Reflections from Co-Creation Festival
„Transforming Tomorrow Together“ starts from the individual acting in their context.
Second day in full force, I want to say special thanks to Sophie Marquitan, Lisa Jikeli and Steffen Sommerlad for their workshop on „Feeling the climate crisis“ - and need to credit a very worthwhile conversation with Barbara Vid.
Here are some of my notes on how you can approach co-creative transformation - in a somewhat useful order.
1. Accept and develop your personal agency - your capability to consciously influence your environment to be „just a bit better today“. Aim to contribute to your environment to make it more conducive to openness, exchange, learnig and create a welcoming culture of intentional productivity.
2. Develop ambitious, compelling visions that you and other people can get behind. Here, Human Centered Design is not enough, the compelling visions of our time happen on a higher level and longer timeline. „Humanity Centered Design“ seems more appropiate (sparked by the question „should we consider Steve Jobs a Human Centered Designer?“)
3. Get clear on your circle of influence and focus your actions towards big goals, but starting with concrete steps that are within your power (from „Seven habits of highly effective people“ by Stephen R. Covey).
4. Consciously extend your circle of influence, aquire the ressources, capacities and skills that allow you to increase your leverage and reach. This requires individuals to take on greater responsibility and navigate greater risk. A compelling vision and inner compass will help you stick through the (life long) growth process. (Effectuation is a great framework to understand such a journey.)
5. Become the „Person who…“, adress the personal development and competencies (both soft and hard skills) to influence decisions on a higher (personal, educational, managerial, political) level. „What brought you here won‘t get you there“ by Marshal Goldsmith is a great reference point to dive deeper here. Greater influence happens in interactions with people.
6. Develop „Time Competence“ - a sense and practical knowledge of how to observe, evaluate and anticipate changes in our lives beyond the „current state of affairs“, „quarterly results“ or one dimensional „problem - solution thinking“. How long does change realisticly take? This awareness brings self-trust and intentionality to our actions, also in the face of resistance or setbacks.
7. There exists a paradox of collectively working societies (read up in „The Nordic Secret“ by Lene Rachel Andersen and Tomas Björkman) come together from individuals that are strongly inner directed by their own visions and aspirations, as opposed to outer directed, based on pre-conceived, societal templates (mental models that are constantly challenged)
I also learned that Tomas Björkman, co-author of the above book and co-initiator of Inner Development Goals initiated in 2014.
Great Energy.
Views incomplete.