In times of skilled labour shortages and global challenges, process automation is becoming ever more vital for businesses. Moreover, automation offers significant benefits, including enhanced process reliability, consistent and reproducible outcomes, and a reduced risk of downtime. Our fully automated solution for big bag filling significantly reduces processing times and can be customised to suit your specific requirements. By employing a suspended filling method, we ensure optimal filling of the big bag, thereby eliminating the risk of the product straying during the filling process or the bag developing wrinkles. This greatly improves filling efficiency and saves valuable production time. Our solution is entirely manufactured, programmed, assembled, and commissioned in-house – meaning all you have to do is press “Start”. #emde #emdeautomation #automation #bigbagfilling #bigbag #bulk #bulkhandling #maschinenbau #anlagenbau
EMDE Automation GmbH
Nassau, Rheinland-Pfalz 3.305 Follower:innen
EMDE bietet Ihnen ein sehr umfangreiches Programm zur mechanischen Förderung von Schüttgütern. Alle Komponenten werden durch unsere erfahrenen Vertriebsmitarbeiter verfahrenstechnisch ausgelegt und speziell auf den Anwendungsfall zugeschnitten angeboten. In Gesamtanlagen werden häufig mehrere Prozessschritte durch unterschiedliche Fördersysteme miteinander verbunden. Die Abstimmung der nacheinander geschalteten Komponenten und Prozesse ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung zur Funktion des Gesamtsystems. Wir bieten Ihnen diese Gesamtlösung aus einer Hand! Die Qualität der Fördersysteme und die Zuverlässigkeit des Gesamtsystems sind durch die Eigenfertigung aller Komponenten sichergestellt.
- Website
Externer Link zu EMDE Automation GmbH
- Branche
- Maschinenbau
- Größe
- 51–200 Beschäftigte
- Hauptsitz
- Nassau, Rheinland-Pfalz
- Art
- Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
- Gegründet
- 1980
- Spezialgebiete
- Schüttguttechnik, Anlagenbau und Maschinenbau
Nassau, Rheinland-Pfalz 56377, DE
Beschäftigte von EMDE Automation GmbH
Carlo Gessert
Head of International Sales - Export - Leiter Vertrieb International
Jürgen Stein
Vertriebsingenieur/Key Account Manager
Eduard Böhler
The goal is not to be better than the other man, but your previous self.
Paul Keller
Vertriebsingenieur bei Emde Automation
EMDE big bag emptying system in special design for a product with high requirements. By placing the big bag with a chain hoist on a cutting device, a variety of big bags with or without discharge can be emptied in this system without the need for manual opening. The special traverse is designed in such a way that it presses the big bags onto the knives sufficiently to open them, even with a very light bulk weight. An adapted aspiration frame reduces dust formation during the emptying process, and a double mixer screw and a discharge screw underneath allow the product to be fed into a bucket elevator directly after emptying. Contact us and let us advise you on your specific big bag emptying task. #emde #emdeautomation #bigbag #bulkhandling #bigbagdischarging #bigbagentleerung #maschinenbau #anlagenbau
Make 4 on 1 For internal processes big-bags with content 1.500 l has to be decanted into smaller bags with content 200 l. The realized system is be able to get an precision calibrated result with integrated scale and rotary valve. Product distribution to small bags with downpipe and heavy duty manual hand wheel. The correct detection of the filling position is made by electronical operated limit switches so that a dust tight connection with integrated inflation grip is possible. #emde #emdeautomation #bigbag #filling #maschinenbau #anlagenbau #bulk
Herzlich Willkommen (zurück) im EMDE Team! Wir freuen uns sehr, unseren ehemaligen Auszubildenen und Mitarbeiter Julius Keltsch wieder im EMDE Team begrüßen zu dürfen. Im Jahr 2007 begann Julius bei uns die Ausbildung zum Industriemechaniker und wurde 2010 im Anschluss an seine Ausbildung direkt in der Fertigung übernommen. Mit seinem Weggang konzentrierte sich Julius auf sein Mechatronik Studium und sammelte anschließend Berufserfahrung in einem anderen Industrieunternehmen. Seit Anfang des Monats ist er zurück, um bei uns als Servicetechniker seine gewonnene Erfahrung zielführend und erfolgreich einzusetzen. Wir wünschen Julius einen großartigen Wiedereinstieg und freuen uns, ihn wieder als Mitarbeiter bei EMDE gewonnen zu haben. #WillkommenImTeam #neuermitarbeiter #emde #emdeautomation
Wir gratulieren unserem langjährigen Kollegen Klaus Heckelmann zu 25 Jahren Betriebszugehörigkeit! Für sein Engagement danken wir Ihm und freuen uns auf viele weitere Jahre! #emde #emdeautomation #25jahre #jubiläum
Product transfer system In automated manufacturing processes, many customers use containers for bulk material handling, as these can be transported and emptied automatically. To do this, however, the bulk material must first be filled into the container. For this purpose, EMDE has developed appropriate solutions for low-dust transfer of the big bag into the container. A transfer system consisting of a big bag discharger and a container filling station in a tower design with a baffle plate in the container filling head for better product distribution and to reduce the bulk cone. How to proceed with the filled containers you can follow up with one of our next posts. #emde #emdeautomation #bigbag #bulkhandling #bigbagdischarging #containerfilling #maschinenbau #anlagenbau
With the EMDE filling system shown below, big bags can be filled in a low-dust and calibratable manner. The filling process can be carried out via bag emptying systems or downpipes. Then the filled big bags are transported via belt conveyors to the lifting station, from where they are removed and transported away. Depending on the application, the system can also be expanded downstream. #emde #emdeautomation #schüttgut #bigbagfilling #sackentleerung #bagemptying #maschinenbau #anlagenbau
Double big bag filling station with automatic closing mechanism We have designed and supplied our customer a double big bag filling station for filling building materials into big bags. In order to achieve the exact filling capacity, the material is weighed with high dosing accuracy in an upstream intermediate container. A travelling filling head with automatic clip closure can then be used to fill 50 big bags per hour in the double filling station. Are you looking for a high-performance filling system for filling bulk goods into big bags? Then please get in touch with us. #emde #emdeautomation #bigbag #maschinenbau #anlagenbau #filling #bulk #automatisierungstechnik
Flexible filling system Do you have different containers that are used alternately and need to be filled? We can support you with a flexibly designed filling system that meets your requirements for filling different containers. This helps you to save on acquisition costs as well as potential floor space, as you can complete the task with a single system. The photos show a version of our tried and tested filling system that can be used to fill both big bags and containers/boxes. In this particular case, even with a plastic “splash and dust protection” for the boxes. This protects the operator and still provides flexibility when “docking” the containers. Have we caught your interest? Then contact us. #emde #emdeautomation #bigbag #containerfilling #bigbagfilling #bulk #maschinenbau #anlagenbau #bulkmaterialhandling
Happy New Year 2025 A big thank you to all our customers, partners and employees for a fantastic 2024. We appreciate your trust and cooperation. We wish you all a happy, healthy and successful 2025! #happynewyear #neujahr #2025