Innovation | by | Algoliner Advancing #Photobioreactor Technology: The First-Ever #Plexiglas #Aseptic #Flanges Our #transparent Plexiglas aseptic flanges are the first of their kind globally, introducing a chemically welded connection that is both structurally robust and resistant to environmental stress. ✅ Seamless, high-integrity bonds – ensuring exceptional durability and long-term performance. ✅ #Efficient mechanical cleaning with pigs – eliminating the need for chemical cleaning agents. ✅ 100% recyclable materials – supporting a truly #circular #economy. ♻️ This innovation enables the development of high-quality, sustainable, and economically viable Photobioreactors, establishing a solid business case and unlocking the full potential of #microalgae as a resource. 🌱 Stay engaged as we continue to push the boundaries of sustainable technology. 🚀 #InnovationByAlgoliner #SustainableTech #Biotechnology #NextGenReactors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔬 Driving Innovation | by | Algoliner ⚙️ At Algoliner, innovation is not just an ambition—it is the foundation of our technological advancements. From pioneering photobioreactor technology to engineering complementary components for sustainable microalgae cultivation 🌿, we are setting new benchmarks in our industry. With Innovation | by | Algoliner, we offer a closer look into our research, development, and production—showcasing the expertise and precision that drive our solutions. Stay connected as we present the technology behind next-generation bioreactors—designed to address today’s challenges and contribute to a more sustainable future ♻️. #InnovationByAlgoliner #TechForTomorrow #SustainableSolutions
Messel, Hessen 1.042 Follower:innen
Algoliner has developed a unique method for the production of closed system photobioreactors used to grow algae biomass
Algoliner was established as Startup to forever revolutionize the production method of closed system Photobioreactors. Our patented method of hanging acrylic-glass pipes and on site production of those pipes are groundbreaking new technologies for the realization of tubular PBRs. Compared to conventional PBRs, Algoliner provides an innovative, environmentally friendly, sustainable, and substantially cheaper solution to grow microalgae. It allows a high range of modularity and flexibility in terms of integrating sensors, inlets and illumination to achieve the best conditions for cultivating a wide range of microalgae.
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- Messel, Hessen
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Lindenweg 14
Messel, Hessen 64409, DE
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#MicroalgaeMonday 1 Tiny #Organisms, Huge #Impact – Microalgae produce around 50% of the #oxygen we breathe, making them the unsung #heroes of our #atmosphere. #Microalgae & #Sustainability ----------------------------------------------- 🌱 Introducing #MicroalgaeMonday! 🌍 Microalgae – tiny organisms with huge potential. From producing oxygen and capturing #CO₂ to revolutionizing #food, #feed, #cosmetics, and #medicine, these microscopic powerhouses could help solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. Every Monday, #MicroalgaeMonday will bring you fascinating facts about one of nature’s most powerful creations. Stay tuned to discover how microalgae are shaping a sustainable future—one post at a time! 💡✨
Our CEO and founder Hans Väth just received the #DNP17 price in the category of agricultural machinery. Today, we couldn't be more proud of the team and him! Here is the live stream of this great event.
Incredibly proud and grateful to be part of this great project! 🌿 Many thanks to all involved at and around Industrielle Bioökonomie and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action 🙏
🌿 Förderprojekt: ALGOSCALE – Dezentrale Kultivierung von Mikroalgen unter Verwendung von CO2 aus Abgasen einer Biogasanlage ☘ Mit der Förderprogramm #IndustrielleBioökonomie unterstützt das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz zukunftsweisende Projekte, die sich in diesem Kanal regelmäßig vorstellen. 🎯 Das Ziel des Förderprojekts: Nutzung der Abgase von Biogasanlagen zur Erzeugung von hochwertiger Biomasse aus Mikroalgen. 🔎 Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier: 💡 Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam die Zukunft gestalten und nachhaltige Innovationen vorantreiben! #Nachhaltigkeit #Innovation #Forschung VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH
WINNER!! Algoliner has officially been named winner of this year's German Sustainability Award! 224 jurors were most convinced by Algoliner in the category of '#sustainable #agricultural #machinery. We want to thank the Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis jury and organizers for their recognition. Further, a BIG THANK YOU to all those who have supported us over the years. Our journey has just begun!
Algoliner finalist again! 🌱 For the second time (after 2022) Algoliner was chosen as one of 3 finalists for the "Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis" (#German #Sustainability #Award). In this years 17th edition of the award, Algoliner competes in the category #agricultural #machinery. It is a great honor having been chosen out of a large pool of #pioneering #companies that truly seek to have a positive #environmental #impact! We are looking forward to the #award #ceremony at the 28. und 29. November in Düsseldorf. 🤞
Auch wir von Algoliner sind der Meinung: "Ja, da geht was!" Zweifelsfrei ist die gesamtwirtschaftliche Situation in Deutschland herausfordernd. Umso wichtiger ist es #jetzt auf #Zukunftstechnologien wie #Mikroalgen zu setzen. Schön, dass das #WISO Team des ZDF dies auch so sieht. Ab Minute 35 werden Mikroalgen (und Algoliner) gezeigt. 🌱 💡
„Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei – Was die Wirtschaft jetzt braucht“: Das war der Titel der ZDF Sendung „WISO“ am 12. August, bei der auch Festo beteiligt war. 🤩 Das Drehteam hatte Mittelständler aus ganz Deutschland besucht und sie zu ihrem Umgang mit der schwierigen wirtschaftlichen Situation befragt. Das Ergebnis: „Das Herz der deutschen Wirtschaft schlägt im Mittelstand: Geht da was? Ja, da geht was!“. Bei allen Mittelständlern standen Innovationen im Mittelpunkt – auch bei Festo 💙 Hier können Sie den WISO-Beitrag in voller Länge in der Mediathek anschauen, Festo ist ab Minute 34:57 sowie im Vor- und Abspann zu sehen 👇️
Algoliner was nominated for the #German #Sustainability #Award 2024! After having been selected as one of the finalists at last years German Sustainability Award, Algoliner was yet again selected as a nominee for this years awards. We want to thank Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis for recognizing our dedication to #sustainable #design and #production of our reactors. Yet again, it is a great honor to be mentioned alongside other trailblazing companies striving for a more sustainable and just future.
#Microalgae are indeed #climate savers today already! They will play an even bigger part in a more #sustainable #future. Working with an innovative powerhouse like Festo has always been a great pleasure.
Algae are small climate savers. Everything that we currently produce from crude oil with massive CO2 emissions can also be obtained sustainably from algae. That is why we are working on ideas and the right components for their automated cultivation. 💡 More on 👉️ #Festo #PhotoBionicCell #BionicCellFactory #BioTechAutomation
It was a great pleasure to be visited by a group of #life #science #students from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW and their professor Dr. Wolfgang Riedl at #Achema24. Knowing that these #young #people, who will solve the #problems of today and tomorrow, are #learning and #researching with Algoliner #reactors fills us with great satisfaction! We are looking forward to the next meeting!