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Lindau - Bodolz, Bayern
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  • Become compute - the fifth commandment underlines why a society shy of innovation and overly regulated will fall behind. AI and computing power together with the behavioral and societal conditions outlined in the 7 commandments will be decisive for our future. We need to overcome „German Angst“ and paternalistic regulation by EU and its states.

    Profil von Prof. Tim Bruysten anzeigen, Grafik

    Future’s beauty liberates.

    Become compute. The Fifth of the Seven Immutable Commandments of Progress – The Essence of the Digital Age The fifth commandment of progress holds a unique place. Unlike the other six, which are timeless and can be generalized to any era, this commandment emerges only within a society defined by digital interconnectedness. To understand this properly, we must unveil part of the secret pattern behind the commandments of progress: The first commandment, Ignite Naivety, defines the ever-present challenge of progress. And it’s inherent conflict: progress needs to move on and restart at the same time. All the time. The second, Transcend Time and Space, represents the condition of success. Real progress must be seen beyond todays boundaries. The third, Immerse Playfully, embodies progress’s natural know-how—its comfort zone, if you will. It shows how you can thrive within the conflict. The fourth, Embrace Exponentiality, is the experience of being part of progress and it defines what real progress looks like. The sixth and seventh (coming soon) will define the impact and transcendence of progress—the immediate and overarching goals. The fifth commandment, however, stands apart. It reveals an ontological condition, the very being of future progress. It’s a deeply philosophical yet intensely practical, even technical, principle of progress. This is a concept that Europe, and Germany in particular, has not fully grasped. In many cases, we haven’t even acknowledged it. Yet the world has already aligned itself with this maxim. The stock prices of Nvidia, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Tesla, Amazon, etc. tell the story of those who take the fifth commandment seriously. The logic is simple and can be explained with a straightforward example: If we assume that e.g. artificial intelligence will increasingly shape the processes, productivity, and prosperity of our companies in the coming years, then the advantage will always go to those who can operate AI faster and better. In other words, those with more compute. The 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry highlights how extraordinarily practical this seemingly theoretical notion is: AlphaFold, an AI system, will make the biochemistry of our health, nutrition, and raw material production manageable. It will aid in defeating cancer. It will help feed a global population with agriculture that is both desirable and climate-resilient. Compute is the ticket to the future, and it consists of two components: FLOPS (floating-point operations per second) and cheap energy. Processing cycles per second—and the cost of fueling them. There is likely no industry that won’t be affected by this development within the next few years. Starting 2025. And there’s probably no company that couldn’t benefit from investing in this dynamic right now. For those who dare to embrace it, this fifth commandment offers a pathway into the future. #Accelerativity #Visionarity #Singularité #Preadaptivity #Urvertrauen

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    Plan the #handover strategically! (3) In the event of a sale, timing is often crucial to success! In just under 30% of handovers of #familybusinesses, these do not take place within the family (approx. 55%), nor does someone from the workforce take over, for example by means of an MBO (just under 20%). Instead, an external investor takes over (often also on a staggered basis with or without call/put agreements).   The #company valuation is very volatile and dependent on the current market situation, especially for SMEs with a turnover of only around EUR 2-25 million. Recognizing and exploiting the right time is therefore critical to success. The company must be fully prepared for the upcoming transaction at the right time in order to be able to complete it in a “hot phase” of usually less than 6 months. And of course: in the course of preparation and, if necessary, purchase negotiations, company transfers can also fail - sellers or potential buyers withdraw, the timing suddenly proves to be unfavorable due to external factors or the withdrawal of the previous owner fails for family and social reasons. This should be avoided as far as possible with the help of competent personal support from the sales side. Advisors such as our AAA Advisors help to prepare for a “hot phase” and, if necessary, also involve the financing, sales and purchase agreement experts from our network of carefully selected Business Alliance Partners. One AAA Advisors Business Alliance Partner for the support of such transactions is Sigma CF. The CEO of Sigma Corporate Finance GmbH Corporate Finance GmbH brought along a case study for our Stuttgart cooperation event with the Financial Experts Association e.V. (FEA) “Relay handover as part of the corporate strategy”, in which the example of a transaction that unfortunately failed can be used as a lesson to show how crucial the right timing can be. In this specific case, a prospective buyer had submitted an offer at the height of the coronavirus pandemic in Germany, which, in addition to a good price, would have meant the continuation of the successful company at the location. Shortly afterwards, however, the 70-year-old sole shareholder withdrew from the sale and did not sell. The process was abandoned. The #company value plummeted after corona, and the level achieved during the pandemic could not be maintained due to a lack of investment in production and marketing. Excerpts from this #CaseStudy by Sigma Corporate Finance GmbH here: Conclusion: in addition to optimal timing, the “binding” clarification of all factual and emotional sensitivities in the run-up to a “hot phase” is of the utmost importance. Take advantage of the experience of our AAA Advisors in conjunction with our network of excellent Business Alliance Partners. Want to know more? Follow us here on LinkedIn!

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    Exponential Growth of innovations drive disruptive change in many industries like Automotive, Healthcare etc. Are we prepared to it? Probably often we aren't. Anticipate, adopt and change product range, operations and organisation right in time to stay in the market! Happy to share our valued Business Alliance Partner Tim's 4th commandment!

    Profil von Prof. Tim Bruysten anzeigen, Grafik

    Future’s beauty liberates.

    Embrace Exponentiality – The Fourth of the Seven Immutable Commandments of Progress It seems like the commandment directing into the future. In reality, it reveals trajectories that have been unfolding for a long time. The fourth commandment therefore is a connector between the times. And it reveals a most dangerous trap… The trap? Exponential curves don’t start with the steep part; they begin with a seemingly flat line, a deceptive sideways movement. This makes it challenging for short-term-focused companies and managers to embrace them. To even recognize them. At the beginning of an exponential trajectory, we must commit to a path that yields less immediate reward than the „reliable“, linear process. In quarterly reports, a manager serious about progress would have to defend his/her bet on exponentiality to shareholders. Of course, some leaders and companies master this feat. Family-owned businesses may have an edge here, and some use this advantage well. Reality Check at the end of 2024? We are witnessing exponential developments right now. Artificial intelligence—and, specifically, its substance, neural networks—is a prime example. For over 70 years, its growth has followed the same trajectory, the same growth curve. But for decades, that curve appeared slow. Appeared is the key word here. The acceleration of this curve has been consistent for over 70 years; only public interest and investor attention have swung back and forth like a pendulum. And the acceleration of artificial neural networks isn’t merely exponential. It’s something more: an exponential curve on an exponential scale. In other words, hyper-exponential. We’re now approaching the truly steep part of this curve. Important side-note: AI isn’t the only technology surfing exponential curves, others follow—some might already be beyond the point of no return, but hidden in their specific bubble. Are our organizations prepared? Have we created a culture where real-time adaptation is possible across all relevant areas? Adaptations that will have a rhythm and dynamism surpassing that of any previous technology? To embrace exponentiality means precisely this: to engage, to dance with it. Only some few organizations might manage this dance; those that do will define the market of the future. And the future begins now. #accelerativity #visionarity #preadaptivity #singularité #urvertrauen

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    Lassen Sie sich mit einem Gedankengang auf die Sprünge helfen?! #Gedankengang - physisch in der Natur als langer Spaziergang oder Wanderung - fängt die geistigen Gedankengänge zur Problemlösung und Selbstreflexion ein. Nicht das Mitschwimmen im Mainstream führt zu nachhaltigen Erfolgen, sondern das kritische Hinterfragen verschiedener Szenarien. Die Hypes kommen und gehen, aber der Erfolg bleibt aus! Im Unternehmensalltag betrifft diese notwendige Reflexion nicht nur die Aufbau- und vor allem die Ablauf-Organisation, sondern in erfolgskritischem Maße die Arbeit der Führungskräfte: leben sie #Leadership? Um die Arbeit der Leiter auf den verschiedenen Ebenen zu bewerten, sollten sich diese zum einen regelmäßig dem Feedback ihrer Mitarbeitenden und #PeerGroup-Kollegen und Vorgesetzten stellen, zum anderen aber ihr Führungsverhalten sehr strukturiert selbst reflektieren.  Unser AAA Advisor Klaus Hofmann ist mit seiner Beratung IUDICO ( darauf fokussiert, Führungskräfte in dieser Selbstreflexion zu unterstützen und dem Prozess zum einen Raum, zum anderen systematische Struktur zu geben. Aber woran misst Klaus Hofmann eine erfolgreiche #Führungskraft? - natürlich - den Wert des Unternehmens nachhaltig zu steigern (ergebnisorientiert) und - nicht immer selbstverständlich! - das Potential der Mitarbeiter zu erkennen, sie zu fordern und zu fördern (mitarbeiterorientiert). Dazu setzt er das physisch-unterlegte Mittel der "Gedankengänge" ein. Unterwegs in der Natur, bei einem ausgedehnten Spaziergang oder einer Wanderung unterstützt er Sie aufgrund seiner Erfahrung mit Fragen, damit seine Klienten sich selbst reflektieren, Verhaltensweisen und Prozesse hinterfragen, neue Wege entdecken und Lösungen finden. Sehr intensive Gespräche unterwegs also, strukturiert, aber nicht in einem Korsett gefangen. Nachbereitung daheim und Festhalten der so gewonnenen "geistigen Gedankengänge" schließt seinen Einsatz ab. Denn: Wie sich frischer Wind anfühlt, lernt man besten draußen. Nachfolgende Umsetzung? Managementsache, aber Klaus Hofmann und die AAA Advisor stehen auf Wunsch zur Seite.   Zur Person: in seinen 20 Jahren als CEO, CTO und COO in zwei internationalen Firmen hat Klaus Hofmann weltweite Verantwortung gehabt und Teams in Europa, Amerika und Asien erfolgreich geführt. Trotz der unterschiedlichen Kulturen waren das mit den der Situation angemessenen Zahlen Messbare seine Basis zum Bewerten einer Person, eines Produktes oder der Operations. Bildquelle: privat

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    Immerse playfully, use e.g. gamification! Be creative in finding rules that open a playing field instead of limiting ideas! Happy to share this contribution from our valued AAA Advisors Business Alliance Partner Tim Bruysten with richtwert GmbH and ready to take some inspiration for daily work from it.

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    Future’s beauty liberates.

    Immerse Playfully – The Third of the Seven Immutable Commandments of Progress After the first commandment, which calls to ingite childlike naivety, and the second, which asks us to transcend time and space, the third commandment invites us to immerse playfully. This is the commandment of allure, of focusing on values, on worth, on uniqueness. In playfulness, we find the highest art of inviting change. It becomes a festival of ideas, one that only emerges when and after we’ve embraced the first two commandments. Playfully does not mean without rules as the substance of play is rules. But rules players want to apply to. To proceed playfully is to introduce rules in their most potent form—rules that open a playing field instead of limiting ideas. This is precisely why we work with gamification, serious games, and learning games: because it’s the simplest, most effective, and most beautiful way to develop an organization, to inspire people, and to spark change. To immerse also means to get to the heart of something (new), to explore its depths. Yet this often feels hard because we do it with tension instead of playfulness. We dive in but cling to control. Honest work must be painful, right? Anything else would be cheating, wouldn’t it? Oh, quite the contrary. In Europe—and especially in Germany—our work ethic often stands in the way of progress. It blocks us from evolving. And yet, this rigidity is not embedded in our cultural DNA—though the rumors say otherwise… Maybe we forgot that for over a thousand years, Europe was the world’s epicenter of curiosity. If we rediscover this strength, if we reclaim this lightness, we can, as companies, as economies, and as a European community, become part of a thriving future. #visionarity #accelerativity #singularité #preadaptivity #urvertrauen

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    Gerne teilen wir AAA Advisors als Mitglied der FEA diesen Post, der auch unsere Überzeugungen und Werte widerspiegelt!

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    🌍 Heute feiern wir den Internationalen Tag der Toleranz! 🤝In unserer vielfältigen Welt ist Toleranz wichtiger denn je. Sie ist der Schlüssel zu einem respektvollen Miteinander und einer inklusiven Gesellschaft. Vielfältige Sichtweisen und ein offener Dialog sind auch für die Aufsichtsratsarbeit essentiell. Dies gilt für den Umgang im Aufsichtsratsgremium ebenso wie bei der Befassung mit den aktuellen Themen dieser Zeit, u.a.: Nachhaltigkeit, Digitalisierung & KI sowie gesellschaftliche Verantwortung. Toleranz ist auch für die FEA ein wichtiger Schlüssel für unser Miteinander. • Wir sind offen für neue Perspektiven! • Wir hinterfragen Vorurteile! • Wir respektieren und wertschätzen Unterschiede! Toleranz beginnt im Kleinen! Fördern Sie mit uns gemeinsam eine Kultur der Akzeptanz und des gegenseitigen Verständnisses! 💪 #vorstand Daniela Mattheus Jens Poll Ulrich Beck Karin Sonnenmoser Oliver Seidl Magnus Höfer Dr. Sandra Reich

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    Staffelübergabe strategisch planen! (3) Im Verkaufsfall ist das Timing oft erfolgsentscheidend! In knapp 30% der Übergaben von #Familienbetrieben finden diese weder innerhalb der Familie statt (ca. 55%), noch übernimmt jemand aus der Belegschaft etwa mittels MBO (knapp 20%). Stattdessen übernimmt ein externer Investor (oft ebenfalls gestaffelt mit oder ohne call/put-Vereinbarungen).   Die #Unternehmensbewertung ist dabei gerade bei den KMU mit nur ca. 2-25 Mio. EUR Umsatz durchaus sehr volatil von der aktuellen Marktlage abhängig. Deshalb kommt dem Erkennen und Ausnutzen des richtigen Zeitpunkts erfolgskritische Bedeutung zu. Dafür muss die Firma zum richtigen Zeitpunkt vollständig auf die bevorstehende Transaktion vorbereitet sein, um diese in einer "heißen Phase" von meist weniger als 6 Monaten abschließen zu können. Und klar: im Verlauf von Vorbereitung und ggf. Kaufverhandlungen können Firmenübergaben auch scheitern - Verkäufer oder potentieller Käufer ziehen sich zurück, der Zeitpunkt erweist sich durch externe Faktoren plötzlich als ungünstig oder der Rückzug des Alteigentümers scheitert aus familiär-sozialen Gründen. Das gilt es mit Hilfe kompetenter persönlicher Begleitung der Verkaufsseite möglichst zu vermeiden. Bei der Vorbereitung einer "heißen Phase" helfen Berater wie unsere AAA-Advisors, und dies bei Bedarf auch unter Hinzunahme der Finanzierungs-, Verkaufs- und Kaufvertragsexperten aus unserem Netzwerk sorgfältig ausgewählter Business Alliance Partner. Ein AAA Advisors Business Alliance Partner für die Begleitung solcher Transaktionen ist die Sigma CF. Der CEO von Sigma Corporate Finance GmbH hat für unsere Stuttgarter Kooperationsveranstaltung mit der Financial Experts Association e.V. (FEA) "Staffelübergabe als Teil der Unternehmensstrategie" ein Fallbeispiel mitgebracht, in dem am Beispiel einer leider gescheiterten Transaktion als Learning mitgenommen werden kann, wie entscheidend das richtige Timing sein kann. Im konkreten Fall hatte ein Kaufinteressent zum Höhepunkt der Corona Pandemie in Deutschland ein Angebot abgegeben, welches neben einem guten Preis die Weiterführung des erfolgreichen Unternehmens am Standort bedeutet hätte. Kurz danach zog sich jedoch der über 70jährige Alleingesellschafter vom Verkauf zurück und veräußerte nicht. Der Prozeß wurde abgebrochen. Der #Unternehmenswert stürzte nach Corona ab, das während der Pandemie erreichte Niveau konnte mit ausbleibenden Investitionen in Produktion und Marketing nicht gehalten werden. Auszüge aus dieser #CaseStudy von Sigma CF hier: Fazit: neben dem optimalen Timing kommt der "verbindlichen" Klärung sämtlicher sachlicher und emotionaler Befindlichkeiten im Vorfeld einer "heißen Phase" größte Bedeutung zu. Nutzen Sie dazu die Erfahrung unserer AAA Advisors in Verbindung mit unserem Netzwerk exzellenter Business Alliance Partner. Mehr dazu? Folgen Sie uns hier auf LinkedIn!

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    Welcome, Peter Roos! We are delighted that Peter Roos is now enriching our network with his expertise. His experience stems from three decades in top management, in roles as a board member and managing director in large corporates, agencies and #SME's. His international and intercultural background and corresponding successes in operational and strategic corporate development have given him a wealth of experience, which he is happy to pass on as part of his consulting mandates. Peter has long been involved as a pioneer and trailblazer in various company phases, including #ChangeManagement in the course of #SuccessionPlanning and generational transitions. He also works as an executive coach and has been involved in current research on the topics of management, #leadership and #personality development for several years. Peter Roos is therefore considered a top insider in his field and a recognised leadership expert. Welcome, Peter - we look forward to your input! You can find an overview of our currently more than 30 Senior Advisors and their main areas of work and business as well as all the latest news on our website And please: feel free to follow us here on LinkedIn!

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    Tim's second commandment of progress calls us to really zoom out of our local bubble, beyond the here and now. Daily life blinds us to the trajectories that shape our immediate environment! We at AAA Advisors Network are delighted to have Tim and his company richtwert GmbH as a Business Alliance Partner to work together for the benefit of our clients.

    Profil von Prof. Tim Bruysten anzeigen, Grafik

    Future’s beauty liberates.

    Transcend Time and Space – The Second of the Seven Immutable Commandments of Progress The second commandment of progress calls us to truly zoom out—out of our local bubble, beyond the here and now. Daily life blinds us to the trajectories shaping our immediate surroundings and, ultimately, our future. It dulls our senses to the nuances that will make the defining differences. Without this awareness of nuance, we’re left with little more than low-hanging fruit and quick wins as tools to shape our future. Pathetic tools for genuine progress. Incremental improvements may work in stable markets. But once a single disruptive player enters the arena, there’s no point in stepping into the ring with kid gloves. It’s like the old saying: bringing a Bowie knife to a gunfight. Today’s gunfights takes place in the realm of artificial intelligence, in the stadium of nanotechnology, in the arena of synthetic biology, and in the race for energy abundance. Anyone who sighs in relief, thinking their industry or company is unaffected by this list, has missed the essence of the second commandment. They haven’t zoomed out; they haven’t grasped the trajectories. There isn’t a single industry, supply chain, job, or role that won’t be reshaped by these forces within the next decade. Those who haven’t started preparing yet are headed for trouble—at the very least, costly trouble. It’s reminiscent of how, twenty+ years ago, the German automotive industry failed to see—or perhaps refused to see—that its future would be determined by software, batteries, and the radical reinvention of their processes and traditions. And the greater the disruption becomes, the harder it is to stay true to one’s values and identity. However, when technological transformation also brings a break with tradition, values, and identity, so much changes at once that the very foundation of loyalty from employees, customers, and investors loses its footing. Best of luck with that, then… The essential condition for any progress begins with our ability to zoom out: to repeatedly see the big picture and engage with it. This is more than just a thought experiment; it’s concrete guidance for daily life, for the culture of our organizations, the strategic framework, and for the openness of our interactions with one another. #Visionarity #Accelerativity #Singularité #Urvertrauen #Preadaptivity

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    Handing over the baton as part of the corporate strategy Organising company succession is a unique challenge in the life of an entrepreneur. For him, it means finding a viable solution that transfers his life's work, with all the ties and connections attached to it, into a new future. Securing company succession is therefore one of the most important strategic tasks of responsible company management. The particular challenges lie in comprehensive succession planning and, in particular, in finding a suitable successor. The implementation of the ‘right’ succession solution requires sufficient lead time. The earlier an entrepreneur deals with succession planning, the more room for manoeuvre he has for planning and implementation. Gunter Fauth, Managing Director of Valegra GmbH, has practical tips for handing over your company in stages. In order to prepare a family-internal or external handover process or, if applicable, an M&A process in a long-term and professional manner, you should consider the following points, among others: - A succession process usually takes 3-5 years. - Establish a management and organisational structure at an early stage. - Strengthen the financial and earning power of your company in good time. - Look for one or more suitable successor candidates yourself (in the family, in management, etc.), because the ‘chemistry’ must be right for the succession. - A fair price is the basis for a successful sale. - Gradual transfer of the company shares makes it easier for the successor to manage the financing. - It is important to withdraw from the operational role after the handover (advisory role or formation of an advisory board). In the many cases in which a handover within the family is not possible or sensible and a succession by sale is envisaged, supportive external advice is also helpful for smaller family businesses and SMEs. There are many additional points to consider, which you will find outlined in the typical phases of the process and a roadmap in the PDF file available for download on our website (sorry, available here in German only). Please feel free to contact the author and/or the AAA Advisor you know personally to discuss your requirements!

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