Ihre Design- und Engineering-Teams sind sich uneins. Wie können Sie die Lücke schließen, um Produktinnovationen voranzutreiben?
Wenn Design- und Engineering-Teams aufeinanderprallen, kann die Produktinnovation ins Stocken geraten. Um wieder auf Kurs zu kommen:
- Legen Sie gemeinsame Ziele fest. Richten Sie beide Teams auf gemeinsame Ziele aus, um ein Gefühl der Einheit zu fördern.
- Ermöglichen Sie eine offene Kommunikation. Fördern Sie einen regelmäßigen, strukturierten Dialog, um unterschiedliche Perspektiven zu verstehen.
- Durchführen von funktionsübergreifenden Workshops. Diese können Teams helfen, gemeinsam an Lösungen zu arbeiten und das Fachwissen des anderen zu schätzen.
Wie haben Sie erfolgreich die Gräben im Team überbrückt? Teilen Sie Ihre Erfahrungen.
Ihre Design- und Engineering-Teams sind sich uneins. Wie können Sie die Lücke schließen, um Produktinnovationen voranzutreiben?
Wenn Design- und Engineering-Teams aufeinanderprallen, kann die Produktinnovation ins Stocken geraten. Um wieder auf Kurs zu kommen:
- Legen Sie gemeinsame Ziele fest. Richten Sie beide Teams auf gemeinsame Ziele aus, um ein Gefühl der Einheit zu fördern.
- Ermöglichen Sie eine offene Kommunikation. Fördern Sie einen regelmäßigen, strukturierten Dialog, um unterschiedliche Perspektiven zu verstehen.
- Durchführen von funktionsübergreifenden Workshops. Diese können Teams helfen, gemeinsam an Lösungen zu arbeiten und das Fachwissen des anderen zu schätzen.
Wie haben Sie erfolgreich die Gräben im Team überbrückt? Teilen Sie Ihre Erfahrungen.
There shouldn't ever be a situation where the Industrial Designers and the Engineers are at odds. (I've experienced this in several situations across the years--please hear me out.) New Product Development is a team effort that combines both Engineering and Design from the get go. Design and Engineering need to work from the very beginning together to come up with the functional "Frankenstein" cut & paste model that has the basic ergonomics, proportions and hard points the Designers can then design around. At the same time the Engineers need to be rough in all the components. Both departments attend weekly reviews with ALL the key stakeholders. You PARTNER with the Engineers to reach an optimal design solution. Put your ego in a drawer.
We negotiated trade-offs based on value delivery. Delivering the highest value product(s) in the shortest time makes a significant impact. Engineering capability can limit design creativity, so accounting for technical challenges is key to achieving alignment through open dialogue and powerful questions. I've led with, "If it were not impossible, how might we . . . ?" This question opens the team up to discussing what is possible while acknowledging known limitations.
To bridge the gap between design and engineering, I prioritize communication and alignment. I conduct open discussions and workshops to ensure that both teams understand each other's aims and limitations. Clear communication of the product vision helps to align efforts, while making use of tools such as design systems and agile techniques ensures smoother handoffs. Regular cross-functional collaboration, active listening, and addressing issues help to develop trust and inspire innovative solutions that balance user experience and technological feasibility.
- Align on Shared Goals: Focus both teams on delivering customer value and achieving business objectives. - Encourage Open Dialogue (AGILE): Use structured meetings like SPM or design review to clarify perspectives, resolve conflicts and take decisions. - Cross-Functional Collaboration: Run design-engineering workshops/brainstormings or pair work sessions to foster mutual understanding and co-create optimum solutions. - Define Clear Handoffs: Establish well-documented processes for transitioning from design to development to minimize friction (MVP) - Celebrate Wins Together: Share successful collaboration and good customers' feedback to reinforce teamwork. Unified goals and open collaboration drive innovation and team cohesion and emulation
When design and engineering clash, it’s like a band where the drummer and guitarist argue—nobody enjoys the music. Bridge the gap by fostering a shared understanding of the product vision; everyone needs to see the same finish line. Hold collaborative workshops where both teams brainstorm together, ensuring ideas are grounded in both creativity and feasibility. Establish a common language—translate "pixel-perfect" into technical terms and vice versa. Celebrate joint successes to reinforce that innovation thrives on collaboration, not competition. And if all else fails, bribe them with pizza—because nothing unites like carbs and a deadline.
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