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Yuyue Du
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2020 – today
- 2022
- [j56]Erjing Bai, Man Qi, Wenjing Luan, Peng Li, Yuyue Du:
Repairing Process Models with Non-Free-Choice Constructs Based on Token Replay. Comput. Informatics 41(4): 1054-1077 (2022) - [j55]Qiang Hu, Jiaji Shen, Kun Wang, Junwei Du, Yuyue Du:
A Web service clustering method based on topic enhanced Gibbs sampling algorithm for the Dirichlet Multinomial Mixture model and service collaboration graph. Inf. Sci. 586: 239-260 (2022) - [j54]Yinhua Tian
, Xinran Li
, Man Qi
, Dong Han
, Yuyue Du:
Deviation Detection in Clinical Pathways Based on Business Alignment. Sci. Program. 2022: 6993449:1-6993449:13 (2022) - [j53]Yan Xu, Yuwen Wang, Shunbo Hu, Yuyue Du:
Deep convolutional neural networks for bias field correction of brain magnetic resonance images. J. Supercomput. 78(16): 17943-17968 (2022) - [j52]Hongwei Sun
, Wei Liu
, Liang Qi
, Xiaojun Ren, Yuyue Du
An Algorithm for Mining Indirect Dependencies From Loop-Choice-Driven Loop Structure via Petri Nets. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Syst. 52(9): 5411-5423 (2022) - 2021
- [j51]Erjing Bai, Na Su, Yu Liang, Liang Qi, Yuyue Du:
Method for Repairing Process Models with Selection Structures Based on Token Replay. Comput. Informatics 40(2) (2021) - [j50]Hongwei Sun, Wei Liu
, Liang Qi
, Yuyue Du, Xiaojun Ren, Xinying Liu:
A process mining algorithm to mixed multiple-concurrency short-loop structures. Inf. Sci. 542: 453-475 (2021) - 2020
- [j49]Zhen Wang
, Wenjing Luan
, Yuyue Du
, Liang Qi
Composition and Application of Extended Colored Logic Petri Nets to E-Commerce Systems. IEEE Access 8: 36386-36397 (2020) - [j48]Xiaoliang Wang
, Peng Zhang, Yuyue Du
, Mei Qi:
Trust Routing Protocol Based on Cloud-Based Fuzzy Petri Net and Trust Entropy for Mobile Ad hoc Network. IEEE Access 8: 47675-47693 (2020) - [j47]Yuanxiu Teng
, Yuyue Du, Liang Qi:
A Logic Petri Net-Based Repair Method of Process Models with Incomplete Choice and Concurrent Structures. Comput. Informatics 39(1): 264-297 (2020) - [j46]Fuxin Zhang
, Mengchu Zhou
, Liang Qi
, Yuyue Du
, Haichun Sun
A Game Theoretic Approach for Distributed and Coordinated Channel Access Control in Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. 21(6): 2297-2309 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j45]Yuanxiu Teng
, Yuyue Du
, Liang Qi
, Wenjing Luan:
A Logic Petri Net-Based Method for Repairing Process Models With Concurrent Blocks. IEEE Access 7: 8266-8282 (2019) - [j44]Wentai Zheng, Yuyue Du
, Liang Qi
, Lu Wang:
A Method for Repairing Process Models Containing a Choice With Concurrency Structure by Using Logic Petri Nets. IEEE Access 7: 13106-13120 (2019) - [j43]Yuhua Xu, Yuyue Du
, Liang Qi
, Wenjing Luan, Lu Wang:
A Logic Petri Net-Based Model Repair Approach by Constructing Choice Bridges. IEEE Access 7: 18531-18545 (2019) - [j42]Zhaoyang He, Yuyue Du
, Liang Qi
, Haisen Du:
A Model Repair Approach Based on Petri Nets by Constructing Free-Loop Structures. IEEE Access 7: 24214-24230 (2019) - [j41]Yuanxiu Teng
, Yuyue Du
, Liang Qi
, Wenjing Luan, Lu Wang:
A Simple Logic Transition Repair Method for Business Process Models via Logic Petri Nets. IEEE Access 7: 76628-76644 (2019) - [j40]Huiming Sun, Yuyue Du
, Liang Qi
, Zhaoyang He:
A Method for Mining Process Models With Indirect Dependencies via Petri Nets. IEEE Access 7: 81211-81226 (2019) - [j39]Wentai Zheng, Yuyue Du
, Shouguang Wang
, Liang Qi
Repair Process Models Containing Non-Free-Choice Structures Based on Logic Petri Nets. IEEE Access 7: 105132-105145 (2019) - [j38]Wenjing Luan
, Liang Qi
, Zhongying Zhao
, Jianxin Liu
, Yuyue Du
Logic Petri Net Synthesis for Cooperative Systems. IEEE Access 7: 161937-161948 (2019) - [j37]Yan Xu
, Shunbo Hu
, Yuyue Du
Bias Correction of Multiple MRI Images Based on an Improved Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Method. IEEE Access 7: 166762-166775 (2019) - [j36]Yuhua Xu
, Yuyue Du
, Wenjing Luan
, Liang Qi
A Process Model Repair Approach by Constructing Choice Structures via Logic Petri Nets. IEEE Access 7: 172387-172402 (2019) - [j35]Lu Wang, Yuyue Du, Liang Qi:
Efficient deviation detection between a process model and event logs. IEEE CAA J. Autom. Sinica 6(6): 1352-1364 (2019) - [j34]Jing Sha, Yuyue Du, Liang Qi:
A user requirement oriented web service discovery approach based on logic and threshold petri net. IEEE CAA J. Autom. Sinica 6(6): 1528-1542 (2019) - [j33]Lei Liu, Wei Liu, Yuyue Du:
Business Process Modeling and Analysis Based on Queue Logical Petri Nets. Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng. 29(1): 115-137 (2019) - [j32]Faming Lu, Ranran Tao, Yuyue Du, Qingtian Zeng, Yunxia Bao:
Deadlock detection-oriented unfolding of unbounded Petri nets. Inf. Sci. 497: 1-22 (2019) - [j31]Shiyang Deng, Yuyue Du, Liang Qi:
A Web Service Composition Approach Based on Planning Graph and Propositional Logic. J. Organ. End User Comput. 31(3): 1-16 (2019) - 2018
- [j30]Fuxin Zhang
, Yuyue Du
, Wei Liu
, Peng Li:
Model Predictive Power Control for Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems. IEEE Access 6: 4797-4810 (2018) - [j29]Zhaoyang He, Yuyue Du
, Lu Wang, Liang Qi
, Haichun Sun:
An Alpha-FL Algorithm for Discovering Free Loop Structures From Incomplete Event Logs. IEEE Access 6: 27885-27901 (2018) - [j28]Wei Liu
, Xin Feng, Fuxin Zhang
, Yuyue Du
, Chun Yan
Analytic of B2C E - Commerce Credit Mechanism Mixed Strategy Risk Behavior Based on Logical Game Petri Nets. IEEE Access 6: 29109-29131 (2018) - [j27]Xize Zhang, Yuyue Du
, Liang Qi
, Haichun Sun:
An Approach for Repairing Process Models Based on Logic Petri Nets. IEEE Access 6: 29926-29939 (2018) - [j26]Xize Zhang, Yuyue Du
, Liang Qi
, Haichun Sun:
Repairing Process Models Containing Choice Structures via Logic Petri Nets. IEEE Access 6: 53796-53810 (2018) - [j25]Yuhua Xu, Yuyue Du
, Wenjing Luan, Liang Qi
, Haichun Sun:
Repairing Process Models With Logical Concurrent and Casual Relations via Logical Petri Nets. IEEE Access 6: 56340-56355 (2018) - [j24]Yinhua Tian
, Yuyue Du
, Maozhen Li, Dong Han, Qiang Hu:
Reduced alignment based on Petri nets. Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp. 30(23) (2018) - [j23]Lu Wang, Yuyue Du
, Man Qi
, Hongda Qi
, Zhaoyang He:
Petri net-based deviation detection between a process model with loop semantics and event logs. Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp. 30(23) (2018) - [j22]Hongda Qi
, Yuyue Du, Liang Qi, Lu Wang:
An approach to repair Petri net-based process models with choice structures. Enterp. Inf. Syst. 12(8-9): 1149-1179 (2018) - [j21]Yu Liang, Yuyue Du, Siguang Li, Maozhen Li:
Robust convolution kernel quantity determination based on corner radiation area adaptation. Neurocomputing 321: 266-273 (2018) - [c4]Hongxia Li, Haixia Hou, Yuyue Du, Zhi Liu:
Auditing Between Event Logs and Process Trees. IFTC 2018: 227-237 - 2017
- [j20]Wenjing Luan, Liang Qi
, Yuyue Du
Composition of Logical Petri Nets and Compatibility Analysis. IEEE Access 5: 9152-9162 (2017) - [j19]Wei Liu
, Pin Wang, Yuyue Du
, Mengchu Zhou
, Chun Yan:
Extended Logical Petri Nets-Based Modeling and Analysis of Business Processes. IEEE Access 5: 16829-16839 (2017) - [j18]Lu Wang, Yuyue Du, Wei Liu:
Aligning observed and modelled behaviour based on workflow decomposition. Enterp. Inf. Syst. 11(8): 1207-1227 (2017) - [j17]Yuyue Du, Junjing Gai, Mengchu Zhou:
A Web service substitution method based on service cluster nets. Enterp. Inf. Syst. 11(10): 1535-1551 (2017) - [j16]Wei Liu, Lu Wang, Yuyue Du, Maozhen Li:
Deadlock Property Analysis of Concurrent Programs Based on Petri Net Structure. Int. J. Parallel Program. 45(4): 879-898 (2017) - [j15]Yuyue Du
, Lu Wang, Man Qi:
Constructing Service Clusters Based on Service Space. Int. J. Parallel Program. 45(4): 982-1000 (2017) - [j14]Yanan Sun, Yuyue Du, Maozhen Li:
A Repair of Workflow Models Based on Mirroring Matrices. Int. J. Parallel Program. 45(4): 1001-1020 (2017) - 2015
- [j13]Jing Wang, Yuyue Du, ShuXia Yu:
Coloured Logic Petri Nets and analysis of their reachable trees. Enterp. Inf. Syst. 9(8): 900-919 (2015) - 2014
- [j12]Yuyue Du, Yuhui Ning, Liang Qi:
Reachability analysis of logic Petri nets using incidence matrix. Enterp. Inf. Syst. 8(6): 630-647 (2014) - [j11]Yuyue Du, Yuhui Ning:
Property analysis of logic Petri nets by marking reachability graphs. Frontiers Comput. Sci. 8(4): 684-692 (2014) - [j10]Qiang Hu, Yuyue Du, ShuXia Yu:
Service net algebra based on logic Petri nets. Inf. Sci. 268: 271-289 (2014) - [j9]Yuyue Du, Liang Qi, MengChu Zhou:
Analysis and Application of Logical Petri Nets to E-Commerce Systems. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Syst. 44(4): 468-481 (2014) - [j8]Wei Liu, Yuyue Du, MengChu Zhou, Chun Yan:
Transformation of Logical Workflow Nets. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Syst. 44(10): 1401-1412 (2014) - 2012
- [j7]Wei Liu, Yuyue Du, Chun Yan:
Soundness preservation in composed logical time workflow nets. Enterp. Inf. Syst. 6(1): 95-113 (2012) - [c3]Liang Qi, Yuyue Du, Wenjing Luan:
Cluster-oriented service composition modeling method based on logical net units. ICNSC 2012: 112-117 - 2011
- [j6]Yuyue Du, Liang Qi, MengChu Zhou:
A vector matching method for analysing logic Petri nets. Enterp. Inf. Syst. 5(4): 449-468 (2011)
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j5]Yuyue Du, Changjun Jiang, MengChu Zhou, You Fu:
Modeling and monitoring of E-commerce workflows. Inf. Sci. 179(7): 995-1006 (2009) - [j4]Yuyue Du, Changjun Jiang, MengChu Zhou:
A Petri Net-Based Model for Verification of Obligations and Accountability in Cooperative Systems. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part A 39(2): 299-308 (2009) - 2008
- [j3]Yuyue Du, Changjun Jiang, MengChu Zhou:
A Petri-Net-Based Correctness Analysis of Internet Stock Trading Systems. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part C 38(1): 93-99 (2008) - 2007
- [j2]Yuyue Du, Changjun Jiang, MengChu Zhou:
Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time Cooperative Systems Using Petri Nets. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part A 37(5): 643-654 (2007) - 2004
- [j1]Yuyue Du, Changjun Jiang:
Verifying Functions in Online Stock Trading Systems. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 19(2): 203-212 (2004) - 2003
- [c2]Yuyue Du, Changjun Jiang:
Towards a Workflow Model of Real-Time Cooperative Systems. ICFEM 2003: 452-470 - 2002
- [c1]Yuyue Du, Changjun Jiang:
Formal Representation and Analysis of Batch Stock Trading Systems by Logical Petri Net Workflows. ICFEM 2002: 221-225
Coauthor Index

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