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18th FLAIRS Conference 2005: Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA
- Ingrid Russell, Zdravko Markov:
Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA. AAAI Press 2005, ISBN 1-57735-234-3
AI Education (Special Track)
- Steven Bogaerts, David B. Leake:
Increasing AI Project Effectiveness with Reusable Code Frameworks: A Case Study Using IUCBRF. 2-7 - Todd W. Neller:
Teaching Stochastic Local Search. 8-14
AI for Social Networks (Special Track)
- Gilbert C. Barrett, Avelino J. Gonzalez:
Collaborative Context Based Reasoning. 15-19 - Patrick Brézillon:
Role of Context in Social Networks. 20-25 - Alexandre Gachet, Patrick Brézillon:
A Context-based Representation of Organizational Structures. 26-31 - Matthew E. Gaston, Marie desJardins:
Social Network Structures and Their Impact on Multi-Agent System Dynamics. 32-37 - Ziad Kobti, Robert G. Reynolds, Timothy A. Kohler:
The Emergence of Complex Hierarchical Hub Social Network in the Mesa Verde Village Simulation Using Cultural Learning. 38-43 - Alex Yahja, Kathleen M. Carley:
WIZER: An Automated Intelligent Tool for Model Improvement of Multi-Agent Social-Network Systems. 44-50
AI in Music and Art (Special Track)
- Marcelo F. Caetano, Jônatas Manzolli, Fernando J. Von Zuben:
Interactive Control of Evolution Applied to Sound Synthesis. 51-56 - Judy A. Franklin:
Jazz Melody Generation from Recurrent Network Learning of Several Human Melodies. 57-62 - Andy Gracie, Brian Lee Yung Rowe:
Tightening the Loop: From Machine-Nature Communication Towards Symbiosis. 63-67 - Paul Kolesnik, Marcelo M. Wanderley:
Implementation of the Discrete Hidden Markov Model in Max/MSP Environment. 68-73 - Hugo Liu, Pattie Maes:
The Aesthetiscope: Visualizing Aesthetic Readings of Text in Color Space. 74-79 - Søren Tjagvad Madsen, Gerhard Widmer:
Exploring Similarities in Music Performances with an Evolutionary Algorithm. 80-85 - Rafael Ramírez, Amaury Hazan:
Modeling Expressive Music Performance in Jazz. 86-91 - Juan Romero, Estanislao Sanmartín, Penousal Machado, Antonino Santos:
Artificial Inmune System Based Art. 92-98
Case-Based Reasoning (Special Track)
- Niloofar Arshadi, Igor Jurisica:
Feature Selection for Improving Case-Based Classifiers on High-Dimensional Data Sets. 99-104 - Mark Devaney, William Cheetham:
Case-Based Reasoning for Gas Turbine Diagnostics. 105-110 - Mykola Galushka, David W. Patterson:
Assessment of a Novel Technique for Indexing Real World Temporal Cases. 111-116 - David B. Leake, Steven Bogaerts, Michael Evans, Rick McMullen, Michael Oder, Alejandro Valerio:
Using Cases to Support Divergent Roles in Distributed Collaboration. 117-122 - Kevin McCarthy, James Reilly, Lorraine McGinty, Barry Smyth:
An Analysis of Critique Diversity in Case-Based Recommendation. 123-128 - Markus Nilsson:
Retrieving Short and Dynamic Biomedical Sequences. 129-134 - Mohamed A. K. Sadiq, Deepak Khemani:
A Case for Usage of Case Usage in Case-Based Reasoning. 135-141
Computational Intelligence for Advanced Web Knowledge Discovery (Special Track)
- Sandip Debnath, Prasenjit Mitra, C. Lee Giles
Finding Base Time-Line of a News Article. 142-147 - Vincenzo Loia, Sabrina Senatore, Maria I. Sessa:
Knowledge Modelling through RDF Classification. 148-154
Constraint Solving and Programming (Special Track)
- Ola Angelsmark, Johan Thapper:
A Microstructure Based Approach to Constraint Satisfaction Optimisation Problems. 155-160 - Roman Barták, Pavel Surynek:
An Improved Algorithm for Maintaining Arc Consistency in Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction Problems. 161-166 - Joel M. Gompert, Berthe Y. Choueiry:
A Decomposition Technique for CSPs Using Maximal Independent Sets and Its Integration with Local Search. 167-174 - Nicoleta Neagu, Boi Faltings:
Approximating Partial Interchangeability in CSP Solutions. 175-181
Data Mining
- Jeffrey Coble, Diane J. Cook, Lawrence B. Holder:
Structure Discovery in Sequentially Connected Data. 182-187 - Runu Rathi, Diane J. Cook, Lawrence B. Holder:
A Serial Partitioning Approach to Scaling Graph-Based Knowledge Discovery. 188-193 - G. Michael Youngblood, Edwin O. Heierman III, Diane J. Cook, Lawrence B. Holder:
Automated HPOMDP Construction through Data-mining Techniques in the Intelligent Environment Domain. 194-200
Emotional Intelligence (Special Track)
- Soumaya Chaffar, Claude Frasson:
The Emotional Conditions of Learning. 201-206 - Jing Zhai, Armando Barreto:
Instrumentation for Automatic Monitoring of Affective State in Human-Computer Interaction. 207-213
Evaluation and Refinement of Intelligent Systems (Special Track)
- Derek H. Sleeman:
Invited Talk: Cooperative Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Refinement Systems: A Review of Their Use in Intelligent Systems and Their Roles in the Semantic Web. 214 - Joachim Baumeister, Dietmar Seipel:
Smelly Owls - Design Anomalies in Ontologies. 215-220 - Tri M. Cao, Paul Compton:
A Consistency-Based Approach to Knowledge Base Refinement. 221-225 - Rainer Knauf, Klaus P. Jantke:
Towards an Evaluation of (e-)Learning Systems. 226-231 - Rainer Knauf, Setsuo Tsuruta, Avelino J. Gonzalez:
Towards Modeling Human Expertise: An Empirical Case Study. 232-237 - Tong Zheng, Randy Goebel:
A Simulation-based Approach to Evaluating the Effectiveness of Navigation Compression Models. 238-244
Genetic Algorithms
- M. Emre Celebi, Y. Alp Aslandogan:
Human Perception-Driven, Similarity-Based Access to Image Databases. 245-250 - Chun Wai Liew, Mayank Lahiri:
Exploration or Convergence? Another Meta-Control Mechanism for GAs. 251-257
Genetic Algorithms and Search
- Tauheed Ahmed, Farhad Kamangar:
Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimizer: Response to Dynamic Systems through Rank-based Selection. 258-263 - Darren A. Casella, Walter D. Potter:
New Lower Bounds for the Snake-in-the-Box Problem: Using Evolutionary Techniques to Hunt for Snakes. 264-269 - Yousef Kilani, Abdullah Mohd Zin:
Speeding up the ESG Algorithm. 270-276
Information Retrieval
- Manu Aery, Sharma Chakravarthy:
InfoSift: Adapting Graph Mining Techniques for Text Classification. 277-282 - George V. Meghabghab:
A Rough Set Interpretation of User's Web Behavior: A Comparison with Information Theoretic Measure. 283-288 - John O'Donovan, Barry Smyth:
Eliciting Trust Values from Recommendation Errors. 289-294 - Yiming Yang, Monica Rogati, Bryan Kisiel:
Combining Categorization-based and Corpus-based Approaches for CLIR. 295-300 - Changwoo Yoon, Douglas D. Dankel II:
Domain Specific Knowledge-based Information Retrieval Model using Knowledge Reduction. 301-306 - Xiaohua Zhou, Hyoil Han:
Survey of Word Sense Disambiguation Approaches. 307-313
Integrated Intelligent Systems (Special Track)
- Sebastian Bader, Artur S. d'Avila Garcez, Pascal Hitzler:
Computing First-Order Logic Programs by Fibring Artificial Neural Networks. 314-319 - Nicola Dragoni, Mauro Gaspari, Davide Guidi:
Integrating Knowledge-Level Agents in the (Semantic) Web: An Agent-based Open Service Architecture. 320-325 - José Alberto R. P. Sardinha, Ruy Luiz Milidiú, Patrick M. Paranhos, Pedro M. Cunha, Carlos José Pereira de Lucena:
An Agent Based Architecture for Highly Competitive Electronic Markets. 326-332
Intelligent Agent Systems: Theory, Design and Implementation (Special Track)
- Prasanna Lokuge, Damminda Alahakoon:
An Extended BDI Agent Architecture with Multiple Intention Reconsideration Ability in a Vessel Berthing Application. 333-338 - David G. A. Mobach, Benno J. Overeinder, Olivier Marin, Frances M. T. Brazier:
Lease-based Decentralized Resource Management in Open Multi-Agent Systems. 339-344 - Donal O'Kane, David Marsh, Song Shen, Richard Tynan, Gregory M. P. O'Hare:
Agents Go Traveling. 345-350 - Paul J. Palathingal, Thomas E. Potok, Robert M. Patton:
Agent Based Approach for Searching, Mining and Managing Enormous Amounts of Spatial Image Data. 351-357
Intelligent Tutoring
- Diana Pérez, Alfio Massimiliano Gliozzo, Carlo Strapparava, Enrique Alfonseca, Pilar Rodríguez, Bernardo Magnini:
Automatic Assessment of Students' Free-Text Answers Underpinned by the Combination of a BLEU-Inspired Algorithm and Latent Semantic Analysis. 358-363
Machine Learning Applications
- M. Emre Celebi, Wenzhao Guo, Y. Alp Aslandogan, Paul R. Bergstresser:
Skin Lesion Segmentation Using Clustering Techniques. 364-369 - Supphanat Kanokphara, Julie Carson-Berndsen:
Better HMM-Based Articulatory Feature Extraction with Context-Dependent Model. 370-374 - Branislav Kveton, Denver Dash:
Automatic Excursion Detection in Manufacturing: Preliminary Results. 375-380 - Jiang Li, Jianhua Yao, Ronald M. Summers, Amy K. Hara:
An Efficient Feature Selection Algorithm for Computer-Aided Polyp Detection. 381-386 - Shuqing Zeng, Nan Zhang, Juyang Weng:
Tree-Based Methods for Fuzzy Rule Extraction. 387-393
Machine Learning - Applications (Special Track)
- Trilce Estrada, Olac Fuentes:
Identification of Stellar Population in Galactic Spectra Using the Hierarchical Desicion Ensemble. 394-398 - Daniel L. Silver, Richard Alisch:
A Measure of Relatedness for Selecting Consolidated Task Knowledge. 399-404 - Gaurav Tandon, Philip K. Chan:
Learning Useful System Call Attributes for Anomaly Detection. 405-411
Machine Learning - General Approaches (Special Track)
- Forrest Elliott, Manfred Huber:
Learning Macros with an Enhanced LZ78 Algorithm. 412-417 - Daren Ler, Irena Koprinska, Sanjay Chawla:
A Hill-Climbing Landmarker Generation Algorithm Based on Efficiency and Correlativity Criteria. 418-423 - R. Syama Sundar Yadav, Deepak Khemani:
An Oracle based Meta-Learner for ID3. 424-430
Machine Learning - Kernel and Support Vector Machines (Special Track)
- Gilles Cohen, Patrick Ruch, Melanie Hilario:
Model Selection for Support Vector Classifiers via Direct Simplex Search. 431-435 - DucDung Nguyen, Tu Bao Ho:
Speeding-up Model Selection for Support Vector Machines. 436-441 - Tapio Pahikkala, Sampo Pyysalo, Filip Ginter, Jorma Boberg, Jouni Järvinen, Tapio Salakoski:
Kernels Incorporating Word Positional Information in Natural Language Disambiguation Tasks. 442-448
Machine Learning - Reinforcement and Evolutionary Learning (Special Track)
- Stéphane Airiau, Sandip Sen, Sabyasachi Saha:
Evolutionary Tournament-Based Comparison of Learning and Non-Learning Strategies for Iterated Games. 449-454 - Marina Irodova, Robert H. Sloan:
Reinforcement Learning and Function Approximation. 455-460 - Terran Lane, Andrew Wilson:
Toward a Topological Theory of Relational Reinforcement Learning for Navigation Tasks. 461-467
Machine Learning - Relational Learning (Special Track)
- Istvan Jonyer, Prach Apiratikul, Johnson P. Thomas:
Source Code Fingerprinting Using Graph Grammar Induction. 468-473 - Iván Olmos, Jesus A. Gonzalez, Mauricio Osorio:
Subgraph Isomorphism Detection Using a Code Based Representation. 474-479 - Joseph T. Potts, Diane J. Cook, Lawrence B. Holder:
Learning from Examples in a Single Graph. 480-486
Machine Learning - Text Classification and Grammar Inference (Special Track)
- Kevin R. Gee, Diane J. Cook:
Text Classification Using Graph-Encoded Linguistic Elements. 487-492 - Amaury Habrard, Marc Bernard, Marc Sebban:
Correction of Uniformly Noisy Distributions to Improve Probabilistic Grammatical Inference Algorithms. 493-498 - Sarah Zelikovitz, Haym Hirsh:
Improving Text Classification Using EM with Background Text. 499-505
Natural Language-based Knowledge Representations: New Perspectives (Special Track)
- Peter Clark, Philip Harrison, Thomas Jenkins, John A. Thompson, Richard H. Wojcik:
Acquiring and Using World Knowledge Using a Restricted Subset of English. 506-511 - Boris A. Galitsky:
Implementing Commonsense Reasoning Via Semantic Skeletons for Answering Complex Questions. 512-517 - Arthur C. Graesser, Andrew Olney, Matthew Ventura, G. Tanner Jackson:
AutoTutor's Coverage of Expectations during Tutorial Dialogue. 518-523 - Daniel Hardt:
Natural Language Inference as Triggered Submodel Search. 524-528 - Daniel T. Heinze:
A Cognitive Grammar Motivated Ontology for Processing with Term Cycles and Non-Classical Negation. 529-535 - Hermann Helbig:
Meaning Representation with Multilayered Extended Semantic Networks. 536-541 - Max M. Louwerse, Zhiqiang Cai, Xiangen Hu, Matthew Ventura, Patrick Jeuniaux:
The Embodiment of Amodal Symbolic Knowledge Representations. 542-547 - Andrew Olney, Zhiqiang Cai:
An Orthonormal Basis for Entailment. 554-559 - Feng Pan, Jerry R. Hobbs:
Temporal Aggregates in OWL-Time. 560-565 - Umarani Pappuswamy, Dumisizwe Bhembe, Pamela W. Jordan, Kurt VanLehn:
A Multi-Tier NL-Knowledge Clustering for Classifying Students' Essays. 566-571 - Carolyn Penstein Rosé, Carol Pai, Jaime Arguello:
Enabling Non-Linguists to Author Advanced Conversational Interfaces Easily. 572-577 - Zygmunt Vetulani:
Knowledge Representation Using Predicate-Argument Structures with Nonclassical Quantifiers. 578-584
Neural Networks Applications (Special Track)
- Marjorie Darrah, Brian J. Taylor, Michael Webb, Rhett Livingston:
A Geometric Rule Extraction Approach Used for Verification and Validation of a Safety Critical Application. 585-590 - Changhua Yu, Michael T. Manry, Pramod Lakshmi Narasimha:
Sensitivity of Nonlinear Network Training to Affine Transformed Inputs. 591-597
Non-Classical Logics, Categorization, and Pragmatics for Reasoning (Special Track)
- Ismaïl Biskri
, Boucif Amar Bensaber:
Some Arguments for Coordination in Categorial Grammar and Combinatory Logic. 598-603 - Jérôme Cardot:
Identifying Objects in Object Determination Logic. 604-609 - Jean-Pierre Desclés, Anca Pascu:
Logic of Determination of Objects: The Meaning of Variable in Quantification. 610-615 - Boris A. Galitsky, Don Peterson:
On the Peculiarities of Default Reasoning of Children with Autism. 616-622
- Chayan Chakrabarti, Roshan Rammohan, George F. Luger:
A First-Order Stochastic Modeling Language for Diagnosis. 623-628 - Sajjad Haider, Abbas K. Zaidi, Alexander H. Levis:
On Temporal Analysis of Timed Influence Nets Using Point Graphs. 629-634 - Vasile Rus:
A Method to Generate Large Common-Sense Knowledge Bases from Online Lexical Resources. 635-640 - Geoff Sutcliffe, Diego Belfiore:
Semantic Derivation Verification. 641-646 - Colin Keng-Yan Tan:
A Belief Augmented Frame Computational Trust Model. 647-652 - Alfred Ka Yiu Wong, Nandan Paramesh, Pradeep Kumar Ray:
Similarity and Logic Based Ontology Mapping for Security Management. 653-659
Secure Multiparty Computations and Distributed Constraint Reasoning (Special Track)
- Muhammed Basharu, Inés Arana, Hatem Ahriz:
Distributed Guided Local Search for Solving Binary DisCSPs. 660-665 - Arnaud Doniec, Sylvain Piechowiak, René Mandiau:
A DisCSP Solving Algorithm Based on Sessions. 666-670 - Marius-Calin Silaghi, Amit Abhyankar, Markus Zanker, Roman Barták:
Desk-Mates (Stable Matching) with Privacy of Preferences, and a New Distributed CSP Framework. 671-677
Simulation and Planning
- Laurie Hiyakumoto, Lucian Vlad Lita, Eric Nyberg:
Multi-Strategy Information Extraction for Question Answering. 678-683 - Wayne Iba, Nicholas Burwell:
Studying Service: An Exploration of the Costs and Benefits of Assistance. 684-689 - James N. K. Liu, Bo Feng:
A Novel Comparison Approach for Tropical Cyclone Satellite Images Using Angle Features. 690-696
Spatio-Temporal Reasoning (Special Track)
- Hans W. Guesgen, Paul Shotbolt:
Skeleton-based Wayfinding for Computer Games. 697-702 - Bernhard Heinemann:
A Spatio-Temporal View of Knowledge. 703-708 - Shieu-Hong Lin:
Reasoning about Events with Time-interval Information. 709-714 - Michael D. Moffitt, Martha E. Pollack:
Partial Constraint Satisfaction of Disjunctive Temporal Problems. 715-720 - Kari Torkkola, Srihari Venkatesan, Huan Liu:
Sensor Sequence Modeling for Driving. 721-727
Uncertain Reasoning - Decision Theory (Special Track)
- Love Ekenberg, Mats Danielson, Aron Larsson:
Second Order Effects in Interval Valued Decision Graph Models. 728-733 - Jim Johansson:
Methods for Evaluating Multi-level Decision Trees in Imprecise Domains. 734-739 - Aron Larsson, Love Ekenberg, Mats Danielson:
Non-Uniform Belief in Expected Utilities in Interval Decision Analysis. 740-746
Uncertain Reasoning - Knowledge and Data Bases (Special Track)
- Sandra de Amo, Mônica Sakuray Pais:
A Paraconsistent Logic Programming Approach for Querying Inconsistent Knowledge Bases. 747-752 - Zoran Majkic:
Plausible Query-Answering Inference in Data Integration. 753-758 - Nematollaah Shiri:
Expressive Power of Logic Frameworks with Certainty Constraints. 759-765
Uncertain Reasoning - Logic and Philosophy (Special Track)
- Jae-Hyuck Lee, Yang Xiang:
Model Complexity of Pseudo-independent Models. 766-771 - Eric Neufeld, Sonje Kristtorn:
Whether Non-Correlation Implies Non-Causation. 772-777 - Paul Snow:
Pfanzagl Exchanges Diagnose a Continuity Anomaly Pertinent to Allais' Problem. 778-784
Uncertain Reasoning - Probabilistic Networks (Special Track)
- Theodore Charitos, Peter R. de Waal, Linda C. van der Gaag:
Speeding Up Inference in Markovian Models. 785-790 - Sam Maes, Stijn Meganck, Bernard Manderick:
Identification in Chain Multi-Agent Causal Models. 791-792 - Dan Wu, S. K. Michael Wong:
Maximal Prime Subgraph Decomposition of Bayesian Networks: A Relational Database Perspective. 793-798 - Changhe Yuan, Marek J. Druzdzel:
How Heavy Should the Tails Be? 799-805
Poster Session
- Sahin Albayrak, Dragan Milosevic:
Response Time Aware Coordination in Multi Agent Filtering Framework. 806-807 - Mohammad Amin Alipour:
Reactive Agent for Urban Traffic Control. 808-809 - Minoo Aminian, Ian Davidson:
Active Learning with Partially Labeled Data via Bias Reduction. 810-811 - Renata Mendes de Araujo, Patrick Brézillon:
Context-based Modeling of Group Work. 812-813 - Joachim Baumeister, Rainer Knauf, Frank Puppe:
Semi-Automatic Generation of Test Cases by Case Morphing. 814-815 - Joseph L. Bokor, Ronald W. Ferguson:
Integrating Probabilistic Reasoning into a Symbolic Diagrammatic Reasoner. 816-817 - John W. Coffey:
Categories of Inference in a Multi-Faceted, Educational, Knowledge-based Recommender System. 818-819 - Douglas D. Dankel II, María Ósk Kristmundsdóttir:
A Knowledge-Based System for Rehabilitation of Post-Stroke Patients. 820-821 - Pedro A. Diaz-Gomez, Dean F. Hougen:
Analysis of an Off-Line Intrusion Detection System: A Case Study in Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms. 822-823 - Claude Frasson, Soumaya Chaffar, Mohammed Abdel Razek, Magalie Ochs:
Emotion Recognition Agent for On-Line Learning Systems. 824-825 - Frédéric Fürst, Francky Trichet:
Integrating Domain Ontologies into Knowledge-Based Systems. 826-827 - Kalyan Moy Gupta, David W. Aha:
Automating Planning Using Natural Language. 828-829 - Randa Kassab, Jean-Charles Lamirel, Emmanuel Nauer:
Novelty Detection for Modeling User's Profile. 830-831 - John Knottenbelt, Keith Clark:
Contract Driven Agents. 832-833 - Pramod Lakshmi Narasimha, Michael T. Manry, Changhua Yu:
Nonlinear Network Time-Series Forecasting Using Redundancy Reduction. 834-835 - Ka-man Lam, Ho-fung Leung:
A Mutual Influence Algorithm for Multiple Concurrent Negotiations. 836-837 - Fatma Mili, Wen Li:
Algebraic Approach to Specifying Part-Whole Associations. 838-839 - Erik T. Mueller, Geoff Sutcliffe:
Reasoning in the Event Calculus Using First-Order Automated Theorem Proving. 840-841 - Anna Paszynska:
Markov Chain Model and Poli Based Schema Model for Bentley's Genetic Algorithm. 842-843 - Sattiraju V. Prabhakar:
Learning to Support Another Learner. 844-845 - Oscar E. Romero, Jesus A. Gonzalez, Iván Olmos, Rosalva Loreto:
Structural Relational Graph Based Data Mining Applied to the Multi-Functional Spaces of Properties in "Puebla of the Angels" in in the XVI, XVII, and XVIII Centuries. 846-847 - Khalid Rouane, Claude Frasson, Marc Kaltenbach:
SHASS: A New Electronic Annotation Support System, Towards an Effective Knowledge Sharing in Digital Library. 848-849 - Vasile Rus, Kirtan Desai:
Few Models for Grammatical Relations Recovery. 850-851 - Bianca Schön, Gregory M. P. O'Hare, Brian R. Duffy, Alan N. Martin, John F. Bradley:
The AMPERE Algorithm - Area-Based Masking with the Performance Equation. 852-853 - Marius-Calin Silaghi:
Hiding Absence of Solution for a Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem. 854-855 - William H. Turkett Jr., John R. Rose:
Exploiting Belief Locality in Run-Time Decision-Theoretic Planners. 856-857 - Christopher O. Ward:
A Global Polynomial Approximation Algorithm for Image Rectification. 858-859 - Segev Wasserkrug, Avigdor Gal, Opher Etzion:
Handling Uncertain Rules in Composite Event Systems. 860-861 - Dan Wu:
On-Demand Thrifty Propagation for Belief Updating in Bayesian Networks - A Preliminary Report. 862-863 - Fang-Xiang Wu, Anthony J. Kusalik, Wen-Jun Zhang:
Genetic Weighted K-means for Large-Scale Clustering Problems. 864-865 - Qianjun Xu, Marie desJardins, Kiri Wagstaff:
Constrained Spectral Clustering under a Local Proximity Structure Assumption. 866-867 - Sarah Zelikovitz, Finella Marquez:
Evaluation of Background Knowledge for Latent Semantic Indexing Classification. 868-870

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