Herstellung von Motoren und Kraftübertragungsgeräten

München, Bayern 1.037 Follower:innen

Electric Driven Technology


Embracing Change: A Call to Action for a Carbon-Neutral Future In 2015, the global community came together in Paris to make a resounding commitment to achieving a carbon-neutral society. Today, the time has come for us to turn those promises into action. Recent global conflicts underscore the undeniable truth that "Energy is King." The automotive industry, led by influential players like the VW Group, including renowned brands such as Porsche, VW, and Audi, has ushered in a new era of electric mobility. The key to success in this transition lies in the synergy between energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. The traditional Carnot cycle of combustion engines, which boasts a theoretical efficiency of 43% (realistically reaching a maximum of 38%), is making way for the exceptional efficiency of electromobility, capable of reaching up to 90% within a comprehensive network. Fossil fuels for transportation are now under strict control. Following the automotive sector's lead, the shipping industry presents a remarkable opportunity for transformation, thanks to an ingenious advantage: "Resistance diminishes with speed!" This mantra can be translated as "Displace > Glide > Foil." The apparent conflict between speed and range is not only reconcilable but serves as the driving force behind eD-TEC's comprehensive technology stack. As speed increases, resistance decreases, and range extends. eD-TEC has undertaken the ambitious mission of developing an all-encompassing technology stack, highly integrated and high-performance, extending from water to cloud. Year by year, we aim to improve through systematic development rooted in data. It is only through a holistic technological approach that we can achieve maximum system efficiency. The time for change has arrived, and it is incumbent upon us all to embrace this opportunity to create a carbon-neutral future.

Herstellung von Motoren und Kraftübertragungsgeräten
2–10 Beschäftigte
München, Bayern
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von eD-TEC


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