Dr. Jakobs GmbH

Dr. Jakobs GmbH


Simbach, Simbach 110 Follower:innen


Dr. Jakobs GmbH is specialiced in process development for ultra high purity quartz, silica sand, feldspar, kaolin and heavy minerals including REE. Also we are developing and selling magnetic separators (wet, dry) - we offer the most efficient magnetic roll separator specially developed for ultra high purity quartz processing.

2–10 Beschäftigte
Simbach, Simbach
Magnetic Separators, ultra high purity quartz process development, process optimization for industrial minerals processing (silica sand, feldspar, quartz, high purity quartz, rutile, iliminite, graphite) und shaking tables


Beschäftigte von Dr. Jakobs GmbH


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    Magnetic roll separator for silica sand to Ultra High Purity Quartz Magnetic roll separators for quartz and silica sand for use as glass sand up to Ultra High Purity applications are typically the quality-determining equipment in processing. The selection of the appropriate device is determined by the raw material, the targeted quality requirements, the throughput and the highest possible yield. This is determined by physics and not by marketing promises. The targeted selection of the magnetic field strength, the magnet configuration in conjunction with many other parameters that can only be determined through experiments result in the best possible results. Magnetic field strengths that are too high can lead to poor results for several reasons - always depending on your objective and the intended results. Dr. Udo Jakobs has been conducting experiments on the magnetic separation of quartz, feldspar and many other minerals for around 30 years. On the basis of this experience, we were also able to further develop magnetic roll separators in order to, for example, significantly increase the yield of the non-magnetic product. We are also able to economically separate quartz materials up to 45 µm using magnets. Many of our findings have been incorporated into the magnetic separators of Eng Mineral Ltd. - these are available in roll diameters from 75 to 300 mm - typically tailor made according the findings of competent test work. Dr. Jakobs GmbH ENG MİNERAL SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ.

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  • Great video - kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie an Dichtesortierung oder Produkten von Holman Wilfley Ltd. interessiert sind.

  • ENG MİNERAL SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. and Dr. Jakobs GmbH do have highest competence in magnetic separation technology and in the development of wet or dry magnetic separation processes. Only a few know, that we are also offering a highly efficient Eddy Current Separator line with highest quality standards. From a unique lab unit with 180 mm process width to production units with maximum 1.5 m width. Our rotor will be designed according your needs – from 12 poles to 48 poles. A unique splitter system allows improved separation results. All units can be delivered with an integrated drum separator for pre-separation of magnetic material. For more information please contact ENG MİNERAL SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. or Dr. Jakobs GmbH. #recycling

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  • Ein neuer Holman 2000 Schüttelherd für Forschung und Entwicklung wurde an der HS Nordhausen/ThIWert installiert – die Dichtesortierung im Bereich mineralischer Rohstoffe und Recycling ist ein gängiges und effizientes Aufbereitungsverfahren. A new Holman 2000 shaking table for research and development was installed at HS Nordhausen/ThIWert - density sorting in the area of mineral raw materials and recycling is a common and efficient processing process. David Goldburn Holman Wilfley Ltd

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  • Magnetic roll separators for production of high quality and ultra-high purity mineral sands. With totally 45 years’ experience in dry magnetic separation the roll separator series was completely new designed. Equipped with a roll feeder for exact dosing of the mineral feed a remarkable advantage versus vibrating feeders will be achieved: less energy demand, no segregation, less noise and less investment cost. The roll separators are being delivered with magnet rolls showing highest possible magnetic field strength – magnet configuration is adjusted perfectly to the particle size distribution of the feed material. Intelligent feeding system to each stage allows typically higher recovery of nonmagnetic material compared to many other systems available on the market. Changing belts easily can be done by a single person and minimizes down time. We can offer 2 different versions: full stainless steel or ordinary steel frame. Different roll diameter starting from 100 mm to 300 mm are available. Dr. Jakobs GmbH and Eng Mineral Ltd. have highest competence in development of magnetic separation processes for high quality and ultra-high purity quartz, feldspars and a lot of other minerals. Approx. 150 units are installed at customer sites – from lab scale to 3 stage separators with 1.5 m process width. Test work can be arranged on short term. Contact us. Engin Tumbaz ENG MİNERAL SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. Udo Dr. Jakobs  

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