Der erste Schritt beim Testen Ihrer Lösung besteht darin, die Kriterien zu definieren, die Sie zum Messen der Gültigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit verwenden. Die Gültigkeit bezieht sich darauf, wie gut Ihre Lösung das Problem löst oder das Ziel erreicht, das Sie in den Anforderungen definiert haben. Zuverlässigkeit bezieht sich darauf, wie konsistent und stabil Ihre Lösung im Laufe der Zeit und in verschiedenen Situationen ist. Sie können verschiedene Quellen verwenden, um die Kriterien zu definieren, z. B. den Business Case, das Scope Statement, das Lösungsdesign, die Akzeptanzkriterien und die Qualitätsstandards.
Surely the first step before defining the criteria, you need to establish where all the check in points with the users/stakeholders are from requirements gathering and sign off through initial solution definition or evaluation and then on to pilot testing and finally user acceptance testing. Each check in point may well use a different set of criteria.
Der nächste Schritt besteht darin, die Methoden auszuwählen, mit denen Sie Ihre Lösung anhand der Kriterien testen möchten. Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Testmethoden, z. B. Funktionstests, Usability-Tests, Leistungstests, Sicherheitstests und Regressionstests. Jede Methode hat ihren eigenen Zweck, ihre eigenen Vor- und Nachteile, und Sie sollten diejenigen auswählen, die für Ihre Lösung und Ihren Kontext am besten geeignet sind. Sie sollten auch die Ebene der Tests berücksichtigen, z. B. Komponententests, Integrationstests, Systemtests und Benutzerakzeptanztests, und den Testansatz, z. B. manuelle Tests, automatisierte Tests oder eine Kombination aus beiden.
None of these testing phases/methods test the validity of the solution if the solution requirements are wrong. The only way to test the true validity of the solution is to have real users use it and track their feedback and the data insights of their usage to the strategic goals and problems you are trying to solve. These testing methods only tell you if the solution is valid agasint the requirements, not the actual user problem. - First - Make sure the problem and metrics to measure if you have solved it are correct - Next - Deliver in small pieces measuring along the way if you are making progress. - Last - Continue to monitor the user's performance and how the solution supports it!
I agree with Angela that if the requirements are wrong these methods will not achieve the desired outcome. And even if the requirements are as good as you can get them and the users have all signed off it is almost inevitable that as solutions get designed that the users will identify changes they had not foreseen which need o be reflected. Designs can be tested with scenarios and test cases and 'What if?' sessions.
Sara Larkin
Senior Business Analyst
(bearbeitet)Choose testing methods that fit the solution. If the solution does not include development, then unit testing is not needed. However, if the solution includes software developed in-house, unit or other functional testing should be requested, because most development teams test their code with methods that fit their practices. Other functional testing such as SIT, regression, security also fit in the domain of technical teams that may have policies and guidelines that must be met. The only real test of a solution's validity is user or acceptance criteria testing, and for that you must have testable requirements and traceability between requirements and test cases.
Danach sind Sie bereit, die Aktivitäten zu planen, die Sie zur Durchführung der Tests durchführen werden. Definieren Sie den Umfang, den Zeitplan, die Ressourcen, die Rollen und die Verantwortlichkeiten der Testaktivitäten, und dokumentieren Sie diese in einem Testplan. Sie sollten auch die Testfälle, Szenarien, Daten und Tools identifizieren, die Sie zum Ausführen der Tests verwenden, und diese in einer Testspezifikation dokumentieren. Sie sollten auch die Testumgebung vorbereiten, z. B. die Hardware-, Software-, Netzwerk- und Sicherheitseinstellungen, und sicherstellen, dass sie kompatibel und für Tests bereit ist.
And you need to include what user training and procedures guides need to be prepared in getting ready for testing. As the test plan needs to be scheduled it will need to cater for availability of users. For example if the finance team are one of the stakeholders are they available around key financial reporting dates such as month ends? Taking this into account will adjust the elapsed time and possibly the end date of the project if not thought about up front
Your responsibilities will differ based on the project methodology. With waterfall projects, there is a lot of preparation and documentation of test plans, cases, scenarios, and a dedicated span of time in which to perform testing. Agile and iterative methods that provide multiple releases of a viable product will incorporate testing in their development, review and release processes. Each release will need some regression testing, either targeted or comprehensive. If the release is in use, coordinate with users to schedule testing and releases appropriately. Work closely with the project manager to make sure that the schedule includes some wiggle room for emergencies.
Führen Sie nun die Tests gemäß dem Plan und der Spezifikation durch. Befolgen Sie die Testverfahren, zeichnen Sie die Testergebnisse auf und melden Sie alle Probleme oder Mängel, die Sie finden. Sie sollten auch den Testprozess überwachen und steuern und den Fortschritt, den Status und die Qualität der Tests verfolgen. Sie sollten auch mit den Beteiligten, wie z. B. den Kunden, Benutzern, Entwicklern und Managern, kommunizieren und sie über die Testergebnisse und das Feedback auf dem Laufenden halten.
Sara Larkin
Senior Business Analyst
(bearbeitet)Is it sufficient for a tester to check the "Passed" box for a test case? How can you guarantee that they performed all the test steps? One way is to ask for validation of test results. Screenshots are useful for communicating test successes as well as failures. When possible, redundancy helps. Have two people independently test the same feature or follow the same steps.
Werten Sie als Nächstes die Testergebnisse aus und vergleichen Sie sie mit den Kriterien. Analysieren Sie die Testdaten, Metriken und Berichte, und ermitteln Sie, ob Ihre Lösung die Gültigkeits- und Zuverlässigkeitsstandards erfüllt. Außerdem sollten Sie die Lücken, Risiken und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten identifizieren und in einer Testauswertung dokumentieren. Sie sollten auch das Feedback der Beteiligten überprüfen und beurteilen, ob Ihre Lösung deren Anforderungen und Erwartungen erfüllt.
Evaluating the results can be very underestimated. Live the evaluation experience as an end user so you can really see it through their eyes. This will really open your eyes so you can see it from their perspective.
So, you've run your tests, and now you're staring at a bunch of numbers, charts, and maybe some feedback scribbled on a napkin from that stakeholder meeting. Look for gaps and risks in your solution. From the perspective of AI models, maybe you missed something because it was trained on data from a rainy day and didn't know how to handle the sunshine. And hey, always listen to the people who'll actually use your solution. If stakeholders are pointing something out, there's probably a reason. So, tweak, adjust, and serve up the best version of your solution.
Der letzte Schritt besteht darin, die Änderungen zu implementieren, die erforderlich sind, um Ihre Lösung basierend auf der Bewertung zu verbessern. Sie sollten die Änderungen nach ihrer Dringlichkeit, Auswirkung und Durchführbarkeit priorisieren und in einem Änderungsantrag dokumentieren. Sie sollten auch den Änderungsmanagementprozess befolgen und die Genehmigung, den Support und die Ressourcen für die Änderungen einholen. Sie sollten auch die Änderungen testen und sicherstellen, dass sie sich nicht auf die vorhandene Funktionalität und Qualität Ihrer Lösung auswirken.
After reviewing the feedback, it's time to refine your AI model. Begin with the most pressing issues—those that can significantly alter the model's performance. Perhaps your model has been consistently misinterpreting certain data patterns; these should be addressed promptly. Document every adjustment in a structured 'change request'. This isn't just a formality; it ensures transparency and traceability. Before implementing any changes, it's essential to secure approval from the relevant stakeholders. It's akin to quality assurance in traditional projects. Once you've incorporated the changes, retest the model. The goal is a more robust, accurate AI model that aligns with both the data and the stakeholders' expectations.
📊 Set clear objectives & success criteria for your solution testing 🔧 Conduct usability testing to evaluate user experience & ease of use ⌛️ Test the solution across different devices & platforms for compatibility 🚫 Perform rigorous error testing and bug fixing to ensure a smooth user experience 🧪 Test the solution in real-life scenarios to validate its practicality 📝 Create a documentation or user guide to assist users in understanding the solution 📲 Optimize the solution's performance for faster loading times and responsiveness 💻 Test the solution's scalability to handle increasing user demands 🔒 Implement security testing to safeguard user data & protect against vulnerabilities
Overall this feels as though it all very separate from the stakeholders and end users. There needs to be consideration of external parties if any of the solutions might impact any client or customer interaction but that doesn't seem to be specifically covered. The whole process needs to be done with the internal sponsors/stakeholders/users not done to.
Totally agree with Gill. The projects that I've been involved with that have had the biggest successes and highest adoption rates have been when the users themselves are involved in the entire process. Bring them in the the process mapping workshop, the ideas generation game, get them to view and co-create the page designs, have them testing and documenting too. Then engage them as system champions for their area. They become the trainers and the language the whole team uses goes from 'your system' to 'the system' to 'our system'. Involvement, collaboration, ownership, validity.
I would like to say that the requirements of the stakeholders have to align with user experience. This will enable a testing of the validity and reliability of the solution. I agree that a change management process is a key element in delivering solutions.
Once I saw this was AI generated (at the end of reading the article) a lot of the issues I saw made more sense. It's more a pastiche of things related to testing but without a consistent approach. A couple of examples: 1. Acceptance Criteria are mentioned but those are specific to user stories and agile/extreme programming but there's no real mention of user stories or agile elsewhere; 2. Regression Testing- doesn't test system or solution validity- it makes sure you do not mess up the existing system. This is not to say AI cannot be leveraged for these type of articles, just that it needs to be leveraged better than this.
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