EATA - European Association for Transactional Analysis

EATA - European Association for Transactional Analysis

Weiterbildung und Coaching

Konstanz, Germany 1.818 Follower:innen



Transactional Analysis (TA)  is a theory of personality and a system for personal growth and change. TA was founded by Eric Berne in the 1950s and 1960s and has been evolving ever since. TA was originally developed as a new form of psychotherapy with an emphasis on open and equal dialogue between client and therapist. Because TA focuses on empowering individuals, as well as  understanding the relationships we form with others, it has been developed beyond the therapeutic field. It is now a well-established approach used in psychotherapy, counselling, education and organisational development. As well as providing a theory of personality, Transactional Analysis offers a range of models that can be used to explain communication and relationships. These models can help identify what goes wrong in communication and how to interact for a better outcome. Many TA concepts are simple to learn and apply, making them very accessible and effective. EATA was founded on July 16th 1976 as the European Transactional Analysis Association with the aim to bring together the numerous TA training activities in Europe and to ensure high standards. EATA currently has 42 membership associations.

Weiterbildung und Coaching
2–10 Beschäftigte
Konstanz, Germany
psychotherapy, counselling, education, human resources, organizations, psychology, personality und coaching


Beschäftigte von EATA - European Association for Transactional Analysis


  • In EATA we have a lot of special roles with specific responsibilities. In the following months we will be introducing them to you. Such as the TRAINING ENDORSEMENT WORKSHOP COORDINATOR. What does he/she do? He/she collaborates with PTSC by implementing its decisions related to the TEW, offering suggestions when needed, and addressing clarifications regarding the training process, content, procedures, and regulations. Additionally, he/she manages the entire TEW process — from application to final feedback — while ensuring its continuity, development, and improvement after its completion. The present TEW coordinator is Rosanna Giacometto from Italy,, You can read more about EATA job roles here:

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  • Since the creation of Transactional Analysis (TA) in the 1950s, almost 50,000 handbooks, theoretical articles, and personal perspectives have been published about it. However, the application of TA has not been systematically studied. The research described in this article involved an online survey titled the Transactional Analysis Review Survey (TARS), which consisted of ten open and 45 closed questions. Items were derived from the most frequently cited TA publications and focused on the psychotherapist’s perspective on metalevel reflection, a central clinical phenomenon, etiology of psychological problems, therapeutic mechanisms, and therapist competencies. Data were analyzed with thematic analysis, principal component analysis, and latent class analysis. The survey was filled out by 238 TA therapists, and most reported seeing TA as a therapeutic approach, a general attitude and view of the world, and their preferred model in their practice. According to their reports, TA focused on the client’s ego states and transactions, social functioning, and self-efficacy, which helped improve their psycho- logical health, self-realization, and general and behavioral well-being. Clients’ most frequently reported problems were seen as caused by negative messages early in life (scripts), lack of development of mature coping mechanisms, transgenerational messages, life events, denial of existential givens, and genetics/ temperament. Individuals were understood to have some choice in accepting or rejecting the negative impact of these messages and life events via behavior, emotions, and cognitive styles. TA was viewed as helping clients via the therapeutic work with their ego states, social functioning, and self-efficacy. The changes were facilitated by the therapist competencies of positive client-practitioner relationship, working at experiential depth in the here and now, etiological analysis, and providing treatment structure. Thus, TA seems to offer a coherent conceptual framework for psychotherapeutic practice. Further empirical validation of this framework is required. Link to this artice:

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  • The EATA&ITAA webinar committee would like to cordially invite you to a special webinar dedicated to the work and life of Mark Widdowson. This event will consist of a series of short presentations about Mark's work and thinking on various subjects, such as working with couples, research, values, neuroscience, and more. Various of Mark's friends, colleagues, trainees, and supervisees will present these short anecdotes. More details will follow, and we look forward to seeing you there. Date: 25th February 2025 UTC, 6:00 pm GMT/BST, 6:00 pm CET, 7:00pm Please book your spot via EATA website or this link Warm Wishes EATA and the ITAA webinar committee #eata #itaa #webinar

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  • The next colleague - EATA delegate - is being introduced in the #checkinginwithdelegates project. She is Tin Vanderhoeven from Belgium. What does she have to say about her experience as an EATA delegate? "As a member of COC I like to support one of EATA's core activities; the exams. The high energy, positive vibe and proud celebrations next to genuine contacts among so many volunteers, is great to experience after many months of preparation. As a delegate or go-between I notice the challenge to keep reaching out and to translate concerns back and forth between both parties; EATA and the national association." And we are looking forward to introducing another EATA delegate soon.... #ta #eata #checkinginwithdelegates

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  • The final EATA webinar of 2024, held on December 13th, provided a rich view for transactional analysis. Presentations covered a wide range of topics, including the application of TA in addiction treatment, perspectives and a model of how to turn the grieving process into psychological growth in TA psychotherapy, and the potential of AI in psychotherapy. We extend our sincere gratitude to all speakers, Aleksi Heinonen and Sanna Salmi from Finland, Maria Luisa de Luca and Cinzia Messana from Italy and Iryna Tepalenko from Ukraine. We want to thank also our skilled translators, who have done a good job all year in making the webinars accessible to as many people as possible. Thank you Leilani Mitchell that you conducted this "orchestra" so well. Thank you also all the participants who made this evening and also the previous webinars so enriching. EATA webinars will continue in 2025, with the first one scheduled for March 24th. More information will be provided at the beginning of the year. We extend our best wishes to all members of the EATA community. On behalf of the EATA Executive Committee, Ritva Piiroinen, vice-president #eata #ta #webinar #bestpractice #addictions #AI #grief

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  • Artificial Intelligence in Psychotherapy: Opportunities and Prospects In a world where technology is constantly evolving, artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly becoming an integral part of many sectors. Modern AI tools are already enhancing psychological support, from creating soothing affirmations to analyzing clients' emotional states. The integration of VR and AR promises revolutionary changes, enabling deeper work with past traumatic events through immersive visualizations. Discover more about the impact of AI on psychotherapy in Iryna Tepalenko's (CTA-p) article in the EATA Newsletter #AI #eata #ta #psychotherapy

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  • 🎄 Wishing all volunteers, all officers and all members a merry Christmas and a happy new year filled with joy and peace ! Your enthusiasm and dedication to serving our community hold EATA alive! May this festive season bring you , your loved ones and the world around us warmth, peace, happiness, and a well-deserved break! Sylvia Schachner EATA president 🎄🎄🎄

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