ROBIO 2014: Bali, Indonesia

SPARQL queries 

Refine list

showing all ?? records

A01: Soft Robotics

B01: Surgical Robots I

C01: Mobile Robots I

D01: Image Processing

E01: Space Robots

F01: Simulation Systems

A02: Biologically Inspired Robots and Systems I

B02: Surgical Robots II

C02: Mobile Robots II

D02: Vision-based Object Detection

E02: Smart Actuators

F02: Human Robot Interaction I

A03: Biologically Inspired Robots and Systems II

B03: Medical Robotics I

C03: Field Robots

D03: Vision-based Recognition

E03: Micro Manipulation

F03: Human Robot Interaction II

A04: Snake Robots

B04: Medical Robotics II

C04: Multi-sensor Based Navigation and Localization

D04: Stereo Vision

E04: Multi-scale Robot Sensing and Manipulation

F04: Underwater Robots

A05: Quadruped Robots

B05: Rehabilitation Robotics

C05: Sensing Systems

D05: Estimation and Calibration

E05: Formation Control

F05: Human-Machine Interfaces

A06: Biologically Inspired Robots and Systems III

B06: Medical and Assistive Robots

C06: Multirobot Systems I

D06: Robot Vision

E06: Motion Planning

F06: Humanoid Robots I

A07: Biologically Inspired Robots and Systems IV

B07: Smart Structures

C07: Multirobot Systems II

D07: Vision-based Control

E07: Robot Control

F07: Humanoid Robots II

A08: Aerial Robots I

B08: Robotics for Rehabilitation and Assistance

C08: Localization and Mapping

D08: Machine Learning

E08: Manipulation Control

F08: Humanoid Robots III

A09: Aerial Robots II

B09: Advanced Control Technology


D09: Visual Servoing

E09: Tele-robotics I

F09: Sensing I

A10: Aerial Robot Control

B10: Service Robots I

C10: Mobile Robots Design

D10: Hierarchical Learning and Multi-Perception

E10: Tele-robotics II

F10: Sensing II

A11: Micro and Nano Robots

B11: Service Robots II

C11: Wheeled Robots

D11: Pattern Recognition and 3D Reconstruction

E11: Kinematics and Dynamics

F11: Automation Technology

A12: Legged Robots

B12: Service Robots III

C12: Mobile Robot Navigation

D12: Measurement and Control of Dynamic Systems

E12: Grasping

F12: Advanced Robotics for Applications

I12: Interactive Session
