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2020 – today
- 2025
- [i7]Andre Büttner, Nils Gruschka:
Device-Bound vs. Synced Credentials: A Comparative Evaluation of Passkey Authentication. CoRR abs/2501.07380 (2025) - 2024
- [c45]Andre Büttner, Nils Gruschka:
Evaluating the Influence of Multi-Factor Authentication and Recovery Settings on the Security and Accessibility of User Accounts. ICISSP 2024: 691-700 - [e4]Felix Bieker, Silvia De Conca
, Nils Gruschka
, Meiko Jensen, Ina Schiering
Privacy and Identity Management. Sharing in a Digital World - 18th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.7, 11.6 International Summer School, Privacy and Identity 2023, Oslo, Norway, August 8-11, 2023, Revised Selected Papers. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 695, Springer 2024, ISBN 978-3-031-57977-6 [contents] - [i6]Andre Büttner, Andreas Thue Pedersen, Stephan Wiefling, Nils Gruschka, Luigi Lo Iacono:
Is It Really You Who Forgot the Password? When Account Recovery Meets Risk-Based Authentication. CoRR abs/2403.11798 (2024) - [i5]Andre Büttner, Nils Gruschka:
Evaluating the Influence of Multi-Factor Authentication and Recovery Settings on the Security and Accessibility of User Accounts. CoRR abs/2403.15080 (2024) - 2023
- [j10]Daniela Pöhn
, Nils Gruschka
, Leonhard Ziegler, Andre Büttner
A framework for analyzing authentication risks in account networks. Comput. Secur. 135: 103515 (2023) - [c44]Malte Hansen
, Nils Gruschka
, Meiko Jensen
A Universal Data Model for Data Sharing Under the European Data Strategy. APF 2023: 3-19 - [c43]Daniela Pöhn
, Nils Gruschka
Past and Present: A Case Study of Twitter's Responses to GDPR Data Requests. APF 2023: 57-84 - [c42]Vincent Unsel
, Stephan Wiefling
, Nils Gruschka
, Luigi Lo Iacono
Risk-Based Authentication for OpenStack: A Fully Functional Implementation and Guiding Example. CODASPY 2023: 237-243 - [c41]Andre Büttner
, Andreas Thue Pedersen
, Stephan Wiefling
, Nils Gruschka
, Luigi Lo Iacono
Is It Really You Who Forgot the Password? When Account Recovery Meets Risk-Based Authentication. UbiSec 2023: 401-419 - [i4]Vincent Unsel, Stephan Wiefling, Nils Gruschka, Luigi Lo Iacono:
Risk-Based Authentication for OpenStack: A Fully Functional Implementation and Guiding Example. CoRR abs/2303.12361 (2023) - 2022
- [c40]Daniela Pöhn
, Nils Gruschka, Leonhard Ziegler:
Multi-Account Dashboard for Authentication Dependency Analysis. ARES 2022: 39:1-39:13 - [c39]Andre Büttner
, Nils Gruschka
Protecting FIDO Extensions Against Man-in-the-Middle Attacks. ETAA 2022: 70-87 - [c38]Johan Ivar Sæbø
, Andre Büttner
, Nils Gruschka
, Bob Jolliffe, Austin McGee:
Where There is No CISO. ICT4D 2022: 187-200 - [c37]Chinmayi Prabhu Baramashetru
, Silvia Lizeth Tapia Tarifa
, Olaf Owe
, Nils Gruschka
A Policy Language to Capture Compliance of Data Protection Requirements. IFM 2022: 289-309 - [e3]Agnieszka Gryszczynska
, Przemyslaw Polanski, Nils Gruschka
, Kai Rannenberg, Monika Adamczyk
Privacy Technologies and Policy - 10th Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2022, Warsaw, Poland, June 23-24, 2022, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13279, Springer 2022, ISBN 978-3-031-07314-4 [contents] - [i3]Tamás Bisztray, Nils Gruschka, Thirimachos Bourlai, Lothar Fritsch:
Emerging Biometric Modalities and their Use: Loopholes in the Terminology of the GDPR and Resulting Privacy Risks. CoRR abs/2211.12899 (2022) - 2021
- [c36]Melanie Windrich
, Andreas Speck
, Nils Gruschka
Representing Data Protection Aspects in Process Models by Coloring. APF 2021: 143-155 - [c35]Tamás Bisztray, Nils Gruschka, Thirimachos Bourlai
, Lothar Fritsch:
Emerging biometric modalities and their use: Loopholes in the terminology of the GDPR and resulting privacy risks. BIOSIG 2021: 81-90 - [c34]Lothar Fritsch, Nils Gruschka:
Extraction and Accumulation of Identity Attributes from the Internet of Things. Open Identity Summit 2021: 179-192 - [c33]Andre Büttner
, Hoai Viet Nguyen
, Nils Gruschka
, Luigi Lo Iacono
Less is Often More: Header Whitelisting as Semantic Gap Mitigation in HTTP-Based Software Systems. SEC 2021: 332-347 - [e2]Nils Gruschka
, Luis Filipe Coelho Antunes
, Kai Rannenberg, Prokopios Drogkaris
Privacy Technologies and Policy - 9th Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2021, Oslo, Norway, June 17-18, 2021, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12703, Springer 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-76662-7 [contents] - [i2]Tamás Bisztray, Nils Gruschka:
Privacy Impact Assessment: Comparing methodologies with a focus on practicality. CoRR abs/2110.07366 (2021) - 2020
- [c32]Tamás Bisztray, Nils Gruschka, Vasileios Mavroeidis, Lothar Fritsch:
Data Protection Impact Assessment in Identity Control Management with a Focus on Biometrics. Open Identity Summit 2020: 185-192
2010 – 2019
- 2019
- [c31]Meiko Jensen, Sahil Kapila, Nils Gruschka:
Towards Aligning GDPR Compliance with Software Development: A Research Agenda. ICISSP 2019: 389-396 - [c30]Tamás Bisztray
, Nils Gruschka
Privacy Impact Assessment: Comparing Methodologies with a Focus on Practicality. NordSec 2019: 3-19 - [c29]Stephan Wiefling
, Nils Gruschka
, Luigi Lo Iacono
Even Turing Should Sometimes Not Be Able to Tell: Mimicking Humanoid Usage Behavior for Exploratory Studies of Online Services. NordSec 2019: 188-203 - 2018
- [c28]Nils Gruschka, Vasileios Mavroeidis, Kamer Vishi
, Meiko Jensen:
Privacy Issues and Data Protection in Big Data: A Case Study Analysis under GDPR. IEEE BigData 2018: 5027-5033 - [e1]Nils Gruschka:
Secure IT Systems - 23rd Nordic Conference, NordSec 2018, Oslo, Norway, November 28-30, 2018, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11252, Springer 2018, ISBN 978-3-030-03637-9 [contents] - [i1]Nils Gruschka, Vasileios Mavroeidis, Kamer Vishi, Meiko Jensen:
Privacy Issues and Data Protection in Big Data: A Case Study Analysis under GDPR. CoRR abs/1811.08531 (2018) - 2017
- [j9]Luigi Lo Iacono, Peter Leo Gorski
, Josephine Grosse, Nils Gruschka:
Signalling over-privileged mobile applications using passive security indicators. J. Inf. Secur. Appl. 34: 27-33 (2017) - [c27]Luigi Lo Iacono
, Nils Gruschka, Peter Nehren:
Mobile Personal Identity Provider Based on OpenID Connect. TrustBus 2017: 19-31 - 2016
- [c26]Meiko Jensen, Nils Gruschka, Jens Lüssem:
Datenschutz im Fahrzeug der Zukunft: Vernetzt, Autonom, Elektrisch. GI-Jahrestagung 2016: 441-454 - [c25]Nils Gruschka, Jens Lüssem:
Information Quality Challenges in Industry 4.0. ICIQ 2016: 85-92 - [c24]Rahamatullah Khondoker, Pedro Larbig, Daniel Senf, Kpatcha M. Bayarou, Nils Gruschka:
AutoSecSDNDemo: Demonstration of automated end-to-end security in software-defined networks. NetSoft 2016: 347-348 - 2015
- [c23]Meiko Jensen, Nils Gruschka:
Privacy-Preserving Detection of Plagiarism in Scientific Documents. SERVICES 2015: 175-180 - 2014
- [j8]Nils Gruschka, Luigi Lo Iacono
, Christoph Sorge:
Analysis of the current state in website certificate validation. Secur. Commun. Networks 7(5): 865-877 (2014) - [c22]Nils Gruschka, Meiko Jensen:
Aligning User Consent Management and Service Process Modeling. GI-Jahrestagung 2014: 527-538 - 2013
- [j7]Jens-Matthias Bohli, Nils Gruschka, Meiko Jensen, Luigi Lo Iacono, Ninja Marnau:
Security and Privacy-Enhancing Multicloud Architectures. IEEE Trans. Dependable Secur. Comput. 10(4): 212-224 (2013) - [c21]Nils Gruschka, Meiko Jensen:
Wasch mich, aber mach mich nicht nass - Anonymisierungsverfahren als Schlüssel zur datenschutzkonformen E-Mail-Filterung. GI-Jahrestagung 2013: 2119-2133 - 2011
- [j6]Stephan Groß, Mario Lischka, Nils Gruschka, André Miede, Meiko Jensen, Marc Mosch, Stefan Schulte, Melanie Siebenhaar:
Sicherheitsprobleme im Cloud Computing. Prax. Inf.verarb. Kommun. 34(3): 126-134 (2011) - [j5]Nils Gruschka, Meiko Jensen, Luigi Lo Iacono
, Norbert Luttenberger:
Server-Side Streaming Processing of WS-Security. IEEE Trans. Serv. Comput. 4(4): 272-285 (2011) - [c20]Meiko Jensen, Jörg Schwenk, Jens-Matthias Bohli, Nils Gruschka, Luigi Lo Iacono
Security Prospects through Cloud Computing by Adopting Multiple Clouds. IEEE CLOUD 2011: 565-572 - [c19]Juraj Somorovsky, Mario Heiderich, Meiko Jensen, Jörg Schwenk, Nils Gruschka, Luigi Lo Iacono:
All your clouds are belong to us: security analysis of cloud management interfaces. CCSW 2011: 3-14 - [c18]Nils Gruschka, Luigi Lo Iacono:
Browser as a Service (BaaS): Security and Performance Enhancements for the Rich Web. KiVS 2011: 208-210 - 2010
- [j4]Nils Gruschka, Luigi Lo Iacono, Hariharan Rajasekaran:
Identity and access management in multi-institutional medical research. Elektrotech. Informationstechnik 127(5): 143-150 (2010) - [j3]Nils Gruschka, Luigi Lo Iacono, Namhi Kang:
Packaged HTTP: Reconsidering Web Efficiency. Int. J. Adv. Comp. Techn. 2(1): 93-99 (2010) - [c17]Nils Gruschka, Meiko Jensen, Luigi Lo Iacono
A Design Pattern for Event-Based Processing of Security-Enriched SOAP Messages. ARES 2010: 410-415 - [c16]Nils Gruschka, Meiko Jensen:
Attack Surfaces: A Taxonomy for Attacks on Cloud Services. IEEE CLOUD 2010: 276-279 - [c15]Nils Gruschka, Luigi Lo Iacono
Security for XML Data Binding. Communications and Multimedia Security 2010: 53-63 - [c14]Nils Gruschka, Luigi Lo Iacono:
Server-Side Streaming Processing of Secured MTOM Attachments. ECOWS 2010: 11-18 - [c13]Nils Gruschka, Luigi Lo Iacono:
Password Visualization beyond Password Masking. INC 2010: 179-188
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j2]Nils Gruschka, Meiko Jensen, Luigi Lo Iacono
, Jörg Schwenk:
XML Signature Wrapping Angriffe - What you process is not always what you verify. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 33(9): 553-560 (2009) - [j1]Meiko Jensen, Nils Gruschka, Ralph Herkenhöner:
A survey of attacks on web services. Comput. Sci. Res. Dev. 24(4): 185-197 (2009) - [c12]Meiko Jensen, Jörg Schwenk, Nils Gruschka, Luigi Lo Iacono:
On Technical Security Issues in Cloud Computing. IEEE CLOUD 2009: 109-116 - [c11]Meiko Jensen, Nils Gruschka:
Privacy Against the Business Partner: Issues for Realizing End-to-End Confidentiality in Web Service Compositions. DEXA Workshops 2009: 117-121 - [c10]Nils Gruschka, Luigi Lo Iacono:
Session-Based SOAP Transmission and Processing. ECOWS 2009: 183-189 - [c9]Nils Gruschka, Luigi Lo Iacono
Vulnerable Cloud: SOAP Message Security Validation Revisited. ICWS 2009: 625-631 - 2008
- [b1]Nils Gruschka:
Schutz von Web Services durch erweiterte und effiziente Nachrichtenvalidierung. University of Kiel, 2008, ISBN 978-3-86727-674-0, pp. 1-169 - [c8]Meiko Jensen, Nils Gruschka, Norbert Luttenberger:
The Impact of Flooding Attacks on Network-based Services. ARES 2008: 509-513 - [c7]Meiko Jensen, Nils Gruschka:
Flooding Attack Issues of Web Services and Service-Oriented Architectures. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2008: 117-122 - 2007
- [c6]Meiko Jensen, Nils Gruschka, Ralph Herkenhöner, Norbert Luttenberger:
SOA and Web Services: New Technologies, New Standards - New Attacks. ECOWS 2007: 35-44 - [c5]Nils Gruschka, Meiko Jensen, Norbert Luttenberger:
A Stateful Web Service Firewall for BPEL. ICWS 2007: 142-149 - [c4]Nils Gruschka, Meiko Jensen, Torben Dziuk:
Event-based application of ws-security policy on soap messages. SWS 2007: 1-8 - 2006
- [c3]Nils Gruschka, Norbert Luttenberger:
Protecting Web Services from DoS Attacks by SOAP Message Validation. SEC 2006: 171-182 - [c2]Nils Gruschka, Norbert Luttenberger, Ralph Herkenhöner:
Event-Based SOAP Message Validation for WS-SecurityPolicy-Enriched Web Services. SWWS 2006: 80-86 - 2004
- [c1]Nils Gruschka, Florian Reuter, Norbert Luttenberger:
Checking and Signing XML Documents on Java Smart Cards - Challenges and Opportunities. CARDIS 2004: 287-302
Coauthor Index

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