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ITI 2009: Cavtat/Dubrovnik, Croatia
- Vesna Luzar-Stiffler, Iva Jarec, Zoran Bekic:
Proceedings of the ITI 2009 31st International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces, Cavtat/Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 22-25, 2009. IEEE 2009, ISBN 978-953-7138-15-8
Keynote Lectures
- Ray Adams
Cognitive science meets computing science: The future of cognitive systems and cognitive engineering. 1-12 - Simon de Lusignan
Improving data quality and clinical records: Lessons from the UK National Programme about structure, process and utility. 13-14 - Michael Greenacre
Dynamic graphics for research and teaching, with applications in the life sciences. 15-16 - Dieter Kranzlmüller:
The future European Grid Infrastructure - Roadmap and challenges. 17-20 - Lisa Neal Gualtieri:
The doctor as the second opinion and the internet as the first. 21-22 - Hugh J. Watson:
What's new and important in business intelligences. 23-24
Special Lecture
- Ray J. Paul:
What an Information System is, and why is it important to know this. 27-32
Medical Informatics
- Alan Jovic
, Nikola Bogunovic:
Feature set extension for heart rate variability analysis by using non-linear, statistical and geometric measures. 35-40 - Liepa Bikulciené, Zenonas Navickas, Alfonsas Vainoras, Jonas Poderys, Rimtautas Ruseckas:
Matrix analysis of human physiologic data. 41-46 - Marcus D. Bloice, Franz Wotawa
, Andreas Holzinger
Java's alternatives and the limitations of Java when writing cross-platform applications for mobile devices in the medical domain. 47-54 - Ligia Chiorean, Mircea-Florin Vaida:
Medical image fusion based on discrete wavelet transform using Java technology. 55-60 - Daniel-Ioan Curiac
, Gabriel Vasile
, Ovidiu Banias
, Constantin Volosencu, Adriana Albu
Bayesian network model for diagnosis of psychiatric diseases. 61-66 - Dejan Dinevski
, Andrea Poli:
Integration of e-Health systems with the Open Source approach and O3 example. 67-72 - Ivan Drnasin, Domagoj Vucica, Stanko Tonkovic:
Success of teleradiology as a confirmation of radiological excellence. 73-78 - Drasko Nakic, Suzana Loskovska:
Internet medical consultant - A knowledge-sharing system. 79-86 - Kay I. Penny, Graeme D. Smith
The use of data-mining to identify indicators of health related quality of life in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. 87-92 - Ozren Polasek
, Kristina Fister
, Silvije Vuletic, Josipa Kern
P2P in public health: From particles to populations. 93-98 - Liang Xiao, Bo Hu, Lucy Hederman
, Paul H. Lewis, Borislav D. Dimitrov
, Tom Fahey
Towards knowledge sharing and patient privacy in a clinical decision support system. 99-104
Computing in Business and Finance
- Ana Curl, Kresimir Fertalj:
A review of enterprise IT integration methods. 107-112 - Branimir Dukic, Marcel Meler, Josip Mesaric:
Conceptual model for promotion of Croatian tourist product based on integration of CRM and Web technologies. 113-118 - Darko Dukic, Tomislav Pasalic, Ivana Sesar:
Stochastic sum-of-ratios fractional programming model in an agricultural decision support system. 119-124 - Gordana Dukic, Ivana Sesar, Tomislav Pasalic:
Library activities management based on a simulation queuing model and an aspiration level model using statistical methods. 125-130 - P. I. Kamyshanov, A. P. Kamyshanov:
Information data flows and interfaces in financial management domain. 131-136 - Adi Prananto, Emmanuel Arnody Setyawan, Joze Kuzic:
A tale of a web services initiative: What really matters in benefits realization. 137-144
Databases, Data Warehousing and Information Systems
- Stas Bevc, Iztok Savnik:
Using tries for subset and superset queries. 147-152 - Martin Böhringer, Peter Gluchowski, Christian Kurze, Christian Schieder
On the role of social software techniques for the design of self-organising enterprise reporting portals. 153-158 - Marian Dardala, Adriana Reveiu
, Ion Smeureanu:
Semantics-driven multimedia data access. 159-164 - Blagoj Delipetrov, Dragan Mihajlov, Marjan Delipetrov, Todor Delipetrov:
Model of the hydro-information system of the Republic of Macedonia. 165-168 - Livia Della Ragione, Giovanni Meccariello
Development of an "easy module" tool based on the Kinematic Emission Model. 169-174 - Sandro Geric, Neven Vrcek
Prerequisites for successful implementation of Service-Oriented Architecture. 175-180 - Marina Ivasic-Kos
, Mile Pavlic
, Patrizia Poscic
The analysis and overview of semantic image interpretation. 181-186 - Nikita Mendkovich, Sergey D. Kuznetsov
New algorithms for lexical query optimization. 187-192 - Nenad Milanovic, Goran Soskic, Ana Petkovic:
Data warehouse design for Croatian students' nourishment information system. 193-198 - Dzenana Muracevic, Haris Kurtagic:
Geospatial SOA using RESTful web services. 199-204 - H. Vranesic, Lidia Rovan:
Ontology-based data warehouse development process. 205-210
Data Mining, Statistics and Biometrics
- Sandra M. Aleixo
, J. Leonel Rocha
, Dinis D. Pestana
Dynamical behaviour on the parameter space: New populational growth models proportional to beta densities. 213-218 - Neven Cukrov
, Natasa Tepic
, Dario Omanovic
, Sonja Lojen
, Elvira Bura-Nakic, Vjerocka Vojvodic, Ivanka Pizeta:
Anthropogenic and natural influences on the Krka River (Croatia) evaluated by multivariate statistical analysis. 219-224 - Blazenka Divjak
, Dijana Oreski:
Prediction of academic performance using discriminant analysis. 225-230 - Rafal Doroz
, Krzysztof Wrobel
Method of signature recognition with the use of the mean differences. 231-236 - M. Ivette Gomes
, M. Cristina Miranda:
Finite sample behaviour of the mixed moment estimator in dependent frameworks. 237-242 - M. Ivette Gomes
, Dinis Pestana
, Fernando Sequeira, Sandra Mendonca
, Silvio Velosa:
Uniformity of offsprings from uniform and non-uniform parents. 243-248 - Ionel Haidu
, Zsolt Magyari-Saska
Animated sequential trend signal detection in finite samples. 249-254 - Christos P. Kitsos, Nikolaos K. Tavoularis:
New entropy type information measures. 255-260 - Atidel Lahouhou, Emmanuel Viennet, Azeddine Beghdadi:
Combining and selecting indicators for image quality assesment. 261-266 - Haris Memic:
Structure in online social networks: Bridging the micro-macro gap. 267-272 - Haris Memic:
Testing the strength of weak ties theory in small educational social networking websites. 273-278 - Dinis D. Pestana
, Sandra M. Aleixo
, J. Leonel Rocha
Hausdorff dimension of the random middle third Cantor set. 279-284
Human Computer Interaction
- Andrea Bacic, Andrina Granic
Intelligent interaction: A case study of web page prediction. 287-292 - Lynne Baillie
, Lee Morton:
Designing quick & dirty applications for mobiles: Making the case for the utility of HCI principles. 293-298 - Darko Kovacevic, Anita Posa, Nikica Pribacic, Radovan Antonic, Asja Kovacevic:
Modeling human operator and process in different environments. 299-304 - Sanda Martincic-Ipsic
, Miran Pobar
, Ivo Ipsic:
Automatic evaluation of synthesized speech. 305-310 - Cecilia Sosa Arias Peixoto:
Human-computer interface expert system for agile methods. 311-316 - Visar Shehu, Adrian Besimi
, Lejla Abazi, Mehmetali Shaqiri:
Usability issues while building a new LMS. 317-322 - Christian Stickel, Karin Maier, Martin Ebner
, Andreas Holzinger
The modeling of harmonious color combinations for improved usability and UX. 323-328 - Hamed Taherdoost
, Maslin Masrom:
An examination of smart card technology acceptance using adoption model. 329-334
ICT in Education
- Adrian Besimi
, Visar Shehu, Lejla Abazi-Bexheti, Zamir Dika:
Managing security in a new Learning Management System (LMS). 337-342 - Vasile Paul Bresfelean
, Nicolae Ghisoiu, Ramona Lacurezeanu, Dan-Andrei Sitar-Taut
Towards the development of decision support in academic environments. 343-348 - R. Caput-Jogunica, S. Razbornik:
The role of distance learning study for the Croatian top level athletes. 349-352 - Ceraj Ivica, Justin T. Riley, Charles Shubert:
StarHPC - Teaching parallel programming within elastic compute cloud. 353-356 - M. Cuupic, Marin Golub, Domagoj Jakobovic
Exam timetabling using genetic algorithm. 357-362 - Darko Dukic, Gordana Dukic, Mate Sesar:
Analysis of differences in student opinions as e-learning management support. 363-368 - Audrone Dumciene, Irena Valantiniene:
The aspects of e-learning products quality estimation. 369-372 - Majlinda Fetaji, Bekim Fetaji
Analyses of mobile learning software solution in education using the task based learning approach. 373-378 - Patrick Halloran:
An evaluation of teaching: Observations across three culturess. 379-384 - Marija Hornis, Josipa Forjan, Jasna Horvat
Establishing online dialogue in teaching statistics. 385-390 - Masatoshi Ishikawa, Keiichi Kaneko
, Haruko Miyakoda, Norihide Shinagawa:
Automatic creation of materials for vocabulary learning based on pictures by mobile phones of learners. 391-396 - Mario Jadric
Profile of students accessing online courses. 397-402 - Nenad Jukic, Boris Jukic:
Bridging the knowledge gap between operational databases and data warehouses. 403-408 - Mario Konecki
, Tihomir Orehovacki
, Alen Lovrencic:
Detecting computer code plagiarism in higher education. 409-414 - Zdena Lustigova
, Frantisek Lustig
Remote and open laboratory in science education - Technological, educational and psychological issues. 415-420 - Olivera Marjanovic
Teradata university network: Creating opportunities for teaching leadership in emerging business disciplines. 421-426 - Nenad Milanovic, Tanja Milicevic:
Model of data exchange between heterogeneous systems using mule. 427-430 - Jelena Nakic, Andrina Granic
Adapting to student's individual differences: A step to better learning performance. 431-436 - Visnja Novosel
, Ivana Oresic:
Patrons' expectations on new technologies: Faculty of humanities and social sciences library case. 437-442 - Tihomir Orehovacki
, Goran Bubas, Mario Konecki
Web 2.0 in education and potential factors of Web 2.0 use by students of information systems. 443-448 - Andreja Rojko, Karel Jezernik:
E-training for adult education in mechatronics. 449-454 - Minna Silvennoinen
, Liisa Kuparinen:
Usability challenges in surgical simulator training. 455-460 - Dejan Sraka, Branko Kaucic:
Source code plagiarism. 461-466 - Milojka Molan Stiglic, Mateja Verlic, Petra Povalej
, Ales Strmecki, Dejan Dinevski
E-learning for SME employees - A case study on e-learning quality. 467-472 - Mojca Tomazin, Miro Gradisar:
Cost-benefit analysis of free/open source software in education. 473-478 - Marta Zuvic-Butorac
, Zoran Nebic:
Institutional support for e-learning implementation in higher education practice: A case report of University of Rijeka, Croatia. 479-484
Knowledge Management and Collaboration Systems
- Kresimir Fertalj, Natasa Hoic-Bozic
, Hrvoje Jerkovic:
Analysis of e-learning repository systems and frameworks with prepositions for improvements. 487-492 - Anca Marginean
Blending rules and ontology in argumentation. 493-498 - Renatas Morkvenas, Juozas Bivainis, Mindaugas Samoska:
Analysis of organization knowledge potential content. 499-504 - Nenad Tomasev
, Dunja Mladenic
Semantic web wiki: Social network analysis of page editing. 505-510 - Bujar Raufi
, Florije Ismaili, Xhemal Zenuni:
Modeling a complete ontology for adaptive web based systems using a top-down five layer framework. 511-518
Language Technologies
- Zeljko Agic, Marko Tadic
, Zdravko Dovedan:
Error analysis in Croatian morphosyntactic tagging. 521-526 - Mentor Hamiti, Agni Dika:
Analyses of same content texts written in different languages. 527-532 - Nives Mikelic Preradovic, Damir Boras, Sanja Kisicek:
CROVALLEX: Croatian verb valence lexicon. 533-538 - Maria Traum:
The influence of technology on conceptualization or new concepts for existing words in English: Familiar concepts and initiating multicultural understanding. 539-544
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization
- Nina Begicevic, Blazenka Divjak
, Tihomir Hunjak:
Decision making on project selection in high education sector using the analytic hierarchy process. 547-552 - Zsolt Magyari-Saska
, Ionel Haidu
Drought and extreme moisture evaluation and prediction with GIS software module. 553-558 - Ivana Nizetic, Kresimir Fertalj
, Damir Kalpic:
A prototype for the short-term prediction of moving object's movement using Markov chains. 559-564 - Linas Svilainis
, Vytautas Dumbrava:
LED forward current errors induced in video display tile's PCB. 565-570 - Linas Svilainis
, Vytautas Dumbrava:
Estimation of the louvers influence on LED video display image visibility. 571-576 - Plamen Z. Zahariev
, Georgi V. Hristov
, Teodor B. Iliev
A combined adaptive approach for congestion control in the transmission control protocol. 577-582
Networking, Grids, Middleware and Distributed Platforms
- Maria Chtepen, Bart Dhoedt, Filip De Turck
, Piet Demeester, Filip H. A. Claeys, Peter A. Vanrolleghem
Adaptive checkpointing in dynamic grids for uncertain job durations. 585-590 - Bekim Cilku
, Aksenti Grnarov:
New algorithms for efficient scheduling in Grid Ad-Hoc networks. 591-596 - Leonardo Corbalán, Laura Lanzarini
, Armando De Giusti:
Resources NeuroSearch in Peer-to-Peer networks. 597-602 - Florije Ismaili, Xhemal Zenuni, Bujar Raufi
A novel approach for efficiently finding Web Services on the Web. 603-608 - Ruta Jankuniene, Ieva Jankunaite:
Route creation influence on DMVPN QoS. 609-614 - Tobias Kruessmann, Arne Koschel
, Martin Murphy, Adrian Trenaman, Irina Astrova:
High availability: Evaluating open source enterprise service buses. 615-620 - Anastas Misev
, Emanouil I. Atanassov
ULMon - Grid nonitoring from user point of view. 621-626 - A. B. Mohamed, Ahmed Kandil:
Strengthening and securing the TCP/IP stack against SYN attacks. 627-632 - Cosmin Striletchi
, Mircea-Florin Vaida:
A Web 3.0 solution for restraining the web-bots access to the on-line displayed content. 633-638
Theory of Computing and Computing Methodologies
- Katherine Hanton, Marcus A. Butavicius, Ray Johnson, Jadranka Sunde:
Improving infrared images for standoff object detection. 641-646 - Ivica Martinjak, Mario-Osvin Pavcevic
Modified genetic algorithm for BIBD construction. 647-652 - Emal Nasseri, Steve Counsell:
System evolution at the attribute level: An empirical study of three Java OSS and their refactorings. 653-658 - Halil Snopce, Ilir Spahiu:
An implementation of MacMahon's partition analysis in ordering the number of lattice points in convex polyhedron with examples for systolic arrays. 659-664 - Zlatko Stapic
, Tihomir Orehovacki
, Alen Lovrencic:
In search of an improved BoM and MRP algorithm. 665-670

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