Der Zeitplan Ihres Teams wird durch externe Faktoren durcheinandergebracht. Wie werden Sie sie wieder auf Kurs bringen?
Navigieren Sie durch Schwierigkeiten am Arbeitsplatz? Teilen Sie mit, wie Sie Ihr Team durch unerwartete Terminänderungen führen.
Der Zeitplan Ihres Teams wird durch externe Faktoren durcheinandergebracht. Wie werden Sie sie wieder auf Kurs bringen?
Navigieren Sie durch Schwierigkeiten am Arbeitsplatz? Teilen Sie mit, wie Sie Ihr Team durch unerwartete Terminänderungen führen.
I have always acted quickly to get the team back on track. 1/ I define the priorities in relation to this external element, which will clarify why the team is disturbed, and if necessary modify its priorities. 2/ I communicate as much as possible to the team, so as to be transparent and have a clear guideline. I draw up an action plan to summarize everything and give the staff the way forward; if necessary, I allocate and/or increase resources. In order to obtain rapid consent, I prefer to be flexible and open-minded. Finally, the eternal motivation/reward for the extra effort needed to manage these unforeseen events. I always encourage the small successes achieved. To close : Classic debriefing at daily/weekly meetings.
Clear the frogs, follow the urgency and important quadrant grid approach to get back on track. Prioritise! Prioritise! Prioritise! Watch out for the controllable external factors and realign.
First and foremost, discuss with the team a feasible plan to get project back on track. Then discuss the a number of options with the client. It might also mean working round the clock to cover for lost time. It's also important to keep the costs within budget especially if it's the contractor's fault. However, if its the client's fault, it would then be feasible to negotiate for a top up on funding in order to being the project back on track because either may call for extra hands that will increase the costs.
Para ajudar a equipe a voltar aos trilhos quando fatores externos afetam a agenda, é essencial primeiro identificar os motivos específicos que estão prejudicando o planejamento. Aqui estão os passos que eu seguiria: 1. Análise do Impacto e Priorização 2. Ajuste de Expectativas 3. Replanejamento e Flexibilidade 4. Fortalecimento da Comunicação 5. Foco no Bem-estar da Equipe 6. Aprendizado Contínuo Com esse enfoque, a equipe poderá se ajustar aos imprevistos e retomar o ritmo, priorizando o cumprimento dos objetivos em um ambiente de apoio e colaboração.
Create a simple X-axis "Upcoming Team Tasks" (5-7 tasks - over the course of 5 days) On Y-axis list the team members, include yourself (not on the top, not on the bottom) First task listed - "ReAlignment" assigned to you Draw a line linking to the next task box In the Next Task, highlight 1 or 2 persons (NOT everyone) - who are they? Move to the next box - repeat! Continue adding names to boxes until you all end up in the Team Meeeting as last task on X-axis - Write ALL! Ask each person to update their placement in the "X-task by Y-name" [that way you check they are realigning] This suggestion is short & sweet - to the point - done together and/or as you visit with each person before the next team meeting You have their words now/values!!!
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