16th DEXA Workshop 2005: Copenhagen, Denmark

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NBIS 2005 - Eighth International Workshop on Network-Based Information Systems

Session 1: Distributed Systems and Applications

Session 2: Web Services and Systems

Session 3: Security, Detection and Fault Tolerance

Session 4: Multimedia Systems and Web-Applications

Session 5: Network Protocols and Applications

Session 6: Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks

SAACS 2005 - Third International Workshop on Self-Adaptable and Autonomic Computing Systems

Autonomic Systems Design: Lessons from Nature

SUN 2005 - First International Workshop on Secure Ubiquitous Networks

HADIS 2005 - First International Workshop on High Availability of Distributed Systems

Session 1: Grids and P2P Networks

Session 2: Reliability, Fault Tolerance and Membership Services

Session 3: Applications

GLOBE 2005 - Second International Workshop on Grid and Peer-to-Peer Computing Impacts on Large Scale Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems

Invited Paper

Session 1: Grid Computing

Session 2: P2P Systems and Query Processing

TAKMA 2005 - Sixth International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Knowledge Management

Session 1: Knowledge Representation and Ontologies

Session 2: Knowledge Visualisation and Analysis

Session 3: Knowledge Acquisition and Distribution

GIM 2005 - Second International Workshop on Geographic Information Management

Session 1: Geodata and Metadata Modeling

Session 2: Geo Web Services

Session 3: Implementation Innovations

WebS 2005 - Fourth International Workshop on Web Semantics

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

BIDM 2005 - Third International Workshop on Biological Data Management

WBC 2005 - Fifth International Workshop on Web Based Collaboration

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

FEIDSS 2005 - Second International Workshop on Forest and Environmental Information and Decision Support Systems

European Session

American Session

PMKD 2005 - First International Workshop on Philosophies and Methodologies for Knowledge Discovery

Session 1

Session 2

PDMST 2005 - Second International Workshop on P2P Data Management, Security and Trust

Session 1: P2P Replication

Session 2: Trust in P2P Networks

Session 3: P2P Routing and Ranking of Data

LAAIC 2005 - First International Workshop on Logical Aspects and Applications of Integrity Constraints

Invited Talk

Session 1: New Perspectives on Integrity Constraints

Session 2: XML

Session 3: Database Repairs

ITDESIGN4ALL 2005 - First International Workshop on IT Design for All

BPMPM 2005 - First International Workshop on Business Process Monitoring & Performance Management

IDDI 2005 - First International Workshop on Integrating Data Mining, Databases and Information Retrieval

Session 1: Invited Papers

Session 2: Document Querying and Indexing

Session 3: Strong Integration of IR and Data Mining Techniques

Session 4: Emerging Approaches

MDDS 2005 - Seventh International Workshop on Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems

Session 1: Mobile Data Access and Collaboration

Session 2: Mobile Transactions and Consistency

Session 3: Sensor Databases

GREP 2005 - First International Workshop on Data Management in Global Data Repositories

Session 1: Distributed Global Data Repositories

Session 2: The Web as a Data Repository
