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Mu-Chen Chen
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2020 – today
- 2023
- [j49]Shinsiong Pang, Mu-Chen Chen:
Optimize railway crew scheduling by using modified bacterial foraging algorithm. Comput. Ind. Eng. 180: 109218 (2023) - [j48]Mu-Chen Chen, Sinjana Yerasani
, Manoj Kumar Tiwari:
Solving a 3-dimensional vehicle routing problem with delivery options in city logistics using fast-neighborhood based crowding differential evolution algorithm. J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Comput. 14(8): 10389-10402 (2023) - [c10]Yi-Yun Wang, Zi-Jie Luo, Mu-Chen Chen, Long-Sheng Chen:
Classifying Game Reviews by Using Natural Language Processing and Support Vector Machines with SMOTE-Tomek Algorithm. IIAI-AAI 2023: 305-308 - 2020
- [j47]Mu-Ming Chen, Mu-Chen Chen:
Modeling Road Accident Severity with Comparisons of Logistic Regression, Decision Tree and Random Forest. Inf. 11(5): 270 (2020)
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [j46]Mu-Chen Chen, Pei-Ju Wu
, Yu-Han Hsu:
An effective pricing model for the congestion alleviation of e-commerce logistics. Comput. Ind. Eng. 129: 368-376 (2019) - [j45]Mu-Chen Chen, Yu-Hsiang Hsiao
, Kuo-Chien Chang, Ming-Ke Lin:
Applying big data analytics to support Kansei engineering for hotel service development. Data Technol. Appl. 53(1): 33-57 (2019) - [c9]Long-Sheng Chen
, Mu-Chen Chen, Yi-Ru Lin:
Customer Needs Analysis for Overseas Purchasing in Taiwan. IIAI-AAI 2019: 1029-1030 - 2018
- [j44]Cheng-Ta Yeh
, Mu-Chen Chen:
Applying Kansei Engineering and data mining to design door-to-door delivery service. Comput. Ind. Eng. 120: 401-417 (2018) - [j43]Chia-Lin Hsu, Mu-Chen Chen:
How gamification marketing activities motivate desirable consumer behaviors: Focusing on the role of brand love. Comput. Hum. Behav. 88: 121-133 (2018) - [j42]Yu-Hsiang Hsiao
, Mu-Chen Chen, Chang-Lu Lee:
Model Predictive Control as a Simulator for Studying the Operation Quality of Semiconductor Supply Chains in the Perspective of Integrated Device Manufacturers. IEEE Syst. J. 12(2): 1813-1825 (2018) - [c8]Yu-Hsiang Hsiao
, Chao-Ton Su, Pin-Cheng Fu, Mu-Chen Chen:
MTSbag: A Method to Solve Class Imbalance Problems. IIAI-AAI 2018: 524-529 - 2017
- [j41]Chia-Lin Hsu, Mu-Chen Chen, Yu-Hsiang Lin:
Information technology adoption for sustainable development: green e-books as an example. Inf. Technol. Dev. 23(2): 261-280 (2017) - [j40]Chia-Lin Hsu, Yu-Hsiang Lin, Mu-Chen Chen, Kuo-Chien Chang, Ai-Yun Hsieh:
Investigating the determinants of e-book adoption. Program 51(1): 2-16 (2017) - [j39]Yu-Hsiang Hsiao
, Mu-Chen Chen, Wei-Chien Liao:
Logistics service design for cross-border E-commerce using Kansei engineering with text-mining-based online content analysis. Telematics Informatics 34(4): 284-302 (2017) - [j38]Chia-Lin Hsu, Mu-Chen Chen, Kazuo Kikuchi, Ippei Machida:
Elucidating the determinants of purchase intention toward social shopping sites: A comparative study of Taiwan and Japan. Telematics Informatics 34(4): 326-338 (2017) - [j37]Mu-Chen Chen, Yu-Hsiang Hsiao
, Hsi-Yuan Huang:
Semiconductor Supply Chain Planning With Decisions of Decoupling Point and VMI Scenario. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Syst. 47(5): 856-868 (2017) - [c7]Yu-Hsiang Hsiao
, Mu-Chen Chen, Ming-Ke Lin:
Kansei Engineering with Online Review Mining for Hotel Service Development. IIAI-AAI 2017: 29-34 - 2016
- [c6]Yu-Hsiang Hsiao
, Mu-Chen Chen:
Kansei Engineering with Online Content Mining for Cross-Border Logistics Service Design. IIAI-AAI 2016: 138-143 - 2015
- [c5]Mu-Chen Chen, Yu-Hsiang Hsiao
, Himadeep Reddy, Manoj Kumar Tiwari
A Particle Swarm Optimization Approach for Route Planning with Cross-Docking. ICETET 2015: 1-6 - 2014
- [j36]David Ming-Huang Chiang, Chia-Ping Lin, Mu-Chen Chen:
Data mining based storage assignment heuristics for travel distance reduction. Expert Syst. J. Knowl. Eng. 31(1): 81-90 (2014) - [j35]Chi-Sen Li, Mu-Chen Chen:
A data mining based approach for travel time prediction in freeway with non-recurrent congestion. Neurocomputing 133: 74-83 (2014) - 2013
- [j34]Cheng-Lung Huang, Mu-Chen Chen, Wen-Chen Huang, Sheng-Huang Huang:
Incorporating frequency, recency and profit in sequential pattern based recommender systems. Intell. Data Anal. 17(5): 899-916 (2013) - [j33]Chia-Lin Hsu, Cou-Chen Wu, Mu-Chen Chen:
An empirical analysis of the antecedents of e-satisfaction and e-loyalty: focusing on the role of flow and its antecedents. Inf. Syst. E Bus. Manag. 11(2): 287-311 (2013) - [j32]Chi-Sen Li, Mu-Chen Chen:
Identifying important variables for predicting travel time of freeway with non-recurrent congestion with neural networks. Neural Comput. Appl. 23(6): 1611-1629 (2013) - 2012
- [j31]Mu-Chen Chen, Chuang-Min Chao, Kuan-Ting Wu:
Pattern filtering and classification for market basket analysis with profit-based measures. Expert Syst. J. Knowl. Eng. 29(2): 170-182 (2012) - [j30]Chia-Lin Hsu, Kuo-Chien Chang, Mu-Chen Chen:
The impact of website quality on customer satisfaction and purchase intention: perceived playfulness and perceived flow as mediators. Inf. Syst. E Bus. Manag. 10(4): 549-570 (2012) - 2011
- [j29]Kai-Ying Chen, Long-Sheng Chen
, Mu-Chen Chen, Chia-Lung Lee:
Using SVM based method for equipment fault detection in a thermal power plant. Comput. Ind. 62(1): 42-50 (2011) - [j28]David Ming-Huang Chiang, Chia-Ping Lin, Mu-Chen Chen:
The adaptive approach for storage assignment by mining data of warehouse management system for distribution centres. Enterp. Inf. Syst. 5(2): 219-234 (2011) - 2010
- [j27]Chun-Chin Hsu, Mu-Chen Chen, Long-Sheng Chen
Integrating independent component analysis and support vector machine for multivariate process monitoring. Comput. Ind. Eng. 59(1): 145-156 (2010) - [j26]Ming-Min Yu, Shih-Chan Ting, Mu-Chen Chen:
Evaluating the cross-efficiency of information sharing in supply chains. Expert Syst. Appl. 37(4): 2891-2897 (2010) - [j25]Chun-Chin Hsu, Mu-Chen Chen, Long-Sheng Chen
Intelligent ICA-SVM fault detector for non-Gaussian multivariate process monitoring. Expert Syst. Appl. 37(4): 3264-3273 (2010) - [j24]Mu-Chen Chen, C.-T. Yeh, K.-Y. Chen:
Development of collaborative transportation management framework with Web Services for TFT-LCD supply chains. Int. J. Comput. Integr. Manuf. 23(1): 1-19 (2010) - [j23]Hsiu-Chun Cheng, Mu-Chen Chen, Chi-Kuo Mao:
The evolutionary process and collaboration in supply chains. Ind. Manag. Data Syst. 110(3): 453-474 (2010) - [j22]Kuo-Chien Chang, Mu-Chen Chen, Chia-Lin Hsu, Nien-Te Kuo:
The effect of service convenience on post-purchasing behaviours. Ind. Manag. Data Syst. 110(9): 1420-1443 (2010)
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j21]Long-Sheng Chen
, Chun-Chin Hsu, Mu-Chen Chen:
Customer Segmentation and Classification from blogs by Using Data Mining: an Example of VoIP Phone. Cybern. Syst. 40(7): 608-632 (2009) - 2008
- [j20]Cheng-Lung Huang, Hung-Chang Liao
, Mu-Chen Chen:
Prediction model building and feature selection with support vector machines in breast cancer diagnosis. Expert Syst. Appl. 34(1): 578-587 (2008) - [j19]Long-Sheng Chen
, Fei-Hao Hsu, Mu-Chen Chen, Yuan-Chia Hsu:
Developing recommender systems with the consideration of product profitability for sellers. Inf. Sci. 178(4): 1032-1048 (2008) - [j18]Mu-Chen Chen, Long-Sheng Chen
, Chun-Chin Hsu, Wei-Rong Zeng:
An information granulation based data mining approach for classifying imbalanced data. Inf. Sci. 178(16): 3214-3227 (2008) - 2007
- [j17]Hsu-Hwa Chang
, Yan-Kwang Chen, Mu-Chen Chen:
Dynamic Parameter Design by Ant Colony Optimization and Neural Networks. Asia Pac. J. Oper. Res. 24(3): 333-351 (2007) - [j16]Mu-Chen Chen, Chia-Ping Lin:
A data mining approach to product assortment and shelf space allocation. Expert Syst. Appl. 32(4): 976-986 (2007) - [j15]Cheng-Lung Huang, Mu-Chen Chen, Chieh-Jen Wang:
Credit scoring with a data mining approach based on support vector machines. Expert Syst. Appl. 33(4): 847-856 (2007) - [j14]Mu-Chen Chen:
Ranking discovered rules from data mining with multiple criteria by data envelopment analysis. Expert Syst. Appl. 33(4): 1110-1116 (2007) - [j13]Mu-Chen Chen, Taho Yang
, Hsin-Chia Li:
Evaluating the supply chain performance of IT-based inter-enterprise collaboration. Inf. Manag. 44(6): 524-534 (2007) - [j12]Taho Yang
, Mu-Chen Chen, Chih-Ching Hung:
Multiple attribute decision-making methods for the dynamic operator allocation problem. Math. Comput. Simul. 73(5): 285-299 (2007) - 2006
- [c4]Mu-Chen Chen, Hung-Chang Liao
, Cheng-Lung Huang:
Predicting Breast Tumor via Mining DNA Viruses with Decision Tree. SMC 2006: 3585-3589 - [c3]Mu-Chen Chen, Kai-Ying Chen, Ming-Fu Hsu, Cheng-Tah Yeh:
A Web Services Based Collaborative Management Framework for Semiconductor Equipment. SMC 2006: 3784-3789 - 2005
- [j11]Chih-Ming Hsu, Kai-Ying Chen, Mu-Chen Chen:
Batching orders in warehouses by minimizing travel distance with genetic algorithms. Comput. Ind. 56(2): 169-178 (2005) - [j10]Taho Yang
, Rong-Shean Lee, Mu-Chen Chen, Pangwei Chen:
Queueing network model for a single-operator machine interference problem with external operations. Eur. J. Oper. Res. 167(1): 163-178 (2005) - [j9]Mu-Chen Chen, Cheng-Lung Huang, Kai-Ying Chen, Hsiao-Pin Wu:
Aggregation of orders in distribution centers using data mining. Expert Syst. Appl. 28(3): 453-460 (2005) - [j8]Mu-Chen Chen, Ai-Lun Chiu, Hsu-Hwa Chang
Mining changes in customer behavior in retail marketing. Expert Syst. Appl. 28(4): 773-781 (2005) - [j7]Chao-Ton Su, Mu-Chen Chen, Hsiao-Ling Chan:
Applying neural network and scatter search to optimize parameter design with dynamic characteristics. J. Oper. Res. Soc. 56(10): 1132-1140 (2005) - [c2]Mu-Chen Chen, Cheng-Lung Huang, Hsiao-Pin Wu, Ming-Fu Hsu, Fei-Hou Hsu:
A Data Mining Technique to Grouping Customer Orders in Warehouse Management System. WSTST 2005: 1063-1070 - 2004
- [j6]Mu-Chen Chen, Hsu-Hwa Chang, Shuen-Chieh Chang, Shih-Ming Chen:
Development of Manufacturer-Retailer Relationships Through Collaborative Management: A Case Study. Int. J. Innov. Technol. Manag. 1(3): 307-323 (2004) - 2003
- [j5]Mu-Chen Chen, Shih-Hsien Huang:
Credit scoring and rejected instances reassigning through evolutionary computation techniques. Expert Syst. Appl. 24(4): 433-441 (2003) - [c1]Mu-Chen Chen, Hsiao-Pin Wu, Chia-Ping Lin:
A data mining based clustering approach to group technology. ICRA 2003: 3554-3558 - 2002
- [j4]Mu-Chen Chen:
Roundness measurements for discontinuous perimeters via machine visions. Comput. Ind. 47(2): 185-197 (2002) - 2001
- [j3]Chao-Ton Su, Mu-Chen Chen, Guang-Chih Cheng:
TQM in Taiwan's computer and its peripheral industry. Ind. Manag. Data Syst. 101(7): 357-362 (2001) - [j2]Du-Ming Tsai, Song-Kuaw Wu, Mu-Chen Chen:
Optimal Gabor filter design for texture segmentation using stochastic optimization. Image Vis. Comput. 19(5): 299-316 (2001)
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [j1]Mu-Chen Chen, Du-Ming Tsai, Hsien-Yu Tseng:
A stochastic optimization approach for roundness measurement. Pattern Recognit. Lett. 20(7): 707-719 (1999)
Coauthor Index

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