

Außenhandel und internationale Entwicklung

Twistringen, Niedersachsen 565 Follower:innen

the flexible polymer net bag


Since the founding in 1997 of Internationale Geotextil GmbH (IGG) we have grown from a commercial enterprise for coir and jute fabrics primarily active in Central Europe to the market leader in the area of natural fiber geotextiles. As a reliable partner in all matters of ecologically sustainable erosion control, we offer our international customers qualified advice and support in all project phases: from the initial concept, through detailed planning right up to realization. We are not limited to the manufacturing of erosion control and green roof systems made of natural fibers, but we also take a leading role in researching and developing of new and sustainable system solutions for erosion control. Part of our comprehensive product portfolio is the AquaRockBag®. AquaRockBag® is a high performance mesh which is to be filled with stones and used as permanent, flexible and ecologically sensitive protection against scouring and water erosion.

Außenhandel und internationale Entwicklung
51–200 Beschäftigte
Twistringen, Niedersachsen
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
AquaRockBag, River bank revetments, Protection of bank structures, Bioengineering solutions, Artificial reefs, Scour protection around bridges, Scour protection around other structures, Shoreline protection und Tempoary work solutions



  • AquaRockBag® hat dies direkt geteilt

    Lassen Sie uns über Lösungen sprechen 💡!    Klimaextreme und Hochwassergefahr stellen Herausforderungen dar, die uns alle betreffen 🌊. Für Ingenieure und Planende bedeutet das: es braucht nachhaltige und innovative Lösungen im Ufer- und Küstenschutz, die auch kurzfristig im Fall der Fälle wirken.    Eine solche Lösung ist der AquaRockBag®. Noch nie gehört? Das möchten wir ändern.    Markieren Sie sich den 11. März 2025 rot im Kalender 📅 und nehmen Sie an unserem kostenfreien Webinar teil, bei dem Sie mehr über diese innovative Methode zum Schutz vor Erosion, Kolkbildung und Deichbrüchen erfahren.     Unsere Experten Thomas Roess, Geschäftsführer der Roess Group und Erfinder des AquaRockBag®, und Thomas Walkemeyer, ausgewiesener Experte für Digitalisierung und nachhaltige Innovationen in der Geotechnik, beleuchten dabei die technischen Details und Einsatzmöglichkeiten des AquaRockBag® 🚧 .    Gerade die praktischen Lösungsbeispiele machen dieses Webinar besonders wertvoll.     Wir empfehlen: Gleich anmelden ⬇️ und auf spannende Zukunftsperspektiven im Hochwasserschutz freuen!

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  • Welcome to Eberswalde (Germany) at the Heegermüller Lock on the Finow Canal – the oldest still navigable artificial waterway in Germany, a site currently undergoing major reconstruction to enhance its functionality and resilience. As part of this ambitious project, the lower outer harbor had to be backfilled to address space limitations. To ensure the structural stability of the embankment and mitigate erosion risks, the innovative AquaRockBag® system has been employed by Eurovia. This solution provides a sustainable and effective method for securing the backfill while maintaining environmental integrity. Join us as we take a closer look at this critical infrastructure upgrade and the advanced techniques used to protect it for the future. WSV - Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes EUROVIA Deutschland #infrastructure #engineering #civilengineering #sustainable #watermanagement #construction

  • Reinforcing the Pont de Fer at Ars-sur-Moselle: an additional solution to prevent scouring 🌉🚂 As part of the work to protect the Pont de Fer in the Département de la Moselle (France), the Groupe SNCF has implemented innovative measures to prevent scouring of bridge piers, an erosion phenomenon that weakens railway infrastructure and compromises its durability. To meet this challenge, SAS ROMOEUF has deployed a complementary solution combining two high-performance technologies:  ✔️ AquaRockBag®, The stone-filled nets: a flexible, robust solution that adapts perfectly to ground irregularities and complex hydrodynamic flows. Their structure effectively dissipates vortex energy around the piles and speeds up deployment, outperforming heavier techniques such as large gabions or riprap.  ✔️ Maccaferri's rigid gabions: a robust structure that, combined with AquaRockBag®, enhances adaptability and stability, ensuring lasting protection and meeting the expectations of many customers looking for reliable, long-lasting solutions. 🎯 The benefits of this complementary approach:  #Flexibility and #adaptability: AquaRockBag® naturally integrates with variations in the terrain and harmonises with aquatic dynamics.  #Stability and #reinforcement: The Maccaferri's rigid gabions consolidate the overall structure for optimum protection. #Environmental #sustainability: This combination minimises the impact on the ecosystem while optimising infrastructure safety. This solution is part of a more environmentally-friendly approach, while maintaining superior technical performance. 🎥 In this video, discover a day's deployment of the Aquarockbag and its effectiveness in the field. This complementary solution highlights technical expertise and innovation, effectively protecting the Pont de Fer (Iron Bridge) against scouring and erosion. A big thank you to SAS ROMOEUF for warmly welcoming the video producer Guillaume Fidon over two days. Your collaboration and support were key to showcasing the innovative solution. Internationale Geotextil GmbH (IGG) Roess Group SNCF Réseau Gares & Connexions DB Schenker DB Cargo DB Engineering & Consulting #Bridge #SNCF #Aquarockbag #Maccaferri #ErosionControl #Infrastructure #Railway #Innovation #Durability #Engineering

  • AquaRockBag® hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Thomas Roess anzeigen, Grafik

    Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter Roess Group

    Vielen Dank nochmals, dass wir unseren AquaRockBag® vorstellen durften. Wir haben sehr viele gute Gespräche geführt und haben uns über das Interesse sehr gefreut.

    Unternehmensseite von Berthold Becker Büro für Ingenieur- u. Tiefbau GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    1.025 Follower:innen

    💦 Rückblick auf den Aktionstag Starkregen & Hochwasser 💦 Am 27. September 2024 fand in Kooperation mit der Stadt Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler der "Aktionstag Starkregen & Hochwasser" statt. Ziel der Veranstaltung war es, die Öffentlichkeit aufzuklären und zu sensibilisieren, um den Auswirkungen von Starkregenereignissen besser entgegenwirken zu können. Neben öffentlichen Maßnahmen sind auch private Vorkehrungen entscheidend, um sich zu schützen. Experten aus Wissenschaft, Handwerk, Verwaltung sowie Einsatzkräfte von Feuerwehr, THW und dem städtischen Betriebshof informierten interessierte Bürger und Bürgerinnen in spannenden Vorträgen und einer begleitenden Ausstellung über Schutzmöglichkeiten für Haus und Grundstück. Gerade in Zeiten des Klimawandels sind solche Maßnahmen wichtiger denn je. 🌍 Wir freuen uns darauf, den Aktionstag regelmäßig zu wiederholen, um das Bewusstsein für Hochwasserschutz weiter zu stärken! #Hochwasserschutz #Starkregen #BadNeuenahrAhrweiler #Eigenvorsorge #Klimawandel Video: 📹 Dominik Ketz

  • AquaRockBag® hat dies direkt geteilt

    Bridge scour is a critical issue that can compromise the integrity of bridge foundation, as fast-flowing water erodes the soil around the bridge supports, leading to instability and potential failure. AquaRockBag plays a vital role in mitigating this issue with its robust and flexible design, allowing for easy installation in various configurations. It also offers minimal environmental impact, promoting vegetation growth, restoring eroded areas, and supporting local biodiversity. By maintaining the integrity of bridge foundations over time, AquaRockBag effectively addresses the challenges posed by bridge scour. Visit our website for more information on how AquaRockBag can be used to help mitigate scouring and other applications. 🔗 #bridgescour #bridgesupport #rockbags #aquarockbag #erosioncontrol #civilengineering #geofabrics AquaRockBag® Internationale Geotextil GmbH (IGG)

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  • Unternehmensseite von AquaRockBag® anzeigen, Grafik

    565 Follower:innen

    Today is an important day because it is Disaster Prevention Day! All over the world we see environmental disasters such as floods, droughts, earthquakes and tsunamis.  It's an issue that affects us all!  Whether in Europe, the US or Africa, an environmental disaster does not respect geographical boundaries.  Last year, we saw floods and inundations in Germany, while storms in the US are currently a major problem that we have not yet found a way to combat. On this very special day, we want to raise awareness of disaster preparedness in relation to our AquaRockBag®!  There is a special guide to disaster preparedness: Speed and efficiency. Two aspects that the AquaRockBag® embodies like no other product on the market.  The high strength net (1T-14T) filled with rocks is an important factor in the stabilisation of embankments, dykes and coastlines due to its flexibility. The AquaRockBag® can also be used to protect infrastructure such as bridges and roads.  The ability to fill the AquaRockBag® quickly and then relocate it makes it easier to respond flexibly to disaster situations. We can also store pre-filled AquaRockBags for use in the event of a disaster. Because prevention is better than cure: AquaRockBag® #AquaRockBag #DisasterPreventionDay #Prevention #Nature #13thOctober #floods #storms

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    Profil von Luiz Antonio Naresi Júnior - PROGEO anzeigen, Grafik

    Eng. Civil Geotécnico, Ferroviário, Seg. Trab. Ambiental e Sanitarista - Comercial / (QSMS) Progeo e Coord. de Geotecnia no RTG Especialização

    A tecnologia Aquarockbag vem se consolidando como uma solução inovadora e eficiente para obras de proteção costeira e controle de erosão. Seu diferencial está na flexibilidade e na adaptabilidade, pois consiste em sacos geotêxteis preenchidos com material granular, formando estruturas que se moldam ao ambiente, proporcionando uma proteção mais eficiente e ambientalmente integrada. Utilizado em projetos que envolvem proteção de taludes submersos, controle de erosão em margens de rios, canais e reforço de estruturas, o Aquarockbag oferece alta resistência e permeabilidade. Com essa combinação, é possível assegurar a estabilidade do terreno, mantendo a capacidade de drenagem e reduzindo a pressão hidrostática. Além de ser uma tecnologia robusta, o Aquarockbag se destaca pela simplicidade na instalação e pelo baixo impacto ambiental. Isso o torna uma excelente escolha para áreas sensíveis, onde a preservação do ecossistema é prioridade. Parabéns a todos os profissionais e parceiros envolvidos em desenvolver soluções que aliem engenharia, inovação e sustentabilidade! 🌱 #EngenhariaGeotécnica #Inovação #Sustentabilidade #Geotecnia #ProteçãoCosteira

  • AquaRockBag® hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Justin Webb anzeigen, Grafik

    Business Development at Geostar Technologies LLC

    With Helene wreaking havoc on the Southeast, acting swiftly to protect our infrastructure is crucial. AquaRockBags offer an excellent solution to reinforce and stabilize roadways, bridges, dams, and other vital structures. The Auburn Ravine project showcases how ARBs were utilized as a temporary measure to prevent a roadway from washing out while the permanent fix was being designed. Geostar Technologies LLC #AquaRockBags #Helene #EmergencyManagement

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