Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum | DKRZ | hat dies direkt geteilt
Earth System Model (ESM) simulations often generate vast amounts of data, exceeding the storage capacity of most notebook drives, and can take months to complete on supercomputers. To simplify the process of calculating the climate impact of hypersonic aircraft, I developed a response model that is based on robust ESM results while delivering calculations in just seconds. This model takes 3-dimensional emission inventories as input and outputs the net climate effect, making it a powerful and efficient tool. For companies developing middle-atmosphere transport technologies, such as hypersonic aircraft, the model could be particularly valuable to strengthen their business case. It is also useful for emission grid modelers looking to incorporate climate estimates into their work 😊 The software (version 2) is available on GitHub: For detailed background on the ESM setup used for atmospheric composition and radiation calculations, see: I added a sketch of earth and atmosphere including an exemplary trajectory. Beware, not to scale 😅 Calculated at Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum | DKRZ | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt e.V. TU Delft | Aerospace Engineering #hydrogen #space #hypersonic #transport #emission #climate #connectscienceandbusiness