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The American Mathematical Monthly, Volume 121
Volume 121, Number 1, January 2014
- Scott T. Chapman:
A Letter from the Editor: What's In a Color? 3-4 - Melvyn B. Nathanson:
Additive Systems and a Theorem of de Bruijn. 5-17 - Mario Ponce
, Patricio Santibáñez:
On Equidistant Sets and Generalized Conics: The Old and the New. 18-32 - Anthony Mendes, Kent E. Morrison:
Guessing Games. 33-44 - Chris D. Lynd:
Using Difference Equations to Generalize Results for Periodic Nested Radicals. 45-59 - José A. Conejero
, P. Jiménez-Rodríguez, Gustavo A. Muñoz-Fernández
, Juan B. Seoane-Sepúlveda
When the Identity Theorem "Seems" to Fail. 60-68 - Ádám Besenyei:
Peano's Unnoticed Proof of Borel's Theorem. 69-72 - Steven H. Weintraub:
Values of Polynomials over Integral Domains. 73-74 - Bao Qin Li:
A Direct Proof and a Transcendental Version of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra via Cauchy's Theorem. 75-77 - Samuel Clowes Huneke
An Inductive Proof of Hex Uniqueness. 78-80 - Karim Boulabiar
Real-Valued Ring Homomorphisms on C(Ω). 81-82 - Problems and Solutions. 83-90
- Kenneth A. Ross:
Review: In the Dark on the Sunny Side: a Memoir of an Out-of-Sight Mathematician, Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC, 2012, 206 pp., ISBN 978-0883855812, $50. by Larry Baggett. 91-92
Volume 121, Number 2, February 2014
- Eric C. Chi
, Kenneth Lange:
A Look at the Generalized Heron Problem through the Lens of Majorization-Minimization. 95-108 - Vincent E. Coll, Mike Harrison:
Two Generalizations of a Property of the Catenary. 109-119 - Pantelis A. Damianou:
A Beautiful Sine Formula. 120-135 - Ron Evans, Lihua Huang, Tuan Nguyen:
Keeler's Theorem and Products of Distinct Transpositions. 136-144 - Jaime Gaspar
Non-recursive Polynomial Formula for the Sum of the Powers of the Integers. 144 - David Grant:
The Quadratic Gauss Sum Redux. 145-149 - Miles Dillon Edwards:
A Possibly New Proof of the Law of Cos. 149 - Yuly Billig, John D. Dixon:
An Eigenvalue Theorem for Systems of Polynomial Equations. 150-153 - Hongwei Lou:
A Short Proof of Stirling's Formula. 154-157 - Richard Ehrenborg
Hamiltonian Cycles on Archimedean Solids Are Twisting Free. 158-161 - Chua Cheong Siong:
A Simple Proof of Ljunggren's Binomial Congruence. 162-164 - Daniel J. Velleman:
Monthly Gems. 164 - Peter J. McGrath
Another Proof of Clairaut's Theorem. 165-166 - Hossein Hosseini Giv
Proving the Banach-Alaoglu Theorem via the Existence of the Stone-Čech Compactification. 167-169 - Problems and Solutions. 170-177
- Harold P. Boas
Review: Invitation to Classical Analysis, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2012, xiii + 392 pp., ISBN 978-0-8218-6932-1, $74.00. by Peter Duren. 178-182 - Peter D. Lax:
Review: Numbers and Functions: From a Classical Experimental Mathematicians Point of View, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2012, 504 pp., ISBN 978-0821887950, $58. by Victor H. Moll. 183
Volume 121, Number 3, March 2014
- Kenneth A. Ross, Ann E. Watkins:
Yueh-Gin Gung and Dr. Charles Y. Hu Award for 2014 to Joan Leitzel for Distinguished Service to Mathematics. 187-190 - David H. Bailey, Jonathan M. Borwein:
Pi Day Is Upon Us Again and We Still Do Not Know if Pi Is Normal. 191-206 - Stephan Berendonk:
The Length of Spirographic Curves. 207-212 - Alec S. Cooper, Oleg Pikhurko, John R. Schmitt, Gregory S. Warrington
Martin Gardner's Minimum No-3-in-a-Line Problem. 213-221 - Aleksander Maliszewski, Marcin Szyszkowski:
Level Sets on Disks. 222-228 - Junesang Choi
, Hari M. Srivastava
Series Involving the Zeta Functions and a Family of Generalized Goldbach-Euler Series. 229-236 - B. Sury:
A Polynomial Parent to a Fibonacci-Lucas Relation. 236 - Trevor Hyde:
A Wallis Product on Clovers. 237-243 - Mircea Merca
On Some Power Sums of Sine or Cosine. 244-248 - William Johnston:
The Weighted Hermite Polynomials Form a Basis for L2(ℝ). 249-253 - Gerd Herzog:
A Proof of Lie's Product Formula. 254-257 - Kenneth Lange:
Hadamard's Determinant Inequality. 258-259 - Sahin Koçak, M. Limoncu:
Mean of the Mean of the Mean ... 259 - Justin Tatch Moore
Justin Tatch Moore. 260-262 - Marc Chamberland, Doron Zeilberger:
A Short Proof of McDougall's Circle Theorem. 263-265 - Problems and Solutions. 266-273
- Mark Kozek:
Review: Mathematics in Popular Culture: Essays on Appearances in Film, Fiction, Games, Television and Other Media. Edited by Jessica K. Sklar and Elizabeth S. Sklar; Foreword by Keith Devlin. McFarland, Jefferson, NC, 2012, viii + 345 pp., ISBN 978-0-7864-4978-1, $45. 274-278
Volume 121, Number 4, April 2014
- Andrew J. Simoson:
Periodicity Domains and the Transit of Venus. 283-298 - Daniel J. Velleman:
A Drug-Induced Random Walk. 299-317 - Alexei Yu. Uteshev
Analytical Solution for the Generalized Fermat-Torricelli Problem. 318-331 - Samuel J. Ferguson
A One-Sentence Line-of-Sight Proof of the Extreme Value Theorem. 331 - Martin Kovár
, Alena Chernikava:
On the Proof of the Existence of Undominated Strategies in Normal Form Games. 332-337 - Chao-Ping Chen, Junesang Choi
An Asymptotic Formula for (1 + 1/x)x Based on the Partition Function. 338-343 - Steffen Eger:
Stirling's Approximation for Central Extended Binomial Coefficients. 344-349 - Thorsten Neuschel:
A New Proof of Stirling's Formula. 350-352 - Ralph M. Krause:
Zeta(2) Once Again. 353-354 - Andrea M. Hyde, Paul D. Lee, Blair K. Spearman:
Polynomials (x3 - n)(x2 + 3) Solvable Modulo Any Integer. 355-358 - B. Sury:
Macaulay Expansion. 359-360 - Jerry J. Koliha:
Evaluating Lebesgue Integrals Efficiently with the FTC. 361-364 - Problems and Solutions. 365-372
- Jeffrey Nunemacher:
Review: Encounters with Chaos and Fractals, 2nd edition. By Denny Gulick. Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2012, xvi + 371 pp., ISBN 978-1-58488-517-7, $79.95. 373-376
Volume 121, Number 5, May 2014
- Allison Henrich, Louis H. Kauffman:
Unknotting Unknots. 379-390 - Alan F. Beardon, Ian Short
A Geometric Representation of Continued Fractions. 391-402 - Tom Leinster:
Rethinking Set Theory. 403-415 - Allan J. Kroopnick:
An Elementary Application of Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem to Transition Matrices. 415 - Jon Grantham, Witold Jarnicki, John Rickert, Stan Wagon:
Repeatedly Appending Any Digit to Generate Composite Numbers. 416-421 - Iddo Ben-Ari, Diana Hay, Alexander Roitershtein
On Wallis-type Products and Pólya's Urn Schemes. 422-432 - Paul Pollack, Enrique Treviño:
The Primes that Euclid Forgot. 433-437 - Emmanuel Tsukerman:
Solution of Sondow's Problem: A Synthetic Proof of the Tangency Property of the Parbelos. 438-443 - José Ángel Cid Araújo:
A Difference Equation Leading to the Irrationality of √ 2. 443 - Nathan A. Carlson:
A Connection between Furstenberg's and Euclid's Proofs of the Infinitude of Primes. 444 - Ming-Chia Li:
An Elementary Proof of a Generalization of Banach's Mapping Theorem. 445-446 - M. Lawrence Glasser:
A Technique in Contour Integration. 447-448 - Kyle Luh, Nicholas Pippenger:
Large-Deviation Bounds for Sampling without Replacement. 449-454 - Problems and Solutions. 455-462
- Daniel Ullman:
Review: Math on Trial: How Mathematics Is Used and Abused in the Courtroom. By Leila Schneps and Coralie Colmez, Basic Books, New York, 2013, xi+256 pp., ISBN 978-0-465-03292-1, $26.99. 463-466 - Editor's Endnotes. 467-468
Volume 121, Number 6, June-July 2014
- Alberto Facchini, Giulia Simonetta:
Rational Numbers, Finite Cyclic Monoids, Divisibility Rules, and Numbers of Type 99...900...0. 471-485 - David Borwein, Jonathan M. Borwein, Brailey Sims:
On the Solution of Linear Mean Recurrences. 486-498 - Josef Rukavicka
Rejection of Laplace's Demon. 498 - Charles W. Groetsch, S. A. Yost:
Vertical Projection in a Resisting Medium: Reflections on Observations of Mersenne. 499-505 - J. Scott Carter, Daniel S. Silver, Susan G. Williams:
Three Dimensions of Knot Coloring. 506-514 - Harris Kwong:
An Alternate Proof of Sury's Fibonacci-Lucas Relation. 514 - Jose Pujol:
On Hamilton's Nearly-Forgotten Early Work on the Relation between Rotations and Quaternions and on the Composition of Rotations. 515-522 - B. Sury:
A Heuristic Argument for Hua's Identity Using Geometric Series. 522 - Tommy Wright:
Lagrange's Identity and Congressional Apportionment. 523-528 - Chai Wah Wu:
Pigeonholes and Repunits. 529-533 - Kevin K. Ferland:
Record Crossword Puzzles. 534-536 - Michael Z. Spivey:
A Combinatorial Proof for the Alternating Convolution of the Central Binomial Coefficients. 537-540 - Nikolai G. Nikolov
, Blagovest Sendov:
A Converse of the Gauss-Lucas Theorem. 541-544 - Yared Nigussie:
Finding Your Seat Versus Tossing a Coin. 545-546 - Erich Badertscher:
A Simple Direct Proof of Marden's Theorem. 547-548 - Problems and Solutions. 549-556
- James A. Swenson:
Review: Which Numbers Are Real?. By Michael Henle. Mathematical Association of America, Washington, DC, 2012, x+219 pp., ISBN 978-0-88385-777-9, $53.00. 557-560
Volume 121, Number 7, August-September 2014
- Erwan Brugallé, Kristin M. Shaw
A Bit of Tropical Geometry. 563-589 - Marcelo Brafman:
Another Algebraic Pythagorean Proof. 589 - Bryan Brown, Michael Dairyko, Stephan Ramon Garcia
, Bob Lutz
, Michael Someck:
Four Quotient Set Gems. 590-598 - Vinícius Gusmão Pereira de Sá, Celina M. H. de Figueiredo
Blind-friendly von Neumann's Heads or Tails. 600-609 - Richard Katz, Mike Krebs, Anthony Shaheen:
Zero Sums on Unit Square Vertex Sets and Plane Colorings. 610-618 - Don Zagier:
A Refinement of a Theorem of J. E. Littlewood. 618 - Rajendra Bhatia, Rajesh Sharma:
Positive Linear Maps and Spreads of Matrices. 619-624 - Wen D. Chang, Russell A. Gordon:
Trisecting Angles in Pythagorean Triangles. 625-631 - Diego Marques:
Yet Another Direct Proof of the Uncountability of the Transcendental Numbers. 631 - Rom Pinchasi:
Points Covered an Odd Number of Times by Translates. 632-636 - Meinolf Geck:
On the Characterization of Galois Extensions. 637-639 - Samuel G. Moreno, Esther M. García-Caballero:
Simpson's Rule and Sums of Powers. 639 - F. Dreher, Tony Samuel
Continuous Images of Cantor's Ternary Set. 640-643 - Robert A. Beezer:
Extended Echelon Form and Four Subspaces. 644-647 - Problems and Solutions. 648-657
- Michael Barr:
Review: The Outer Limits of Reason. Noson Yanofsky. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA and London, England, 2013, xiv + 403 pp., ISBN 978-0-262-01935-4, $29.95. 658-660
Volume 121, Number 8, October 2014
- Leonard F. Klosinski, Gerald L. Alexanderson, Mark Krusemeyer:
The Seventy-Fourth William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition. 663-673 - Persi Diaconis, Xuancheng Shao, Kannan Soundararajan:
Carries, Group Theory, and Additive Combinatorics. 674-688 - Marc Deléglise, Andrew Markoe:
On the Maximum Arc Length of Monotonic Functions. 689-699 - David Borwein, Jonathan M. Borwein:
Deriving New Sinc Results from Old. 700-705 - Michael Joswig, Günter M. Ziegler:
Foldable Triangulations of Lattice Polygons. 706-710 - Jonathan Novak:
Pólya's Random Walk Theorem. 711-716 - Michael Schramm, John Troutman, Daniel Waterman:
Segmentally Alternating Series. 717-722 - John Molokach:
Law of Cosines - A Proof Without Words. 722 - Mark H. Holmes:
Connections Between Cubic Splines and Quadrature Rules. 723-726 - M. Scott Osborne:
Hausdorffization and Such. 727-733 - Donald M. Davis:
Binomial Coefficients Involving Infinite Powers of Primes. 734-737 - Problems and Solutions. 738-745
- Brian M. Loft:
Review: The Cult of Pythagorus: Math and Myths. By Alberto A. Martínez. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, PA, 2012, xxii +264 pp., ISBN 978-0-8229-4418-8, $27.95. 746-748
Volume 121, Number 9, November 2014
- Fred Adler, Elizabeth S. Allman
, Lisette G. de Pillis
A Letter from the Guest Editors. 751-753 - Jonathan R. Potts, Mark A. Lewis
A Mathematical Approach to Territorial Pattern Formation. 754-770 - Mike A. Steel
Tracing Evolutionary Links between Species. 771-792 - Roderick Edwards
, Leon Glass:
Dynamics in Genetic Networks. 793-809 - Hoa Nguyen, Ricardo Cortez
, Lisa J. Fauci
Computing Flows Around Microorganisms: Slender-Body Theory and Beyond. 810-823 - David Terman:
Mathematical Neuroscience. 824-839 - Trachette Jackson, Natalia L. Komarova, Kristin Swanson:
Mathematical Oncology: Using Mathematics to Enable Cancer Discoveries. 840-856 - Laurie J. Heyer, Jeffrey L. Poet:
Synthetic Biology: A New Frontier. 857-867
Volume 121, Number 10, December 2014
- Peter J. Giblin, John Paul Warder:
Evolving Evolutoids. 871-889 - Pieter Moree:
Numerical Semigroups, Cyclotomic Polynomials, and Bernoulli Numbers. 890-902 - Lei Ni:
A Perron-type Theorem on the Principal Eigenvalue of Nonsymmetric Elliptic Operators. 903-908 - Pete L. Clark, Niels J. Diepeveen:
Absolute Convergence in Ordered Fields. 909-916 - William F. Trench:
An Unnoticed Consequence of Szegö's Distribution Theorem. 917-921 - Jack O. Button, Maurice Chiodo, Mariano Zeron-Medina Laris:
Coset Intersection Graphs for Groups. 922-926 - Sam Northshield:
Complex Descartes Circle Theorem. 927-931 - Pallab Kanti Dey, R. Thangadurai:
The Length of an Arithmetic Progression Represented by a Binary Quadratic Form. 932-936 - Marshall Hampton:
Cosines and Cayley, Triangles and Tetrahedra. 937-941 - Felipe Acker:
A Note on the Spectral Theorem in the Finite-Dimensional Real Case. 942-945 - Problems and Solutions. 946-953
- Genevieve Walsh:
Review: Mostly Surfaces. By Richard Evan Schwartz. American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 2010, xiii+ 314 pp., ISBN 978-0-8218-5368-9, $47.00. 954-956 - Editor′s Endnotes. 957-959
- Monthly Referees for 2014. 960-962
- Jonathan Sondow:
From the Monthly Over 100 Years Ago... 963 - Amrik Singh Nimbran:
One More Proof of the Irrationality of √2. 964

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