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2020 – today
- 2024
- [c40]Talha Rahman, Youxi Lin, Tom Wettlin, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Stefano Calabrò, Maxim Kuschnerov:
Analysis of Four-Wave Mixing Penalties in 800G-LR4 Optical Links. ICTON 2024: 1-4 - [c39]Silas Oettinghaus, Annika Dochhan, Tom Wettlin, Talha Rahman, Stefano Calabrò, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Stephan Pachnicke:
Optical Multipath Interference Reduction Using Adaptive DC-Removal in High-Speed IM/DD Systems. OFC 2024: 1-3 - [c38]Nebojsa Stojanovic, Stefano Calabrò, Youxi Lin, Tom Wettlin, Talha Rahman, Maxim Kuschnerov:
Improving FFE Performance by an Error Decorrelation Algorithm. OFC 2024: 1-3 - [c37]Tom Wettlin, Stefano Calabrò, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Youxi Lin, Talha Rahman:
Investigation of Concatenated KP4 FEC with Single-Parity-Check Codes for Short-Reach IM/DD Systems. OFC 2024: 1-3 - 2023
- [c36]Nebojsa Stojanovic, Youxi Lin, Talha Rahman, Stefano Calabrò:
DFE and BCJR Performance with SD FEC in 112 GBd PAM4 IMDD Systems. OFC 2023: 1-3 - 2022
- [c35]Md. Sabbir-Bin Hossain, Talha Rahman, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Fabio Pittalà, Stefano Calabrò, Georg Böcherer, Tom Wettlin, Jinlong Wei, Changsong Xie, Maxim Kuschnerov, Stephan Pachnicke:
Partial Response O-band EML Transmission Beyond 300-GBd with a 128/256 GSa/s DAC. OFC 2022: 1-3 - [c34]Tom Wettlin, Talha Rahman, Stefano Calabrò, Md. Sabbir-Bin Hossain
, Jinlong Wei, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Stephan Pachnicke:
Investigation of Weighted DFE for High-Rate Short-Reach Transmission. OECC/PSC 2022: 1-4 - [i4]Thomas Wiegart, Daniel Plabst, Tobias Prinz, Talha Rahman, Maximilian Schädler, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Stefano Calabrò, Norbert Hanik, Gerhard Kramer:
Experiments on Bipolar Transmission with Direct Detection. CoRR abs/2205.05453 (2022) - [i3]Tobias Prinz, Thomas Wiegart, Daniel Plabst, Talha Rahman, Md. Sabbir-Bin Hossain, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Stefano Calabrò, Norbert Hanik, Gerhard Kramer:
Comparison of PAM-6 Modulations for Short-Reach Fiber-Optic Links with Intensity Modulation and Direct Detection. CoRR abs/2205.05460 (2022) - 2021
- [c33]Md. Sabbir-Bin Hossain
, Georg Böcherer, Talha Rahman
, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Patrick Schulte, Stefano Calabrò, Jinlong Wei, Christian Blümm, Tom Wettlin, Changsong Xie, Maxim Kuschnerov, Stephan Pachnicke:
Experimental Comparison of Cap and Cup Probabilistically Shaped PAM for O-Band IM/DD Transmission System. ECOC 2021: 1-4 - [c32]Md. Sabbir-Bin Hossain
, Jinlong Wei, Fabio Pittalà, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Stefano Calabrò, Talha Rahman
, Georg Böcherer, Tom Wettlin, Changsong Xie, Maxim Kuschnerov, Stephan Pachnicke:
402 Gb/s PAM-8 IM/DD O-Band EML Transmission. ECOC 2021: 1-4 - [c31]Talha Rahman
, Stefano Calabrò, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Md. Sabbir-Bin Hossain
, Jinlong Wei, Maxim Kuschnerov, Changsong Xie:
Blind Adaptation of Partial Response Equalizers for 200Gb/s per Lane IM/DD Systems. ECOC 2021: 1-4 - [c30]Tom Wettlin, Stefano Calabrò, Talha Rahman
, Md. Sabbir-Bin Hossain
, Jinlong Wei, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Stephan Pachnicke:
Comparison of Direct-Detection Approaches for High-Speed Datacenter Campus Networks. ECOC 2021: 1-4 - [c29]Tobias Prinz, Thomas Wiegart, Daniel Plabst, Stefano Calabrò, Georg Böcherer, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Talha Rahman
PAM-6 Coded Modulation for IM/DD Channels with a Peak-Power Constraint. ISTC 2021: 1-5 - [c28]Md. Sabbir-Bin Hossain, Talha Rahman, Georg Böcherer, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Tom Wettlin, Stefano Calabrò, Jinlong Wei, Changsong Xie, Stephan Pachnicke:
Experimental Comparison of Uniform and Probabilistically Shaped PAM-8 for IMDD System at Transmission Rates Beyond 200 Gbit/s. OFC 2021: 1-3 - [c27]Md. Sabbir-Bin Hossain, Talha Rahman, Nebojsa Stojnavic, Tom Wettlin, Stefano Calabrò, Jinlong Wei, Changsong Xie, Stephan Pachnicke:
Feasibility of Transmitting 270 Gbit/s with PAM-8 in O-band CWDM4 with IM/DD System. OFC 2021: 1-3 - [c26]Yu Tian, Youxi Lin, Jianyu Zheng, Jin Tang, Qinhui Huang, Huixiao Ma, Talha Rahman, Maxim Kuschnerov, Raymond Leung, Lewei Zhang:
800Gb/s-FR4 specification and interoperability analysis. OFC 2021: 1-3 - [c25]Tom Wettlin, Talha Rahman, Stefano Calabrò, Jinlong Wei, Md. Sabbir-Bin Hossain, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Stephan Pachnicke:
Low-Complexity Nonlinearity Compensation for Short-Reach IM/DD Systems using PAM. OFC 2021: 1-3 - [i2]Tobias Prinz, Thomas Wiegart, Daniel Plabst, Stefano Calabrò, Georg Böcherer, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Talha Rahman:
PAM-6 Coded Modulation for IM/DD Channels with a Peak-Power Constraint. CoRR abs/2104.14304 (2021) - [i1]Daniel Plabst, Tobias Prinz, Thomas Wiegart, Talha Rahman, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Stefano Calabrò, Norbert Hanik, Gerhard Kramer:
Achievable Rates for Short-Reach Fiber-Optic Channels with Direct Detection. CoRR abs/2111.07865 (2021) - 2020
- [c24]Talha Rahman
, Md. Sabbir-Bin Hossain
, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Stefano Calabrò, Jinlong Wei, Changsong Xie, Maxim Kuschnerov:
1.6Tb/s Transmission Feasibility Employing IM/DD for Datacentre Networks. ECOC 2020: 1-4 - [c23]Tom Wettlin, Stefano Calabrò, Talha Rahman
, Md. Sabbir-Bin Hossain
, Jinlong Wei, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Stephan Pachnicke:
Improvement of Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding Performance for Bandwidth-Limited IM/DD Systems. ECOC 2020: 1-4 - [c22]Nebojsa Stojanovic, Talha Rahman, Stefano Calabrò, Jinlong Wei, Changsong Xie:
Baud-Rate Timing Phase Detector for Systems with Severe Bandwidth Limitations. OFC 2020: 1-3 - [c21]Tom Wettlin, Talha Rahman, Jinlong Wei, Stefano Calabrò, Nebojsa Stojanovic, Stephan Pachnicke:
Comparison of PAM Formats for 200 Gb/s Short Reach Transmission Systems. OFC 2020: 1-3
2010 – 2019
- 2018
- [c20]Talha Rahman
, Bernhard Spinnler, Stefano Calabrò, Erik De Man, Klaus Pulverer, Bernd Sommerkorn-Krombholz, Carlos Castro, Takayuki Mizuno, Yutaka Miyamoto, Katsuhiro Takenaga, Saurabh Jain, Yongmin Jung
, Shaif-Ul Alam, Toshio Morioka
108 Tb/s Transmission Over 120 km of 7-Core Multicore Fiber with Integrated Cladding Pumped Multicore Amplifiers. ECOC 2018: 1-3 - 2017
- [c19]Talha Rahman
, Bernhard Spinnler, Stefano Calabrò, Erik De Man, Antonio Napoli
, Bernd Sommerkorn-Krombholz, Antonius M. J. Koonen, Chigo M. Okonkwo
, Huug de Waardt:
Flexible Data-rate and Reach Transmission Employing Hybrid Modulation and Scrambled Coherent Superposition. ECOC 2017: 1-3 - 2016
- [j4]Josep M. Fàbrega
, Michela Svaluto Moreolo, L. Martín, Anna Chiado Piat, Emilio Riccardi, Diego Roccato, Nicola Sambo, Filippo Cugini, Luca Potì
, Shuangyi Yan
, Emilio Hugues-Salas, Dimitra Simeonidou, Matthias Gunkel, Robert Palmer, Sascha Fedderwitz, Danish Rafique, Talha Rahman
, Huug de Waardt, Antonio Napoli
On the Filter Narrowing Issues in Elastic Optical Networks. JOCN 8(7): A23-A33 (2016) - [c18]Danish Rafique, Talha Rahman, Bernhard Spinnler, Erwan Pincemin, Stefano Calabrò, Erik De Man, Uwe Feiste, Juraj Slovak, Antonio Napoli, Claude Le Bouëtté, Jérémie Jauffrit, Sylvain Bordais, Ginni Khanna, Norbert Hanik, Chigo Okonkwo, Maxim Kuschnerov, Antonius M. J. Koonen, Christian Dourthe, Bruno Raguenes, Tomislav Drenski, Bernd Sommerkorn-Krombholz, Huug de Waardt, Marc Bohn:
Multi-flex field trial over 762km of G.652 SSMF using programmable modulation formats up to 64QAM. OFC 2016: 1-3 - [c17]Talha Rahman, Danish Rafique, Bernhard Spinnler, Marc Bohn, Antonio Napoli, Chigo M. Okonkwo, Huug de Waardt:
38.4Tb/s transmission of single-carrier serial line-rate 400Gb/s PM-64QAM over 328km for metro and data center interconnect applications. OFC 2016: 1-3 - [c16]Talha Rahman, Danish Rafique, Bernhard Spinnler, Antonio Napoli, Marc Bohn, Antonius M. J. Koonen, Chigo M. Okonkwo, Huug de Waardt:
Digital subcarrier multiplexed hybrid QAM for data-rate flexibility and ROADM filtering tolerance. OFC 2016: 1-3 - 2015
- [b1]Talha Rahman:
Broadband Radio Interfaces Design for "€4G and Beyond" Cellular €Systems in smart urban Environments. University of Trento, Italy, 2015 - [j3]Antonio Napoli
, Marc Bohn, Danish Rafique, Alexandros A. Stavdas, Nicola Sambo, Luca Potì
, Markus Nölle, Johannes Karl Fischer, Emilio Riccardi, Annachiara Pagano, Andrea Di Giglio, Michela Svaluto Moreolo, Josep Maria Fabrega
, Emilio Hugues-Salas, Georgios Zervas, Dimitra Simeonidou, Patricia Layec, Antonio D'Errico
, Talha Rahman
, Juan Pedro Fernández-Palacios Gimenez:
Next generation elastic optical networks: The vision of the European research project IDEALIST. IEEE Commun. Mag. 53(2): 152-162 (2015) - [j2]Emilio Hugues-Salas, Georgios Zervas, Dimitra Simeonidou, Evangelos A. Kosmatos, Theofanis Orphanoudakis, Alexandros A. Stavdas, Marc Bohn, Antonio Napoli
, Talha Rahman
, Filippo Cugini, Nicola Sambo, Silvano Frigerio, Antonio D'Errico
, Annachiara Pagano, Emilio Riccardi, Víctor López, Juan Pedro Fernández-Palacios Gimenez:
Next generation optical nodes: The vision of the European research project IDEALIST. IEEE Commun. Mag. 53(2): 172-181 (2015) - [j1]Matthias Gunkel, Arnold Mattheus, Felix Wissel, Antonio Napoli
, João Pedro, Nelson Costa
, Talha Rahman
, Gianluca Meloni, Francesco Fresi, Filippo Cugini, Nicola Sambo, Marc Bohn:
Vendor-Interoperable Elastic Optical Interfaces: Standards, Experiments, and Challenges [Invited]. JOCN 7(12): B184-B193 (2015) - [c15]Pablo Wilke Berenguer
, Talha Rahman
, Antonio Napoli
, Markus Nolle, Colja Schubert, Johannes Karl Fischer:
Nonlinear digital pre-distortion of transmitter components. ECOC 2015: 1-3 - [c14]Óscar González de Dios, Ramon Casellas
, Francesco Paolucci, Antonio Napoli
, Lluis Gifre
, S. Annoni, Sergio Belotti, Uwe Feiste, Danish Rafique, Marc Bohn, Sébastien Bigo, Arnaud Dupas, Eric Dutisseuil, Francesco Fresi, Bingli Guo, Emilio Hugues-Salas, Patricia Layec, Víctor López, Gianluca Meloni, S. Misto, Roberto Morro, Talha Rahman
, Ginni Khanna, Ricardo Martínez
, Ricard Vilalta, Filippo Cugini, Luca Potì
, Antonio D'Errico
, Raul Muñoz
, Y. Shu, Shuangyi Yan
, Yan Yan, Georgios Zervas, Reza Nejabati, Dimitra Simeonidou, Luis Velasco, Juan Fernández-Palacios:
First demonstration of multi-vendor and multi-domain EON with S-BVT and control interoperability over Pan-European testbed. ECOC 2015: 1-3 - [c13]Talha Rahman
, Danish Rafique, Bernhard Spinnler, Antonio Napoli
, Huug de Waardt:
32 × 1Tb/s C-band transmission over 1000km employing three subcarriers PM-64QAM for regional applications. ECOC 2015: 1-3 - [c12]Emilio Riccardi, Annachiara Pagano, Emilio Hugues-Salas, Georgios Zervas, Dimitra Simeonidou, Marc Bohn, Antonio Napoli
, Danish Rafique, Antonio D'Errico
, Nicola Sambo, Piero Castoldi, Talha Rahman
, Michela Svaluto Moreolo, Josep M. Fabrega, Matthias Gunkel:
Sliceable bandwidth variable transponder: The IDEALIST vision. EuCNC 2015: 330-334 - [c11]Patricia Layec, Annachiara Dupas, Markus Nölle, Johannes Karl Fischer, Colja Schubert, Josep M. Fabrega, Michela Svaluto Moreolo, Nicola Sambo, Gianluca Meloni, Francesco Fresi, Antonio Napoli
, Danish Rafique, Marc Bohn, Antonio D'Errico
, Talha Rahman
, Emilio Hugues-Salas, Yan Yan, Shuangyi Yan
, Georgios Zervas, Dimitra Simeonidou, Alexandros A. Stavdas, Chris Matrakidis, Theofanis Orphanoudakis:
IDEALIST data plane solutions for elastic optical networks. EuCNC 2015: 355-359 - [c10]Talha Rahman
, Adriana Lobato, Danish Rafique, Antonio Napoli
, Marc Bohn, Chigo M. Okonkwo
, Antonius M. J. Koonen
, Huug de Waardt:
Long-haul WDM transmission of 1 Tb/s superchannel. ICTON 2015: 1-4 - [c9]Matthias Gunkel, Arnold Mattheus, Antonio Napoli
, Gianluca Meloni, Francesco Fresi, Talha Rahman
Elastic Black Link for future vendor independent optical networks. OFC 2015: 1-3 - [c8]Antonio Napoli
, Mahdi M. Mezghanni, Danish Rafique, Vincent A. J. M. Sleiffer, Talha Rahman
, Bernhard Spinnler, Stefano Calabrò, Marc Bohn:
Novel DAC digital pre-emphasis algorithm for next-generation flexible optical transponders. OFC 2015: 1-3 - 2014
- [c7]Talha Rahman
, Antonio Napoli
, Danish Rafique, Erik De Man, Marc Bohn, Chigo M. Okonkwo
, Huug de Waardt:
Mitigation of filtering cascade penalties using spectral shaping in optical nodes. ECOC 2014: 1-3 - [c6]Talha Rahman
, Danish Rafique, Antonio Napoli
, E. de Man, Maxim Kuschnerov, Bernhard Spinnler, Marc Bohn, Chigo M. Okonkwo
, Huug de Waardt:
FEC overhead optimization for long-haul transmission of PM-16QAM based 400Gb/s super-channel. ECOC 2014: 1-3 - [c5]Talha Rahman
, Danish Rafique, Antonio Napoli
, Erik De Man, Maxim Kuschnerov, Bernhard Spinnler, Marc Bohn, Chigo M. Okonkwo
, Huug de Waardt:
Long-haul terabit transmission (2272km) employing digitally pre-distorted quad-carrier PM-16QAM super-channel. ECOC 2014: 1-3 - [c4]Antonio Napoli
, Markus Nölle, Danish Rafique, Johannes Karl Fischer, Bernhard Spinnler, Talha Rahman
, Mahdi M. Mezghanni, Marc Bohn:
On the next generation bandwidth variable transponders for future flexible optical systems. EuCNC 2014: 1-5 - [c3]Danish Rafique, Talha Rahman
, Antonio Napoli
, Stefano Calabrò, Bernhard Spinnler:
FEC overhead and fiber nonlinearity mitigation: Performance and power consumption tradeoffs. OFC 2014: 1-3 - [c2]Danish Rafique, Talha Rahman
, Antonio Napoli
, Bernhard Spinnler:
Dynamics of intra super-channel fiber nonlinearity compensation in flex-grid optical networks. OFC 2014: 1-3 - 2013
- [c1]Henning Bülow, Talha Rahman
, Fred Buchali, Wilfried Idler, Wolfgang Kuebart:
Transmission of 4-D modulation formats at 28-Gbaud. OFC/NFOEC 2013: 1-3
Coauthor Index

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