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15th CNSM 2019: Halifax, NS, Canada
- Hanan Lutfiyya, Yixin Diao, Nur Zincir-Heywood, Rémi Badonnel, Edmundo R. M. Madeira:
15th International Conference on Network and Service Management, CNSM 2019, Halifax, NS, Canada, October 21-25, 2019. IEEE 2019, ISBN 978-3-903176-24-9 - Hadi Razzaghi Kouchaksaraei, Holger Karl:
Quantitative Analysis of Dynamically Provisioned Heterogeneous Network Services. 1-5 - Hyundong Hwang, Young-Tak Kim:
Slotted TDMA Multichannel MAC for Overlapped Vehicular Networks with SDN-based Distributed System. 1-5 - Alessandro Gaballo, Matteo Flocco, Flavio Esposito, Guido Marchetto:
Steering Traffic via Recurrent Neural Networks in Challenged Edge Scenarios. 1-5 - Nabil Seddigh, Biswajit Nandy, Don Bennett, Yonglin Ren, Serge Dolgikh
, Colin Zeidler, Juhandre Knoetze, Naveen Sai Muthyala:
A Framework & System for Classification of Encrypted Network Traffic using Machine Learning. 1-5 - Imane Oussakel, Philippe Owezarski, Pascal Berthou
Experimental Estimation of LTE-A Performance. 1-9 - Dániel Kozma, Gábor Soós, Dániel Ficzere, Pál Varga:
Communication Challenges and Solutions between Heterogeneous Industrial IoT Systems. 1-6 - Kohei Watabe, Norinosuke Murai, Shintaro Hirakawa, Kenji Nakagawa:
Accurate Loss Estimation Technique Utilizing Parallel Flow Monitoring. 1-5 - Ralf Kundel
, Leonhard Nobach, Jeremias Blendin, Hans-Joerg Kolbe, Georg Schyguda, Vladimir Gurevich, Boris Koldehofe
, Ralf Steinmetz
P4-BNG: Central Office Network Functions on Programmable Packet Pipelines. 1-9 - Joseph McNamara
, Liam Fallon, Enda Fallon
A Hybrid Machine Learning/Policy Approach to Optimise Video Path Selection. 1-5 - Hoang Long Mai, Guillaume Doyen, Wissam Mallouli, Edgardo Montes de Oca
, Olivier Festor
Towards Content-Centric Control Plane Supporting Efficient Anomaly Detection Functions. 1-9 - Aggelos Lazaris, Viktor K. Prasanna:
Deep Learning Models For Aggregated Network Traffic Prediction. 1-5 - Edenilson Jônatas dos Passos, Adriano Fiorese:
Janus - A Software-Defined Networking MPEG-DASH Video Streaming Load Balancer. 1-5 - El Houssine Bourhim, Halima Elbiaze, Mouhamad Dieye
Inter-container Communication Aware Container Placement in Fog Computing. 1-6 - Othmane Belmoukadam, Muhammad Jawad Khokhar, Chadi Barakat
On Accounting for Screen Resolution in Adaptive Video Streaming: A QoE-Driven Bandwidth Sharing Framework. 1-9 - Tom Goethals
, Dwight Kerkhove, Bruno Volckaert, Filip De Turck
Scalability evaluation of VPN technologies for secure container networking. 1-7 - Godfrey Kibalya
, Joan Serrat, Juan-Luis Gorricho, Rafael Pasquini, Haipeng Yao, Peiying Zhang:
A Reinforcement Learning Based Approach for 5G Network Slicing Across Multiple Domains. 1-5 - Sarah Wassermann, Thibaut Cuvelier, Pavol Mulinka
, Pedro Casas:
ADAM & RAL: Adaptive Memory Learning and Reinforcement Active Learning for Network Monitoring. 1-9 - Ali Vahdat, Mouloud Belbahri, Vahid Partovi Nia:
Active Learning for High-Dimensional Binary Features. 1-4 - Walter do Espírito Santo, Rúbens de Souza Matos Júnior, Admilson de Ribamar Lima Ribeiro, Danilo Souza Silva, Reneilson Santos:
Systematic Mapping on Orchestration of Container-based Applications in Fog Computing. 1-7 - Jetmir Haxhibeqiri
, Ingrid Moerman
, Jeroen Hoebeke:
Low Overhead, Fine-grained End-to-end Monitoring of Wireless Networks using In-band Telemetry. 1-5 - Oladapo Oyebode
, Rita Orji
Detecting Factors Responsible for Diabetes Prevalence in Nigeria using Social Media and Machine Learning. 1-4 - Amjad Badar, David Zhe Lou, Ulrich Graf, Christian Barth, Christian Stich:
Intelligent Edge Control with Deterministic-IP based Industrial Communication in Process Automation. 1-7 - Shlomi Linoy
, Natalia Stakhanova, Alina Matyukhina:
Exploring Ethereum's Blockchain Anonymity Using Smart Contract Code Attribution. 1-9 - Ansah Frimpong, Hermann de Meer:
DBvLEA: A Demand-Based Approach to Virtual Link Mapping for Multi-Service Industrial Applications. 1-9 - Khulan Batbayar, Emmanouil Dimogerontakis, Roc Meseguer, Leandro Navarro, Ramin Sadre:
Sense-Share: A Framework for Resilient Collaborative Service Performance Monitoring. 1-7 - Ali Safari Khatouni
, Lan Zhang, Khurram Aziz, Ibrahim Zincir, Nur Zincir-Heywood:
Exploring NAT Detection and Host Identification Using Machine Learning. 1-8 - Takuto Kimura, Tatsuaki Kimura, Arifumi Matsumoto, Jun Okamoto:
BANQUET: Balancing Quality of Experience and Traffic Volume in Adaptive Video Streaming. 1-7 - Muriel Figueredo Franco
, Bruno Rodrigues, Burkhard Stiller:
MENTOR: The Design and Evaluation of a Protection Services Recommender System. 1-7 - Liam Fallon, John Keeney, Ram Krishna Verma:
Autonomic Closed Control Loops for Management, an idea whose time has come? 1-5 - Majid Raeis, Ali Tizghadam, Alberto Leon-Garcia:
Predicting Distributions of Waiting Times in Customer Service Systems using Mixture Density Networks. 1-6 - Fan Zhang
, Bernard Butler
, Brendan Jennings:
An Access Control Implementation Targeting Resource-constrained Environments. 1-6 - Ali Safari Khatouni
, Martino Trevisan, Danilo Giordano
Data-Driven Emulation of Mobile Access Networks. 1-6 - Fetia Bannour
, Sami Souihi, Abdelhamid Mellouk:
Adaptive Quorum-inspired SLA-Aware Consistency for Distributed SDN Controllers. 1-7 - Farzin Zaker, Marin Litoiu
, Mark Shtern:
Look Ahead Distributed Planning For Application Management In Cloud. 1-7 - Joel Reginald Dodoo
, Weiqiang Sun, Feng Zhu, Weisheng Hu:
Energy Consumption of Hybrid Data Center Networks. 1-5 - Jerico Moeyersons
, Behrooz Farkiani
, Bahador Bakhshi
, Seyyed Ali MirHassani
, Tim Wauters, Bruno Volckaert, Filip De Turck
Enabling Emergency Flow Prioritization in SDN Networks. 1-8 - Davide Borsatti
, Gianluca Davoli
, Walter Cerroni, Franco Callegati:
Service Function Chaining Leveraging Segment Routing for 5G Network Slicing. 1-6 - Song Kang, Linna Ruan, Shaoyong Guo, Wencui Li, Xuesong Qiu:
Geographic Clustering Based Mobile Edge Computing Resource Allocation Optimization Mechanism. 1-5 - Haibo Bian, Tim Bai, Mohammad A. Salahuddin, Noura Limam, Abbas Abou Daya, Raouf Boutaba:
Host in Danger? Detecting Network Intrusions from Authentication Logs. 1-9 - Jaehoon Koo, Veena B. Mendiratta, Muntasir Raihan Rahman, Anwar Walid:
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Network Slicing with Heterogeneous Resource Requirements and Time Varying Traffic Dynamics. 1-5 - M. A. Moyeen, Fangye Tang, Dipon Saha, Israat Haque
SD-FAST: A Packet Rerouting Architecture in SDN. 1-7 - Andrew Curtis-Black, Andreas Willig, Matthias Galster:
Scout: A Framework for Querying Networks. 1-7 - Sina Rafati Niya, Sebastian Allemann, Arik Gabay, Burkhard Stiller:
TradeMap: A FINMA-compliant Anonymous Management of an End-2-end Trading Market Place. 1-5 - Ren Quinn, Nico Holguin, Ben Poster, Corey Roach, Jacobus E. van der Merwe:
WASPP: Workflow Automation for Security Policy Procedures. 1-5 - Pedro Ferreira, Duc C. Le, Nur Zincir-Heywood:
Exploring Feature Normalization and Temporal Information for Machine Learning Based Insider Threat Detection. 1-7 - Patrick Maillé, Bruno Tuffin:
Wireless Service Providers Pricing Game in Presence of Possible Sponsored Data. 1-5 - Duc C. Le, Nur Zincir-Heywood:
Learning From Evolving Network Data for Dependable Botnet Detection. 1-5 - Nashid Shahriar, Sepehr Taeb, Shihabur Rahman Chowdhury, Mubeen Zulfiqar, Massimo Tornatore
, Raouf Boutaba, Jeebak Mitra, Mahdi Hemmati
Reliable Slicing of 5G Transport Networks with Dedicated Protection. 1-9 - Pan Zhao, Xiaoyang Li, Lei Feng, Qinghui Zhang, Weidong Yang, Fei Zheng:
3-D Matching-based Resource Allocation for D2D Communications in H-CRAN Network. 1-4 - Ali Edan Al-Issa, Abdelhak Bentaleb, Alcardo Alex Barakabitze, Thomas Zinner, Bogdan V. Ghita
Bandwidth Prediction Schemes for Defining Bitrate Levels in SDN-enabled Adaptive Streaming. 1-7 - Theresa Enghardt, Philipp S. Tiesel, Thomas Zinner, Anja Feldmann
Informed Access Network Selection: The Benefits of Socket Intents for Web Performance. 1-9 - A. H. M. Jakaria, Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman
, Aniruddha Gokhale
A Formal Model for Resiliency-Aware Deployment of SDN: A SCADA-Based Case Study. 1-5 - Christoph Hardegen
, Benedikt Pfülb, Sebastian Rieger, Alexander Gepperth, Sven Reißmann:
Flow-based Throughput Prediction using Deep Learning and Real-World Network Traffic. 1-9 - Satoru Kobayashi, Kazuki Otomo, Kensuke Fukuda:
Causal analysis of network logs with layered protocols and topology knowledge. 1-9 - Iman Vakilinia
, Shahin Vakilinia, Shahriar Badsha, Engin Arslan, Shamik Sengupta:
Pooling Approach for Task Allocation in the Blockchain Based Decentralized Storage Network. 1-6 - Maroua Ben Attia, Kim Khoa Nguyen, Mohamed Cheriet:
Concurrent Traffic Queuing Game in Smart Home. 1-7 - Sepehr Kazemian, Ioanis Nikolaidis:
Lumped Markovian Estimation for Wi-Fi Channel Utilization Prediction. 1-5 - Mihir Joshi, Parmeet Singh, Nur Zincir-Heywood:
Compromised Tweet Detection Using Siamese Networks and fastText Representations. 1-5 - Chunghan Lee
, Kentaro Ebisawa, Hitoshi Kuwata, Miya Kohno, Satoru Matsushima:
Performance Evaluation of GTP-U and SRv6 Stateless Translation. 1-6 - Anh-Tu Ngoc Tran, Thanh-Dang Diep, Takuma Nakajima, Masato Yoshimi, Nam Thoai:
A Scalable Color-Based Caching Scheme in Telco-CDNs. 1-5 - Trung V. Phan, Syed Tasnimul Islam, Tri Gia Nguyen
, Thomas Bauschert:
Q-DATA: Enhanced Traffic Flow Monitoring in Software-Defined Networks applying Q-learning. 1-9 - Masahiro Dodare, Yuki Taguchi, Ryota Kawashima
, Hiroki Nakayama
, Tsunemasa Hayashi, Hiroshi Matsuo:
NFV-VIPP: Catching Internal Figures of Packet Processing for Accelerating Development and Operations of NFV-nodes. 1-4 - Alberto Martínez Alba, Wolfgang Kellerer
Large- and Small-Scale Modeling of User Traffic in 5G Networks. 1-5 - Nguyen Van Tu, Jae-Hyoung Yoo, James Won-Ki Hong:
Building Hybrid Virtual Network Functions with eXpress Data Path. 1-9 - Guy Saadon
, Yoram Haddad, Noemie Simoni:
Dynamic architecture based on network virtualization and distributed orchestration for management of autonomic network. 1-5 - Davit Harutyunyan, Riccardo Fedrizzi, Nashid Shahriar, Raouf Boutaba, Roberto Riggio
Orchestrating End-to-end Slices in 5G Networks. 1-9 - Kyi Thar, Thant Zin Oo
, Zhu Han, Choong Seon Hong
Meta-Learning-Based Deep Learning Model Deployment Scheme for Edge Caching. 1-6 - Stanislav Lange, Heegon Kim, Seyeon Jeong, Heeyoul Choi, Jae-Hyung Yoo, James Won-Ki Hong:
Predicting VNF Deployment Decisions under Dynamically Changing Network Conditions. 1-9 - Mahya Soleimani Jadidi, Mariusz Zaborski, Brian J. Kidney, Jonathan Anderson
CapExec: Towards Transparently-Sandboxed Services. 1-5 - Hui Xiong, Jacek Ilow:
Machine Learning for Location and Orientation Fingerprinting in MIMO WLANs. 1-6 - Lionel Metongnon, Ramin Sadre, Eugène C. Ezin:
Distributed Middlebox Architecture for IoT Protection. 1-7 - Adja Ndeye Sylla, Karine Guillouard, Frédéric Klamm, Meryem Ouzzif, Philippe Merle, Souha Ben Rayana, Jean-Bernard Stefani:
Formal Verification of Orchestration Templates for Reliable Deployment with OpenStack Heat*. 1-5 - Manuel Peuster, Stefan Schneider
, Holger Karl:
The Softwarised Network Data Zoo. 1-5 - Forough Shahab Samani, Hongyi Zhang, Rolf Stadler:
Efficient Learning on High-dimensional Operational Data. 1-9 - Ngoc Hai Bui, Chuan Pham, Kim Khoa Nguyen, Mohamed Cheriet:
Energy Efficient Scheduling for Networked IoT Device Software Update. 1-5 - Moath Bagarish, Riyad Alshammari, Nur Zincir-Heywood
Are There Bots even in FIFA World Cup 2018 Tweets? 1-5 - Fredy João Valente, João Paulo Morijo, Kelen Cristiane Teixeira Vivaldini
, Luis Carlos Trevelin:
Fog-based Data Fusion for Heterogeneous IoT Sensor Networks: A Real Implementation. 1-5 - Mohammed Chahbar, Gladys Diaz
, Abdulhalim Dandoush
Towards a Unified Network Slicing Model. 1-5 - Samuel Moreira Abreu Araújo, Fernanda Sumika Hojo de Souza, Geraldo R. Mateus:
A Composition Selection Mechanism for Chaining and Placement of Virtual Network Functions. 1-5 - Duong Tuan Nguyen, Chuan Pham, Kim Khoa Nguyen, Mohamed Cheriet:
SACO: A Service Chain Aware SDN Controller-Switch Mapping Framework. 1-8 - Christoph Sydora, Johannes Jung, Ioanis Nikolaidis:
A Study of Simple Partially-Recovered Sensor Data Imputation Methods. 1-7 - Anssi Tauriainen:
Can you hear me now? A call detail record based end-to-end diagnostics system for mobile networks. 1-7 - Nik Sultana, Achala Rao, Zihao Jin, Pardis Pashakhanloo, Henry Zhu, Vinod Yegneswaran, Boon Thau Loo
Trace-based Behaviour Analysis of Network Servers. 1-5 - Noriaki Kamiyama, Akihiro Nakao:
Analyzing Dynamics of MVNO Market Using Evolutionary Game. 1-6 - Sarah Shah, Yasaman Amannejad, Diwakar Krishnamurthy, Mea Wang:
Quick Execution Time Predictions for Spark Applications. 1-9

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