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Chih-Ping Chu
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2010 – 2019
- 2018
- [j59]Chia-Ping Yu, Chih-Ping Chu, Pin-Hui Lu:
Applying a Security Management Mechanism to a System Development Lifecycle. Int. J. E Adopt. 10(1): 1-17 (2018) - [j58]Chi-Yeh Chen
, Chih-Ping Chu:
Divisible Nonlinear Load Distribution on Heterogeneous Single-Level Trees. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. 54(4): 1664-1678 (2018) - 2017
- [j57]Wei-Tee Lin, Chih-Ping Chu:
A fast and parallel algorithm for frequent pattern mining from big data in many-task environments. Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Netw. 10(3): 157-167 (2017) - 2016
- [j56]Yu-Shih Lin, Yi-Chun Chang, Keng-Hou Liew, Chih-Ping Chu:
Effects of concept map extraction and a test-based diagnostic environment on learning achievement and learners' perceptions. Br. J. Educ. Technol. 47(4): 649-664 (2016) - [j55]Yu-Shih Lin, Yi-Chun Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
An Innovative Approach to Scheme Learning Map Considering Tradeoff Multiple Objectives. J. Educ. Technol. Soc. 19(1): 142-157 (2016) - [j54]Chi-Yeh Chen, Chih-Ping Chu:
A Novel Computational Model for Non-Linear Divisible Loads on a Linear Network. IEEE Trans. Computers 65(1): 53-65 (2016) - [j53]Yu-Shih Lin, Yi-Chun Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
Novel Approach to Facilitating Tradeoff Multi-Objective Grouping Optimization. IEEE Trans. Learn. Technol. 9(2): 107-119 (2016) - 2015
- [j52]Chi-Lu Yang, Yen-Chieh Huang, Yeim-Kuan Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
Fuzzy intelligent inference scheme for self-health estimation via blood pressure and body mass index in out-of-hospital. J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst. 28(2): 775-786 (2015) - [j51]Wei-Tee Lin, Chih-Ping Chu:
Determining the appropriate number of nodes for fast mining of frequent patterns in distributed computing environments. Int. J. Parallel Emergent Distributed Syst. 30(5): 380-392 (2015) - [j50]Chi-Yeh Chen, Chih-Ping Chu:
Novel Methods for Divisible Load Distribution with Start-Up Costs on a Complete b-Ary Tree. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. 26(10): 2836-2848 (2015) - 2014
- [j49]Yen-Chieh Huang, Chih-Ping Chu:
Developing Web Applications Based on Model Driven Architecture. Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng. 24(2): 163-182 (2014) - [j48]Chun-Feng Hsiao, Chih-Ping Chu:
Applying Input-Output Tree to the Implementation of a Rapid Prototyping Tool for Java Web Applications. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 30(1): 125-139 (2014) - [c38]Wei-Tee Lin, Chih-Ping Chu:
Using appropriate number of computing nodes for parallel mining of frequent patterns. GrC 2014: 161-165 - [c37]Shu-Chen Chen, Chih-Ping Chu:
Establish Controllable Process Performance Model for Software Cost Prediction and Management in Software Development. ICS 2014: 1772-1784 - 2013
- [j47]Chi-Lu Yang, Yeim-Kuan Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
An Analysis of the Root Causes of Defects Injected into the Software by the Software Team: an Industrial Study of the Distributed Health-Care System. Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng. 23(9): 1269-1288 (2013) - [j46]Chi-Yeh Chen, Chih-Ping Chu:
A 3.42-Approximation Algorithm for Scheduling Malleable Tasks under Precedence Constraints. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. 24(8): 1479-1488 (2013) - [c36]Keng-Hou Liew, Yu-Shih Lin, Yi-Chun Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
An effective self-assessment based on concept map extraction from test-sheet for personalized learning. ICMV 2013: 90672F - [c35]Hui-Wen Tien, Yu-Shih Lin, Yi-Chun Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
A Genetic Algorithm-Based Multiple Characteristics Grouping Strategy for Collaborative Learning. ICWL Workshops 2013: 11-22 - 2012
- [j45]Jian-Wei Li, Yi-Chun Chang, Chih-Ping Chu, Cheng-Chang Tsai:
A self-adjusting e-course generation process for personalized learning. Expert Syst. Appl. 39(3): 3223-3232 (2012) - [c34]Li-Yu Lee, Yu-Shih Lin, Chih-Ping Chu:
Constructing personal concept map automatically via Correlative Test-Items Structure. ITHET 2012: 1-5 - 2011
- [j44]Chih-Ping Chu, Yi-Chun Chang, Cheng-Chang Tsai:
PC2PSO: personalized e-course composition based on Particle Swarm Optimization. Appl. Intell. 34(1): 141-154 (2011) - [j43]Chi-Lu Yang, Yeim-Kuan Chang, Yu-Tso Chen, Chih-Ping Chu, Chi-Chang Chen:
A Self-Adaptable Indoor Localization Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks. Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng. 21(1): 33-54 (2011) - 2010
- [j42]Tzung-Shi Chen, Hua-Wen Tsai, Chih-Ping Chu:
Adjustable convergecast tree protocol for wireless sensor networks. Comput. Commun. 33(5): 559-570 (2010) - [j41]Yi-Chun Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
Applying learning behavioral Petri nets to the analysis of learning behavior in web-based learning environments. Inf. Sci. 180(6): 995-1009 (2010) - [j40]Nung-Yue Shi, Chih-Ping Chu:
A molecular solution to the hitting-set problem in DNA-based supercomputing. Inf. Sci. 180(6): 1010-1019 (2010) - [j39]Chun-Feng Hsiao, Chih-Ping Chu:
Enhancing SCORM through creating a reusable JAVA class repository. Softw. Pract. Exp. 40(10): 865-881 (2010) - [c33]Yen-Chieh Huang, Chih-Ping Chu, Yu-Shih Lin, Chia-Hao Kuo:
RFID Applications in Hospitals - A Case Study for Emergency Department. DMS 2010: 70-75 - [c32]Chi-Lu Yang, Yen-Chieh Huang, Yeim-Kuan Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
A Technical Model Using Genetic Algorithm For the Cosmetic Tourism Business. DMS 2010: 76-81
2000 – 2009
- 2009
- [j38]Yi-Chun Chang, Wen-Yan Kao, Chih-Ping Chu, Chiung-Hui Chiu:
A learning style classification mechanism for e-learning. Comput. Educ. 53(2): 273-285 (2009) - [j37]Yi-Chun Chang, Ying-Chia Huang, Chih-Ping Chu:
B2 model: A browsing behavior model based on High-Level Petri Nets to generate behavioral patterns for e-learning. Expert Syst. Appl. 36(10): 12423-12440 (2009) - [j36]Ching-Pao Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
Software Defect Prediction Using Intertransaction Association Rule Mining. Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng. 19(6): 747-764 (2009) - [j35]Ching-Pao Chang, Chih-Ping Chu, Yu-Fang Yeh:
Integrating in-process software defect prediction with association mining to discover defect pattern. Inf. Softw. Technol. 51(2): 375-384 (2009) - [j34]Hua-Wen Tsai, Tzung-Shi Chen, Chih-Ping Chu:
Service Discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Based on Grid. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. 58(3): 1528-1545 (2009) - [c31]Chi-Lu Yang, Yeim-Kuan Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
Service Creation and Composition for Realization On Service-oriented Architecture. SEKE 2009: 338-343 - 2008
- [j33]Ching-Pao Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
Improvement of causal analysis using multivariate statistical process control. Softw. Qual. J. 16(3): 377-409 (2008) - [j32]Jih-Woei Huang, Chih-Ping Chu:
A flexible processor mapping technique toward data localization for block-cyclic data redistribution. J. Supercomput. 45(2): 151-172 (2008) - [j31]Chung-Wei Yeh, Chih-Ping Chu:
Molecular Verification of Rule-Based Systems Based on DNA Computation. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 20(7): 965-975 (2008) - [c30]Chih-Ping Chu, Yi-Chun Chang:
A Model for Behavioral Patterns in Web-Based Learning Environments. AINA 2008: 181-187 - [c29]Chi-Lu Yang, Yeim-Kuan Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
A Method to Diagnose Self-weaknesses for Software Development Organizations. DMS 2008: 124-129 - [c28]Yen-Chieh Huang, Chih-Ping Chu:
Transforming UML Sequence Diagrams to Class Diagrams. DMS 2008: 136-139 - [c27]Nung-Yue Shi, Chih-Ping Chu:
Fast Parallel Molecular Solution to the Hitting-Set Problem. ISDA (3) 2008: 442-447 - [c26]Chi-Lu Yang, Yeim-Kuan Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
Modeling Services to Construct Service-oriented Healthcare Architecture for Digital Home-care Business. SEKE 2008: 351-356 - [c25]Chi-Lu Yang, Yeim-Kuan Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
A Gateway Design for Message Passing on the SOA Healthcare Platform. SOSE 2008: 178-183 - 2007
- [j30]Hua-Wen Tsai, Chih-Ping Chu, Tzung-Shi Chen:
Mobile object tracking in wireless sensor networks. Comput. Commun. 30(8): 1811-1825 (2007) - [j29]Jia-Hwa Wu, Chih-Ping Chu:
An exact data dependence testing method for quadratic expressions. Inf. Sci. 177(23): 5316-5328 (2007) - [j28]Tzung-Shi Chen, Yi-Shiang Chang, Hua-Wen Tsai, Chih-Ping Chu:
Data Aggregation of Range Querying for Grid-based Sensor Networks. J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 23(4): 1103-1121 (2007) - [j27]Ching-Pao Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
Defect prevention in software processes: An action-based approach. J. Syst. Softw. 80(4): 559-570 (2007) - [j26]Yeim-Kuan Chang, Jia-Hwa Wu, Chi-Yeh Chen, Chih-Ping Chu:
Improved Methods for Divisible Load Distribution on k-Dimensional Meshes Using Multi-Installment. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. 18(11): 1618-1629 (2007) - [c24]Chih-Ping Chu, Yi-Chun Chang:
A Prediction Mechanism of Adaptive Learning Content in the Scalable E-Learning Environment. AINA Workshops (2) 2007: 1029-1034 - [c23]Chih-Ping Chu, Hua-Wen Tsai:
Urban-Areas based Mobility Model for Wireless Network Simulations. ICON 2007: 483-488 - [c22]Tzung-Shi Chen, Yi-Shiang Chang, Hua-Wen Tsai, Chih-Ping Chu:
Data Aggregation for Range Query in Wireless Sensor Networks. WCNC 2007: 4127-4132 - 2006
- [j25]Jia-Hwa Wu, Chih-Ping Chu:
A multi-dimensional Interval Reduction test. Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Netw. 4(5/6): 331-337 (2006) - [j24]Jih-Woei Huang, Chih-Ping Chu:
An Efficient Communication Scheduling Method for the Processor Mapping Technique Applied Data Redistribution. J. Supercomput. 37(3): 297-318 (2006) - [j23]Hua-Wen Tsai, Tzung-Shi Chen, Chih-Ping Chu:
An On-Demand Routing Protocol with Backtracking for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Wirel. Pers. Commun. 38(3): 279-300 (2006) - [c21]Po-Kai Chiu, Wen-Yu Su, Chih-Ping Chu:
Design of a Scalable Computer Cluster for MPEG-4 Parallel Encoder. ICICIC (3) 2006: 597-600 - [c20]Hua-Wen Tsai, Tzung-Shi Chen, Chih-Ping Chu:
Service Discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ICOIN 2006: 186-195 - [c19]Tzung-Shi Chen, Hua-Wen Tsai, Chih-Ping Chu:
Gathering-Load-Balanced Tree Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. SUTC (2) 2006: 8-13 - 2005
- [j22]Nen-Chung Wang
, Cheng-Pang Yen, Chih-Ping Chu:
Multicast communication in wormhole-routed symmetric networks with hamiltonian cycle model. J. Syst. Archit. 51(3): 165-183 (2005) - [j21]Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu, Jia-Hwa Wu:
A Polynomial-Time Dependence Test for Determining Integer-Valued Solutions in Multi-Dimensional Arrays Under Variable Bounds. J. Supercomput. 31(2): 111-135 (2005) - [j20]Nen-Chung Wang
, Chih-Ping Chu:
An Efficient Tree-Based Multicasting Algorithm on Wormhole-Routed Star Graph Interconnection Networks Embedded with Hamiltonian Path. J. Supercomput. 34(1): 5-26 (2005) - [c18]Ching-Pao Chang, Jia-Lyn Lv, Chih-Ping Chu:
A Defect Estimation Approach for Sequential Inspection Using a Modified Capture-Recapture Model. COMPSAC (1) 2005: 41-46 - [c17]Yi-Chun Chang, Ching-Pao Chang, Chiung-Hui Chiu, Yi-Chi Chen, Chih-Ping Chu:
Constructing a SCORM-Compliant Intelligent Strategy Repository. ICWL 2005: 157-162 - [c16]Ching-Pao Chang, Ching-seh Wu, Chih-Ping Chu, Jia-Lyn Lv:
A Requirement-Based Project Estimation Approach. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2005: 656-662 - 2004
- [j19]Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu, Michael (Shan-Hui) Ho:
Exploitation of parallelism to nested loops with dependence cycles. J. Syst. Archit. 50(12): 729-742 (2004) - [j18]Ing-Ray Chen, Ding-Chau Wang, Chih-Ping Chu:
Analyzing reconfigurable algorithms for managing replicated data . J. Syst. Softw. 72(3): 417-430 (2004) - [j17]Neng-Chung Wang
, Chih-Ping Chu, Tzung-Shi Chen:
Multipath-Based Multicasting Strategies for Wormhole-Routed Star Graph Interconnection Networks. J. Supercomput. 29(3): 265-286 (2004) - [j16]Weng-Long Chang, Jih-Woei Huang, Chih-Ping Chu:
Using Elementary Linear Algebra to Solve Data Alignment for Arrays with Linear or Quadratic References. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst. 15(1): 28-39 (2004) - [j15]Ding-Chau Wang, Ing-Ray Chen, Chih-Ping Chu, I-Ling Yen:
Replicated Object Management with Periodic Maintenance in Mobile Wireless Systems. Wirel. Pers. Commun. 28(1): 17-33 (2004) - [c15]Chih-Ping Chu, Ching-Pao Chang, Chung-Wei Yeh, Yu-Fang Yeh:
A Web-Service Oriented Framework for building SCORM Compatible Learning Management Systems. ITCC (1) 2004: 156- - [c14]Hua-Wen Tsai, Tzung-Shi Chen, Chih-Ping Chu:
An on-demand routing protocol with backtracking for mobile ad hoc networks. WCNC 2004: 1557-1562 - 2003
- [j14]Ing-Ray Chen, Ding-Chau Wang, Chih-Ping Chu:
Analyzing User-Perceived Dependability and Performance Characteristics of Voting Algorithms for Managing Replicated Data. Distributed Parallel Databases 14(3): 199-219 (2003) - 2002
- [j13]Neng-Chung Wang
, Chih-Ping Chu, Tzung-Shi Chen:
A dual-hamiltonian-path-based multicasting strategy for wormhole-routed star graph interconnection networks. J. Parallel Distributed Comput. 62(12): 1747-1762 (2002) - [j12]Nen-Chung Wang
, Tzung-Shi Chen, Chih-Ping Chu:
Dual-tree-based multicasting on wormhole-routed irregular switch-based networks. J. Syst. Archit. 47(13): 999-1015 (2002) - [j11]Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu, Jia-Hwa Wu:
A simple and general approach to parallelize loops with arbitrary control flow and uniform data dependence distances. J. Syst. Softw. 63(2): 91-98 (2002) - [j10]Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu, Jia-Hwa Wu:
A precise dependence analysis for multi-dimensional arrays under specific dependence direction. J. Syst. Softw. 63(2): 99-112 (2002) - [c13]Neng-Chung Wang
, Chih-Ping Chu, Tzung-Shi Chen:
Dual-Hamiltonian-Path-Based Multicasting on Wormhole-Routed Star Graph Interconnection Networks. ICPADS 2002: 17-22 - 2001
- [j9]Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
The generalized Direction Vector I test. Parallel Comput. 27(8): 1117-1144 (2001) - [j8]Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu, Jia-Hwa Wu:
A multi-dimensional version of the I test. Parallel Comput. 27(13): 1783-1799 (2001) - [j7]Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu, Jia-Hwa Wu:
Communication-Free Alignment for Array References with Linear Subscripts in Three Loop Index Variables or Quadratic Subscripts. J. Supercomput. 20(1): 67-83 (2001) - [c12]Nen-Chung Wang, Tzung-Shi Chen, Chih-Ping Chu:
Improving Tree-Based Multicasting for Wormhole Switch-Based Networks. PDCS 2001: 13-18 - 2000
- [j6]Ing-Ray Chen, Ding-Chau Wang, Chih-Ping Chu:
Response time behavior of distributed voting algorithms for managing replicated data. Inf. Process. Lett. 75(6): 247-253 (2000) - [j5]Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
The infinity Lambda test: A multi-dimensional version of Banerjee infinity test. Parallel Comput. 26(10): 1275-1295 (2000) - [j4]Tzung-Shi Chen, Neng-Chung Wang
, Chih-Ping Chu:
Multicast communication in wormhole-routed star graph interconnection networks. Parallel Comput. 26(11): 1459-1490 (2000) - [c11]Ding-Chau Wang, Chih-Ping Chu, Ing-Ray Chen:
Analyzing Reconfigurable Algorithms for Managing Replicated Data with Strict Consistency Requirements: A Case Study. COMPSAC 2000: 608-613 - [c10]Yu-Chi Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
A Pipe-Embedded-Component Software Assembly Mechanism in CORBA Environment. ISMSE 2000: 283-288
1990 – 1999
- 1999
- [c9]Ing-Ray Chen, Ding-Chau Wang, Chih-Ping Chu:
Response Time Behavior of Voting Schemes for Managing Replicated Data. COMPSAC 1999: 139-144 - 1998
- [j3]Chih-Ping Chu, Chi-Jen Tzeng:
On the code development paradigm of RPC and CORBA applications. Comput. Commun. 21(3): 267-278 (1998) - [j2]Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
The extension of the I test. Parallel Comput. 24(14): 2101-2127 (1998) - [c8]Tzung-Shi Chen, Neng-Chung Wang, Chih-Ping Chu:
Path-Based Multicast Communication in Wormhole-Routed Star Graph Multicomputers. ICPADS 1998: 350- - [c7]Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
The Infinity Lambda Test. International Conference on Supercomputing 1998: 196-203 - [c6]Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu, Jesse Wu:
The Generalized Lambda Test. IPPS/SPDP 1998: 181-186 - [c5]Weng-Long Chang, Chih-Ping Chu:
The I+ Test. LCPC 1998: 367-381 - 1997
- [c4]Chih-Ping Chu, Doris L. Carver:
Reordering the Statements with Dependence Cycles to Improve the Performance of Parallel Loops. ICPADS 1997: 322-328 - 1994
- [j1]Chih-Ping Chu, Doris L. Carver:
Parallelizing Subroutines in Sequential Programs. IEEE Softw. 11(1): 77-85 (1994) - [c3]Chih-Ping Chu, Chi-Jen Tzeng:
On the Development Paradigm of Distributed Applications. ICPADS 1994: 736-743 - 1991
- [c2]Chih-Ping Chu, Doris L. Carver:
The impact of dependence cycle statement ordering on the performance of parallel loops (abstract and references only). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1991: 647-648 - [c1]Chih-Ping Chu, Doris L. Carver:
An Analysis of Recurrence Relations in Fortran Do-loops for Vector Processing. IPPS 1991: 619-625
Coauthor Index

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