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Francisco J. Serón
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- affiliation: University of Zaragoza, Spain
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2020 – today
- 2023
- [j43]Yoselie Alvarado, Roberto Guerrero, Francisco J. Serón:
Inclusive Learning through Immersive Virtual Reality and Semantic Embodied Conversational Agent: A case study in children with autism. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 23(2): 09 (2023) - 2021
- [j42]Juan A. Magallon, Alfonso Blesa, Francisco J. Serón:
SLM Simulation and MonteCarlo Path Tracing for Computer-Generated Holograms. SN Comput. Sci. 2(3): 233 (2021)
2010 – 2019
- 2018
- [j41]Yoselie Alvarado, Roberto Guerrero, Francisco J. Serón:
Be Civic: An Immersive Serious Game. EAI Endorsed Trans. Serious Games 4(15): e1 (2018) - [c34]Joaquín Pérez Marco, Eva Cerezo, Jesús Gallardo, Francisco J. Serón:
Evaluating an ECA with a Cognitive-Affective Architecture. Interacción 2018: 22:1-22:8 - 2017
- [j40]Piedad Garrido, Javier Barrachina, Francisco J. Martinez, Francisco J. Serón:
Smart tourist information points by combining agents, semantics and AI techniques. Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst. 14(1): 1-23 (2017) - [j39]Angel Zaldivar Pino, Manuel González Bedia, Francisco José Serón Arbeloa:
Modeling flocks with perceptual agents from a dynamicist perspective. Comput. Animat. Virtual Worlds 28(1) (2017) - [j38]Angel Zaldivar Pino, Manuel González Bedia, Francisco José Serón Arbeloa:
A parsimonious model for locomotor in virtual agents based on dynamical coupling with the environment. Comput. Animat. Virtual Worlds 28(6) (2017) - [j37]Joaquín Pérez Marco, Francisco José Serón Arbeloa, Eva Cerezo Bagdasari:
Combining cognition and emotion in virtual agents. Kybernetes 46(6): 933-946 (2017) - [c33]Joaquín Pérez Marco, Yanet Sánchez, Francisco J. Serón, Eva Cerezo:
Interacting with a Semantic Affective ECA. IVA 2017: 374-384 - 2016
- [j36]Manuel Glez Bedia, Luis Fernando Castillo, Carolina López, Francisco J. Serón, Gustavo A. Isaza:
Designing virtual bots for optimizing strategy-game groups. Neurocomputing 172: 453-458 (2016) - [j35]Francisco J. Serón, Carlos Bobed:
VOX system: a semantic embodied conversational agent exploiting linked data. Multim. Tools Appl. 75(1): 381-404 (2016) - [j34]José Félix Muñoz-Soro, Guillermo Esteban, Óscar Corcho, Francisco J. Serón:
PPROC, an ontology for transparency in public procurement. Semantic Web 7(3): 295-309 (2016) - [c32]Joaquín Pérez Marco, Eva Cerezo, Francisco J. Serón:
E-VOX: a socially enhanced semantic ECA. SLMI@ICMI 2016: 2:1-2:6 - 2014
- [j33]Miguel Aguilera, Manuel Glez Bedia, Francisco J. Serón, Xabier E. Barandiaran:
Intermittent Animal Behavior: The Adjustment-Deployment Dilemma. Artif. Life 20(4): 471-489 (2014) - [j32]Raquel del Moral, Jorge Navarro, Rafael Lahoz-Beltra, Manuel Glez Bedia, Francisco J. Serón, Pedro C. Marijuán:
Cognitive and Emotional Contents of Laughter: Framing a New Neurocomputational Approach. Int. J. Synth. Emot. 5(2): 31-54 (2014) - [c31]Miquel Mascaró, Francisco J. Serón, Francisco José Perales López, Javier Varona:
Rigging and Data Capture for the Facial Animation of Virtual Actors. AMDO 2014: 170-179 - [c30]Luis Fernando Castillo, Manuel Glez Bedia, Carolina López, Francisco J. Serón, Gustavo A. Isaza:
Designing Strategies for Improving the Performance of Groups in Collective Environments. DCAI 2014: 243-250 - [c29]Pedro M. Latorre Andrés, Francisco José Serón Arbeloa, Jorge López-Moreno, Carlos Vaz de Carvalho:
TimeMesh: Producing and Evaluating a Serious Game. Interacción 2014: 100:1-100:8 - 2013
- [c28]Sergio Moreno, Manuel Glez Bedia, Francisco J. Serón, Luis Fernando Castillo, Gustavo A. Isaza:
Associative Learning for Enhancing Autonomous Bots in Videogame Design. DCAI 2013: 361-368 - [c27]Piedad Garrido, Angel Sanchez, Francisco J. Martinez, Sandra Baldassarri, Eva Cerezo, Francisco J. Serón:
Using 3D Virtual Agents to Improve the Autonomy and Quality of Life of Elderly People. ISAmI 2013: 129-136 - 2012
- [j31]Jose Luis Pina, Eva Cerezo, Francisco J. Serón:
Semantic visualization of 3D urban environments. Multim. Tools Appl. 59(2): 505-521 (2012) - [j30]Iman Sadeghi, Adolfo Muñoz, Philip Laven, Wojciech Jarosz, Francisco J. Serón, Diego Gutierrez, Henrik Wann Jensen:
Physically-based simulation of rainbows. ACM Trans. Graph. 31(1): 3:1-3:12 (2012) - [j29]Pedro Latorre, Francisco J. Serón, Diego Gutierrez:
Birefringence: calculation of refracted ray paths in biaxial crystals. Vis. Comput. 28(4): 341-356 (2012) - [c26]José Félix Muñoz, Carlos Bobed, Francisco J. Serón:
Modeling Administrative Procedures to Improve Information to the Public. EGOVIS/EDEM 2012: 155-169 - 2011
- [j28]Fernando Navarro, Francisco J. Serón, Diego Gutierrez:
Motion Blur Rendering: State of the Art. Comput. Graph. Forum 30(1): 3-26 (2011) - [j27]Adolfo Muñoz, Jose I. Echevarria, Francisco J. Serón, Jorge Lopez-Moreno, Mashhuda Glencross, Diego Gutierrez:
BSSRDF Estimation from Single Images. Comput. Graph. Forum 30(2): 455-464 (2011) - [j26]Adolfo Muñoz, Jose I. Echevarria, Francisco J. Serón, Diego Gutierrez:
Convolution-Based Simulation of Homogeneous Subsurface Scattering. Comput. Graph. Forum 30(8): 2279-2287 (2011) - [j25]Sandra Baldassarri, Francisco J. Serón:
Coordinated System for Real Time Muscle Deformation during Locomotion. J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 17(3): 349-376 (2011) - [j24]Eduardo Jiménez Jimenez, Kenny Mitchell, Francisco J. Serón:
Capture and Analysis of Racing Gameplay Metrics. IEEE Softw. 28(5): 46-52 (2011) - [j23]Fernando Navarro, Susana Castillo, Francisco J. Serón, Diego Gutierrez:
Perceptual considerations for motion blur rendering. ACM Trans. Appl. Percept. 8(3): 20:1-20:15 (2011) - [c25]Miguel Aguilera, Manuel González Bedia, Xabier E. Barandiaran, Francisco J. Serón:
The adjustment-deployment dilemma in organism's behaviour: Theoretical characterization and minimal model. ALIFE 2011: 116-123 - 2010
- [j22]Rafael Rodriguez, Eva Cerezo, Sandra Baldassarri, Francisco J. Serón:
New approaches to culling and LOD methods for scenes with multiple virtual actors. Comput. Graph. 34(6): 729-741 (2010) - [j21]Jose Luis Pina, Francisco J. Serón, Eva Cerezo:
BqR-Tree: A Data Structure for Flights and Walkthroughs in Urban Scenes with Mobile Elements. Comput. Graph. Forum 29(6): 1745-1755 (2010)
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j20]Fernando Navarro, Diego Gutierrez, Francisco J. Serón:
Interactive HDR lighting of dynamic participating media. Vis. Comput. 25(4): 339-347 (2009) - [c24]Jose Luis Pina, Eva Cerezo, Francisco J. Serón:
Bq-Rtree: una estructura de datos para la visualización de entornos urbanos en tiempo real. CEIG 2009: 125-133 - [c23]Isabelle Hupont, Rafael Del Hoyo, Sandra Baldassarri, Eva Cerezo, Francisco J. Serón, Diego Romero:
Towards an intelligent affective multimodal virtual agent for uncertain environments. AFFINE@ICMI 2009: 4:1-4:4 - 2008
- [j19]Sandra Baldassarri, Eva Cerezo, Francisco J. Serón:
Maxine: A platform for embodied animated agents. Comput. Graph. 32(3): 430-437 (2008) - [j18]Diego Gutierrez, Francisco J. Serón, Adolfo Muñoz, Oscar Anson:
Visualizing Underwater Ocean Optics. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(2): 547-556 (2008) - [j17]Diego Gutierrez, Francisco J. Serón, Jorge Lopez-Moreno, Maria P. Sanchez, Jorge Fandos, Erik Reinhard:
Depicting procedural caustics in single images. ACM Trans. Graph. 27(5): 120 (2008) - [c22]Oscar Anson, Francisco J. Serón, Diego Gutierrez:
NURBS-based Inverse Reflector Design. CEIG 2008: 65-74 - [c21]Francisco J. Serón, Eva Cerezo, Sandra Baldassarri:
Computer Graphics: Problem Based Learning and Interactive Embodied Pedagogical Agents. Eurographics (Education Papers) 2008: 25-32 - [c20]Germán Montoro, Pablo A. Haya, Sandra Baldassarri, Eva Cerezo, Francisco J. Serón:
A Study of the Use of a Virtual Agent in an Ambient Intelligence Environment. IVA 2008: 520-521 - 2007
- [j16]Adolfo Muñoz, Diego Gutierrez, Francisco J. Serón:
Optimization techniques for curved path computing. Vis. Comput. 23(7): 493-502 (2007) - [c19]Eva Cerezo, Isabelle Hupont, Cristina Manresa-Yee, Xavier Varona, Sandra Baldassarri, Francisco José Perales López, Francisco J. Serón:
Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition for Natural Interaction. IbPRIA (2) 2007: 40-47 - 2006
- [j15]Diego Gutierrez, Francisco J. Serón, Adolfo Muñoz, Oscar Anson:
Simulation of atmospheric phenomena. Comput. Graph. 30(6): 994-1010 (2006) - [c18]Juan A. Magallon, Gustavo Patow, Francisco J. Serón, Xavier Pueyo:
Parallelization of Inverse Design of Luminaire Reflectors. EGPGV@EuroVis/EGVE 2006: 99-107 - [c17]Adolfo Muñoz, Diego Gutierrez, Francisco J. Serón:
Efficient physically-based simulation of non-linear media. GRAPHITE 2006: 97-105 - 2005
- [j14]Francisco J. Serón, Diego Gutierrez, Guillermo Gutiérrez, Eva Cerezo:
Implementation of a method of curved ray tracing for inhomogeneous atmospheres. Comput. Graph. 29(1): 95-108 (2005) - [j13]Jordi Regincós Isern, Francisco J. Serón:
Special Issue: Computer Graphics in Spain. Comput. Graph. 29(2): 177-178 (2005) - [j12]Francisco J. Serón, Diego Gutierrez, Juan A. Magallon, Luis Ferragut, M. Isabel Asensio:
The Evolution of a WILDLAND Forest FIRE FRONT. Vis. Comput. 21(3): 152-169 (2005) - [j11]Eva Cerezo, Frederic Pérez, Xavier Pueyo, Francisco J. Serón, François X. Sillion:
A survey on participating media rendering techniques. Vis. Comput. 21(5): 303-328 (2005) - [c16]Diego Gutierrez, Oscar Anson, Adolfo Muñoz, Francisco J. Serón:
Perception-Based Rendering: Eyes Wide Bleached. Eurographics (Short Presentations) 2005: 49-52 - [c15]Fermin Gomez, Francisco J. Serón, Justiniano Aporta, Diego Gutierrez:
Predictive sunlight simulation for the remodeling of the Real Madrid stadium. GRAPHITE 2005: 139-142 - [c14]Diego Gutierrez, Adolfo Muñoz, Oscar Anson, Francisco J. Serón:
Non-linear Volume Photon Mapping. Rendering Techniques 2005: 291-300 - [c13]Diego Gutierrez, Oscar Anson, Francisco J. Serón, Veronica Sundstedt, Alan Chalmers:
Efficient physically-based perceptual rendering of participating media. SIGGRAPH Posters 2005: 49 - [c12]Diego Gutierrez, Francisco J. Serón, Adolfo Muñoz, Oscar Anson:
Rendering Ghost Ships and Other Phenomena in the Arctic Atmosphere. WSCG (Short Papers) 2005: 73-76 - 2004
- [j10]Francisco J. Serón, Juan José Torrens, Juan A. Magallon, A. Turon, Sandra Baldassarri:
Geometric and visual modelling of complex stratigraphic structures. Comput. Graph. 28(4): 585-599 (2004) - [j9]Eva Cerezo, Francisco J. Serón:
Rendering natural waters taking fluorescence into account. Comput. Animat. Virtual Worlds 15(5): 471-484 (2004) - [j8]Francisco J. Serón, Diego Gutierrez, Juan A. Magallon, Emilio J. Sobreviela, José A. Gutiérrez:
A CAVE-like environment as a tool for full-size train design. Virtual Real. 7(2): 82-93 (2004) - [c11]Juan A. Magallon, Emilio J. Sobreviela, Francisco J. Serón, Diego Gutierrez:
Lighting Design in Low-Cost Immersive Systems. Computer Graphics International 2004: 266-269 - [c10]Francisco J. Serón, Diego Gutierrez, Guillermo Gutiérrez, Eva Cerezo:
Visualizing Sunsets through Inhomogeneous Atmospheres. Computer Graphics International 2004: 349-356 - [c9]Diego Gutierrez, Francisco J. Serón, Oscar Anson, Adolfo Muñoz:
Chasing the green flash: a global illumination solution for inhomogeneous media. SCCG 2004: 97-105 - [c8]Diego Gutierrez, Francisco J. Serón, Adolfo Muñoz, Oscar Anson:
Inelastic scattering in participating media using curved photon mapping. SIGGRAPH Sketches 2004: 76 - 2003
- [j7]Eva Cerezo, Francisco J. Serón:
An approach to the simulation of the sea as participating medium. Comput. Graph. 27(4): 487-501 (2003) - [j6]Francisco J. Serón, Rafael Rodriguez, Eva Cerezo, Alfredo Pina:
Correction to 'Adding Support for High-Level Skeletal Animation'. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 9(1): 110 (2003) - [c7]Eva Cerezo, Francisco J. Serón:
Inelastic Scattering and Participating Media.Application to the ocean. Eurographics (Short Presentations) 2003 - [c6]Francisco J. Serón, Elsa Garcia, Jorge del Pico:
MOTRICO Project - Geometric Construction and Mesh Generation of Blood Vessels by Means of the Fusion of Angiograms and IVUS. IbPRIA 2003: 951-961 - [c5]Francisco J. Serón, Elsa Garcia, Jorge del Pico:
MOTRICO Project: Geometric Construction and Mesh Generation of Blood Vessels in Coronary Bifurcation. ICCSA (3) 2003: 559-568 - 2002
- [j5]Francisco J. Serón, Rafael Rodriguez, Eva Cerezo, Alfredo Pina:
Adding Support for High-Level Skeletal Animation. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 8(4): 360-372 (2002) - [c4]Francisco Rojas, Sandra Baldassarri, Francisco J. Serón:
Software Laboratory for Physical Based Human Body Animation. AMDO 2002: 226-240 - [c3]Alfredo Pina, Francisco J. Serón, Diego Gutierrez:
The ALVW system: an interface for smart behavior-based 3D computer animation. Smart Graphics 2002: 17-20 - 2001
- [c2]Diego Gutierrez, Alfredo Pina, Francisco J. Serón, Jorge del Pico:
Character Animation: Agents, Animats and Synthetic Actors. VIIP 2001: 145-150 - [c1]Eva Cerezo, Francisco J. Serón:
Synthetic Images of Underwater Scenes: A First Approximation. WSCG 2001: 395-402 - 2000
- [j4]Alfredo Pina, Eva Cerezo, Francisco J. Serón:
Computer animation: from avatars to unrestricted autonomous actors (A survey on replication and modelling mechanisms). Comput. Graph. 24(2): 297-311 (2000)
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [j3]Eva Cerezo, Alfredo Pina, Francisco J. Serón:
Motion and behaviour modelling: state of art and new trends. Vis. Comput. 15(3): 124-146 (1999) - 1993
- [j2]Francisco J. Serón, Juan José Torrens, Juan A. Magallon:
Quality Control of an Interpolation Method for Discontinuous Parametric Surfaces. Comput. Graph. Forum 12(3): 461-471 (1993) - 1992
- [j1]Francisco José Serón Arbeloa:
Visualization and finite element techniques for seismic interpretation. Comput. Graph. 16(4): 383-394 (1992)
Coauthor Index
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