Wie nutzen Sie die Stärken von High-Potential-Mitarbeitern und gehen auf ihre Entwicklungsbereiche ein?
High Potentials Employees
High Potentials Employees
Der erste Schritt, um die Stärken Ihrer HiPos zu nutzen und ihre Entwicklungsbereiche anzugehen, besteht darin, sie zu identifizieren. Sie können verschiedene Kriterien wie Leistungsbeurteilungen, Feedback, Bewertungen und Nominierungen verwenden, um zu bewerten, wer das Potenzial hat, mehr Verantwortung, Komplexität und Wirkung zu übernehmen. Sie sollten jedoch auch über die offensichtlichen Indikatoren wie technische Fähigkeiten, Ergebnisse und Ehrgeiz hinausblicken und andere Faktoren wie Lernagilität, emotionale Intelligenz und kulturelle Eignung berücksichtigen. Nicht alle HiPos sind gleich, und Sie müssen ihre einzigartigen Profile, Vorlieben und Ziele verstehen.
You need to identify their strength and capitalize on it while addressing development areas. Begin by conducting thorough assessments to identify individual strengths and areas for improvement. Utilize strengths in current roles, providing opportunities for leadership and skill application. Encourage mentorship and peer collaboration to enhance strengths. Simultaneously, create targeted development plans to address identified areas for improvement. Provide tailored training, coaching, and stretch assignments to nurture growth. Regular feedback and performance reviews help track progress. By combining strengths-based leadership with targeted development efforts, organizations can maximize the potential of high-potential employees.
In my experience, there are three qualities that identify a HiPo and are very easily detected: the ability to do the job, the commitment to the job and the hunger to go beyond the job. So when you see an employee with the ability, commitment and aspiration, look for ways to retain, develop and grow them. It's not that easy to find employees with the right capability, experience and drive to excel.
Após identificar o colaborador, devemos aplicar um programa de desenvolvimento individualizado. Esse programa levaria em conta não apenas as habilidades técnicas e seus resultados, mas seus Soft Skills, agilidade de aprendizagem, inteligência emocional. Se um colaborador demonstrar alta agilidade de aprendizagem e inteligência emocional, mas precisar desenvolver suas habilidades de liderança, podemos oferecer mentorias, treinamentos específicos em liderança e também oportunidades de assumir projetos complexos para acelerar seu desenvolvimento, visto que o colaborador irá aprimorar suas habilidades técnicas avançadas e competências de gestão.
Expert RH en déploiement Emploi-Formation et dispositifs de recrutement
Pour identifier les employés à fort potentiel, j'ai établi des objectifs précis lors des évaluations de performance trimestrielles, qui mettent l'accent sur des critères mesurables tels que les réalisations dans les projets stratégiques, la résolution de défis complexes et les contributions à l'innovation. Pour enrichir ce processus, j'ai introduit des feedbacks 360 degrés, permettant une évaluation complète des performances de chaque employé. Ces feedbacks incluaient des retours détaillés de leurs pairs N et N+1, de leurs compétences, de leur impact au sein de l'équipe et de l'entreprise.
Director of Operations at Enzo Tech Group
Identifying High Potential Employees (HiPos) involves a combination of objective assessments, performance evaluations, and strategic observations. Here are key methods to identify HiPos within an organization: Performance Reviews Leadership Skills Innovation and Problem-solving Learning Agility Networking and Relationship Building Career Aspirations Success in Challenging Assignments
Der zweite Schritt, um die Stärken Ihrer HiPos zu nutzen und ihre Entwicklungsbereiche anzusprechen, besteht darin, sie zu motivieren. HiPos werden oft von Herausforderung, Anerkennung und Wachstum angetrieben, daher müssen Sie ihnen die Möglichkeit geben, ihre Fähigkeiten zu erweitern, ihre Leistungen zu präsentieren und neue Dinge zu lernen. Sie können dies tun, indem Sie ihnen öffentlichkeitswirksame Projekte zuweisen, ihnen Feedback und Lob geben und ihnen Mentoring und Coaching anbieten. Sie sollten jedoch auch die Anforderungen und Belohnungen abwägen und vermeiden, Ihre HiPos zu überlasten oder durchzubrennen. Sie müssen ihr Engagement, ihre Zufriedenheit und ihr Wohlbefinden überwachen und auf alle Probleme oder Bedenken eingehen, die sie möglicherweise haben.
To leverage the strengths of high-potential employees and address their development areas, it is crucial to assign them challenging projects and responsibilities that match their abilities and push them to grow. Mentoring and coaching can help them work on specific development areas. Providing regular feedback and opportunities for further education supports their personal and professional growth. It's also important to create an environment that encourages innovation and self-realization to boost their motivation and creativity. A clear career path and transparent advancement opportunities complete the development process.
En collaboration étroite avec mes équipes RH, nous avons intégrés des tests. Cela a enrichi notre processus d'évaluation en identifiant non seulement les compétences techniques, mais aussi les traits de personnalité et les aptitudes cruciales pour notre culture d'entreprise. Parallèlement, j'ai dirigé un projet visant à renforcer notre marque employeur, en mettant en avant les opportunités de développement professionnel et les réussites individuelles des HPI au sein de l'entreprise. Cette initiative a non seulement attiré des talents prometteurs, mais a également renforcé l'engagement et la rétention des employés clés. Cette initiative contribue à une croissance durable de notre organisation.
Read Susan Fowler's book on motivation and get to know ARC. Autonomy over your own work, Relatedness to the mission, company, or product and being recognized for your Competence. These are the building blocks of creating an environment where HiPos' are intrinsically motivated every day.
Motivating High Potential Employees (HiPos) involves recognizing their unique qualities, providing opportunities for growth, and creating an environment that fosters their continued development. Here are some strategies to motivate HiPos: Recognition and Appreciation Challenging Assignments Professional Development Opportunities Clear Career Path Empowerment and Autonomy Regular Feedback Leadership Opportunities
Motivating HiPo employees is essential to unlock their full potential. To achieve this, it's crucial to tailor motivational strategies to the unique needs and aspirations of each individual. This might involve offering challenging projects, career advancement opportunities, or specialized training programs that align with their interests and goals. Ensuring that HiPos remain engaged and enthusiastic about their work contributes significantly to their development and overall productivity.
Der dritte Schritt, um die Stärken Ihrer HiPos zu nutzen und ihre Entwicklungsbereiche anzugehen, besteht darin, sie auszubauen. HiPos brauchen einen klaren und realistischen Karriereweg, der mit ihren Wünschen und Fähigkeiten übereinstimmt. Sie müssen ihnen helfen, ihre Entwicklung zu planen, ihre Ziele festzulegen und ihre Fortschritte zu verfolgen. Sie müssen sie auch mit den richtigen Ressourcen unterstützen, z. B. mit Schulungen, Networking und Bekanntheit. Sie sollten sie jedoch auch herausfordern, ihre Komfortzone zu verlassen, Risiken einzugehen und aus Fehlern zu lernen. Sie müssen sie ermutigen, eine wachstumsorientierte Denkweise zu entwickeln, Feedback einzuholen und Veränderungen anzunehmen.
To leverage the strengths of high-potential employees (HiPos) and address their development areas, provide opportunities for self-realization. Offer a clear career path aligned with their skills and aspirations. Support them in planning development, setting goals, and tracking progress with resources like training and networking. Encourage HiPos to leave their comfort zone, take risks, and learn from mistakes. Promote a growth mindset with continuous feedback and adaptability. Regular feedback sessions are crucial to guide their development, challenge them, and offer appropriate support. This approach allows HiPos to fully develop their skills and achieve personal and professional goals.
Growing High Potential Employees (HiPos) involves a strategic approach focused on individual development plans, mentorship, and continuous learning. Collaborating with HiPos to create personalized plans that align with their career goals, exposing them to cross-functional experiences, and investing in leadership training are key components. Regular performance reviews, succession planning, and networking opportunities further contribute to their growth. Stretch assignments, leadership exposure, and recognition for achievements are essential in fostering their development.
Identify their strengths and weakness, Prepare a plan to overcome their weakness, provide mentorships and training, Create an opportunity for them to showcase their knowledge.Provide timely feedback .
No hay nada mas gratificante que trabajar en lo que te sientes cómodo. En mi experiencia cuando detecto que un colaborador es bueno en algún área le doy mas responsabilidades de dicha área, para que se sienta mucho mas en confianza y se sienta mucho mas cómodo aportando. Cada cierto tiempo le doy otras tareas que no las maneja muy bien para que vaya saliendo de esa zona de confort, asumiendo que va a tardar mucho mas en realizarla y puede sentirse un poco frustrado en el camino.
Nous avons mis en place des Plans de Développement Individuels personnalisés avec 2 de nos HiPos. Le PDI en collaboration avec eux nous aide à identifier leurs aspirations et les compétences clés à développer. Nous leur offrons des opportunités de formation continue adaptées à leurs besoins spécifiques, y compris des formations internes spécialisées et des programmes de mentorat. Cette stratégie me permet de confiér à ces collaborateurs des projets de grande envergure, ce qui leur permettent d'acquérir de nouvelles compétences et d'assumer davantage de responsabilités au sein de l'entreprise. Nous assurons un suivi régulier et un soutien constant pour maximiser leur succès et leur développement professionnel.
Der vierte Schritt, um die Stärken Ihrer HiPos zu nutzen und ihre Entwicklungsbereiche anzugehen, besteht darin, Fallstricke zu vermeiden. Es gibt einige häufige Fehler, die die Leistung, das Potenzial und die Bindung Ihrer HiPos untergraben können. Zum Beispiel koennen Sie Ihre anderen Mitarbeiter vernachlässigen oder ignorieren, was zu Unmut und Desengagement fuehrt. Sie können auch unrealistische Erwartungen oder Druck auf Ihre HiPos erzeugen, was zu Stress und Frustration führt. Es kann auch sein, dass Sie es versäumen, die Erwartungen Ihrer HiPos mit der Vision und Strategie des Unternehmens in Einklang zu bringen, was zu Verwirrung und Fehlausrichtung führt. Sie müssen sich dieser Fallstricke bewusst sein und proaktive Maßnahmen ergreifen, um sie zu verhindern oder zu beheben.
Avoiding pitfalls when developing HiPo employees is crucial to their long-term success. It's essential to strike a balance between pushing them outside their comfort zones and not overwhelming them with unrealistic expectations. Regular feedback and ongoing support are vital to help them navigate challenges, refine their skills, and maintain their motivation. Overloading HiPos with too many responsibilities can lead to burnout and hinder their development.
Avoiding pitfalls involves addressing any barriers or challenges that may impede the growth and development of HiPos. This may include providing additional support or resources, addressing performance issues promptly, and creating a culture that values learning and development. By proactively addressing potential pitfalls, organizations can ensure that HiPos have the support they need to thrive and succeed.
It can be very compelling to invest everything into your high potentials, but I would recommend spreading the equity out. Sure, your High potentials should be stretched, invested in and allowed a seat at certain tables but I would also think about overloading your High Potentials. Are they your go to for everything? Are they given all of the special projects and growth opportunities? Try to spread that out a bit based on Passions, Ideas, Aspirations across the entire team to not only help your Hi Po's be focused but also to allow for others to grow and be challenged.
Para evitar estas trampas, trato de ser muy claros con los colaboradores. Les informo claramente las áreas en las que son muy buenos y en las áreas que les hace falta mejorar. Una vez entendamos cuales son las áreas de mejoras les digo cual es el plan que tengo para ellos, cuales son los pasos y metas que se debe alcanzar para fortalecer esas áreas de mejoras.
Die Förderung von Vielfalt unter HiPos kann zu innovativeren Lösungen und einer inklusiveren Arbeitskultur führen. Massnahmen zur besseren Einbindung von Mitarbeitern unterschiedlicher Hintergründe sollten verstärkt werden, um die kreativen Prozesse und die Teamdynamik zu bereichern.
Der fünfte Schritt, um die Stärken Ihrer HiPos zu nutzen und ihre Entwicklungsbereiche anzugehen, besteht darin, Stakeholder einzubeziehen. Sie können Ihre HiPos nicht isoliert verwalten, da sie Teil eines größeren Systems sind, das sie beeinflusst und von ihnen beeinflusst wird. Sie müssen andere Personen einbeziehen, die ein Interesse am Erfolg Ihrer HiPos haben, z. B. Führungskräfte, Kollegen, Kunden und Partner. Sie müssen ihren Input, ihr Feedback und ihre Unterstützung für die Entwicklung Ihrer HiPos einholen. Sie müssen auch die Leistungen, Beiträge und das Potenzial Ihrer HiPos mit ihnen teilen. Sie müssen ein Netzwerk von Fürsprechern und Verbündeten für Ihre HiPos aufbauen.
To leverage the strengths of high-potential employees (HiPos) and address their development areas, involve stakeholders. Engage leaders, colleagues, customers, and partners to provide input, feedback, and support. Share HiPos' achievements and potential with stakeholders to foster recognition and opportunities. Familiarize HiPos with modern success and leadership methods so they can effectively use them for personal and company benefit. By applying these methods, HiPos can develop fully and impact the organization positively. Regular feedback sessions and a culture of open communication are key in this process.
J'ai encouragé et porté un projet de collaboration inter structure en intégrant les candidats volontaire démontrant un haut potentiel, dans des projets transversaux. Ils/Elles ont pu apporter leur expertise et leur perspective. Cela a permis aux parties prenantes (autres directions de l'organisation) de mieux comprendre les compétences et le potentiel des hauts potentiels, tout en renforçant les synergies au profit de notre entreprise
Engaging stakeholders plays a vital role in maximizing the potential of HiPo employees. Encourage open communication and collaboration between HiPos and their managers, peers, and HR professionals. Regularly involving stakeholders in the development process ensures that everyone is aligned on goals and expectations and creates a supportive environment where HiPos can thrive and receive valuable feedback.
Engaging stakeholders, including managers, peers, and mentors, is crucial for supporting the development of HiPos. Foster open communication channels and encourage feedback from stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and track progress. By involving stakeholders in the development process, organizations can gain valuable insights and ensure alignment between individual and organizational goals.
Involucrar a los colaboradores es fundamental. Hay que hacerlos participes y responsables de mejorar en esas áreas. Si el colaborador no es consciente que tiene esa área de mejor y de que esta dispuesto a mejorar muy poco vamos a poder hacer desde nuestro liderazgo.
Der sechste und letzte Schritt, um die Stärken Ihrer HiPos zu nutzen und ihre Entwicklungsbereiche anzugehen, ist die Bewertung der Ergebnisse. Sie müssen die Auswirkungen und den Wert der Entwicklung Ihrer HiPos sowohl auf individueller als auch auf organisatorischer Ebene messen. Sie müssen sowohl quantitative als auch qualitative Daten wie Leistungsindikatoren, Feedback-Umfragen, Bindungsraten und Fallstudien verwenden, um die Effektivität und Effizienz der Entwicklung Ihres HiPos zu bewerten. Sie müssen auch die Entwicklungspläne, -ziele und -strategien Ihrer HiPos auf der Grundlage der Ergebnisse überprüfen und anpassen. Sie müssen die Entwicklung Ihrer HiPos kontinuierlich überwachen und verbessern.
Evaluating outcomes is essential for assessing the effectiveness of development initiatives and refining strategies as needed. Monitor the progress of HiPos regularly, measure their performance against predetermined goals and objectives, and solicit feedback from stakeholders to gauge their development and impact. By evaluating outcomes, organizations can identify areas of success and areas for improvement, ultimately enhancing their ability to leverage the strengths of HiPos and support their ongoing development.
Managing Director | Tea Enthusiast | Mental Health Advocate | INFJ | Champion of Women
I have found from managing TEAms of various ages, that evaluating outcomes should come in each stage of the feedback cycle, not just at the end. By mitigating pitfalls, deterrents and risk, you can encourage growth strategies and outcomes as needed. This can include short, mid and longer term goals.
Evaluating outcomes is essential to measure the effectiveness of your HiPo development efforts. Organizations should establish clear key performance indicators (KPIs) and regularly assess the progress and impact of their development programs. By continuously monitoring and adjusting these programs based on outcomes, organizations can fine-tune their approach to ensure the ongoing growth and success of their high potential employees.
Lo que no se mide no se mejora. Una vez que se tenga claro el plan de mejora se debe tener un seguimiento para medir el avance en los puntos de mejora. Importante el seguimiento para ver si realmente se esta avanzando en ese punto de mejora.
There is a very important Part 0 – before this 7-point list can apply. You need to determine what Great behavior and Great Performance is for your company. Often, we skip the behavioral skills and jump to performance because these tend to be measurable. The pitfall here is that you risc sending out very wrong signals about hero behavior. Your HiPos may deliver excellent performance and results, but it could be at the cost of integrity, teamwork or compliance (or your company values).
Ensure that high potential employees are assigned roles that align with their strengths. This alignment maximizes their effectiveness and motivation, leading to higher performance. Invest in developing their existing strengths further through training, mentorship, and challenging assignments that allow them to apply their strengths in different contexts. Acknowledge and celebrate their strengths publicly within the organization. This reinforces their value and encourages them to continue leveraging those strengths.
To leverage the strengths of high-potential employees while addressing their development areas, start by getting to know their unique skills and areas for growth through regular feedback and assessments. Focus on what they excel at and create opportunities that allow them to use these strengths—like leading projects, mentoring others, or taking on strategic roles. At the same time, identify their development areas and provide targeted learning experiences, such as training, coaching, or stretch assignments that challenge them to grow. Encourage a culture of continuous feedback and reflection, helping them understand both their impact and areas to improve. It will not only boosts engagement but also prepares them for future leadership roles.
Here's what to consider: - Conduct regular performance reviews to identify areas where employees consistently excel. - Use feedback from peers, managers, and self-assessments to gain a comprehensive view. - Use skills assessments and evaluations to identify specific competencies and strengths. - Leverage tools or methodologies that align with the organization's goals and values. - Gather feedback from colleagues, subordinates, and superiors to gain a holistic view of an individual's strengths. - Analyze patterns and common themes in the feedback. - Collaborate with employees to create personalized development plans. - Identify and document strengths through a mutual understanding of the employee's goals and aspirations.