Automatic-Systeme Dreher GmbHs cover photo
Automatic-Systeme Dreher GmbH

Automatic-Systeme Dreher GmbH


Sulz a. N., Baden Württemberg 5.025 Follower:innen

Global challenges need strong partners. This applies more than ever today.


Automatic-Systeme Dreher GmbH is the leading systems supplier for automation solutions in production processes in the forming technology sector. With a team of around 200 highly qualified employees, DREHER Automation plans, develops and automates forming systems, especially forming presses in the field of sheet metal and forging. The company is the right partner for innovative automation solutions for a wide range of forming processes (e. g. cutting, embossing, deep drawing or drop forging). A highly efficient future-oriented manufacturing process with maximum output is the core competence of Automatic-Systeme Dreher GmbH. And whether coil handling or blank handling, the broad product portfolio in the area of press automation enables holistic solution approaches. The advantage for the customer: He gets a coherent overall concept from a single source. For DREHER Automation, the focus is always on the customer's products and the question of how to achieve a return on investment as quickly as possible. The basis for this is above all a sustainable and long-term partnership. This is what the automotive, electrical, furniture and white goods industries have appreciated about the owner-managed company for more than 50 years. Impressum Automatic-Systeme Dreher GmbH Karl-Drais-Straße 1 72172 Sulz a. N. Geschäftsführung: Hasan Sarac Telefon: +49 7454 881-0 Telefax: +49 7454 881-11 E-Mail: Handelsregistereintrag: Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 480 400 USt-IDNr: DE 811180254 (§ 27a UStG) Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Julia Fischer Automatic-Systeme Dreher GmbH Karl-Drais-Straße 1 72172 Sulz a. N.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Sulz a. N., Baden Württemberg
Blechumformung, Massivumformung, Pressenautomation, Coilhandling, Platinenhandling, Automation für Transferpressen, Automation für Stanzanlagen, Schnittanlagen, Bandanlagen, Transferanlagen, Platinenlader, Platinenstapler, Warmformanlagen, Pressenretrofit, Pressenverkettung, Systemlösungen, sheet metal forming, forging, massiv forming, press automation, coil handling, blank handling, automation for transfer presses, automation for blanking pesses, cut to length line, coil line, transfer line, blank loader, blank stacker, thermoforming, press retrofit, press linking line, automation for punching presses, system solutions, Schneidanlagen, Blanking lines, coil processing line, transfer automation, Linear robots, feeder automation, automation for stamping presses, Platinenschneidanlage, End of line automation, Pressenüberholung, Pressenmodernisierung, Press Maintenance und Presswerksautomation


  • Primär

    Karl-Drais-Straße 1

    Sulz a. N., Baden Württemberg 72172, DE


Beschäftigte von Automatic-Systeme Dreher GmbH


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