3rd RAM 2008: Chengdu, China

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Invited Session

Control, Haptics, Teleoperation and Network Robotics

Modeling, Planning and Control I

Design Evaluation, Scheduling & Discrete Event Dynamic Systems

Robotics and Automation Applications I

Interactive Session I

Kinematics, Mechanics and Mechanism Design

Medical Robots & Methodologies for Robotics

Interactive Session II

Dynamics, Motion Control

Biologically-Inspired Robots & Petri Net

Modeling, Planning and Control II

Interactive Session III

Robot Control I

Sensor Design, Integration, and Fusion

Robotics and Automation Applications II

Interactive Session IV

Control Architecture and Programming

Teleoperation and Aerial Maintenance Engineering

Scheduling and Control

Design and Control of Robot with Special Uses

Maintenance & Manufacturing System Architecture

Modeling, Planning and Control & Virtual Reality

Interactive Session V

Robot Control II

Computer Vision & Motion Control in Vehicles

Robotics and Automation Applications III

Interactive Session VI

Control Architecture and Programming & Legged Robot

Control, Wheeled Mobile Robots & Sensor Design

Robotics and Automation Applications IV

Sensor Based Robotics
