L. Teixeira
Experimental Demonstration of Statistical Stability in Ultrawideband Time-Reversal Imaging. 29-33 - Michele Crosetto, Oriol Monserrat, Guido Luzi
, María Cuevas-González
, Núria Devanthéry:
A Noninterferometric Procedure for Deformation Measurement Using GB-SAR Imagery. 34-38 - Shuang Zhang, Shuang Wang, Bo Chen, Shasha Mao
Classification Method for Fully PolSAR Data Based on Three Novel Parameters. 39-43 - Jianmin Zhou, Zhen Li, Xiaobo He, Bangsen Tian, Lei Huang, Quan Chen, Qiang Xing:
Glacier Thickness Change Mapping Using InSAR Methodology. 44-48 - Moumita Roy
, Dipen Routaray, Susmita Ghosh
, Ashish Ghosh
Ensemble of Multilayer Perceptrons for Change Detection in Remotely Sensed Images. 49-53 - Bishwajit Chakraborty, K. Haris
, G. Latha, Nicolas Maslov, Andrew Menezes:
Multifractal Approach for Seafloor Characterization. 54-58 - Jiao Long, Zhenwei Shi, Wei Tang, Changshui Zhang:
Single Remote Sensing Image Dehazing. 59-63 - Supannee Tanathong, Impyeong Lee:
Translation-Based KLT Tracker Under Severe Camera Rotation Using GPS/INS Data. 64-68 - Yubin Liang, Qingming Zhan, Erzhuo Che
, Mingwen Chen, Dongliang Zhang:
Automatic Registration of Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data Using Precisely Located Artificial Planar Targets. 69-73 - Wanceng Zhang, Xian Sun, Kun Fu, Chenyuan Wang, Hongqi Wang:
Object Detection in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Rotation Invariant Parts Based Model. 74-78 - Begüm Demir
, Luca Minello, Lorenzo Bruzzone
An Effective Strategy to Reduce the Labeling Cost in the Definition of Training Sets by Active Learning. 79-83 - Srikumar Sandeep, Albin J. Gasiewski:
Effect of Geometry on the Reflectivity Spectrum of Radiometer Calibration Targets. 84-88 - Eva M. Ampe
, Erin L. Hestir
, Mariano Bresciani
, Elga Salvadore
, Vittorio Ernesto Brando
, Arnold G. Dekker
, Tim J. Malthus, Maarten Jansen, Ludwig Triest, Okke Batelaan
A Wavelet Approach for Estimating Chlorophyll-A From Inland Waters With Reflectance Spectroscopy. 89-93 - Bernhard Höfle
Radiometric Correction of Terrestrial LiDAR Point Cloud Data for Individual Maize Plant Detection. 94-98 - Luca Fabbrini, Mario Greco, Marco Messina, Gianpaolo Pinelli:
Improved Edge Enhancing Diffusion Filter for Speckle-Corrupted Images. 99-103 - Ferdinando Nunziata
, Maurizio Migliaccio
, Xiaofeng Li
, Xianwen Ding:
Coastline Extraction Using Dual-Polarimetric COSMO-SkyMed PingPong Mode SAR Data. 104-108 - Daniele Cerra
, Rupert Müller, Peter Reinartz:
Noise Reduction in Hyperspectral Images Through Spectral Unmixing. 109-113 - Zhen Hu, Robert C. Qiu, James P. Browning, Michael C. Wicks:
A Novel Single-Step Approach for Self-Coherent Tomography Using Semidefinite Relaxation. 114-118 - Chao Wang
, Shaofeng Jiang, Hong Zhang, Fan Wu
, Bo Zhang:
Ship Detection for High-Resolution SAR Images Based on Feature Analysis. 119-123 - Colin G. Windsor, Lorenzo Capineri
, Pierluigi Falorni:
A Data Pair-Labeled Generalized Hough Transform for Radar Location of Buried Objects. 124-127 - Hang Ruan, Yanhong Wu, Xin Jia, Wei Ye:
Novel ISAR Imaging Algorithm for Maneuvering Targets Based on a Modified Keystone Transform. 128-132 - Li Li, Yongsheng Zhang, Zhen Dong, Diannong Liang:
New Faraday Rotation Estimators Based on Polarimetric Covariance Matrix. 133-137 - Saurabh Prasad, Minshan Cui, Wei Li, James E. Fowler:
Segmented Mixture-of-Gaussian Classification for Hyperspectral Image Analysis. 138-142 - Bing Xu, Zhiwei Li
, Qijie Wang, Mi Jiang
, Jianjun Zhu
, Xiaoli Ding
A Refined Strategy for Removing Composite Errors of SAR Interferogram. 143-147 - Junjie Wu, Zhongyu Li, Yulin Huang, Jianyu Yang, Haiguang Yang, Qing Huo Liu
Focusing Bistatic Forward-Looking SAR With Stationary Transmitter Based on Keystone Transform and Nonlinear Chirp Scaling. 148-152 - Wei Li, Saurabh Prasad, James E. Fowler:
Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Gaussian Mixture Models and Markov Random Fields. 153-157 - Yanan Tian, Yue Li:
Parabolic-Trace Time-Frequency Peak Filtering for Seismic Random Noise Attenuation. 158-162 - Stefania Matteoli, Tiziana Veracini, Marco Diani
, Giovanni Corsini
Background Density Nonparametric Estimation With Data-Adaptive Bandwidths for the Detection of Anomalies in Multi-Hyperspectral Imagery. 163-167 - Zhunga Liu, Grégoire Mercier, Jean Dezert, Quan Pan:
Change Detection in Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images Based on Multidimensional Evidential Reasoning. 168-172 - Zhen Ye, Saurabh Prasad, Wei Li, James E. Fowler, Mingyi He
Classification Based on 3-D DWT and Decision Fusion for Hyperspectral Image Analysis. 173-177 - Yu Huang, Li-Hua Wu, Feng Sun:
Underwater Continuous Localization Based on Magnetic Dipole Target Using Magnetic Gradient Tensor and Draft Depth. 178-180 - Michele Martone, Benjamin Bräutigam, Gerhard Krieger
Azimuth-Switched Quantization for SAR Systems and Performance Analysis on TanDEM-X Data. 181-185 - Mahdi Motagh
, John Beavan, Eric J. Fielding
, Mahmud Haghshenas
Postseismic Ground Deformation Following the September 2010 Darfield, New Zealand, Earthquake From TerraSAR-X, COSMO-SkyMed, and ALOS InSAR. 186-190 - Zhe Liu, Zhe Li, Chunyang Dai, Huan Huang, Xiaoling Zhang:
Efficient Nonuniform Fourier Reconstruction for Spaceborne/Airborne Bistatic SAR. 191-195 - Jen-Yu Han
, Chuin-Shan Chen, Chien-Tai Lo:
Time-Variant Registration of Point Clouds Acquired by a Mobile Mapping System. 196-199 - Zhihao Jiao, Jian Yang
, Chun-mao Yeh, Jianshe Song:
Modified Three-Component Decomposition Method for Polarimetric SAR Data. 200-204 - Bingji Zhao, Xiangyang Qi, Hongjun Song, Robert Wang
, Yajun Mo, Shichao Zheng:
An Accurate Range Model Based on the Fourth-Order Doppler Parameters for Geosynchronous SAR. 205-209 - Ming Hao, Wenzhong Shi
, Hua Zhang, Chang Li:
Unsupervised Change Detection With Expectation-Maximization-Based Level Set. 210-214 - Heping Zhong, Jinsong Tang, Sen Zhang, Xuebo Zhang
A Quality-Guided and Local Minimum Discontinuity Based Phase Unwrapping Algorithm for InSAR/InSAS Interferograms. 215-219 - Shuyuan Yang, Honghong Jin, Lixia Yang, Wenhui Xu, Licheng Jiao
Compressive Sensing-Inspired Dual-Sparse SLFNN for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification. 220-224 - Salil Goel, Bharat Lohani:
A Motion Correction Technique for Laser Scanning of Moving Objects. 225-228 - Wei Wang, Guisheng Liao, Dong Li, Qing Xu:
Focus Improvement of Squint Bistatic SAR Data Using Azimuth Nonlinear Chirp Scaling. 229-233 - Giovanni Ludeno
, Stylianos Flampouris, Claudio Lugni
, Francesco Soldovieri
, Francesco Serafino
A Novel Approach Based on Marine Radar Data Analysis for High-Resolution Bathymetry Map Generation. 234-238 - Junshi Xia, Peijun Du
, Xiyan He, Jocelyn Chanussot:
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Rotation Forest. 239-243 - Giovanni Ludeno
, A. Orlandi, Claudio Lugni
, Carlo Brandini
, Francesco Soldovieri
, Francesco Serafino
X-Band Marine Radar System for High-Speed Navigation Purposes: A Test Case on a Cruise Ship. 244-248 - Erlei Zhang, Xiangrong Zhang, Shuyuan Yang, Shuang Wang:
Improving Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Spectral Information Divergence. 249-253 - Maxim Neumann
, Sassan S. Saatchi:
Polarimetric Backscatter Optimization for Biophysical Parameter Estimation. 254-258 - Naif Alajlan
, Edoardo Pasolli
, Farid Melgani, Andrea Franzoso:
Large-Scale Image Classification Using Active Learning. 259-263 - Francesco De Zan
Accuracy of Incoherent Speckle Tracking for Circular Gaussian Signals. 264-267 - Wenjian Ni, Guoqing Sun, Zhiyu Zhang, Yating He, Zhifeng Guo:
A Heuristic Approach to Reduce Atmospheric Effects in InSAR Data for the Derivation of Digital Terrain Models or for the Characterization of Forest Vertical Structure. 268-272 - Wenjian Ni, Guoqing Sun, Zhiyu Zhang, Zhifeng Guo, Yating He:
Co-Registration of Two DEMs: Impacts on Forest Height Estimation From SRTM and NED at Mountainous Areas. 273-277 - Michelangelo Villano
SNR and Noise Variance Estimation in Polarimetric SAR Data. 278-282 - Xie Hu
, Teng Wang, Mingsheng Liao
Measuring Coseismic Displacements With Point-Like Targets Offset Tracking. 283-287 - Sergio Bernabé
, Prashanth Reddy Marpu
, Antonio Plaza
, Mauro Dalla Mura
, Jón Atli Benediktsson
Spectral-Spatial Classification of Multispectral Images Using Kernel Feature Space Representation. 288-292 - Ming Cheng, Cheng Wang, Jonathan Li
Sparse Representation Based Pansharpening Using Trained Dictionary. 293-297 - Xiaomei Lu, Yongxiang Hu
, Charles A. Trepte, Zhaoyan Liu:
A Super-Resolution Laser Altimetry Concept. 298-302 - Giorgio Franceschetti, Antonio Iodice
, Daniele Riccio
Forward-Looking Synthetic Aperture Radar (FLoSAR): The Array Approach. 303-307 - Simon Zwieback
, Irena Hajnsek:
Statistical Tests for Symmetries in Polarimetric Scattering Coherency Matrices. 308-312 - Yuxiang Zhang
, Bo Du, Liangpei Zhang:
Regularization Framework for Target Detection in Hyperspectral Imagery. 313-317 - Frosti Palsson, Johannes R. Sveinsson
, Magnus O. Ulfarsson
A New Pansharpening Algorithm Based on Total Variation. 318-322 - Stefania Matteoli, Tiziana Veracini, Marco Diani
, Giovanni Corsini
A Locally Adaptive Background Density Estimator: An Evolution for RX-Based Anomaly Detectors. 323-327 - Lingxiao Wang, Pengfeng Xiao
, Xuezhi Feng, Haixing Li, Wenbo Zhang, Jintang Lin
Effective Compositing Method to Produce Cloud-Free AVHRR Image. 328-332 - John N. Stanley, David W. Lamb
, Scott E. Irvine, Derek A. Schneider
Effect of Aluminum Neutron Probe Access Tubes on the Apparent Electrical Conductivity Recorded by an Electromagnetic Soil Survey Sensor. 333-336 - Hongbo Lin, Yue Li, Baojun Yang, Haitao Ma, Chao Zhang:
Seismic Random Noise Elimination by Adaptive Time-Frequency Peak Filtering. 337-341 - Pedram Ghamisi, Micael S. Couceiro
, Mathieu Fauvel, Jón Atli Benediktsson
Integration of Segmentation Techniques for Classification of Hyperspectral Images. 342-346 - Chabitha Devaraj, Chintan A. Shah:
Automated Geometric Correction of Landsat MSS L1G Imagery. 347-351 - Ming Yao, Liangmin Zhang, Xiaohua Deng, Bo Bai, Wenjun Wu, Meng Zhou, Huixia Li, Ziqing Lu:
System Design of the Prototype Incoherent Scatter Radar at Nanchang University. 352-356 - Syed Sohaib Ali
, Muhammad Mohsin Riaz, Abdul Ghafoor
Fuzzy Logic and Additive Wavelet-Based Panchromatic Sharpening. 357-360 - Shunichi Kusano, Kazunori Takahashi, Motoyuki Sato:
Volume Scattering Power Constraint Based on the Principal Minors of the Coherency Matrix. 361-365 - Michele Lazzarini, Hosni Ghedira
Assimilation of Earth Observation Variables and In Situ Measurements in a Surface Energy Balance Model: A Case Study of a Desert City Area. 366-370 - Isabel Caballero
, Jesús Gómez-Enri
, Paolo Cipollini
, Gabriel Navarro
Validation of High Spatial Resolution Wave Data From Envisat RA-2 Altimeter in the Gulf of Cádiz. 371-375
Volume 11, Number 2, February 2014
- Giuseppe Satalino
, Anna Balenzano
, Francesco Mattia
, Malcolm W. J. Davidson
C-Band SAR Data for Mapping Crops Dominated by Surface or Volume Scattering. 384-388 - Jing Tian, Wei Cui, Shuang Wu:
A Novel Method for Parameter Estimation of Space Moving Targets. 389-393 - Tomasz M. Grzegorczyk, Benjamin E. Barrowes:
Operation of the Pedemis Sensor at the Aberdeen Proving Ground Standardized Test Site: Single and Multi-Target Inversions. 394-398 - Rui Song
, Huadong Guo
, Guang Liu, Zbigniew Perski
, Jinghui Fan:
Improved Goldstein SAR Interferogram Filter Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition. 399-403 - Suyoung Seo, Jeongho Lee, Yongil Kim:
Extraction of Boundaries of Rooftop Fenced Buildings From Airborne Laser Scanning Data Using Rectangle Models. 404-408 - Stephane Meric, Rebecca Pancot:
Using Polynomial Wigner-Ville Distribution for Velocity Estimation in Remote Toll Applications. 409-413 - Claudia Notarnicola
A Bayesian Change Detection Approach for Retrieval of Soil Moisture Variations Under Different Roughness Conditions. 414-418 - Sandra Steinke, Ulrich Löhnert
, Susanne Crewell
, Shaofeng Liu:
Water Vapor Tomography With Two Microwave Radiometers. 419-423 - Md. Ali Hossain, Xiuping Jia
, Mark R. Pickering:
Subspace Detection Using a Mutual Information Measure for Hyperspectral Image Classification. 424-428 - Hao Zhou
, Biyang Wen, Shicai Wu:
Ionospheric Clutter Suppression in HFSWR Using Multilayer Crossed-Loop Antennas. 429-433 - Rafael Caduff, Andrew Kos
, Fritz Schlunegger
, Brian W. McArdell, Andreas Wiesmann:
Terrestrial Radar Interferometric Measurement of Hillslope Deformation and Atmospheric Disturbances in the Illgraben Debris-Flow Catchment, Switzerland. 434-438 - Yanyang Liu, Zhenfang Li, Taoli Yang, Zheng Bao:
An Adaptively Weighted Least Square Estimation Method of Channel Mismatches in Phase for Multichannel SAR Systems in Azimuth. 439-443 - Gang Liu, Robert Wang
, Yunkai Deng, Runpu Chen, Yunfeng Shao, Zhihui Yuan
A New Quality Map for 2-D Phase Unwrapping Based on Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix. 444-448 - Stefan Suess, Sebastian van der Linden
, Pedro J. Leitão
, Akpona Okujeni
, Björn Waske
, Patrick Hostert:
Import Vector Machines for Quantitative Analysis of Hyperspectral Data. 449-453 - Huixian Wang, Wanshou Jiang, Chengqiang Lei, Shanlan Qin, Jiaolong Wang:
A Robust Image Fusion Method Based on Local Spectral and Spatial Correlation. 454-458 - Dongdong Wang
, Shunlin Liang, Tao He
Mapping High-Resolution Surface Shortwave Net Radiation From Landsat Data. 459-463 - Yasen Zhang, Xinwei Zheng, Ge Liu, Xian Sun, Hongqi Wang, Kun Fu:
Semi-Supervised Manifold Learning Based Multigraph Fusion for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification. 464-468 - Kai Zhang, XuZhi Li, JiuXing Zhang:
A Robust Point-Matching Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image Registration. 469-473 - Yong Xu
, Bo Huang
A Spatio-Temporal Pixel-Swapping Algorithm for Subpixel Land Cover Mapping. 474-478 - Shuyuan Yang, Honghong Jin, Min Wang, Yu Ren, Licheng Jiao
Data-Driven Compressive Sampling and Learning Sparse Coding for Hyperspectral Image Classification. 479-483 - Chao Wang
, Hong Zhang, Fan Wu
, Shaofeng Jiang, Bo Zhang, Yixian Tang:
A Novel Hierarchical Ship Classifier for COSMO-SkyMed SAR Data. 484-488 - Hua Zhang, Wenzhong Shi
, Yunjia Wang, Ming Hao, Zelang Miao:
Spatial-Attraction-Based Markov Random Field Approach for Classification of High Spatial Resolution Multispectral Imagery. 489-493 - Gaofeng Liu, Ming Li, Yajun Wang, Peng Zhang, Yan Wu, Hongwei Liu:
Four-Component Scattering Power Decomposition of Remainder Coherency Matrices Constrained for Nonnegative Eigenvalues. 494-498 - Jie Cheng
, Shunlin Liang:
Effects of Thermal-Infrared Emissivity Directionality on Surface Broadband Emissivity and Longwave Net Radiation Estimation. 499-503 - Karthik Nagarajan, Pang-Wei Liu, Roger DeRoo
, Jasmeet Judge
, Ruzbeh Akbar, Patrick Rush, Steven Feagle, Daniel Preston, Robert Terwilleger:
Automated L-Band Radar System for Sensing Soil Moisture at High Temporal Resolution. 504-508 - Fengkai Lang
, Jie Yang, Deren Li, Lingli Zhao, Lei Shi
Polarimetric SAR Image Segmentation Using Statistical Region Merging. 509-513 - Ganchao Liu, Hua Zhong:
Nonlocal Means Filter for Polarimetric SAR Data Despeckling Based on Discriminative Similarity Measure. 514-518 - P. Sreenivas, C. Gnanaseelan
Impact of Oceanic Processes on the Life Cycle of Severe Cyclonic Storm "Jal". 519-523 - Davide Cozzolino
, Sara Parrilli, Giuseppe Scarpa, Giovanni Poggi, Luisa Verdoliva:
Fast Adaptive Nonlocal SAR Despeckling. 524-528 - Jian Yang, Chang Liu, Yanfei Wang:
Imaging and Parameter Estimation of Fast-Moving Targets With Single-Antenna SAR. 529-533 - Thomas Ristorcelli, Dominique Hamoir, Xavier Briottet:
Simulating Space Lidar Waveforms From Smaller-Footprint Airborne Laser Scanner Data for Vegetation Observation. 534-538 - Jianghao Wang, Yong Ge, Gerard B. M. Heuvelink, Chenghu Zhou:
Spatial Sampling Design for Estimating Regional GPP With Spatial Heterogeneities. 539-543 - Rui Zhang, Guoxiang Liu, Tao Li, Lanxin Huang, Bing Yu, Qiang Chen, Zhilin Li
An Integrated Model for Extracting Surface Deformation Components by PSI Time Series. 544-548 - Andreas Roncat, Christian Briese, Josef Jansa, Norbert Pfeifer
Radiometrically Calibrated Features of Full-Waveform Lidar Point Clouds Based on Statistical Moments. 549-553 - Bo Gao, Li Jia
, Massimo Menenti
An Improved Method For Retrieving Land Surface Albedo Over Rugged Terrain. 554-558 - Thomas Strasser, Stefan Lang
, Barbara Riedler
, Lena Pernkopf, K. Paccagnel:
Multiscale Object Feature Library for Habitat Quality Monitoring in Riparian Forests. 559-563 - Hideki Kobayashi
, Rikie Suzuki, Shin Nagai
, Taro Nakai
, Yongwon Kim:
Spatial Scale and Landscape Heterogeneity Effects on FAPAR in an Open-Canopy Black Spruce Forest in Interior Alaska. 564-568 - Christopher E. Parrish, Jeffrey N. Rogers, Brian R. Calder:
Assessment of Waveform Features for Lidar Uncertainty Modeling in a Coastal Salt Marsh Environment. 569-573 - Jean-Pierre Lagouarde, Sylvia Dayau, Patrick Moreau, Dominique Guyon:
Directional Anisotropy of Brightness Surface Temperature Over Vineyards: Case Study Over the Medoc Region (SW France). 574-578 - María Luz Guillén-Climent, Pablo J. Zarco-Tejada
, Francisco J. Villalobos
Estimating Radiation Interception in Heterogeneous Orchards Using High Spatial Resolution Airborne Imagery. 579-583
Volume 11, Number 3, March 2014
- Anttoni Jaakkola, Juha Hyyppä
, Eetu Puttonen
Measurement of Snow Depth Using a Low-Cost Mobile Laser Scanner. 587-591 - Valery M. Melnikov, Matti Leskinen
, Jarmo Koistinen:
Doppler Velocities at Orthogonal Polarizations in Radar Echoes From Insects and Birds. 592-596 - Siroos Bahrami, Ahmad Cheldavi, Ali Abdolali:
Ultrawideband Time-Reversal Imaging With Frequency Domain Sampling. 597-601 - Adam S. Charles, Christopher J. Rozell:
Spectral Superresolution of Hyperspectral Imagery Using Reweighted ℓ1 Spatial Filtering. 602-606 - Xizhang Wei, Zhen Liu, Xiaofeng Ding, Meimei Fan:
Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Radar Tomographic Image Based on Image Decomposition. 607-611 - Qian Zhang, Lefei Zhang, Yiping Yang, Yuan Tian, Lubin Weng:
Local Patch Discriminative Metric Learning for Hyperspectral Image Feature Extraction. 612-616 - Ge Liu, Yasen Zhang, Xinwei Zheng, Xian Sun, Kun Fu, Hongqi Wang:
A New Method on Inshore Ship Detection in High-Resolution Satellite Images Using Shape and Context Information. 617-621 - Leiguang Wang, Guoying Liu, Qinling Dai:
Optimization of Segmentation Algorithms Through Mean-Shift Filtering Preprocessing. 622-626 - Zhongyu Li, Junjie Wu, Qingying Yi, Yulin Huang, Jianyu Yang:
An Omega-k Imaging Algorithm for Translational Variant Bistatic SAR Based on Linearization Theory. 627-631 - Bruce A. Campbell, Nathaniel E. Putzig
, Frederick J. Foss, Roger J. Phillips:
SHARAD Signal Attenuation and Delay Offsets Due to the Martian Ionosphere. 632-635 - Yongmin Kim, Yongil Kim:
Improved Classification Accuracy Based on the Output-Level Fusion of High-Resolution Satellite Images and Airborne LiDAR Data in Urban Area. 636-640 - Guang Yang
, Bo Li, Shufan Ji, Feng Gao, Qizhi Xu:
Ship Detection From Optical Satellite Images Based on Sea Surface Analysis. 641-645 - Daniel Kucharski
, Hyung-Chul Lim, Georg Kirchner, Toshimichi Otsubo, Giuseppe Bianco
, Joo-Yeon Hwang:
Spin Axis Precession of LARES Measured by Satellite Laser Ranging. 646-650 - Lixia Yang, Shuyuan Yang, Penglei Jin, Rui Zhang:
Semi-Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Spatio-Spectral Laplacian Support Vector Machine. 651-655 - Olga Rajadell, Pedro García-Sevilla
, Viet Cuong Dinh, Robert P. W. Duin:
Improving Hyperspectral Pixel Classification With Unsupervised Training Data Selection. 656-660 - Emanuele Angiuli, Giovanna Trianni:
Urban Mapping in Landsat Images Based on Normalized Difference Spectral Vector. 661-665 - José M. P. Nascimento, José M. Bioucas-Dias
, José M. Rodriguez Alves, Vítor Silva
, Antonio Plaza
Parallel Hyperspectral Unmixing on GPUs. 666-670 - Manoj K. Mishra
, Debojyoti Ganguly, Prakash Chauhan, Ajai:
Estimation of Coastal Bathymetry Using RISAT-1 C-Band Microwave SAR Data. 671-675 - Chao Wu, Xiaojuan Zhang, Guangyou Fang:
Bistatic Scattering From Three-Dimensional Layered Structures With Multilayer Rough Interfaces. 676-680 - Xin Niu, Yifang Ban:
A Novel Contextual Classification Algorithm for Multitemporal Polarimetric SAR Data. 681-685 - Isabella Szottka, Matthias Butenuth:
Advanced Particle Filtering for Airborne Vehicle Tracking in Urban Areas. 686-690 - Yaoguo Zheng, Xiangrong Zhang, Biao Hou, Ganchao Liu:
Using Combined Difference Image and k-Means Clustering for SAR Image Change Detection. 691-695 - Gabriel Ducret, Marie-Pierre Doin
, Raphaël Grandin
, Cécile Lasserre, Stéphane Guillaso
DEM Corrections Before Unwrapping in a Small Baseline Strategy for InSAR Time Series Analysis. 696-700 - Yongjun Zhang
, Xiang Shen:
Quantitative Analysis on Geometric Size of LiDAR Footprint. 701-705 - Aymen Sellaouti, Atef Hamouda, Aline Deruyver, Cédric Wemmert:
Template-Based Hierarchical Building Extraction. 706-710 - Mihai A. Tanase
, Rocco Panciera, Kim Lowell, Cristina Aponte
, Jörg M. Hacker, Jeffrey P. Walker
Forest Biomass Estimation at High Spatial Resolution: Radar Versus Lidar Sensors. 711-715
Volume 11, Number 4, April 2014
- Smitha Ratheesh, Rashmi Sharma, Rajesh Sikhakolli, Raj Kumar, Sujit Basu:
Assessing Sea Surface Salinity Derived by Aquarius in the Indian Ocean. 719-722 - Yongfei Zhang
, Haiheng Cao, Hongxu Jiang, Bo Li:
Visual Distortion Sensitivity Modeling for Spatially Adaptive Quantization in Remote Sensing Image Compression. 723-727 - Pingping Huang, Shenyang Li, Wei Xu:
Investigation on Full-Aperture Multichannel Azimuth Data Processing in TOPS. 728-732 - Kanika Goel, Nico Adam
Fusion of Monostatic/Bistatic InSAR Stacks for Urban Area Analysis via Distributed Scatterers. 733-737 - Penglin Zhang, Zhiyong Lv, Wenzhong Shi
Local Spectrum-Trend Similarity Approach for Detecting Land-Cover Change by Using SPOT-5 Satellite Images. 738-742 - Zhongbin Li
, Zhizhao Liu
, Wenzhong Shi
A Fast Level Set Algorithm for Building Roof Recognition From High Spatial Resolution Panchromatic Images. 743-747 - Ruixian Hu, Baochang Liu, Tong Wang, Dongdong Liu, Zheng Bao:
A Knowledge-Based Target Relocation Method for Wide-Area GMTI Mode. 748-752 - Xin Huang
, Dawei Wen, Junfeng Xie, Liangpei Zhang:
Quality Assessment of Panchromatic and Multispectral Image Fusion for the ZY-3 Satellite: From an Information Extraction Perspective. 753-757 - Kebin Zhu, Zaiping Nie, Xiangyang Sun:
A Broadband Electromagnetic Propagation Logging With Linear Frequency Modulation Signal. 758-762 - Jacopo Grazioli, Marc Schneebeli, Alexis Berne
Accuracy of Phase-Based Algorithms for the Estimation of the Specific Differential Phase Shift Using Simulated Polarimetric Weather Radar Data. 763-767 - Xinghua Li
, Huanfeng Shen
, Liangpei Zhang, Hongyan Zhang, Qiangqiang Yuan:
Dead Pixel Completion of Aqua MODIS Band 6 Using a Robust M-Estimator Multiregression. 768-772 - Feng Gao
, Martha C. Anderson
, William P. Kustas, Rasmus Houborg
Retrieving Leaf Area Index From Landsat Using MODIS LAI Products and Field Measurements. 773-777 - Olivier Eches, Mireille Guillaume:
A Bilinear-Bilinear Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Method for Hyperspectral Unmixing. 778-782 - Jacek Strzelczyk
, Stanislawa Porzycka-Strzelczyk
Identification of Coherent Scatterers in SAR Images Based on the Analysis of Polarimetric Signatures. 783-787 - Wenzhong Shi
, Zelang Miao, Qunming Wang
, Hua Zhang:
Spectral-Spatial Classification and Shape Features for Urban Road Centerline Extraction. 788-792 - Wonkook Kim, Changyong Cao
, Shunlin Liang:
Assessment of Radiometric Degradation of FY-3A MERSI Reflective Solar Bands Using TOA Reflectance of Pseudoinvariant Calibration Sites. 793-797 - Qunming Wang
, Wenzhong Shi
Utilizing Multiple Subpixel Shifted Images in Subpixel Mapping With Image Interpolation. 798-802 - Octavio Ponce, Pau Prats-Iraola
, Rolf Scheiber
, Andreas Reigber, Alberto Moreira
, Esteban Aguilera:
Polarimetric 3-D Reconstruction From Multicircular SAR at P-Band. 803-807 - YiHyun Kim, Thomas J. Jackson, Rajat Bindlish
, Sukyoung Hong, Gunho Jung, Kyoungdo Lee:
Retrieval of Wheat Growth Parameters With Radar Vegetation Indices. 808-812 - Lydia Abady, Jean-Stéphane Bailly
, Nicolas N. Baghdadi, Yves Pastol, Hani Abdallah
Assessment of Quadrilateral Fitting of the Water Column Contribution in Lidar Waveforms on Bathymetry Estimates. 813-817 - Shaohui Mei, Mingyi He
, Zhiming Shen:
Optimizing Hopfield Neural Network for Spectral Mixture Unmixing on GPU Platform. 818-822 - Linlin Xu, Jonathan Li
Bayesian Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Probabilistic Sparse Representation and Markov Random Field. 823-827 - Yabo Liu, Ning Li
, Robert Wang
, Yunkai Deng:
Achieving High-Quality Three-Dimensional InISAR Imageries of Maneuvering Target via Super-Resolution ISAR Imaging by Exploiting Sparseness. 828-832 - Zu Yan, Jie Ma, Jinwen Tian, Hai Liu, Jingang Yu, Yun Zhang:
A Gravity Gradient Differential Ratio Method for Underwater Object Detection. 833-837 - Miguel Lázaro-Gredilla, Michalis K. Titsias, Jochem Verrelst
, Gustavo Camps-Valls
Retrieval of Biophysical Parameters With Heteroscedastic Gaussian Processes. 838-842 - Chenglu Wen
, Ling Qin, Qingyuan Zhu, Cheng Wang, Jonathan Li
Three-Dimensional Indoor Mobile Mapping With Fusion of Two-Dimensional Laser Scanner and RGB-D Camera Data. 843-847 - Mehrez Zribi, Azza Gorrab, Nicolas N. Baghdadi, Zohra Lili-Chabaane
, Bernard Mougenot
Influence of Radar Frequency on the Relationship Between Bare Surface Soil Moisture Vertical Profile and Radar Backscatter. 848-852 - Lu Gan, Yan Wu, Fan Wang, Peng Zhang, Qiang Zhang:
Unsupervised SAR Image Segmentation Based on Triplet Markov Fields With Graph Cuts. 853-857 - Özgür Özdemir:
Cauchy Data Contrast Source Inversion Method. 858-862 - Li Shen
, Hong Tang, Yunhao Chen, Adu Gong, Jing Li, Wenbin Yi:
A Semisupervised Latent Dirichlet Allocation Model for Object-Based Classification of VHR Panchromatic Satellite Images. 863-867 - Hong Zhang, Lei Xie, Chao Wang
, Fan Wu
, Bo Zhang:
Investigation of the Capability of H-α Decomposition of Compact Polarimetric SAR. 868-872 - Cédric Le Bastard
, Yide Wang, Vincent Baltazart, Xavier Dérobert
Time Delay and Permittivity Estimation by Ground-Penetrating Radar With Support Vector Regression. 873-877 - Baochang Liu, Yongkang Li, Tong Wang, Fengyang Shen, Zheng Bao:
An Analytical Formula Approximating the Multilook Interferometric-Phase Variance for InSAR. 878-882 - Jianguang Wen, Xiao-jie Zhao, Qiang Liu, Yong Tang, Baocheng Dou:
An Improved Land-Surface Albedo Algorithm With DEM in Rugged Terrain. 883-887
Volume 11, Number 5, May 2014
- J. Wei, Andrey K. Savtchenko, Bruce Vollmer, T. Hearty, Arif Albayrak
, David Crisp
, Annmarie Eldering:
Advances in CO2 Observations From AIRS and ACOS. 891-895 - Yanping Liu, Yue Li, Hongbo Lin, Haitao Ma:
An Amplitude-Preserved Time-Frequency Peak Filtering Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition for Seismic Random Noise Reduction. 896-900 - Shuyuan Yang, Yu Qiao, Lixia Yang, Penglei Jin, Licheng Jiao
Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Relaxed Clustering Assumption and Spatial Laplace Regularizer. 901-905 - Tianze Chen, Limin Chen, Yi Su:
A SAR Image Registration Method Based on Pixel Migration of Edge-Point Feature. 906-910 - Jun Hu, Guofu Zhu, Tian Jin, Zhimin Zhou:
Adaptive Through-Wall Indication of Human Target with Different Motions. 911-915 - Libao Zhang, Kaina Yang:
Region-of-Interest Extraction Based on Frequency Domain Analysis and Salient Region Detection for Remote Sensing Image. 916-920 - Pablo García Rodríguez
, María-Eugenia Polo
, Aurora Cuartero
, Ángel M. Felicísimo
, J. C. Ruiz-Cuetos:
VecStatGraphs2D, A Tool for the Analysis of Two-Dimensional Vector Data: An Example Using QuikSCAT Ocean Winds. 921-925 - Zhe Li, Jian Wang, Qing Huo Liu
Interpolation-Free Stolt Mapping for SAR Imaging. 926-929 - Gemine Vivone
, Rocco Restaino
, Mauro Dalla Mura
, Giorgio Licciardi, Jocelyn Chanussot:
Contrast and Error-Based Fusion Schemes for Multispectral Image Pansharpening. 930-934 - Kelly M. Brunt, Thomas A. Neumann, Kaitlin M. Walsh, Thorsten Markus:
Determination of Local Slope on the Greenland Ice Sheet Using a Multibeam Photon-Counting Lidar in Preparation for the ICESat-2 Mission. 935-939 - Hua Zhang, Wenzhong Shi
, Yunjia Wang, Ming Hao, Zelang Miao
Classification of Very High Spatial Resolution Imagery Based on a New Pixel Shape Feature Set. 940-944 - Chuanmin Hu, Chengfeng Le:
Ocean Color Continuity From VIIRS Measurements Over Tampa Bay. 945-949 - Hongchao Fan, Wei Yao
, Long Tang:
Identifying Man-Made Objects Along Urban Road Corridors From Mobile LiDAR Data. 950-954 - Xianyun Wu, Bormin Huang, Antonio Plaza
, Yunsong Li, Chengke Wu:
Real-Time Implementation of the Pixel Purity Index Algorithm for Endmember Identification on GPUs. 955-959 - Qiangqiang Peng, Long Zhao:
SAR Image Filtering Based on the Cauchy-Rayleigh Mixture Model. 960-964 - Chunpeng Wang, Xianglei Huang
Parallax Correction in the Analysis of Multiple Satellite Data Sets. 965-969 - Yong Jia, Guolong Cui, Lingjiang Kong, Xiaobo Yang:
Multichannel and Multiview Imaging Approach to Building Layout Determination of Through-Wall Radar. 970-974 - Huifang Li, Liangpei Zhang, Huanfeng Shen
A Principal Component Based Haze Masking Method for Visible Images. 975-979 - Chao Tao, Yuqi Tang, Chong Fan, Zhengrong Zou:
Hyperspectral Imagery Classification Based on Rotation-Invariant Spectral-Spatial Feature. 980-984 - Xiaohua Zhang, Ting Bai, Hongyun Meng, Jiawei Chen:
Compressive Sensing-Based ISAR Imaging via the Combination of the Sparsity and Nonlocal Total Variation. 990-994 - Fabio Baselice
, Giampaolo Ferraioli
, Vito Pascazio
Markovian Change Detection of Urban Areas Using Very High Resolution Complex SAR Images. 995-999 - Biao You, Jian Yang
, Junjun Yin
, Bin Xu:
Decomposition of the Kennaugh Matrix Based on a New Norm. 1000-1004 - M. Mamun, Xiuping Jia
, Michael J. Ryan:
Nonlinear Elastic Model for Flexible Prediction of Remotely Sensed Multitemporal Images. 1005-1009 - Ding Tao, Stian Normann Anfinsen
, Camilla Brekke:
A Comparative Study of Sea Clutter Covariance Matrix Estimators. 1010-1014 - Decheng Hong
, Shande Yang, Shouwen Yang
A Separately Determining Anisotropic Formation Parameter Method for Triaxial Induction Data. 1015-1018 - Yongtao Yu, Jonathan Li
, Jun Yu, Haiyan Guan, Cheng Wang:
Pairwise Three-Dimensional Shape Context for Partial Object Matching and Retrieval on Mobile Laser Scanning Data. 1019-1023 - Yihang Zhang
, Yun Du, Xiaodong Li
, Shiming Fang, Feng Ling
Unsupervised Subpixel Mapping of Remotely Sensed Imagery Based on Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Approach. 1024-1028
Volume 11, Number 6, June 2014
- Hongchao Liu, Bo Jiu, Hongwei Liu, Zheng Bao:
An Adaptive ISAR Imaging Method Based on Evidence Framework. 1031-1035 - Xueming Peng, Wen Hong, Yanping Wang, Weixian Tan, Yirong Wu:
Polar Format Imaging Algorithm With Wave-Front Curvature Phase Error Compensation for Airborne DLSLA Three-Dimensional SAR. 1036-1040 - Tao Sun, Xiuming Shan, Jing Chen:
Three-Dimensional Imaging of Spinning Space Debris Based on the Narrow-Band Radar. 1041-1045 - Wei Yang
, Bunkei Matsushita
, Jin Chen
, Kazuya Yoshimura
, Takehiko Fukushima
Application of a Semianalytical Algorithm to Remotely Estimate Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient in Turbid Inland Waters. 1046-1050 - Yi Chang, Luxin Yan, Houzhang Fang, Hai Liu:
Simultaneous Destriping and Denoising for Remote Sensing Images With Unidirectional Total Variation and Sparse Representation. 1051-1055 - Alexander Bucksch
, Roderik C. Lindenbergh
, Muhammad Zulkarnain Abd Rahman, Massimo Menenti
Breast Height Diameter Estimation From High-Density Airborne LiDAR Data. 1056-1060 - Yanfei Zhong, Lin Zhao, Liangpei Zhang:
An Adaptive Differential Evolution Endmember Extraction Algorithm for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery. 1061-1065 - Yakoub Bazi
, Naif Alajlan
, Farid Melgani, Haikel Hichri
, Salim Malek
, Ronald R. Yager:
Differential Evolution Extreme Learning Machine for the Classification of Hyperspectral Images. 1066-1070 - Erkan Uslu
, Songul Albayrak
Curvelet-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Classification. 1071-1075 - Ke Yang, Guisheng Liao, Wei Wang, Qing Xu:
Three-Dimensional Imaging Algorithm for Forward-Moving ROSAR. 1076-1080 - Fernando Vicente-Guijalba, Tomás Martínez-Marín, Juan M. Lopez-Sanchez
Crop Phenology Estimation Using a Multitemporal Model and a Kalman Filtering Strategy. 1081-1085 - Yang Gao, Weidong Yu, Yabo Liu, Robert Wang
, Chenpeng Shi:
Sharpness-Based Autofocusing for Stripmap SAR Using an Adaptive-Order Polynomial Model. 1086-1090 - Vicente García-Santos
, Enric Valor
, Vicente Caselles
, César Coll
, Ma. Angeles Burgos:
Effect of Soil Moisture on the Angular Variation of Thermal Infrared Emissivity of Inorganic Soils. 1091-1095 - Zhizhong Kang, Liqiang Zhang, Baoqian Wang, Zhen Li, Fengman Jia:
An Optimized BaySAC Algorithm for Efficient Fitting of Primitives in Point Clouds. 1096-1100 - Yuxiang Shu, Guisheng Liao, Zhiwei Yang:
Robust Radial Velocity Estimation of Moving Targets Based on Adaptive Data Reconstruction and Subspace Projection Algorithm. 1101-1105 - Ming Liu, Yan Wu, Wei Zhao, Qiang Zhang, Ming Li, Guisheng Liao:
Dempster-Shafer Fusion of Multiple Sparse Representation and Statistical Property for SAR Target Configuration Recognition. 1106-1110 - Wesley J. Moses
, Anatoly A. Gitelson, Sergey Berdnikov
, Jeffrey H. Bowles, Vasiliy Povazhnyi, Vladislav Saprygin
, Ellen J. Wagner, Karen W. Patterson:
HICO-Based NIR-Red Models for Estimating Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Productive Coastal Waters. 1111-1115 - Zhipeng Wang
, Xiaoxiong Xiong:
VIIRS On-Orbit Spatial Characterization Using the Moon. 1116-1120 - Saleh Abdalla
Calibration of SARAL/AltiKa Wind Speed. 1121-1123 - Kang Sun, Xiurui Geng, Panshi Wang
, Yongchao Zhao:
A Fast Endmember Extraction Algorithm Based on Gram Determinant. 1124-1128 - Liu Tao, Cui Hao-gui, Xi Ze-min, Gao Jun:
Texture-Invariant Estimation of Equivalent Number of Looks Based on Trace Moments in Polarimetric Radar Imagery. 1129-1133 - Dong Li, Guisheng Liao, Wei Wang, Qing Xu:
Extended Azimuth Nonlinear Chirp Scaling Algorithm for Bistatic SAR Processing in High-Resolution Highly Squinted Mode. 1134-1138 - Yu Li
, Yuanzhi Zhang, Jie Chen, Hongsheng Zhang
Improved Compact Polarimetric SAR Quad-Pol Reconstruction Algorithm for Oil Spill Detection. 1139-1142 - François Petitjean
, Jonathan Weber
Efficient Satellite Image Time Series Analysis Under Time Warping. 1143-1147 - Huseyin Topan
, Murat Oruc, Talha Taskanat
, Ali Cam:
Combined Efficiency of RPC and DEM Accuracy on Georeferencing Accuracy of Orthoimage: Case Study With Pléiades Panchromatic Mono Image. 1148-1152 - Francois P. S. Luus, Frans van den Bergh, Bodhaswar T. Maharaj
Adaptive Threshold-Based Shadow Masking for Across-Date Settlement Classification of Panchromatic QuickBird Images. 1153-1157 - Raffaele Solimene
, Antonio Cuccaro:
Front Wall Clutter Rejection Methods in TWI. 1158-1162 - Raffaele Solimene
, Angela Dell'Aversano:
Some Remarks on Time-Reversal MUSIC for Two-Dimensional Thin PEC Scatterers. 1163-1167 - Taoyang Wang, Guo Zhang, Deren Li, Xinming Tang, Yong-hua Jiang, Hong-Bo Pan, Xiaoyong Zhu, Chen Fang:
Geometric Accuracy Validation for ZY-3 Satellite Imagery. 1168-1171
Volume 11, Number 7, July 2014
- Shengqi Zhu, Guisheng Liao, Dong Yang, Haihong Tao:
A New Method for Radar High-Speed Maneuvering Weak Target Detection and Imaging. 1175-1179 - Chunzhi Li, Faming Fang, Aimin Zhou, Guixu Zhang:
A Novel Blind Spectral Unmixing Method Based on Error Analysis of Linear Mixture Model. 1180-1184 - Xiaojie Lian, Yan Wu, Wei Zhao, Fan Wang, Qiang Zhang, Ming Li:
Unsupervised SAR Image Segmentation Based on Conditional Triplet Markov Fields. 1185-1189 - André Jalobeanu, Gil Gonçalves
Robust Ground Peak Extraction With Range Error Estimation Using Full-Waveform LiDAR. 1190-1194 - Rob Heylen
, Paul D. Gader:
Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing With a Linear Mixture of Intimate Mixtures Model. 1195-1199 - Wan Luo, Zaiping Nie, Yongpin Chen:
Fast Analysis of Electromagnetic Scattering From Three-Dimensional Objects Straddling the Interface of a Half Space. 1205-1209 - Viet Thuy Vu, Thomas K. Sjögren, Mats I. Pettersson
Two-Dimensional Spectrum for BiSAR Derivation Based on Lagrange Inversion Theorem. 1210-1214 - Raffaele Persico, Jacopo Sala:
Single and Double Sequence of Investigation Domains in 2-D Linear Inversions Applied to GPR Data. 1215-1219 - Waseem Khan, Ijaz Mansoor Qureshi, Kiran Sultan:
Ambiguity Function of Phased-MIMO Radar With Colocated Antennas and Its Properties. 1220-1224 - Xiaolong Chen
, Jian Guan, Ningbo Liu, Wei Zhou, You He:
Detection of a Low Observable Sea-Surface Target With Micromotion via the Radon-Linear Canonical Transform. 1225-1229 - Gaofeng Liu, Ming Li, Yan Wu, Peng Zhang, Lu Jia
, Hongwei Liu:
PolSAR Image Classification Based on Wishart TMF With Specific Auxiliary Field. 1230-1234 - Xiaoxia Sun, Qing Qu
, Nasser M. Nasrabadi, Trac D. Tran:
Structured Priors for Sparse-Representation-Based Hyperspectral Image Classification. 1235-1239 - Shuanghui Zhang, Yongxiang Liu, Xiang Li:
Pseudomatched-Filter-Based ISAR Imaging Under Low SNR Condition. 1240-1244 - Roberto Sabia, Alejandro Cristo, Marco Talone
, Diego Fernández-Prieto, Marcos Portabella
Impact of Sea Surface Temperature and Measurement Sampling on the SMOS Level 3 Salinity Products. 1245-1249 - Yuanyuan Wang, Xiaoxiang Zhu
, Richard Bamler:
An Efficient Tomographic Inversion Approach for Urban Mapping Using Meter Resolution SAR Image Stacks. 1250-1254 - Ashutosh Kumar, M. Jaleel Akhtar
Microwave Imaging of Stratified Media From Band-Limited Reflection Coefficient Data. 1255-1259 - Claudio Papa, Giovanni Alberti, Giuseppe Salzillo, Gianfranco Palmese, Dario Califano, Luca Ciofaniello, Maria Daniele, Claudia Facchinetti
, Francesco Longo
, Roberto Formaro
, Ilaria Catapano, Lorenzo Crocco
, Gianluca Gennarelli
, Francesco Soldovieri
Design and Validation of a Multimode Multifrequency VHF/UHF Airborne Radar. 1260-1264 - Xiaodong Li
, Yun Du, Feng Ling
, Qi Feng, Bitao Fu:
Superresolution Mapping of Remotely Sensed Image Based on Hopfield Neural Network With Anisotropic Spatial Dependence Model. 1265-1269 - Shuzhu Shi
, Zhengyu Zhao, Yan Liu, Gang Chen, Ting Li, Jing-nan Liu, Ming Yao:
Experimental Demonstration for Ionospheric Sensing and Aircraft Detection With a HF Skywave Multistatic Radar. 1270-1274 - Jibin Zheng, Tao Su, Wentao Zhu, Qing Huo Liu
ISAR Imaging of Targets With Complex Motions Based on the Keystone Time-Chirp Rate Distribution. 1275-1279 - Ning Wu, Yue Li, Haitao Ma
, Xuechun Xu:
Intermediate-Frequency Seismic Record Discrimination by Radial Trace Time-Frequency Filtering. 1280-1284 - Anis Bouhdaoui, Jean-Stéphane Bailly
, Nicolas N. Baghdadi, Lydia Abady:
Modeling the Water Bottom Geometry Effect on Peak Time Shifting in LiDAR Bathymetric Waveforms. 1285-1289 - Deliang Xiang, Tao Tang, Canbin Hu, Yu Li, Yi Su:
A Kernel Clustering Algorithm With Fuzzy Factor: Application to SAR Image Segmentation. 1290-1294 - Thomas W. K. Armitage, Duncan J. Wingham, Andy L. Ridout:
Meteorological Origin of the Static Crossover Pattern Present in Low-Resolution-Mode CryoSat-2 Data Over Central Antarctica. 1295-1299 - Meng Jia, Maoguo Gong, Erlei Zhang, Yu Li, Licheng Jiao
Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Nonlocal Means With a Novel Class-Relativity Measurement. 1300-1304 - Qing Cao, Yixin Wen, Yang Hong
, Jonathan J. Gourley, Pierre-Emmanuel Kirstetter
Enhancing Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Over the Continental United States Using a Ground-Space Multi-Sensor Integration Approach. 1305-1309
Volume 11, Number 8, August 2014
- Lele Qu, Qiang Sun, Tianhong Yang, Lili Zhang, Yanpeng Sun:
Time-Delay Estimation for Ground Penetrating Radar Using ESPRIT With Improved Spatial Smoothing Technique. 1315-1319 - Jianjun Liu, Zebin Wu
, Le Sun, Zhihui Wei, Liang Xiao:
Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Kernel Sparse Representation and Semilocal Spatial Graph Regularization. 1320-1324 - Maryam Imani
, Hassan Ghassemian
Band Clustering-Based Feature Extraction for Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Limited Training Samples. 1325-1329 - Lianlin Li:
Sparsity-Promoted Blind Deconvolution of Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) Data. 1330-1334 - Jun Pan, Qinghua Zhou, Mi Wang:
Seamline Determination Based on Segmentation for Urban Image Mosaicking. 1335-1339 - Alan B. Tanner, Todd Gaier, William A. Imbriale, Pekka Kangaslahti, Bjorn Lambrigtsen, Boon H. Lim:
A Dual-Gain Design for the Geostationary Synthetic Thinned Array Radiometer. 1340-1344 - Uday K. Khankhoje
, Mariko Burgin, Mahta Moghaddam
On the Accuracy of Averaging Radar Backscattering Coefficients for Bare Soils Using the Finite-Element Method. 1345-1349 - Ahmed Shaharyar Khwaja, Xiao-Ping (Steven) Zhang:
Motion Parameter Estimation and Focusing From SAR Images Based on Sparse Reconstruction. 1350-1354 - Sang-Hoon Hong, Shimon Wdowinski
Multitemporal Multitrack Monitoring of Wetland Water Levels in the Florida Everglades Using ALOS PALSAR Data With Interferometric Processing. 1355-1359 - Kazuya Ishitsuka
, Masayuki Tamura, Toshifumi Matsuoka:
Equivalent Stacking of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferograms Based on Analysis of Persistent and Distributed Scatterers. 1360-1364 - Dengrong Zhang, Yuzhou Zhang, Tangao Hu
, Bin Xie, Junfeng Xu:
A Comparison of HY-2 and QuikSCAT Vector Wind Products for Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Development Monitoring. 1365-1369 - Qiang Zhang, Yan Wu, Wei Zhao, Fan Wang, Jianwei Fan, Ming Li:
Multiple-Scale Salient-Region Detection of SAR Image Based on Gamma Distribution and Local Intensity Variation. 1370-1374 - Gustavo A. Siles
, José Manuel Riera, Pedro García-del-Pino
, Beatriz Mencia-Oliva, Jesús Grajal:
Propagation Measurements at 19.7 and 99 GHz Using Ground-Based Radiometers. 1375-1379 - Raquel Niclos
, Jose Antonio Valiente
, Maria J. Barbera, Vicente Caselles
Land Surface Air Temperature Retrieval From EOS-MODIS Images. 1380-1384 - Jakov V. Toporkov:
Analytical Study of Along-Track InSAR Imaging of a Distributed Evolving Target With Application to Phase and Coherence Signatures of Breakers and Whitecaps. 1385-1389 - Wei Fu, Huan Pei, Xian-wen Gao, Chao Bai, He Tian, Qiong-yao Zhu:
Model Inversion of BBPV Based on DWD of MISR RS Image. 1390-1393 - Chang Li, Wenzhong Shi
The Generalized-Line-Based Iterative Transformation Model for Imagery Registration and Rectification. 1394-1398 - Natalia Galin, Duncan J. Wingham, Robert Cullen, Richard Francis, Isobel Lawrence:
Measuring the Pitch of CryoSat-2 Using the SAR Mode of the SIRAL Altimeter. 1399-1403 - Jiantao Cui, Xiaorun Li, Liaoying Zhao:
Nonlinear Spectral Mixture Analysis by Determining Per-Pixel Endmember Sets. 1404-1408 - Jiayi Li, Hongyan Zhang, Liangpei Zhang:
Supervised Segmentation of Very High Resolution Images by the Use of Extended Morphological Attribute Profiles and a Sparse Transform. 1409-1413 - Philippe Réfrégier, Antoine Roueff
, Aurélien Arnaubec, Pascale Dubois-Fernandez:
Invariant Contrast Parameters of PolInSAR Homogenous RVoG Model. 1414-1417 - Zhao Chen, Hanye Pu, Bin Wang, Geng-Ming Jiang:
Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Images: A Novel Framework Based on Generalization of Pan-Sharpening Methods. 1418-1422 - Jasper Van doninck
, Wolfgang Wagner
, Thomas Melzer, Bernard De Baets
, Niko E. C. Verhoest:
Seasonality in the Angular Dependence of ASAR Wide Swath Backscatter. 1423-1427 - Chuanmin Hu, Lian Feng
GOES Imager Shows Diurnal Changes of a Trichodesmium erythraeum Bloom on the West Florida Shelf. 1428-1432 - Bin Li, Delie Ming, Wenwen Yan, Xiao Sun, Tian Tian, Jinwen Tian:
Image Matching Based on Two-Column Histogram Hashing and Improved RANSAC. 1433-1437 - Ho Tong Minh Dinh
, Stefano Tebaldini
, Fabio Rocca
, Thuy Le Toan, Pierre Borderies, Thierry Koleck, Clement Albinet, Alia Hamadi, Ludovic Villard:
Vertical Structure of P-Band Temporal Decorrelation at the Paracou Forest: Results From TropiScat. 1438-1442 - Lu Jia
, Ming Li, Yan Wu, Peng Zhang, Hongmeng Chen, Lin An:
Semisupervised SAR Image Change Detection Using a Cluster-Neighborhood Kernel. 1443-1447 - Xueshi Li, Mengdao Xing
, Xiang-Gen Xia, Guangcai Sun, Yi Liang, Zheng Bao:
Deramp Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Multichannel SAR Systems. 1448-1452
Volume 11, Number 9, September 2014
- WenSen Feng, Hong Lei:
SAR Image Despeckling Using Data-Driven Tight Frame. 1455-1459 - Lei Zhang, Hao-lin Li, Zhi-jun Qiao, Zhiwei Xu
A Fast BP Algorithm With Wavenumber Spectrum Fusion for High-Resolution Spotlight SAR Imaging. 1460-1464 - Teng Wang
, Sigurjón Jónsson
, Ramon F. Hanssen
Improved SAR Image Coregistration Using Pixel-Offset Series. 1465-1469 - Guoji Zhang, Qiang Chen, Quan-Sen Sun:
Illumination Normalization Among Multiple Remote-Sensing Images. 1470-1474 - Saman Khajeh, Iraj Jazireeyan, Alireza Azmoudeh Ardalan
Applying Satellite Altimetry to Wetland Water Levels Monitoring (Case Study: Louisiana Wetland). 1475-1478 - Zeng-Lin Liu, Hua Wu, Bo-Hui Tang, Shi Qiu, Zhao-Liang Li:
An Empirical Relationship of Bare Soil Microwave Emissions Between Vertical and Horizontal Polarization at 10.65 GHz. 1479-1483 - Qiang Li, Jinghuai Gao:
Application of Seismic Data Stacking in Time-Frequency Domain. 1484-1488 - Pau Prats-Iraola
, Marc Rodriguez-Cassola, Francesco De Zan
, Paco López-Dekker
, Rolf Scheiber
, Andreas Reigber:
Efficient Evaluation of Fourier-Based SAR Focusing Kernels. 1489-1493 - Qunming Wang
, Wenzhong Shi
, Hua Zhang:
Class Allocation for Soft-Then-Hard Subpixel Mapping Algorithms With Adaptive Visiting Order of Classes. 1494-1498 - Avishai Ben-David, Justin Marks:
Geodesic Paths for Time-Dependent Covariance Matrices in a Riemannian Manifold. 1499-1503 - Xinlian Liang
, Juha Hyyppä
, Antero Kukko, Harri Kaartinen, Anttoni Jaakkola, Xiaowei Yu:
The Use of a Mobile Laser Scanning System for Mapping Large Forest Plots. 1504-1508 - Weiqiang Li
, Dongkai Yang, Salvatore D'Addio, Manuel Martín-Neira:
Partial Interferometric Processing of Reflected GNSS Signals for Ocean Altimetry. 1509-1513 - Tong Shuai, Xia Zhang, Shudong Wang, Lifu Zhang, Kun Shang
, Xiaoping Chen, Jinnian Wang:
A Spectral Angle Distance-Weighting Reconstruction Method for Filled Pixels of the MODIS Land Surface Temperature Product. 1514-1518 - Wenming Lin
, Marcos Portabella
, Ad Stoffelen, Antonio Turiel
, Anton Verhoef:
Rain Identification in ASCAT Winds Using Singularity Analysis. 1519-1523 - Donglian Sun, Rachel T. Pinker
Factors Contributing to the Spatial Variability of Satellite Estimates of Diurnal Temperature Range in the United States. 1524-1528 - Hongbo Yang
, Dawei Liu, Guoqing Sun, Zhifeng Guo, Zhiyu Zhang:
Simulation of Interferometric SAR Response for Characterizing Forest Successional Dynamics. 1529-1533 - Wei Wu, Renbo Xia, Wei Xiang, Bin Hui
, Zheng Chang, Yunpeng Liu, Yahong Zhang:
Recognition of Airport Runways in FLIR Images Based on Knowledge. 1534-1538 - Dong Yang, Guisheng Liao, Shengqi Zhu, Xi Yang, Xuepan Zhang:
SAR Imaging With Undersampled Data via Matrix Completion. 1539-1543 - Tamás Szirányi
, Maha Shadaydeh:
Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images Using Similarity-Measure-Based Fusion-MRF Model. 1544-1548 - Yongtao Yu, Jonathan Li
, Haiyan Guan, Cheng Wang, Jun Yu:
Automated Detection of Road Manhole and Sewer Well Covers From Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds. 1549-1553 - Thierry Toutin, Huili Wang, François Charbonneau, Carla Vanessa Schmitt:
Impact of Orthorectification on Simulated Compact Polarimetric RCM Data With Accurate Lidar DSM. 1554-1558 - Cunren Liang, Qiming Zeng, Jian Jiao:
An Assessment of ScanSAR Interferometric Processing Using Full-Aperture Approach. 1559-1563 - Ebenezer S. Nyadjro
, Bulusu Subrahmanyam:
SMOS Mission Reveals the Salinity Structure of the Indian Ocean Dipole. 1564-1568 - Shiyang Tang, Linrang Zhang, Ping Guo, Yonghong Zhao:
An Omega-K Algorithm for Highly Squinted Missile-Borne SAR With Constant Acceleration. 1569-1573 - Mojtaba Razavian, Mohammad Hossein Hosseini
, Reza Safian:
Time-Reversal Imaging Using One Transmitting Antenna Based on Independent Component Analysis. 1574-1578 - Pedro Latorre-Carmona
, Yuri Knyazikhin, Luis Alonso
, José F. Moreno, Filiberto Pla
, Yang Yan:
On Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Leaf Biophysical Constituents: Decoupling Vegetation Structure and Leaf Optics Using CHRIS-PROBA Data Over Crops in Barrax. 1579-1583 - Aixia Li, Xiaojun Cheng, Haiyan Guan, Tiantian Feng, Zequn Guan:
Novel Image Registration Method Based on Local Structure Constraints. 1584-1588 - Jung Hum Yu, Linlin Ge, Xiaojing Li:
Radargrammetry for Digital Elevation Model Generation Using Envisat Reprocessed Image and Simulation Image. 1589-1593 - Chengyu Jiang, Yue Li, Ning Wu, Guanghai Zhuang, Haitao Ma:
Radial-Trace Time-Frequency Peak Filtering Based on Correlation Integral. 1594-1598 - Yingwei Tian, Biyang Wen, Hao Zhou
Measurement of High and Low Waves Using Dual-Frequency Broad-Beam HF Radar. 1599-1603 - Paras Pant, Ville Heikkinen, Ilkka Korpela, Markku Hauta-Kasari, Timo Tokola
Logistic Regression-Based Spectral Band Selection for Tree Species Classification: Effects of Spatial Scale and Balance in Training Samples. 1604-1608 - Zhenfeng Shao, Lei Zhang, Xiran Zhou, Lin Ding
A Novel Hierarchical Semisupervised SVM for Classification of Hyperspectral Images. 1609-1613 - Alena Schmidt, Joachim Niemeyer, Franz Rottensteiner
, Uwe Soergel:
Contextual Classification of Full Waveform Lidar Data in the Wadden Sea. 1614-1618 - Chuiqing Zeng, Ting Zhao, Jinfei Wang:
A Multicriteria Evaluation Method for 3-D Building Reconstruction. 1619-1623 - Yuting Yang
, Huade Guan
, Songhao Shang, Di Long, Craig T. Simmons
Toward the Use of the MODIS ET Product to Estimate Terrestrial GPP for Nonforest Ecosystems. 1624-1628 - Leiku Yang, Yong Xue
, Jie Guang, Hassan B. Kazemian, Jiahua Zhang, Chi Li
Improved Aerosol Optical Depth and Ångstrom Exponent Retrieval Over Land From MODIS Based on the Non-Lambertian Forward Model. 1629-1633 - Karolina D. Fieber, Ian J. Davenport
, Mihai A. Tanase
, James M. Ferryman, Robert J. Gurney, Jeffrey P. Walker
, Jörg M. Hacker:
Effective LAI and CHP of a Single Tree From Small-Footprint Full-Waveform LiDAR. 1634-1638 - Antonia Gambacorta
, Christopher D. Barnet, Walter W. Wolf, Thomas King, Eric S. Maddy, Larrabee L. Strow, Xiaozhen Xiong, Nicholas R. Nalli
, Mitchell D. Goldberg:
An Experiment Using High Spectral Resolution CrIS Measurements for Atmospheric Trace Gases: Carbon Monoxide Retrieval Impact Study. 1639-1643 - Wen-Qin Wang:
MIMO SAR Chirp Modulation Diversity Waveform Design. 1644-1648 - Liying Geng, Mingguo Ma, Wenping Yu, Xufeng Wang, Shuzhen Jia:
Validation of the MODIS NDVI Products in Different Land-Use Types Using In Situ Measurements in the Heihe River Basin. 1649-1653 - Guiyun Zhou, Bin Wang, Ji Zhou:
Automatic Registration of Tree Point Clouds From Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning for Reconstructing the Ground Scene of Vegetated Surfaces. 1654-1658 - Xujun Han
, Rui Jin
, Xin Li
, Shuguo Wang:
Soil Moisture Estimation Using Cosmic-Ray Soil Moisture Sensing at Heterogeneous Farmland. 1659-1663
Volume 11, Number 10, October 2014
- Xi Li, Linlin Ge, Xiaoling Chen:
Quantifying Contribution of Land Use Types to Nighttime Light Using an Unmixing Model. 1667-1671 - Yunhua Luo, Hongjun Song, Robert Wang
, Yunkai Deng, Shichao Zheng:
An Accurate and Efficient Extended Scene Simulator for FMCW SAR With Static and Moving Targets. 1672-1676 - Xiaoguang Cheng, Wenli Huang
, Jianya Gong:
An Unsupervised Scattering Mechanism Classification Method for PolSAR Images. 1677-1681 - Hao Zhou
, Biyang Wen:
Observations of the Second-Harmonic Peaks From the Sea Surface With High-Frequency Radars. 1682-1686 - Hossein Aghighi, John C. Trinder
, Yuliya Tarabalka, Samsung Lim
Dynamic Block-Based Parameter Estimation for MRF Classification of High-Resolution Images. 1687-1691 - Xiulian Luo, Yunkai Deng, Robert Wang
, Wei Xu, Yunhua Luo, Lei Guo:
Image Formation Processing for Sliding Spotlight SAR With Stepped Frequency Chirps. 1692-1696 - Zongze Yuan, Hao Sun, Kefeng Ji, Zhiyong Li, Huanxin Zou:
Local Sparsity Divergence for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection. 1697-1701 - Zhaoqi Gao, Zhibin Pan, Jinghuai Gao:
A New Highly Efficient Differential Evolution Scheme and Its Application to Waveform Inversion. 1702-1706 - Jun Yang, Guangcai Sun, Mengdao Xing
, Xiang-Gen Xia, Yi Liang, Zheng Bao:
Squinted TOPS SAR Imaging Based on Modified Range Migration Algorithm and Spectral Analysis. 1707-1711 - Yu Fang, Hao Li, Yong Ma, Kun Liang, Yingjie Hu, Shaojie Zhang, Hongyuan Wang:
Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Images Based on Robust Spatial Information Using Locally Linear Embedding. 1712-1716 - Asim Anees, Jagannath Aryal
A Statistical Framework for Near-Real Time Detection of Beetle Infestation in Pine Forests Using MODIS Data. 1717-1721 - Ning Li
, Robert Wang
, Yunkai Deng, Yabo Liu, Chunle Wang, Timo Balz, Bochen Li:
Polarimetric Response of Landslides at X-Band Following the Wenchuan Earthquake. 1722-1726 - Yixiang Chen
, Kun Qin, Shunzi Gan, Tao Wu:
Structural Feature Modeling of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Directional Spatial Correlation. 1727-1731 - Qingjun Zhang, Wei Yin, Zegang Ding, Tao Zeng, Teng Long:
An Optimal Resolution Steering Method for Geosynchronous Orbit SAR. 1732-1736 - Marco Lavalle, Kosal Khun:
Three-Baseline InSAR Estimation of Forest Height. 1737-1741 - Xianxiang Qin, Shilin Zhou, Huanxin Zou:
SAR Image Segmentation via Hierarchical Region Merging and Edge Evolving With Generalized Gamma Distribution. 1742-1746 - David M. Le Vine, Paolo de Matthaeis
Aquarius Active/Passive RFI Environment at L-Band. 1747-1751 - Shiyong Cui, Gottfried Schwarz, Mihai Datcu:
A Comparative Study of Statistical Models for Multilook SAR Images. 1752-1756 - Peter Planinsic, Jagmal Singh, Dusan Gleich:
SAR Image Categorization Using Parametric and Nonparametric Approaches Within a Dual Tree CWT. 1757-1761 - Stefan Auer, Stefan Gernhardt:
Linear Signatures in Urban SAR Images - Partly Misinterpreted? 1762-1766 - Fabio Bovenga
, Fabio M. Rana
, Alberto Refice
, Nicola Veneziani:
Multichromatic Analysis of Satellite Wideband SAR Data. 1767-1771 - Hongchao Liu, Bo Jiu, Hongwei Liu, Zheng Bao:
A Novel ISAR Imaging Algorithm for Micromotion Targets Based on Multiple Sparse Bayesian Learning. 1772-1776 - Herminio Chavez-Roman, Volodymyr I. Ponomaryov:
Super Resolution Image Generation Using Wavelet Domain Interpolation With Edge Extraction via a Sparse Representation. 1777-1781 - W. Wu, Huadong Guo
, X. Li:
Urban Area Man-Made Target Detection for PolSAR Data Based on a Nonzero-Mean Statistical Model. 1782-1786 - Linlin Xu, Jonathan Li
, Alexander Wong, Junhuan Peng:
K-P-Means: A Clustering Algorithm of K "Purified" Means for Hyperspectral Endmember Estimation. 1787-1791 - Zhiwei Xu
, Lei Zhang, Mengdao Xing
Precise Cross-Range Scaling for ISAR Images Using Feature Registration. 1792-1796 - Xueyun Chen, Shiming Xiang, Cheng-Lin Liu, Chunhong Pan:
Vehicle Detection in Satellite Images by Hybrid Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. 1797-1801 - Alexandre Roy, Alain Royer, Ronald J. Hall:
Relationship Between Forest Microwave Transmissivity and Structural Parameters for the Canadian Boreal Forest. 1802-1806 - Hanyun Wang
, Cheng Wang, Huan Luo, Peng Li, Ming Cheng, Chenglu Wen
, Jonathan Li
Object Detection in Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds Based on Hough Forest. 1807-1811 - Leigang Huo, Xiangchu Feng, Chunlei Huo, Zhixin Zhou, Chunhong Pan:
Change Field: A New Change Measure for VHR Images. 1812-1816 - Azzedine Bouaraba
, Aichouche Belhadj Aissa, Dirk Borghys
, Marc Acheroy, Damien Closson:
InSAR Phase Filtering via Joint Subspace Projection Method: Application in Change Detection. 1817-1820 - Xiurui Geng, Luyan Ji, Kang Sun:
Principal Skewness Analysis: Algorithm and Its Application for Multispectral/Hyperspectral Images Indexing. 1821-1825 - Thu Trang Le
, Abdourrahmane M. Atto, Emmanuel Trouvé, Jean-Marie Nicolas:
Adaptive Multitemporal SAR Image Filtering Based on the Change Detection Matrix. 1826-1830 - Rios Jesus Javier, Youngwook Kim
Application of Linear Predictive Coding for Human Activity Classification Based on Micro-Doppler Signatures. 1831-1834 - Dawei Liu, Changchun Lv, Kai Liu, Yan Xie, Jungang Miao:
Retrieval Analysis of Atmospheric Water Vapor for K-Band Ground-Based Hyperspectral Microwave Radiometer. 1835-1839 - Juan C. Jiménez-Muñoz
, José A. Sobrino
, Drazen Skokovic, Cristian Mattar, Jordi Cristóbal
Land Surface Temperature Retrieval Methods From Landsat-8 Thermal Infrared Sensor Data. 1840-1843 - Frédéric Jacob
, Marie Weiss
Mapping Biophysical Variables From Solar and Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing: Focus on Agricultural Landscapes With Spatial Heterogeneity. 1844-1848
Volume 11, Number 11, November 2014
- Zelang Miao
, Bin Wang
, Wenzhong Shi
, Hua Zhang:
A Semi-Automatic Method for Road Centerline Extraction From VHR Images. 1856-1860 - Paola Rizzoli
, Michele Martone, Benjamin Bräutigam:
Global Interferometric Coherence Maps From TanDEM-X Quicklook Data. 1861-1865 - Cosmin Ancuti, Codruta O. Ancuti
Effective Contrast-Based Dehazing for Robust Image Matching. 1871-1875 - Xiurui Geng, Luyan Ji, Kang Sun, Yongchao Zhao:
CEM: More Bands, Better Performance. 1876-1880 - Junhwa Chi
, Melba M. Crawford:
Active Landmark Sampling for Manifold Learning Based Spectral Unmixing. 1881-1885 - Jaime Zabalza
, Jinchang Ren
, Zheng Wang, Stephen Marshall
, Jun Wang:
Singular Spectrum Analysis for Effective Feature Extraction in Hyperspectral Imaging. 1886-1890 - Michelangelo Villano
, Gerhard Krieger
, Alberto Moreira
A Novel Processing Strategy for Staggered SAR. 1891-1895 - Martin Hämmerle
, Bernhard Höfle
, Johannes Fuchs, Andrea Schroder-Ritzrau
, Nicole Vollweiler
, Norbert Frank
Comparison of Kinect and Terrestrial LiDAR Capturing Natural Karst Cave 3-D Objects. 1896-1900 - Shouhei Ohno, Shouhei Kidera, Tetsuo Kirimoto:
Efficient SOM-Based ATR Method for SAR Imagery With Azimuth Angular Variations. 1901-1905 - Hongxing Hao, Lingda Wu:
PUMA-SPA: A Phase Unwrapping Method Based on PUMA and Second-Order Polynomial Approximation. 1906-1910 - Ana-Maria Ilisei, Lorenzo Bruzzone:
A Model-Based Technique for the Automatic Detection of Earth Continental Ice Subsurface Targets in Radar Sounder Data. 1911-1915 - Xiao-Wei Zhang, Ming Li, Lei Zuo, Yan Wu, Peng Zhang:
Adaptive Subspace Detection for Wideband Radar Using Sparsity in Sinc Basis. 1916-1920 - Virginia Zamparelli
, Piyush S. Agram, Gianfranco Fornaro
Estimation and Compensation of Phase Shifts in SAR Focusing of Spotlight Data Acquired With Discrete Antenna Steering. 1921-1925 - Wentao An, Chunhua Xie:
An Improvement on the Complete Model-Based Decomposition of Polarimetric SAR Data. 1926-1930 - Peng Liu, Kie B. Eom:
Compressive Sensing of Noisy Multispectral Images. 1931-1935 - Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, Carlos Casanova-Mateo, Jordi Muñoz-Marí
, Gustavo Camps-Valls
Prediction of Daily Global Solar Irradiation Using Temporal Gaussian Processes. 1936-1940 - Nur Huseyin Kaplan
, Isin Erer
Bilateral Filtering-Based Enhanced Pansharpening of Multispectral Satellite Images. 1941-1945 - Lijun Xu
, Deming Kong, Xiaolu Li:
On-the-Fly Extraction of Polyhedral Buildings From Airborne LiDAR Data. 1946-1950 - Mauro E. Holzman, Raul Rivas, Martín Ignacio Bayala:
Subsurface Soil Moisture Estimation by VI-LST Method. 1951-1955 - Rick A. Hagen, Mary F. Peters, Robert T. Liang, David G. Ball, John M. Brozena:
Measuring Arctic Sea Ice Motion in Real Time With Photogrammetry. 1956-1960 - Minoru Tsutsui:
Behaviors of Electromagnetic Waves Directly Excited by Earthquakes. 1961-1965 - Huaping Xu, Wei Chen, Wei Liu
, Shuang Li:
Phase Statistics for Strong Scatterers in SAR Interferograms. 1966-1970 - Bin Liu, Jingfa Zhang, Yi Luo, Wenliang Jiang, Xi Chen
, Yongsheng Li:
Error Propagation Analysis in Three-Dimensional Coseismic Displacement Inversion. 1971-1975 - Xiaodong Xiong, Yongjun Zhang
, Junfeng Zhu, Maoteng Zheng
Camera Pose Determination and 3-D Measurement From Monocular Oblique Images With Horizontal Right Angle Constraints. 1976-1980 - Ying Zhou, Dan Wang, Xiang Xie, Yiyi Ren, Guolin Li, Yangdong Deng, Zhihua Wang:
A Fast and Accurate Segmentation Method for Ordered LiDAR Point Cloud of Large-Scale Scenes. 1981-1985 - Maryam Imani
, Hassan Ghassemian
Feature Extraction Using Attraction Points for Classification of Hyperspectral Images in a Small Sample Size Situation. 1986-1990 - Zhuo Sun, Cheng Wang, Dilong Li, Jonathan Li
Semisupervised Classification for Hyperspectral Imagery With Transductive Multiple-Kernel Learning. 1991-1995 - Savas Özkan, Tayfun Ates, Engin Tola, Medeni Soysal, Ersin Esen:
Performance Analysis of State-of-the-Art Representation Methods for Geographical Image Retrieval and Categorization. 1996-2000 - Sarp Ertürk, Secil Suer, Hatice Koc:
A High-Dynamic-Range-Based Approach for the Display of Hyperspectral Images. 2001-2004 - Amin Alizadeh Naeini, Saeid Homayouni
, Mohammad Saadatseresht
Intrinsic Dimensionality Estimation in Hyperspectral Imagery Using Residual and Change-Point Analyses. 2005-2009 - C. M. Cecilio, Douglas Francisco Marcolino Gherardi
, R. B. Souza, M. Correa-Ramirez:
Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Eddy Kinetic Energy in the South Atlantic Ocean. 2010-2014 - Rui Jin
, Xin Li
, Baoping Yan, Xiuhong Li, Wanming Luo, Mingguo Ma, Jianwen Guo, Jian Kang, Zhongli Zhu, Shaojie Zhao:
A Nested Ecohydrological Wireless Sensor Network for Capturing the Surface Heterogeneity in the Midstream Areas of the Heihe River Basin, China. 2015-2019 - Liangxu Wang, Shuguo Wang, Youhua Ran:
Data Sharing and Data Set Application of Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research. 2020-2024
Volume 11, Number 12, December 2014
- Zhenqian Zhu, Zhimin Zhang, Robert Wang
, Lei Guo:
Out-of-Band Ambiguity Analysis of Nonuniformly Sampled SAR Signals. 2027-2031 - Akhilesh K. Verma, Aurobinda Routray
, William K. Mohanty:
Assessment of Similarity Between Well Logs Using Synchronization Measures. 2032-2036 - Junqiang Sun, Menghua Wang, Liqin Tan, Lide Jiang
An Efficient Approach for VIIRS RDR to SDR Data Processing. 2037-2041 - Ping Wang
, Jinghuai Gao, Zhiguo Wang
Time-Frequency Analysis of Seismic Data Using Synchrosqueezing Transform. 2042-2044 - Qiang Shi, Guorui Ma, Feifei Zhang, Wangli Chen, Qianqing Qin, Huang Duo:
Robust Image Registration Using Structure Features. 2045-2049 - Yanyang Liu, Zhenfang Li, Zhibin Wang, Zheng Bao:
On the Baseband Doppler Centroid Estimation for Multichannel HRWS SAR Imaging. 2050-2054 - Huijuan Huang, Jing Yu, Weidong Sun:
Superresolution Mapping Using Multiple Dictionaries by Sparse Representation. 2055-2059 - Chisheng Wang
, Xiaoli Ding
, Qingquan Li, Mi Jiang
Equation-Based InSAR Data Quadtree Downsampling for Earthquake Slip Distribution Inversion. 2060-2064 - Pedro Mateus
, Giovanni Nico, João Catalão Fernandes
Maps of PWV Temporal Changes by SAR Interferometry: A Study on the Properties of Atmosphere's Temperature Profiles. 2065-2069 - Jian Xu, Xian Sun, Daobing Zhang, Kun Fu:
Automatic Detection of Inshore Ships in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images Using Robust Invariant Generalized Hough Transform. 2070-2074 - Wenting Ma, Jian Yang
, Wei Gao:
Automatic GCP Extraction in Mountainous Areas Using DEM and PolSAR Data. 2075-2079 - Yun Feng Shao, Robert Wang
, Yun Kai Deng, Yue Liu, Runpu Chen, Gang Liu, Timo Balz, Otmar Loffeld
Digital Elevation Model Reconstruction in Multichannel Spaceborne/Stationary SAR Interferometry. 2080-2084 - Necip Gökhan Kasapoglu
Sea Ice Concentration Retrieval Using Composite ScanSAR Features in a SAR Data Assimilation Process. 2085-2089 - Alberto Alonso Arroyo
, Adriano Camps, Albert Aguasca
, Giuseppe Forte, Alessandra Monerris
, Christoph Rüdiger
, Jeffrey P. Walker
, Hyuk Park
, Daniel Pascual
, Raul Onrubia
Improving the Accuracy of Soil Moisture Retrievals Using the Phase Difference of the Dual-Polarization GNSS-R Interference Patterns. 2090-2094 - Jia Duan, Lei Zhang, Mengdao Xing
, Yifeng Wu, Min Wu:
Polarimetric Target Decomposition Based on Attributed Scattering Center Model for Synthetic Aperture Radar Targets. 2095-2099 - Alp Ertürk, Mehmet Kemal Güllü
, Davut Çesmeci, Deniz Gerçek
, Sarp Ertürk:
Spatial Resolution Enhancement of Hyperspectral Images Using Unmixing and Binary Particle Swarm Optimization. 2100-2104 - Mahdi Khodadadzadeh, Jun Li
, Antonio Plaza
, José M. Bioucas-Dias
A Subspace-Based Multinomial Logistic Regression for Hyperspectral Image Classification. 2105-2109 - Chen Li, Weimin Huang
An Algorithm for Sea-Surface Wind Field Retrieval From GNSS-R Delay-Doppler Map. 2110-2114 - Zhen Lei, Mi Wang, Deren Li, Ting L. Lei:
Stream Model-Based Orthorectification in a GPU Cluster Environment. 2115-2119 - Xian Liu, Yulin Huang, Jifang Pei, Jianyu Yang:
Sample Discriminant Analysis for SAR ATR. 2120-2124 - Jianghao Wang, Yong Ge, Yongze Song
, Xin Li
A Geostatistical Approach to Upscale Soil Moisture With Unequal Precision Observations. 2125-2129 - Leandro Passos de Figueiredo, Marcio Santos, Mauro Roisenberg, Guenther Schwedersky Neto, Wagner Figueiredo:
Bayesian Framework to Wavelet Estimation and Linearized Acoustic Inversion. 2130-2134 - Shuo Yang, Zhenwei Shi:
SparseCEM and SparseACE for Hyperspectral Image Target Detection. 2135-2139 - Bin Liu
, Zenghui Zhang
, Xingzhao Liu, Wenxian Yu:
Edge Extraction for Polarimetric SAR Images Using Degenerate Filter With Weighted Maximum Likelihood Estimation. 2140-2144 - Junzhi Wan, Wei Guo, Caiyun Wang, Fei Zhao:
A Matching Method for Establishing Correspondence Between Satellite Radar Altimeter Data and Transponder Data Generated During Calibration. 2145-2149 - Mehmet Dikmen, Ugur Halici
A Learning-Based Resegmentation Method for Extraction of Buildings in Satellite Images. 2150-2153 - Wen-Qin Wang, Huaizong Shao:
Two-Antenna SAR With Waveform Diversity for Ground Moving Target Indication. 2154-2158 - Min-Ho Ka, Aleksandr I. Baskakov:
Optimal Detector Synthesis for a Spaceborne High-Precision Oceanographic Radar Altimeter. 2159-2162 - Li Li, Yongsheng Zhang, Zhen Dong, Diannong Liang:
Ionospheric Polarimetric Dispersion Effect on Low-Frequency Spaceborne SAR Imaging. 2163-2167 - Jinhui Han
, Yong Ma, Bo Zhou, Fan Fan, Kun Liang, Yu Fang:
A Robust Infrared Small Target Detection Algorithm Based on Human Visual System. 2168-2172 - Feng He, Xile Ma, Zhen Dong, Diannong Liang:
Digital Beamforming on Receive in Elevation for Multidimensional Waveform Encoding SAR Sensing. 2173-2177 - Christoph Rüdiger
, Marcela Doubková, Joshua R. Larsen
, Wolfgang Wagner
, Jeffrey P. Walker
Similarities Between Spaceborne Active and Airborne Passive Microwave Observations at 1 km Resolution. 2178-2182 - Xian Guo, Xin Huang
, Liangpei Zhang:
Three-Dimensional Wavelet Texture Feature Extraction and Classification for Multi/Hyperspectral Imagery. 2183-2187 - Paul A. Hwang
, William Perrie, Biao Zhang:
Cross-Polarization Radar Backscattering From the Ocean Surface and Its Dependence on Wind Velocity. 2188-2192 - Eva Lagunas
, Moeness G. Amin
, Fauzia Ahmad
, Montse Nájar
Pattern Matching for Building Feature Extraction. 2193-2197 - Wei-Bin Yu, Cheng Su
, Chun-Na Yu, Xi-Zhi Wang, Cun-Jun Feng, Xiao-Can Zhang:
An Efficient Algorithm for Depression Filling and Flat-Surface Processing in Raster DEMs. 2198-2202

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