Ihr leitendes Teammitglied wehrt sich gegen das Feedback von Kollegen. Wie können Sie sie effektiv coachen, damit sie empfänglicher sind?
Es kann schwierig sein, auf ein leitendes Teammitglied zu treffen, das sich dem Feedback von Kollegen widersetzt. Um sie zu Offenheit zu coachen:
- Betrachten Sie Feedback als Wachstumschance und betonen Sie die Vorteile unterschiedlicher Perspektiven.
- Fördern Sie eine Denkweise der Zusammenarbeit, indem Sie erfolgreiche Ergebnisse aus früherem Peer-Feedback hervorheben.
- Fördern Sie ein Umfeld, in dem konstruktive Kritik normalisiert und erwartet und nicht gefürchtet wird.
Wie sind Sie an das Coaching von jemandem herangegangen, der resistent gegen Feedback ist?
Ihr leitendes Teammitglied wehrt sich gegen das Feedback von Kollegen. Wie können Sie sie effektiv coachen, damit sie empfänglicher sind?
Es kann schwierig sein, auf ein leitendes Teammitglied zu treffen, das sich dem Feedback von Kollegen widersetzt. Um sie zu Offenheit zu coachen:
- Betrachten Sie Feedback als Wachstumschance und betonen Sie die Vorteile unterschiedlicher Perspektiven.
- Fördern Sie eine Denkweise der Zusammenarbeit, indem Sie erfolgreiche Ergebnisse aus früherem Peer-Feedback hervorheben.
- Fördern Sie ein Umfeld, in dem konstruktive Kritik normalisiert und erwartet und nicht gefürchtet wird.
Wie sind Sie an das Coaching von jemandem herangegangen, der resistent gegen Feedback ist?
Nobody has stated where you really need to start - by asking questions. Ask what is going on for them. How are they? What is happening in their world? There are usually good reasons why someone is the way they are. Until you understand them, there is no possible way forward that will be sustainable. Ask questions before you start telling them why they need to embrace feedback.
🔶🔷Dealing with a senior team member who resists peer feedback is like convincing a cat to take a bath—challenging, but not impossible! Start by positioning feedback as a mutual exchange of insights rather than critique. Share success stories where collaboration turned "meh" into "wow!" Also, set the tone by modeling openness yourself. Bonus tip: a touch of humor can break the ice, but tread lightly—it’s feedback, not a comedy roast. How do you nudge the unnudgable?
Feedback often feels like judgment, especially when imposter syndrome kicks in. To help a senior team member become more open to feedback, it's essential to foster a culture where feedback is seen as a valuable tool for growth—not a threat. Creating this culture starts at the top. Leaders who embrace feedback as a natural part of growth can inspire others to do the same. But what happens if it isn’t? That’s where a growth mindset comes in. Encouraging your team to view feedback as a gift—a way to understand how others see them without taking it personally—can make all the difference. It’s about seeing each piece of feedback as a new perspective, a new chance to learn. No emotions, no defensiveness—just the opportunity to grow.
Sheila Heen and Douglas Stone, in Thanks for the Feedback, identify three key reasons for resistance to feedback: truth triggers (perceiving feedback as untrue), relationship triggers (distrust of the feedback giver), and identity triggers (threats to self-perception). Addressing resistance starts with recognizing self-beliefs about feedback (e.g., "This will label me" or "I can’t handle negativity") and sharing feelings openly. Leaders can promote equality and psychological safety by fostering open communication and engaging external coaches or facilitators. These efforts create an environment of constructive feedback, encouraging trust, openness, and productive dialogue within teams.
I would focus on fostering self-awareness and the value of constructive criticism. I might say: "Let’s explore why the feedback from your peers feels challenging. Sometimes, resistance stems from feeling defensive or uncertain about how feedback aligns with your leadership style. For instance, if you’ve received suggestions on communication, we can discuss how incorporating these insights might strengthen team dynamics and build trust. I’ll also help you reframe feedback as a tool for growth, rather than criticism, to help you see its potential for enhancing your leadership." By embracing feedback as an opportunity to refine your approach, you’ll strengthen relationships and become an even more effective leader.
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