eleQtron GmbH

eleQtron GmbH

IT und Services

Siegen, North Rhine-Westphalia 8.086 Follower:innen

Developing the German quantum computer.


eleQtron develops and operates quantum computers based on trapped ions, RF control and Magnetic Gradient Induced Coupling (MAGIC). Our intermediate-scale quantum processors will be optimized for near-term industrially relevant quantum applications. We will also implement breakthrough concepts for scalable quantum processors based on RF-controlled trapped ions. eleQtron will operate MAGIC quantum computers and offer quantum computer performance within a subscription model.

IT und Services
11–50 Beschäftigte
Siegen, North Rhine-Westphalia
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Quantum Computing, Ion Trap, Ultra-High Vacuum, AMO Physics und Microfabrication chip design


Beschäftigte von eleQtron GmbH


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    „Democracy Punk – Work Hard, Play Hard, Vote Hard“🔥– unter diesem starken Slogan feiert Business Punk unsere Demokratie und ruft den Menschen zu: Geht wählen!    In dem Beitrag kommen Gründer:innen zu Wort und beantworten die Fragen: Was brauchen Startups als Gamechanger in unserer Gesellschaft? Was muss sich ändern? Unter ihnen unser CEO Jan Henrik Leisse.    Er stellt eine Gegenfrage: “Wollen wir die nächste Tech-Revolution in Deutschland oder sollen wir sie direkt ins Silicon Valley exportieren?“ 🤔 Und er stellt sie direkt an die Spitzenpolitik.     Wenn Europa jetzt nicht entschlossen in Quantencomputing investiert, droht es den Anschluss an die USA und China endgültig zu verlieren, weil …    ❌ Der Zugang zu großem Investitionskapital für Hardware-Startups hierzulande nach wie vor eine massive Herausforderung ist.    ❌ Es zwar Förderprogramme und die Quantentechnologie-Strategie gibt, langsame bürokratische Prozesse und regulatorische Hürden die Entwicklung aber ausbremsen.     Jans Fazit: „Ohne echte Wagniskapital-Offensiven und eine gezielte Industriepartnerschaft bleibt Europa nur Zuschauer bei der nächsten technologischen Revolution.“    Den Link zum Beitrag gibt’s in den Kommentaren.    #eleQtron #ZukunftofQuantum #wählengehen #quantumyear2025 

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    Shaping the Future of Quantum Computing with Europe's Tech Leaders      At the 21st McKinsey Technology CxO Conference "Emerging technologies between hype and impact at scale", our colleagues Tim Leonhardt and Michael Johanning had the privilege of discussing the potential of quantum computing in the breathtaking setting of Kitzbühel. Over two intense days, they joined some of the worlds leading CIOs and CTOs to explore how quantum computing can transform business and society.  💡 Right now, it is important to drive the process forward: in 2024, amazing technological results were achieved in the quantum computing ecosystem, showing that quantum computers will eclipse all classical supercomputers and are far more powerful than expected.   💻    However, there is a lack of commercialization because industrial users have implemented the first PoCs but are now looking for guidance on how to proceed ...      For enterprises and Quantum Computing start- and scale-ups, it's time to create the “DeepSeek” moment of quantum by combining the expertise and data of industry users with the best technology stack to develop practical solutions.    This meeting was crucial for us. Networking with technology, business and research leaders has given us invaluable insight into how we can focus and de-risk the selection of use cases that are essential to pioneering quantum.  🤝   This brings us closer to our goal: to successfully commercialize quantum technology from research and quickly bring it into industrial application.         #McKCIO25 #eleQtron #ZukunftofQuantum #QuantumYear2025 

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    Quantum Technology Roadmap for NRW Unveiled! 🚀     We are excited to announce the completion of the roadmap for quantum technology in North Rhine-Westphalia. This position paper, now presented, marks a significant milestone for the #ZukunftofQuantum both in NRW and across Germany.     🤝 Collaborative Efforts:   The roadmap is the result of nine workshops involving 16 topic sponsors and around 200 experts, and demonstrates a collaborative spirit in shaping the future of quantum technology. Our CSO Christof Wunderlich co-authored the section on #quantumcomputing hardware, and our CEO Jan Henrik Leisse provided valuable insights on the transfer between science and business.     👀 Visibility and Guidance:   The position paper not only makes the key players in NRW’s quantum computing landscape visible but also highlights the current status and the projects’ future developments. This document serves as a foundation for further advancements and partnerships in the quantum field.     Nearly a year after the start of this initiative, the results have been officially handed over to NRW State Secretaries of the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy, and the Ministry for Culture and Science, Silke Krebs and Gonca Türkeli-Dehnert. This significant step was initiated by the network EIN Quantum NRW, demonstrating the strong governmental and academic backing for quantum technologies in the region.     We are proud to be part of this innovative journey, and we look forward to contributing to the quantum advancements that lie ahead.     #eleQtron #ZukunftofQuantum #EINQuantumNRW #QuantumYear2025 

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    Bienvenue à Paris - Welcome to the International Quantum Year 2025.  The UN has now officially launched its "International Year of Quantum Science and Technology".     💓 We are excited: Not only because we love quantum mechanics and have built the first German ion trap quantum computer.  💡 We are also delighted that our very complex field is now becoming better known. As well-known as it deserves to be: quantum technologies will change life massively. And not just in the distant future, but in 10 years' time.  The quantum age, a new era for humanity, has already begun.  🌍 We’re doing everything we can to help shape this #FutureofQuantum. Quantum computers will be able to solve problems that seem unsolvable today. In this way, they will help to overcome the great challenges of our time. What does the International Quantum Year mean to you? #eleQtron #IYQ2025 #QuantumYear2025 #quantumage 

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    Quantum computing up close!    Admittedly, it was not an easy topic for Schleswig-Holstein's Minister President Daniel Günther to get in the mood for the election campaign together with Dennis Thering, Carsten Linnemann and other CDU candidates during a visit to Hamburg.     They immersed themselves in the world of #quantumcomputing. With QSea I, they visited the first demonstrator of an ion-trap quantum computer developed entirely in Germany. We developed it in cooperation with NXP Semiconductors and ParityQC.     The QSea I device was commissioned by the DLR Quantencomputing-Initiative and will be made available to companies and research teams for future applications such as climate modeling, global logistics and materials development. It incorporates our #MAGIC hardware, the ParityQC architecture and NXP's chip design, which will be combined into a modular and scalable quantum computer in QSea II.    Günther was impressed: “Such innovations are an important contribution to Germany as a business location.”    We are proud of how our work inspires the political and economic landscape! #eleQtron #ZukunftofQuantum #QuantumYear2025 

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    Quantum Computing: Unlocking a $2 trillion opportunity by 2035 🚀 Quantum computing is not just an emerging technology, it is the keystone to transforming economies around the world. 🌍 💯 The power of quantum computing:  #Quantumcomputing will generate up to $2 trillion in value by 2035, according to McKinsey's Quantum Technology Monitor 2024. This transformative technology is enabling applications that are driving disruptive innovation and profoundly impacting industries ranging from finance and pharmaceuticals to materials science and energy.  🪄 Leading with innovation:  We built Germany's first ion trap quantum computer using our pioneering #MAGIC technology. This achievement underscores our commitment to not only participate in the quantum technology landscape, but to drive it forward. Quantum computing has the potential to solve problems beyond the reach of classical computers, ushering in a new era of accelerated discovery and innovation. And we have set out to help shape the #Zukunftof Quantum together. #eleQtron #quantumage #ZukunftofQuantum #QuantumYear2025 

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    Wir wollen Quantentechnologie aus der Forschung heraus erfolgreich kommerzialisieren und schnell in die industrielle Anwendung bringen. Im Interview mit den VDI nachrichten bringt unser CEO Jan Henrik Leisse unsere Mission auf den Punkt. 🙌🏼❤️🚀 In dem Interview geht er auf ... ... die Herausforderungen für Startups ein:   "Im Vergleich zu den USA ist der Zugang zu Kapital oft schwierig, speziell für forschungsnahe DeepTech-Startups." ... das Rennen um die Schlüsseltechnologie #Quantencomputing:  “Es ist essentiell, dass Europa in dieser Schlüsseltechnologie souverän bleibt.”   ... und auf die Weichen, die dafür gestellt werden müssen: " Wir sind sehr gut gestartet, ein zukunftsfähiges Quantencomputer-Ökosystem aufzubauen, dürfen aber nicht nachlassen. Sonst haben wir wieder das Nachsehen im Vergleich zu China und den USA." Den Link zum Interview gibt’s in den Kommentaren. #eleQtron #VDINachrichten #ZukunftofQuantum #QuantumYear2025 

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    First Demo Day in Siegen - a complete success! 🤩 We were thrilled to participate in the inaugural Demo Day at the University of Siegen, an event organized by Startpunkt57 - Die Initiative für Gründer e. V. that brought together innovators, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts from various industries. It was an incredible opportunity to network, share ideas, and dive into the vibrant local startup ecosystem. 🚀 Exhibition and Inspiration:   In the EXHIBITION AREA, our team members, Hillary Kuntuwaah Ampah and Leon Lenz, were on hand at our booth to discuss our projects and the potential impacts of our technology.  The interest in our technology was overwhelming, with many attendees eager to learn more about how our innovations are paving the way for the future of quantum computing. We are proud to be part of this event and look forward to future collaborations and innovations that drive our region and beyond. #eleQtron #zukunftofquantum #siegen

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    „Quantum2025 – 100 Jahre sind erst der Anfang...“     Wir finden das Motto, das die Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e. V. (DPG) für das “Internationale Jahr der Quantenwissenschaften und -technologien" wählte, sehr passend. Das Potenzial dieser Technologie ist riesig.    Wie groß, beleuchtet unser Mitgründer und CSO, Christof Wunderlich, in einem Gastbeitrag für die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Darin wirft er einen Blick auf …    … die Quantenkommunikation als Schlüsseltechnologie für eine sichere, globale Dateninfrastruktur.     … auf Quantensensoren, die nicht nur in der Medizintechnik bahnbrechende Entwicklungen ermöglichen werden.      Und natürlich auf…  … Quantencomputing, das das Potenzial hat, Probleme zu lösen, die selbst für klassische Supercomputer unüberwindbar sind.    Mit dem Gastbeitrag (Link in den Kommentaren) läuten wir auch für uns das #QuantumYear2025 ein – doch das ist nur der Anfang. Stay tuned!     #eleQtron #zukunftofquantum #IYQ2025 #QuantumCurious #QuantumFuture #QuantumYear   

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    Erster Demo Day in Siegen - und wir sind dabei! 🤝🚀   Der Demo Day, veranstaltet von Startpunkt57 - Die Initiative für Gründer e. V., ist der Place to be für  Gründer*innen, Unternehmer*innen und allen an Innovationsthemen Interessierten.     Das erwartet euch:  🙌🏼 EXHIBITION AREA  Es gibt eine Ausstellungsfläche, auf der sich Startups und Unternehmen vorstellen. Hier werdet ihr auch einen Stand von uns finden. Hillary Kuntuwaah Ampah und Leon Lenz freuen sich auf euch.    🙌🏼 INSPIRATION AREA  Hier lernt ihr neue Produkte und Dienstleistungen, Erfindungen und Forschungsprojekte aus der Region kennen.     🙌🏼 PITCH AREA  Und hier wird gebattelt: Verschiedene Startups stellen sich kurz - und streiten um die Gunst des Publikums. Es wird spannend... 📍 Universität Siegen  📅 15. Januar, 16-18 Uhr (danach entspannter Ausklang)    Es wäre toll, euch dort zu treffen. Den Link zur Anmeldung findet ihr in den Kommentaren. ✅ #event #startups

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