Carbon Dioxide Removal: Policies and Ethics (CDR-PoEt)

Carbon Dioxide Removal: Policies and Ethics (CDR-PoEt)


Researching and co-creating fair and effective policy designs for carbon dioxide removal.


CDR-PoEt seeks to structure and inform deliberation of CDR in the (sub)national and international policy space. To that end, the project produces: I) a set of guiding principles applicable to CDR policy, II) a set of assessment criteria for CDR policy and its distributive effects, III) a set of possible CDR policy instruments on multiple levels, co-created with stakeholders, IV) a set of fair-share approaches for assessing international CDR responsibility, V) a transparent assessment of selected CDR-policy options and fair-share approaches. The project enhances the interdisciplinary collaboration between the academic disciplines Political Sciences, Economics, Environmental Sciences, Forestry Management, Engineering, Law and Ethics. The project seeks to conduct transdisciplinary research that draws in practical expertise on specific CDR technologies (Agroforestry-A/R, BECCS, and DACCS), on international, national and sub-national climate change mitigation policy instrument design and governance as well as on stakeholder dialogue processes. The project conducts stakeholder engagements with relevant societal stakeholders – not as an add-on serving merely to disseminate research findings, but as a cornerstone of the work-flow through which assessment principles, policy options, and their evaluation are co-created. The project seeks to build bridges from generic work on CDR to technology-specific work: By combining cross-cutting work on the generic field of CDR with technology-specific work, we bridge previous gaps between global (modelling) work and dispersed activities on multiple levels.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Freiburg i.B.



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